Chapter 319 Luo Wei's Aunt Laughs
The deep female voice suppressed the entire snow field.

Before the legion had time to react, a huge humming sounded from the rain.


In an instant, the ground split into cracks on both sides, ore pillars continued to be poked out of the surface, and the veins in the entire area were running wild.

"Retreat, hurry!!"

The heads of the crowd were shrouded in darkness, and Ryan shouted with the support of Sherond——

It was the magic weapon raising one leg.

The whistling sound passed all over the sky overhead, and the huge body blocked the flood, leaving only a large black shadow covering the earth.

"Avoid its stomping path!!"

"Get out of here!"

"If you don't want to die, run for me!"

Passing through the crowd, the magic weapon continued forward with its huge body, stepping heavily towards the south.

Ryan looked at this scene and watched the footsteps leaping a few kilometers away in one breath, his blood-stained face sank.

"For the first time, can we only do this to this extent?"

Rather than destroying them here, the opponent chose to march towards Wuguan City without stopping.

Although they fought at close range, they actually didn't hold back the opponent for even a second.

Seeing the footsteps submerged in the rain and getting farther and farther away from the field of vision, Ryan stretched out his right hand, and something was touched in his heart.

If only he could be strong enough to stop it.

If only he could live up to everyone's expectations.

If only he... was a godhead.

The flame in his heart froze for a moment and shook, but he himself was exhausted from losing too much blood in the rain, and passed out with his arms hanging down.


The flame that condensed the embryonic form also dimmed.

Boom! ! !

The heavy landing of the magic weapon marked the end of the legion's first expedition.


Luo Wei stood in the rain watching this scene.

In the torrential rain, there were still mutants summoning monsters around the legion, and on the other side were huge magic weapons blocking the way, and they could no longer do anything.

Felika stood on the magic platform with him, and after seeing the movement of the magic weapon, the rear also began to evacuate.

"She looks like she's showing off," she said.

Naturally, they also heard the deep female voice resounding through the snowfield, as if they were fooling humans.

This made her involuntarily look at the cold side face beside her.

Let the other party see what they are happy to see.

Thinking back to the time when I was so ignorantly tricked, I was taken captive and locked up in a tent for several months, listening to some ecstatic voices from the next door every night.

Considering that the current opponent is the Artisan Association, Felica actually has the pleasure of revenge.

This made her start to look forward to how this guy would make the opponent fall.

"Let's go back."

Luo Wei turned to look at her sideways, and jumped off the platform.

Felica didn't follow him, and looked up at the magic weapon in the distance. For some reason, she felt that the man in front of her was more dangerous than the craftsman, more like the identity behind the scenes waiting for the prey.

Artisan will at least exist intent.

What Luo Wei was planning, but she couldn't see through it at all.

But those waking eyes were by no means meant to go with the flow, there must be some purpose.

Thinking of this, she shook her head and smiled again.

After all.

He's obviously just a brat... ah.


The ruins of the battle of the gods, the quiet courtyard.

After a night of sleepless nights and being exposed to severe cold and heavy rain on the snowy field, the girls all soaked in the hot springs when they came back.

Vermier grunted out of the water, and in the warm hot water, his tired hands also floated on the surface of the water.

"Craftsman is indeed a magical profession," Felica Pao said, looking up, "You really know how to enjoy it."

Everyone was very cold along the way.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't bear to leave Felica alone next door, so he let her come in with him.

Rowe was not there.

After hearing that Ryan was injured, he rushed over immediately, saying that he didn't need to worry, but he hasn't come back yet.

Saya: "..."

Ayi Ning: "..."

Vermier felt that the atmosphere was a bit delicate.

They didn't participate in the frontal battle with the magical weapons, and they didn't even know the information from the legion, so they didn't know what to say for a while.

Several people seemed to be waiting for Luo Wei to come back, obviously before...all opposed him coming in to have a drink together.

"Aren't you a craftsman?" Vermeer looked at Felica, trying to find a topic.

"Why do you think so?" Filica pulled her two slender arms away and leaned back on the stone. This posture seemed a bit old-fashioned, "How could a person make a clever machine girl and a magical battleship?" , the thing I do the most is watch other people do things.”

Give a plan, do an experiment, and verify the possibility.

Speaking of which, Domi didn't know where to go, and Ke Luoxi is not here...

"That's right... that's right," Vermier seemed to have realized it now, "You are the Marshal..."

Ayi frowned and looked at her.

Could your reaction be too slow?

However, after joining them, princesses, marshals, orc gods and the like are not uncommon.In addition, she was hacked by Lanshen, and she had dealt with the envoys of the first-level gods. It was not the first day for her to come to the western world. Somehow, all these bizarre things were encountered by them.

But she also has something to ask.

"Your plan failed, didn't you think about making a comeback?"

"Hehe..." Felica smiled lightly, closed her eyes and just wanted to enjoy the hot water of the hot spring, "What are you talking about now, it's just a pitiful joke of a tiny half-dwarf trying to subvert the rules of the gods."

Luo Wei also mentioned some.

The current God prohibits the development of magic technology because it triggered the convergence of worlds 200 years ago.Originally, I heard people say that magic guides are machinery and gears driven by magic power, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

A Yining didn't intend to continue asking, it was tantamount to exposing her scars, and the reason why Filika participated was probably because she and Luo Wei had reached some kind of mutual benefit.

"But I know that Ayi Ning wants to make a comeback with Uncle Luo Wei!"

Luyi suddenly emerged from the water in front of her.

"They also plan to go back to the workshop alone to hug Mululululu..."

Ai Ning pushed her back.

"You'd better stay under the water for me!"

She knew that this guy must have seen it from afar, and she was thinking about when she would pop out to surprise her...!
Pressing Lu Yi with his hand, he slowly felt that Vermeer's gaze moved away, but Saya showed no sign of turning away at all, and it was difficult to raise her head.

Doesn't she feel embarrassed like this?

Why do I have to fight them tit for tat when he's not here!
And at this moment, the culprit pushed open the door of the hot spring bath and walked in, wrapped in a short towel and shirtless.

Felica spread her hands out like a grandpa, and her eyes met immediately.

"What, what do you mean? How did he get into the women's bath!?"

There was panic on her face, and she quickly shrank under the water, seeing Luo Wei walk in so bluntly in disbelief, looking at other women as if asking for help.


Don't care? ? ?

How could you not care.

Ayining's face turned dark, but who can resist him, if you don't wear small shoes for you, you will wear yourself to death.

At least they didn't do anything strange in the hot spring, at least those two must have no objections, and they can't listen to everything they say.

But this guy, every time he likes to talk about business in this kind of place, he always becomes less formal in the end.

Elise probably thought so too.

Looking towards the witch, I saw that the other party was far away from them on the other side, with an attitude of staying out of the matter and not touching the meat.

Ayi Ning: "..."

What, what!

Why does it seem that the two of them and I are in the same circle? !And Saya, please stop looking at me! !

Why should I join in...

Ayi Ning sat down with her shoulders weak, and she was too lazy to ask the specific situation of the Legion.


Hearing the sound of water launching, he glanced was on the side of Vermier and Saya.

This made her slightly relieved.

If you deliberately stay by her side at such a time, then...

Wait, no, why should I even think about this?It is impossible for him to choose this course of action.

It's probably all because of the previous incident... It's good to have you, what the hell is he talking about...!
After Luo Wei leaned there, he slowly slid back down, letting the hot water soak his rain-drenched head.

Filica: "???"

Why is he still...still diving down? !

Luo Wei also seemed to realize something, opened his eyes and took a casual look, but saw a Luyi head-on.

"Hee hee~"


What is this, underwater safety officer?

Out of the corner of their eyes, everyone shrank their legs, and Iluth was even more ruthless, blocking it with the enchantment barrier.


But I don't know why, such a posture of not showing, it looks more pleasing to the eyes.

He didn't intend to be blasted out as a pervert, he floated out immediately, leaned back again, and took a slow breath.

Wei Mier changed to a side-sitting posture and leaned closer.


Subconsciously blocked it, this behavior is too bad... How can I go to the bottom of the water to see... Look!

Maybe someone didn't respond...

She followed her gaze, but found that the other people were also looking at her, and then looked at each other, an atmosphere of suspicion emerged.

Saya looked at everyone as suspicious, Ayi Ning's cheeks trembled, and Ilus watched with her chin on the sidelines.

As for Felica, the eyes of a group of them are very strange.

I shouldn't... accidentally broke into some unscrupulous occasion, right?Aren't his perverted rumors a joke?

But getting up here is also very...

"Ahem..." Filica coughed, and slowly moved to Iluth's side. Although she was completely unfamiliar with this person and hadn't said a word, it seemed that her side was safer. .

Seeing that the three looked at him with varying degrees of suspicion.

Filica frowned and slowly leaned back.

"Old man... old man is not used to crowded places."

Old... body?

Vermeer blinked in confusion. No matter how you look at it, Felika's height is about the same as Lovely's, and her body is also very slender. It really doesn't look like she can call herself with this identity.

But... there seems to be a strange sense of contrast. A petite girl who claims to be old can really leave a deep impression on her...

There is nothing in the girl's magic!

Luo Wei sat there leisurely and smiled. It was really right to build a hot spring in the workshop.

After returning from Ryan, he was not worried about the other party's physical condition. Instead, after hearing what the protagonist had done, he felt a sense of accomplishment in investing successfully.

In that situation—

He dared to single out Marcus who had lost his sanity.

Should it be said that the protagonist's luck is added to his body? Time is running out so Ryan has to go all out and try his best to bring the other party back.And if it wasn't for the heavy rain that washed away the blood on the battlefield and Marcus' symptoms were greatly relieved, it would be basically impossible for Ryan to pass this test.

Of course, it is undeniable that there must be the influence of his will on Marcus, and it accounts for a large part.

In this way, although Ryan was almost beaten unilaterally, but he was able to fight to the death with the peak third-level god with full strength, even if the time was short, the growth he had gained in this battle was bound to be incalculable.

There are opponents of Marcus' level.

It will also have a great positive impact on his future growth path.

Should it be said that he is the son of prophecy?

This kind of opportunity is rare. If any one of the conditions is not met, Ryan may have to wait for the Legion to rescue him, and he will not be able to fully absorb the experience of fighting Marcus.

And judging from the results, Ryan was still able to support the opponent and rendezvous with the legion after fighting with Marcus, which is enough to show that his adventures along the way have accumulated quite a deep foundation of strength.


Luo Wei couldn't help showing a smile on his face, but he didn't intend to be overtaken by the protagonist just like that.

On the contrary, even more ruthlessly leave him far behind.

That way Ryan would be more motivated, well... it must be.


Several women in the hot spring were all looking at Luo Wei.

At some point, he sat there with an aunt-like smile gradually appearing on his face.

This confuses the girls.


At this time, they were right in front of them who were obviously only wrapped in bath towels.

Right now he……

Who are you thinking about?
(End of this chapter)

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