Chapter 397 Randall’s personal request

"What are you worried about? What I promised will naturally come true."

Randall spoke with a smile, but his eyes were like a wolf on fire.

The place was quiet.

His dangerous aura makes him afraid of suddenly saying "but", but compared to the transfer with certain conditions, what is more worrying is whether he will transfer his left hand to the right hand and say that he will transfer it to several affiliates around Lion Garden. Country or something, those small countries have long since lost everything after being annexed by Shiyuan in recent years, leaving only a superficial country name.

All the lords and craftsmen present could not agree to this kind of thing.

"You still seem to have serious doubts, which really makes me sad," Randall snorted in a low voice, "I have conveyed more than once that Lion Garden is not prepared to accept Crownless City as its territory, regardless of whether it is Our country is still a neighboring country and it has no such original intention.”

His eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

The craftsmen present looked at each other, and they even began to wonder if they were still asleep. These were words that could only be heard in dreams. In fact, when they woke up, the meeting had not yet started.

Although I am still not inclined to believe it rationally, if there is a slim possibility that Randall really does have a good intention, then...

No, he won't have it.

"Who?" Kittychu asked.

"I will hand over this city unconditionally, and if possible, I hope to establish a good friendly trade relationship with Lion Garden in the future. After all, if you say you don't need the craftsmanship of this city, you are just deceiving yourself."

Rowe was sure, but no one could see clearly what Randall wanted to do.

Marshal Xi is the person in charge sent by the Hoof Fire Empire to cooperate with the Craftsmen Guild?

Then... before Marcus led his army to attack Crownless City and provided sacrifices for the magic weapons, it was also for...

People looked at Felica in astonishment, because she helped a lot in the crusade, so even though she was one of the three wizards, people did not deliberately speculate on this aspect.

Luo Wei couldn't help but shake his head. Ryan was still too young, but he was probably about the same at the time.

Sensing the sight, the two marshals of Hoofuo Empire tightened their expressions.

"Who else," Marcus smiled with a detached expression, "If she should be responsible for that thing, do you think I would let her live until now?"

This made many people present believe it, especially the craftsmen. After all, they were afraid that the other party would not recognize the independence of Crownless City on the grounds of repeating the mistakes of the Craftsmen Association. This was almost their biggest worry. After all, if it was still The city is managed by electing craftsmen, and the organizational form is actually no different from the craftsmen's association.

Everyone seemed to have guessed who it was.

Don't fall for it.

But it was not stated clearly, and now is not the time to pursue the matter seriously. The key is how Randall wants to get the city out.

"What do you mean..." Ryan spoke subconsciously.

"I understand your desire not to let outsiders interfere with this city," Randall said. "The Lion Garden is the same on this point. I never want to see you being deceived by the Hoof Fire Empire in the future. Being reduced to a war slave and having to fight against the Lion Garden will make all current efforts in vain.”

"Haha... That's right," Randall talked to her directly for the first time. "For example, you, who is responsible for building the magic weapons of the Hooffire Empire, aren't you standing at the post-war meeting right now?"

"Yes, I hope to coexist with Crownless City as a friendly neighbor." Randall said confidently.

But if Crownless City really continues to exist as an independent city...

Lovely's gaze was completely ignored, and he clenched his fists involuntarily. Is this man... really embarrassed to say that he doesn't want outsiders to interfere in a country's affairs?

"If you are so kind-hearted," Felica said in front of everyone, "how are you going to ensure that the Hoof Fire Empire, which is 'deceiving others', will not take action against this city? Otherwise, once a unilateral war breaks out, Lion Garden will still have to fight with the city. Enemy, this is completely contrary to your good intentions."

Even Ryan didn't know about this and was a little at a loss for a while. So in the original battle in Crownless City, Marcus received the order and the Hooffire Empire implemented it for Felica’s magic weapon plan?

"She had been someone's prisoner for several months before I received the order to attack the city." Marcus said suddenly.

"I have no excuse in this matter." Felica lowered her head.

Felica: "!"

There is no doubt that these words gave Randall an advantage. In order to prevent the Hoof Fire Empire from unilaterally exerting pressure on Crownless City, he must have some demands that he has not yet stated.

This suddenly made the scene tense again.

"There is no need to be so desperate," Randall smiled unfathomably, "We are now discussing together how to maintain the peace of this land. We can neither let the Hoof Fire Empire take action, nor do I want to see the interests of the Lion Garden suffer. Damage, it must be difficult to do such a thing. But actually, I do have some suitable solutions."

"What is it?" Ryan looked up at him.

"It's very simple, as long as it is enough to frighten the Hooffire Empire. As for the Lion Garden, I also hope that without violating the principle of handover, I can satisfy a few personal requests to reassure the Royal Army."

"Private request?" Elufa couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes," Randall replied with his eyes closed, "Even for me personally, I hope to create favorable factors for long-term peace, it is just of a nature similar to this."

Lovely sat sideways and said nothing.

She didn't understand what the other party was up to. She neither planned to transfer it to a vassal state, nor was she prepared to put forward embarrassing transfer conditions. Her bargaining chip on the political table had been withdrawn again and again, and now she was about to give up a city. The price was reduced to the nature of a private request, defying political logic.

But since so much has been laid, Lovely definitely doesn't think that he is simply giving in. What exactly is he thinking? I'm afraid it's time to show his fangs next.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, what specifically does the private request you are referring to refer to?" asked someone from the Knights. "Haha... You sincerely hope that I will think about the future of this city, and I am deeply honored. In this case, you might as well stand in my perspective and try to think about what can be done to satisfy the peace of this city while also Can Shiyuan feel reassured?"

From the perspective of... Prime Minister of Lion Garden?

No one expected that Randall would bring up this topic. What is "what would they do if they were the Prime Minister of the Lion Garden"?

Is there a way to have both ends, or is Randall just trying to express that such a thing is simply impossible. If you think about it with your brain, you will know how it is possible to suppress the Hoof Fire Empire's military force without the help of the power of the Lion Garden. Are you actually advising them to give up this ridiculous idea from the beginning?

But no matter what, they tried to find a way to see if this was really possible from the perspective of Prime Minister Shiyuan.

"After coming to this city, I often thought about the name "Crownless City."" Randall seemed to be thinking along with them. "If the meaning of this city is that no one wears a crown, the Craftsmen Guild clearly exists. Depending on the order of seats, they actually control the power of the city and plan a series of conspiracies unknown to the people. Investigating the cause and effect, no matter a city or a country, it cannot escape the fate of establishing spiritual leaders and pillars. Think about it, don’t you usually rely too much on the judgment of the Craftsmen Association when you need to make decisions? "


The craftsmen couldn't argue with that.

Even as an independent city without a government, the city naturally still needs someone to manage it, and when encountering disasters, it naturally has to rely on the craftsmen's guild to deal with it.

Icarus, the chief of the Craftsmen Guild, has always been a leader-like presence among the people.

"I think this idea is wrong," Randall denied the current situation. "Your so-called crownless city is just a self-deceptive concept replacement. In fact, there is no way to escape the constraints of the existing political system, or Supporting the king through hereditary inheritance, or letting the people choose the person who takes over the power. This is the norm in today's world to rule a territory. But in this case, you will have nothing to do with the word "without a crown". What's the difference between tearing down the city and starting over? Your repeated history, like the countless names that have fallen at your feet on this land, is just a rough but monotonous cycle. "

Many people lowered their heads.

Randall's words were extremely sharp, but they were also bloody facts.

"Haha... I think that if we want to truly build a "Crownless City", the key point may not be whether the ruler wears a crown or not, but that even if the ruler wears a crown, he will not interfere in the affairs of the city and completely delegate power to the people. Only in critical moments has absolute decision-making power and control. "

"But in this case, what is the difference between the executor who has delegated power and the actual ruler of the city?" Elufa asked.

"Haha... You are right. This requires the city's spiritual leader to have strong enough courage to always hang like a sharp sword above his head, so that the city managers below are under the pressure of control, making these people unable to While daring to cause chaos to eliminate internal troubles, it can even suppress foreign troubles from powerful countries in neighboring areas.”

"How could the kind of person you are talking about... possibly exist?" Elufa said blankly.

You obviously have great strength, but you don't show it? You clearly have absolute power, but you don’t use it? Since you can't enjoy the treatment of being a king, why is there any need to become a king?

Wait... He's not talking about himself, is he?

Randall...plans to be crowned king of this city?

"There is," Randall said, closing his eyes. "In my opinion, there is one person in the venue who meets these qualifications, and he can also fulfill my private request."

"You...are talking about yourself?" Lovely asked through gritted teeth.

Is this how you became friends with Lion Garden? !

Randall opened his smiling eyes and looked at her, "Your Highness, please don't get me wrong. As the prime minister of the Lion Garden, I should keep my responsibilities in mind and have no plans to take on other duties besides my own country. How could the Hoof Fire Empire's army do it because of me?" Stop the march here."


Knowing that Randall is here, the empire will only increase its military strength to garrison.

Just as everyone was guessing who he was referring to, Randall suddenly looked at Ryan with a smile.

"Of course I am willing to give up this city, but based on my personal wishes, I prefer that the other party is from Shiyuan."


Len, Len! ?

Everyone looked over in surprise, but Ryan himself had not yet recovered.

"And he must have unstoppable faith and the strong strength to lead people through difficulties and dangers."


"Moreover, he must have no interest in power at all. Even in this position, he does not pursue fame and fortune, and always sticks to his own path. Only then can he be regarded as the "King without a Crown." "


"Of course, the things he has done make even the Hoofuo Empire feel in awe. The consequences of rashly becoming an enemy may very well lead to the union of Crownless City and Lion Garden."


"So, what do you think?" Randall said looking at Ryan.

Then he turned to the other side of the crowd.

"—Lovie Brook?"

All the eyes of the audience turned around with Randall, and the scene was silent for a while.

Luo Wei: "..."

What the hell are you...

(End of this chapter)

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