Chapter 349 What are you wearing for me?
After the fuss.

Luo Wei took away the shield that was stiff with fear and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Vermeer: ​​(;)
"Calm down...if you apologize, I will say it properly." Luo Wei said.


Ayi Ning threw the sword on the ground. Of course she didn't really mean to stab him to death, but when she thought about what he had done...

Isn’t this bullying of the highest order?

Make me cry like that, are you still very proud of yourself...!
No one has ever done this to her, not even her sister has gone this far.

Luo Wei gently pulled her sleeves and said helplessly: "So, isn't this punishing me by turning me into a woman?"

Ayi Ning was furious when she looked at his beautiful and refined face.

"Didn't you say you can change back at any time?" She frowned and thought for a moment, then came over and said, "You can change back now and show me, and I will believe what you said before."

"I'm won't work."


Although I already believe it, no matter what, it will only be settled when I see me.At least I can comfort myself that he does have his reasons for doing this.

Luo Wei curled his lips and explained: "Although I can change back at any time, I can't become a goddess again. This is the power left by Minoni. I am far from being able to control it."

"...You don't want to expose the fact that you are alive?"

"More than that, becoming a goddess can help me recover faster," Luo Wei looked at her seriously, "Please, I came to find you not long after I completed the ceremony. Do you think my current condition is very good?"

My skin is fair and beautiful, and my skin is delicate. What’s wrong with me?
But think about it, this guy's true identity was originally invisible, and now that he's a woman, it's even harder to tell. Even with the naked eye, you don't know what his current strength is.

Vermeer, who looked like a scared chicken, came back to her senses at this time.

"'re worried about us~"


Ayi Ning had nothing to say, and this was... true.

Luo Wei hit Wei Mier on the head with another blow, "I haven't settled this matter with you yet. When did I tell you that you can give up on yourself? The divine power resistor is just a decoration, right? The soul bottle is just a decoration. Bar?"

Vermeer: ​​X﹏X
Seeing that she was suddenly beaten again, Ayi Ning held her forehead and was at a loss of what to do with them. It should be said that Wei Mier had her own way of getting along with each other. She didn't know whether she did this deliberately to attract his attention or just because her brain was hot. Nature dictates it.But either way it just seems silly.

Both of them must be happy to be reunited.

Ayi Ning looked at this scene, and her heart slowly relaxed and relieved.

At least... her tears weren't in vain.

Even if she lets him go, it's really hard to say whether Shaye will stab him to death after learning the truth.

"What are your plans next? You're not going to hide anything from us again, are you?"

"It won't happen, it won't," Luo Wei let go of Xiao Erwu and shook his head hard, "I didn't expect that in less than a day you would become a piece of loose sand. Let's find the others first."

"...Why don't you see who gave it to you?"

"Yes, yes, if Shaye is on the Wing of Heaven, Eluse and Luyi should still be at Tietong Ridge?"

"Probably," Ayi Ning replied, "They didn't follow us when we teleported."

Luo Wei closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"Those two people shouldn't worry. They will meet up with the Sky Wing early tomorrow morning. By the way, where is Athetana?"

Vermeer, who was holding her head after being beaten, was suddenly stunned.

Before the other two people could speak, she lowered her head to look at the divine power seal and immediately used magic to trigger it——

Called, but no answer.

"The teleportation has no effect." Wei Mier raised her head in panic, stunned, with self-blame in her eyes.

Luo Wei pulled her hand over and pressed the seal to sense the divine power. At the same time, he tried to connect the perspective of the three Minoni in the garden——

——In the quiet courtyard, Athetana and the stationed exploration team were confronting a group of people. The two sides did not start a war. The other side seemed to be afraid of the existence of the Mother Goddess and stayed in their respective positions.

Recounting the scene she saw, Vermeer lowered her head and clenched her fingers.

"Luo Wei...I..."

"I can't blame you for this," Luo Wei reached out and rubbed her head. "I know exactly what your situation was at that time. Before leaving for the expedition, I asked Ryan to leave part of his combat force in the courtyard. Don't worry."

"But you said..."

"I just told you not to do stupid things. When teleportation is prohibited, do you plan to fight your way in from the first level of the mine alone?"

After speaking, Luo Wei closed his eyes.

"Since Athetana has not taken the initiative to contact us, it means that the other party has already planned it and the information on hand is not enough. After we meet up with the battleship tomorrow, we will do it as soon as possible..."

This time, he did not open his closed eyes, but fell into Vermeer's arms.

After catching him in a daze, Wei Mil immediately felt something was wrong, reached out to touch his forehead, and then raised his head with a surprised expression.

"Okay, it's hot!"

Ayi Ning: "..."

I originally wanted to ask him why he would only go to meet up tomorrow.

It seems no longer necessary.



Vermeer fetched hot water, prepared towels and herbal bags, and was busy in the room.

After Ayi Ning made the bed, she sat on the edge and looked at the unconscious Luo Wei. She pursed her lips slightly and tucked him in.

It always makes people feel distressed inexplicably.

He could have dismissed her with just one sentence, but he still insisted on explaining and apologizing.

Don’t you know we are worried about you?

It turned out that he had been forcing himself.

He always gives the impression that he can do everything, which makes people unconsciously ignore that he is not omniscient or omnipotent.

Seeing that Wei Mier was still thinking about Athetana, Ayi Ning slowly lowered her head.

In fact, I am also responsible for this matter.

What am I doing.

She was fully aware of Vermeer's feelings. In that state, if the magic cannon hadn't been smashed down in front of them, they probably wouldn't have moved at all, and they were not allowed to think about other things in their minds.

It's the same now. If you think about it carefully, he is carrying the divine core of a first-level god in a mortal body. How could it be so easy?

But I didn't understand him at all.

Looking at that sleeping face, the only thing that resembled his original appearance was the innocent and harmless look he had when he was asleep.

Today, my mood has dropped several times, and I have been completely disturbed.

"I just want him to get better now." Vermeer came over with a hot towel, but suddenly stopped when she was about to unbutton him.

The two looked at each other.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Ayi Ning turned her head and moved away. Maybe she was not suitable here, but she couldn't shirk her responsibility and wanted to do something for him.

How did he become a girl? It's so strange...

If he were still a man, he would have ignored his shirtlessness, but this...

"Why don't I come in later..." She stood up a little and said.

"Does Ayi Ning plan to go out alone to gather information, or go to the battleship alone?" Wei Mier calmed down and asked.

"Wha...I...I haven't decided whether to do this yet."

This is naturally a way to make amends, but I have gone against his will several times. For him, this may be just adding up to one mistake after another.

Vermeer held her hand, which was warm from the towel.

"Then it's best not to," she said. "There has been a war on South Street since the day, and the situation outside is still uncertain. If Ayi Ning disappears, he will definitely look for you like crazy. "


Am uneasy?

Wei Mier still didn't let go, but tightened her grip.

"When I first got to know him, I often questioned his decisions, but he must have his reasons when he decided to do something. Now in order to join everyone and successfully save Atetana, we can no longer become It’s all a piece of loose sand.”

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and smiled.

"After all, I have promised him in my heart that I will behave well from now on."


Ayi Ning opened her mouth slightly and looked at her, speechless for a moment.

She had a similar sound.

But how could she say it, how could she express it.

"Ayi Ning gave him Qi training, right? I'm afraid I can't figure out the reason by myself, so why don't you stay here?"


After swallowing her throat, Ayi Ning looked towards him.

"...I know." Now is really not the time to care about this.

Returning to him again, Ayi Ning began to try to use her breath to explore his condition. Wei Mier unbuttoned his shirt and found a thick bandage wrapped around his chest.


Ayi Ning only saw it with her peripheral vision, her eyes were stunned for a moment, and she looked at Wei Mier.

Is there any serious injury on his chest?
The two of them confirmed with their eyes. Ayi Ning moved to his pillow and gently raised his head. Wei Mier began to slowly untie her in circles. Both of them were afraid of seeing some shocking scene. , my heart suddenly rose to my throat.

But after removing a large section, I didn't see any bad signs. Instead, my chest gradually swelled.



Only the last two layers were left. Not only did I not see any wounds, but... I felt embarrassed.

"Why did he bother him?" Vermeer asked with a red face.

"No, I don't know. Who knows what he thinks."

The two of them had never thought that one day they would have to face problems between women together with him.

Hmm... Do you still want to dismantle it?
If you dismantle it again...

Vermeer thought about the softness she felt when she fell from the battleship and was caught. It turned out that it wasn't that she wasn't there, but that it was hidden by him...

"Of course it's because it's in the way." Luo Wei's voice came faintly.



Both of them were startled, and their expressions became extremely complicated for a moment.

He...when did he wake up!
Luo Wei closed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I don't know how you usually move easily. How can anyone hang two people like this in front of you? It's so weird."

"Then, of course it's because I'm wearing something..." Vermeer replied with her head lowered and blushing.

Ayi Ning looked at her with shame.

Don't answer him so seriously! !
It was obviously him who was lying there with only a hair on his head, so why were the two of them the ones who were embarrassed... It was as if he was using his current state to study them, it was so embarrassing...!
"Are you okay?"

Ayi Ning just wanted to skip this topic as soon as possible.

Luo Wei raised his hand from her hand and looked at her, "I thought I could hold on until I could rest normally, but it seems that it was because my previous talent was so poor."

"...I will use my energy to help you explore them all." Ayi Ning turned her head and said.

Vermeer came up and put her hand on his forehead, pursed her lips and then raised her head.

"You still have a fever," she said worriedly, "Let me wipe you with hot water and prepare herbal compress bags and ritual circles."


Luo Wei did not respond.

When the two of them looked over, they found that he was asleep again, but his expression was much more relieved than before, as if he was relieved to know that they were there.


Ayi Ning sighed softly, but saw that Wei Mier was already ready to remove the last gauze.

"Wait, wait a minute! Why don't you cover it up with something...!"

"But..." Wei Mier bit her lip and felt embarrassed, "There doesn't seem to be anyone of his size... among us..."

At least looking at it this way, it's a little smaller than the two of them and Shaye, so it definitely can't be worn.

Crosy's probably won't work either...Belle...I don't know if it will work, but it doesn't seem to work well with other people's.

Ayi Ning blushed and choked at this moment.

"Can a bellyband be used...?"

No matter what, it's better than not wearing it at all. She did buy some that she hasn't worn yet.

So why am I using this kind of thing for him...

"What is that?" Vermeer tilted her head.

"'s similar...don't worry too much about the size...I'll get it for you and you'll know."

"Then I'll get it. Where is it?"


Are you still worried about me leaving?
Ayi Ning sighed helplessly and told her the location of her room, and Wei Mier flew there.

When she came back less than a minute later, Ayi Ning was looking down in deep thought, and when she raised her head, she almost stared out of her eyes.

How did you...put me through...

"That's obviously not what I told you?!"

"Hehe... I think this one suits him better. It's soft and looks very comfortable~"


Ayi Ning was speechless.

Forget it, forget's been washed anyway, and he doesn't know if it's new...

Wei Mier couldn't wait to put it on for him, as if she was still a little excited. Ayi Ning tied the knot behind his neck with a black look on her face. Anyway, at least she didn't have to face the most embarrassing scene.

Otherwise, she wouldn't know how to look directly at him in the future.

Although it’s hard to look at it now.

It is made of silver-gray brocade, with white ropes and printed edges, without embroidery. It is obviously a piece that I like very much. When she wears it on him, her slender figure and beautiful face really make her feel charming and tender. .

"Well...a beauty in the world."

...please exercise some restraint.

Ayi Ning was no longer distracted. As she used her energy to explore, the situation inside Luo Wei's body made her frown slightly.


It can be described like this.

The breath in his body was completely in a state of unclearness and turbidity, as if everything had not yet settled down at the beginning of the world.

The center of the source is like a black hole.

Ayi Ning has never seen the energy in her body exist in this way, and she can feel power beyond her knowledge.

I remember he said that the Demon God was only temporarily suppressed, which meant...if he integrated this power too much at once, he would most likely become a complete Demon God again.


No wonder a night's rest is necessary.

He was well aware of the consequences of losing control, and this time no mechanical goddess showed mercy.

At this time, she felt that the Qi in Luo Wei's body had undergone some changes, and its nature was becoming stable little by little.If my guess is correct, this is probably the goddess-like power left by Minoni at work.

This immediately gave her guidance.

I didn't know what to do at first, but now I just need to follow the trend of change and balance the aura in his body little by little.

"Vermeer, I may need your magic power later. If possible, would you please let him sit up?"

"Okay...Okay! Leave it to me!"

Ayi Ning concentrated on her thoughts.

Although there was nothing she could do about the black hole, she could at least restore him to stability. As long as he didn't touch that power too much, there would be no problem at all.

It was a big project, but she had decided to stay up until dawn to get him better.


Time passed by minute by minute.

The lights in the workshop were lit for most of the night, and Ayi Ning pressed her hands on Luo Wei's back. There were beads of sweat on both of them, and the sheets fell on them.

Vermeer was wiping their sweat, supplying magic power, grinding herbs and arranging rituals, and was busy spinning around the room.

"You guys take a rest, we'll set off before dawn." Luo Wei suddenly said.

This was the first time he woke up, but this time he was in much better spirits than the previous times.

It is obviously due to the contribution of these two people.

"It's okay! Let me continue, so that I can feel at ease, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

"Me too." Ayi Ning closed her eyes and replied, "...I mean, it's almost over, and I don't plan to stop."

Luo Wei took them and sighed helplessly.

The Craftsmen's Guild's all-out counterattack has indeed disrupted the rhythm a lot, and this can be considered the time when they have the worst luck.

But soon it won't be.

As long as the safety of the battleship is confirmed, they will immediately gather their strength to go to the bottomless mine and penetrate all the way to the Silent Courtyard before evening.

Now let's trust Athetana's wisdom, and hope she can make good use of the power left in the courtyard legion. The orc mother goddess is not some orc girl who needs to be protected.

But no matter what.

If he dares to threaten the people around him, he will definitely make these people pay the price.

Luo Wei lowered his head coldly, and his eyes suddenly froze.


What did you dress me in?
(End of this chapter)

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