Chapter 356 Drinking with Two Gods

The pavilion dedicated to the Mother Goddess is located at the top of the stairs of the workshop and has the best view in the entire courtyard.

At this moment, three pairs of wine glasses were placed on the table in the pavilion, facing the three people sitting in the pavilion.

In other words, two gods and one person.

Luo Wei changed into smart and neat regular clothes. Athetana and Urs sat diagonally across from each other. After the teleportation on the battleship was restored, they also invited Urs and his party to the courtyard as guests. Now the three demon generals are there. They were playing in the workshop, and it was not convenient for Urs to follow them there, so he found the two of them.

The wine was brought by Urs. It can be said that the three of them knew each other in pairs, but this was the first time they sat together like this.

"I didn't expect to be invited to drink by you." Luo Wei picked up the wine glass and smelled it.

The wine had the fragrance of plums and the crispness of the snow. It seemed that the Banished Demon God's vision in these matters did not disgrace his status as a high-ranking Demon God.

"I thought there would be such an opportunity before," Urs smiled modestly, but his face suddenly became stiff, "But's different from what I imagined."

At the bottom of the steps, Vermeer was hiding behind a pillar with a sneaky look on her face, holding a small white floral skirt in her hand.

"You..." Athetana glanced reproachfully at Luo Wei, "That child loves you wholeheartedly, and has just experienced the separation of life and death. Even if you change the way, you should cherish her heart a little."

"Do you think I didn't agree?" Luo Wei replied with a dark face, "It's just that the guy couldn't wait any longer."

Athetana: "..."

Indeed, there was a feeling that my eyes were gleaming and I wanted to put it on him.

No wonder she was so excited, maybe it was because of hard work that she finally got him to agree...

At this moment, Ayi Ning came out of the workshop, glanced left and right, and immediately walked towards Wei Mier and grabbed her.

"What are you doing out there! I don't know those three people at all, and you just left them to me like this?"


"Don't try to escape, come in quickly!!"

Vermeer was captured.

The three of them all smiled helplessly. Urs looked at Rowe and said, "According to human etiquette, should I regard you as a male or a female?"

"Anything is fine," Luo Wei crossed his arms and didn't mind anything. "Anyway, for you, it doesn't make much difference whether the humanoid creature is male or female."

"This one……"

"Ahem," Athetana coughed twice and interrupted them, "You two, if you want to talk about certain topics, please consider that I am here."

The growth environment of demon gods is completely different from that of humanoid races.

This is especially true for high-level demon gods. Although there are demon gods who are fond of the opposite sex in human form, this is a niche hobby in the demon god circle. Don't judge their preferences based on the standards of regular creatures.

Because of this, demon gods do not often marry like human nobles, and they rarely communicate with each other in private, and each of them lives independently in his own demon temple.


Elsa under Urs didn't seem to notice this at all. It may be that the exiled demon god carefully abides by the etiquette of the human world, which caused some misunderstanding. Rowe saw that her leather armor was becoming more and more revealing. .'s actually a very interesting development.

Urs apologized, and the three of them clinked glasses. The liquid felt cool when it entered the throat, but the aftertaste of plums was mellow. The right amount of alcohol activated the taste buds, and the appropriate spiciness gave people a Impressive aftertaste.

"It's really good," Luo Wei said, looking at the cup with still contentment, "You didn't bring this pot, right?"

"Of course not," Urs smiled, "I accidentally found this in a snow village on my way to the Beihuan Mountains. The locals call it 'snow plum wine', which only grows in the snow." It is made from plums. Should we say that the land has always been here? There are many rare treasures hidden in various places in the world."

The world of demon gods is not like this anymore.

Although humans will also experience natural disasters, initiate wars, and cause changes in the earth's veins and climate, the land has always been here.Most of the demon gods live in the subspace that is attached to the real world. The situation there is very unstable, and time and space may collapse from time to time. Even if there is land that can grow crops, it is usually used to build palaces, leaving only some A solitary alien plant.

After all, the demon god has no hard need for food. Even if he is greedy, he can just let humans sacrifice him.

The Wai Scale World where Lu Yi and the other Wai Demons are located is even more special. The entire space is a vertical bottomless passage. Dogs shake their heads when they look at it.

"Thank you for your trouble." Athetana also slowly put down her wine glass, "We should be the one to entertain you."

"Mother Goddess, I will be jealous if you speak to him like this." Luo Wei smiled pointedly.

Athetana lowered her head helplessly.

"If you make such a joke, you will lose favor with the elderly, right?"

"...It's really impeccable."

"Haha, do you want me to teach Vermeer and the others this?"

"...No need."

Luo Wei punished himself with a drink and showed the empty wine glass to the two of them. Urs sat across from him and smiled with emotion.

He looked at the two people and said: "I thought that the incident in White Harbor Town would be over. Humans and gods, humans and orcs, but I didn't expect you to get along more harmoniously than I thought."

"This is really all thanks to Luo Wei," Athetana closed her eyes and did not hide her expression. "Whether it is providing jobs for the orcs or allowing us from all over the world to return to the tribal territory, I sometimes I even wonder if I could have met him hundreds of years ago, whether the outcome would have been different."

"It's not too late now." Luo Wei calmed down and closed his eyes.

Athetana smiled bitterly, gently placed her hand on the back of his hand on the table, and sighed with a slightly helpless expression.

"I know you like to hear this... Urs and I are old friends who have had a relationship with each other. That's it. Are you satisfied?"

"Is this the cunning way for older people to attack younger people?" Luo Wei smiled knowingly.

What kind of strategy?

Athetana was stunned for a moment at first, but then she realized that Urs also had a slightly amused look on her face.

"...Okay, you knew this a long time ago and deliberately led me to say these words?"

"You can understand your relationship at a glance," Luo Wei said with a smile, "I didn't expect the Mother Goddess to defend me."


Urs smiled and shook his head. His original plan had never imagined that it would have such a good ending. Athetana's retreat to the valley was the last resort. Rowe, who suddenly emerged from the battleship, had completely changed. The current situation of the orcs.

Thinking of the moment when she decided to sacrifice her life for her people, she probably didn't even notice the change in her expression and mentality.

The three of them drank a pot of wine, and Urs took out the entire barrel without hesitation and said that there were two more barrels that he brought as gifts.

He talked about his experience in finding the Mechanic God Cult to regain his power, while Luo Wei highlighted the key points found in the ruins of the God War.

"That is to say...have you found the fallen angel?" Urs asked. "Well, I remember that you and Maria met 18 years ago," Luo Wei said in a calm tone, "but she is not the one I am looking for in the end."

"Do you think there are possibilities in that floating city?"

In any case, such a spectacle is contrary to common sense, and calling it a miracle would be an underestimation.

That's probably not prepared by a machinist goddess who can be defeated alone.

"Who knows, anyway, it's either on that island or deeper in the ruins of the God War, where you can't escape."


Athetana glanced at them, as if she wanted to tell Urs that sometimes this guy's reasoning was more straightforward and rough than complicated and convoluted.

He probably knows what he wants better than anyone else.

Although regarding this, sometimes it is very frustrating.

Urs slowly closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and then spoke as if he wanted Rowe to know something: "As far as I know, there are no more than five first-level godheads like you in human history. I’m afraid you are the only one using the Demon God, so you should know what it means.”

After experiencing those turmoils, both parties knew that this topic would be discussed today.

This is a road that has never been traveled before.

"There is no one to turn to, and there is no previous experience to draw from," Luo Wei raised his head and smiled, "Wouldn't that be better? It would be harder for the enemy to see through my background."



It should be said that he was arrogant, or his thoughts were clear, which was already expected.

Urs and Athetana looked at each other and felt that this behavior was not surprising to this guy.

"Moreover," Luo Wei continued, "the person who gave me this divine core has already given me enough inspiration."


Urs was slightly emotional.

Demon gods of the first level are extremely rare and have almost no interaction with this world. Within the scope of his understanding, he has no knowledge of the one who gave Luo Wei the divine core. Who can reach such a consensus with humans is among the upper demon gods. It can be regarded as a breath of fresh air.

"Although I am also a demon god, in fact, I only know and have seen only one first-level demon god."

"It must be the Demon King Solomon." Luo Wei lowered his eyes and said.

"Well... the one who established the 72 Demon Gods is probably the only first-level demon god who has left significant traces in the world." Urs said seriously, "Even I know very little about the first-level demon god. The advice I can give is never try to contact that King Solomon."

"I have no such intention."

Luo Wei understood that Urs would have such concerns. As a godhead who was promoted with the core of a first-level demon, it was normal to consider seeking wisdom from other first-level demons.

But he would not ask the other party about the whereabouts of other first-level demon gods. This would be very risky for both of them.

So he just smiled: "So which column are you in?"

"Ashamed..." Urs lowered his head humbly, "When I exiled myself 18 years ago, I was already removed from the Demon God Pillar, and now I have only recovered half of my strength."


This time, Luo Wei and Athetana were slightly silent.

The war between gods 18 years ago was found to be related to the mechanic faction. It is unknown how much this incident affected the demon god, but what is certain is that he had already accepted the reality, otherwise he would not have exiled himself. Atonement.

Although it is just a wild guess, Urs probably lost his true love in that divine war.

Now that he is involved in this matter, he probably just wants to find some solace in being repaid.

"Anyway..." Urs didn't seem to want to talk about this topic. "Although I don't know how much it can help, if you have any doubts about the power of the devil, I will not hesitate to use my shallow knowledge."

"I feel relieved with your words," Luo Wei raised his glass to him, "And for helping me stop them this time, thank you very much."

"This is really rare."

Urs lowered his head and smiled, and the two of them also raised their glasses.

Humans pursue temporary desires, while gods pursue eternal ideals.

But at this moment, the three of them just wanted to toast to this brief reunion.


Late at night.

Elsa reluctantly glanced in the direction of the workshop, agreed to Belle's invitation to come over next time, and then followed her master into the purple portal.

After sending Urs and his party away, Luo Wei held his head slightly. The wine was not very intoxicating, and his mind was still clear until now.

Athetana glanced at him with a smile, "You must have remembered that you still have to keep the appointment, right?"

Luo Wei: "..."

Looking back in the direction of the workshop, I always felt something bad.

He shook his head, said good night to the Mother Goddess, then entered the workshop and came to the door of his room.

The door is open and the light inside is on.

I also faintly heard some very pleasant humming.

"La la la la la la~"


He pushed the door open without any worries and saw the soft blond figure making arrangements on the bed. He immediately turned around when he heard the sound.

"you're back!"

Luo Wei squinted and glanced at the things on it. They were all her girl's treasures.


Are you going to punish me?

(End of this chapter)

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