Chapter 363 Don’t you two have dignity?
The dinner, which did not emphasize ostentation, came to an end.

Lovely led the conversation. To her, this meal was almost a homely meal, but it was still beyond the scope of poor people's luxury. Each woman also got a glass of ice cream.

"Wow! Luyi likes this pancake, it's delicious!"

"Do you like the taste?" Lovely said calmly while drinking yogurt. "The ingredients on it come from Senkamanda Theocracy. It is a very rare wild fungus in their local forest. It only grows at the base of trees. Down."

While dining, Lovely will also share some relevant experiences from various parts of the mainland, revealing his insight and erudition in his conversation. this the upper class world...

Vermeer ate pancakes she had never tasted before and swallowed the tears of a country girl.

In the glamorous banquet hall and the magnificent decoration, Luo Wei admired the appearance of the girl who had never seen the world. To a certain extent, it was indeed difficult for them to come into contact with this class. I still remember that this guy was also the same when he first saw the magic battleship. The way the face sparkles.

What's on top of the pancake is actually black truffle.

In this era, it is indeed a precious ingredient that ordinary people cannot enjoy, and it is known as the "diamond on the table".

Lovely's tours around the Lion Garden have won her many cooperative relationships, including this visit to Remnant Fire Castle. On the one hand, it is also to develop the mining industry. Obviously she knows very well that to bring down Randall, just relying on small tricks behind the scenes will not work. of.

With ABC48 as publicity, it seems that her "Libra Chamber of Commerce" is doing well.

These black truffles were probably given as a gift by Senkamanda’s delegation when they visited.

Then, it’s time to show your intentions.

"It's indeed delicious," Luo Wei wiped his fingers and said calmly, "It makes people want to stay here."

"Then you are really laid-back enough," Lovely looked towards him, "How about you help me share more of your time when you are free?"

Who said there would be no intersection at the beginning, but now the girls around him are all close to each other, but they avoid her every time.All kinds of battle plans are also kept silent. One person has planned all the plots, making no distinction between the enemy and ourselves, and playing tricks on the people all over the world.

Finally, I have to dump all the obvious things on her. She has been in contact with everyone in the past two days. She can't even guarantee three hours of sleep every night. It's not easy to see people, and she has to witness them with her own eyes. Other women did things to him...

"So am I here?" Luo Wei said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Eh...?" Wei Mier raised her head and spoke.

Several other people also looked towards him. There were still traces of yogurt on Lovely's mouth, and his brows that wanted to scold him gradually furrowed.

Could he mean what he said by this...

"You're not planning to stay here, are you?" Lovely looked at him with suspicion.

"After all, we only have two battleships," Luo Wei explained to her seriously, "What if the craftsmen will attack you these days? You can't go to all the trouble of banishing the demon god."

According to the decision made by the legion, the "Wing of the Sky" is responsible for the attack from the rear, and the other side of the main road is carried by Felica's "Black Asher" - after the latter crashed, Lan Del immediately sent people to recapture the battleship, as if he had foreseen that the Legion would board the floating city.

Although not paying attention to the "Wing of the Sky" that also fell down was simply connoting his own princess, but thanks to it, the Alliance Army now does have two battleships that can be used, and this strategic vision cannot be faulted.

As for Urs, taking advantage of their coming today, he went to the city after being pestered by Elsa.

"For members of the enemy camp who use magic equipment for sniping, I think this is a necessary arrangement," Luo Wei said with sobriety in his eyes, "If possible, I hope that the fourth floor of the battleship can be exclusively used by us. "


Lovely was speechless for a moment.

The fourth floor of the battleship was originally reserved for her father and others to visit her.

Isn’t it my room at the far end of there...

It's not like she didn't think about letting them stay on the battleship.

But in her expectation, this matter should be more formal, and the invitation should be made by herself as the host.The battleship was now in such a damaged and embarrassed state, and he mentioned it casually during the meal, so she was caught off guard and couldn't figure out what he meant at all.

How long will he stay?Are you serious or just saying it casually?He obviously didn't swear allegiance to himself, so what's the point of making such a request...?
The ambiguity in this makes it too easy for people to think wildly.

"Okay! In other words, Lu Yi can have a big meal every day?!"

"My Lady, can I take a look in the battleship's workshop? I will also help with the repairs of the battleship!"

Faced with this incident, Lu Yi and Ke Luo Qian showed great enthusiasm, stood up and danced, and immediately forgot all about the tit-for-tat confrontation in the hot spring.

Lovely looked at them with trembling lips.

Don't you two have any dignity?
"Ah haha..." Vermeer smiled sheepishly. Although she was a little worried about what she would do if she broke something with her clumsiness, she could guess that Luo Wei planned to stay there forever.

As conveyed before, he will not let the affairs of the fifth princess go unnoticed, now or in the future.

Sometimes, Lovely doesn't act as smart as she does...

Ayi Ning: "..."

Regardless of how they viewed this matter, Luo Wei stood up slowly and smiled at the princess who was frozen there.

"Then, please give me your advice in the future."


The fourth floor of the battleship.

After accompanying them to choose a room, Lu Yi immediately announced that the princess was qualified to join them tonight.

"I don't want it." Lovely refused from her hair to her toes.

"If you don't want it, don't want it, just a little bit~"

Lu Yi would not let this kind of thing ruin her fun. After making a face at the Fifth Princess, she quickly pushed Luo Wei and urged him to change clothes and come over to their side to play.


Lovely put one hand on his waist and raised his forehead. Looking at the postures of the two of them, it didn't look like they were going to do anything improper. Should they be glad that he was a girl now?
Vermeer had the same idea.

If I join them and join them, maybe it will lead to a terrible situation...

Now it is better to follow the wishes of Luyi and Croxie. They also hope that he can accompany them sometimes. Moreover, at this time, they can see that they are deeply dependent and understand that feeling.

Behind a few people, Eluse stopped beside a half-open door.

The witch glanced in the direction of the door intentionally or unintentionally, and smiled lightly without hesitation.

The door quickly closed from the inside.

The smile on Eluse's face did not diminish, and she narrowed her eyes uncertainly.

Like Vermeer, he deliberately chose the nearest room and left the door open.

Ha ha……

I can't sit still.

After returning to their rooms, Vermeer carefully hung the shawl on the hanger and couldn't help but walk around in the living room.

Hehe~ Although he won't be with him tonight, I chose the room closest to him. I'm afraid the others didn't expect to stay there forever. Lord Vermeer, who has such a long-term vision, is a genius!
She walked to the balcony with her chest puffed out to see how close she was to him, but her right side was blocked by protective glass.


It doesn't matter, as long as he is on the balcony, they can see each other.

She nodded vigorously and turned around to check other facilities in the room, but found that her balcony... seemed a bit long.

Huh... She tilted her head in confusion, walked along the balcony, and then came to the room she had chosen for Shaye without any hindrance.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Standing there and blinking twice, his mind gradually understood that the balconies of the two rooms were connected to each other.

She blinked a few more times and looked back at Luo Wei's balcony. She hadn't realized it just now, but it was clear that the balcony over there was as long as this one.

Uh... doesn't that mean...

I remember the person who chose the room over there was...

Before she could react, she saw Ayi Ning coming from the room to the balcony, looking up at the moonlight without paying attention to her side.

Vermeer: ​​()
She quickly stepped back, her face aggrieved for a moment.

I actually chose the wrong side...

Lord Vermeer made a big mistake! !

At this time, Luyi and Ke Luoqian's room.

The two people wearing the same style of plaid pajamas held Luo Wei in the middle and raised their other fists excitedly.

"Yeah! Let's sleep together tonight!"

"Yeah! Let's sleep together tonight!"

Luo Wei curled his lips and his face turned dark. Why did he feel like he was taking a child on a spring outing?

The three of them wore the same pajamas provided on the battleship. Luyi was light green, Ke Luoqian was light red, and her side was light gray.

Lu Yi changed out of her usual circus attire. After removing the cumbersome ornaments and colored balls, the mischievous evil spirit also disappeared a lot. At first glance, she still looked a bit like Xiaojiabiyu.

Luo Wei didn't realize until today that she actually looked like this in daily life...

As for the other side.

"Can you button it up?" Luo Wei said with a dark look on his face.

"Ah? But it's very hot." Ke Luoqian fanned her chest with her hand, and a glistening bead of sweat slowly slid down from the top along an arc, "Does Luo Wei dislike me for sweating all the time..."

"will not."

The neckline is too low and it feels like it will bulge out.

Her physique, combined with her dark skin, has an unspeakable lethality.

"Ke Luoqian is so cunning~ Hee hee..."

"It doesn't matter, it's Luo Wei anyway," Ke Luoqian said with a smile, not caring, "I've carefully measured every part of his body. I didn't have family since I was a child, and they were the only ones who were so kind to me. "

"Family? Does Ke Luoqian regard Uncle Luo Wei as family?"

"Of course!" Ke Luoqian hugged her, "These past six months are irreplaceable to me, a real family."

"Then Lu Yi also wants to become a family member!" Wai Mo also hugged him.

Then, the two began to talk about what happened after they conquered the goddess. They seemed to have countless emotions to express, and they told him unreservedly what they were thinking during this time, telling him how much they missed him.

Luo Wei leaned on the pillow and touched their heads.

It really worried them.

"What about Luo Wei? Are you worried about us?" Ke Ruoxian looked at him expectantly.

"Of course," Luo Wei didn't deny it. "If Elus hadn't been here, I wouldn't have felt safe leaving you there."

"Okay!" Lu Yi raised her fist happily, "I can show off in front of them from now on!"

Ke Luoqian hugged him tighter from the side. She wanted to hear him say such words more than the recognition of a craftsman.

that is really good.

Feeling her emotions, Luo Wei comforted and smoothed her frizzy red hair, but could he not squeeze him so tightly with his legs? If he continued like this, his phantom limb would react...

He didn't plan to run a mill with everyone. At that time, he couldn't bear their emotions about his departure. It was enough to experience it once with Vermeer.

"Lu Yi wants to hear a story!" Lu Yi said suddenly.

"What story do you want to hear?" Luo Wei asked helplessly.

"do not know!"

It's really upright.

Luo Wei sighed. He had already told them everything about himself. In other words, she probably just wanted to hear him talk.

Tell stories before bed.

What children's channel...

But he definitely couldn't tell the stories in Ayi Ning's storybook. After thinking for a moment, he thought about what to say. Ke Luoqian also leaned over with expectation, and she and Luyi rested their heads on his shoulders. superior.

"A long, long time ago, there was a young man named Chenxiang..."

He did not plan to tell his own story before time travel, but chose "Lotus Lantern" and "Havoc in Heaven" which were more suitable for the baby's physique. However, the three holy mothers under the Huashan Mountain turned into ancient gods, and Monkey King made a big fuss. The Heavenly Palace is the dormitory of the gods.

As he talked, gentle breathing came from all around him.

It seems that they are really tired, and they can feel their deep dependence on themselves.

Luo Wei gently followed the two people's backs. He asked Lovely to ask for these rooms. In addition to fulfilling the agreement that he and the other party had said that they would not cross paths, he also wanted to use it many times in the future. It is a key strategy in many cases. tool.

I remember that in the last round, I got on the ship around this time and unlocked the home gameplay. But at that time, I was still dealing with the problem of the ruins of the God War, and I had no contact with the truth under the water.

But this time is different.

The behemoth hidden behind this incident will finally reveal the tip of the iceberg through this excavation.

Luo Wei had a hunch that his meeting with the fallen angel of the ancient god might become a turning point in the history of the entire world.

I wonder if the ancient god next to the Creator has the same expectations for this?

"Uncle Luo Wei...don't go...ah..."

Seeing Lu Yi frowning tightly in her sleep, Luo Wei gently held her little hand.

The crooked devil's expression immediately relaxed, and he raised his head and rubbed against him.

Luo Wei smiled dumbly for a moment.

I'm afraid that the Ancient God and Fallen Angel didn't expect that his painting style would be like this...

But the Craftsmen Guild was not so lucky.

This time-

From the first moment the battle begins, he will make the floating city restless.

(End of this chapter)

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