Chapter 405 Waxing a stone statue at the beach
Putting sunscreen on this person's body would make Rowe no more emotional than treating a stone.

This guy is a level two god.

He was still among the top group. Marcus kowtowed three times when he saw her. There was no way his body could withstand her torture.

"Why do I feel like you are waxing the stone statues in the church?" Celis said bluntly as she lay there.

That's not it.

Luo Wei didn't dare to say this, but he couldn't give her a good sacrifice?
"Hey, are you thinking of some strange ideas?"

"Do you think I dare?" Luo Wei said sincerely.

Is there anything more dignified than treating this?

If he accidentally gets evil thoughts, this guy must be castrated.

"Haha, why don't your words sound like a compliment?" Celis put her arm on her chin and said, "Don't look at me like this. I rarely have the opportunity to do this, but you got a big advantage."

"I didn't expect you to be more and more interesting," Celis said with a smile, "If Altina is still here, maybe she will also like you very much."

You are here, how can I do anything wrong to them?
Looking into the distance, the other girls had already started their activities. Lu Yi and the shameless Shaye went to the sea and ran far away; the three orc girls and Ke Luoqian were arranging other equipment and ingredients. Everything should be taken out and put away.

Celis raised her eyebrows, as if she didn't expect that Luo Wei knew about this unknown past and could still connect with her.

As for why they worship the alien goddess, it is naturally in line with the belief culture of the heretics themselves. Those people have not seen with their own eyes who the person who saved them is, so they think it is the coming of the savior recorded in the scriptures, and they keep offering sacrifices to them. Yet.

Luo Wei did not dare to mention too much about her experience. Quite tragic deeds had happened in that difficult wilderness, and the fact that the current second-in-command of the Praying Church had fought for the heretic demon was not suitable to be discussed. Talk about it openly.

Before Rowe could say anything, Celis interrupted him with a smile:

There are traps everywhere!
"But in this way, it can be considered a close physical relationship between us, right?" Celis looked at him as if she didn't mind, "Should this reassure you about this cooperation with Riemann?"

so good……

Heck, there are so many attractions around here.

"In the demonic wilderness in the southwest corner of the continent... there are some extreme worship beliefs about the fire alien goddess..." Luo Wei said vaguely.

Lovely stood alone on the beach thinking about life.

Luo Wei looked down and saw that his hand was on the edge of the other party's leg, applying slippery sunscreen, and it was almost slipping in.

"Yes Yes Yes…"

"It's not that I don't believe you," Luo Wei sighed, "and this time we go to Codex Country, we should ask you to take care of us more."

Luo Wei retreated in a cold sweat.

But there is no doubt that she is there to fight for the races that have been brutally treated, even if these races are heretics, they cannot see such unreasonable oppression.

Don't describe it as a weird relationship!

I didn't take a close look at them in front of them before, but their swimsuit styles are really in full bloom, each one attracts the eye, and no matter which one you look at, it is very eye-catching.

"Oh? This doesn't sound like what you said," Celis looked at him. "You're not the kind of guy who decides whether to cooperate based on impressions alone, are you? Since we are a team, aren't you going to tell me the reason?"

What a stunning view under the bright sky...

"Aren't you afraid that you might have concerns?" She smiled heartily, "But I really think you are very interesting and want to try to blend in and get along with you?"

Don't dare, don't dare...

"You are surprisingly bold, aren't you?" Celis turned half of her body and looked back at him, "You said you don't dare, is this the so-called hard to get?"

She supported her head with her hands and looked at him again.

"I did come out of there and became a god," Celis didn't deliberately hide it from Rowe, "But I'm not an alien, I've always been a beautiful human girl, right?"


"thank you."

Oh, very good.

But this is really a question for Luo Wei.

Whether or not I could concentrate on waxing her was secondary.

"If you say you did this accidentally because you were looking at other women, will I kill you?"

Damn, misunderstanding!


Celis frowned and stretched forward in discomfort, "How do you feel...your technique suddenly became obscene?"

She seemed to ask casually.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to tell the truth. After all, this was also the basis of bilateral cooperation.

Please spare me, it's getting more and more scary.


This guy still needs to mingle?
She is a familiar character to everyone, and it is easy for people to forget how terrifying her strength is. Is there anything in this area that is good enough for her?

The witch has already laid down on the beach chair. Vermeer seems to be ready to come over for waxing next, but the pair of sisters next to her are pushing each other, each wants the other to go, one is cheating her sister, and the other is. If you cheat on your sister, no one will lose.

"Then your sacrifice is quite big." Luo Wei looked at her awkwardly.

Luo Wei looked at her with shame, "You really don't regard your goddess as a god."

"Maybe it's because she and I get along very well," Celis smiled as if she was reminiscing, but her eyes turned cold with horror, "So I swear to kill all the guys who cost her life without leaving a trace."

The fall of the Goddess of Purity must have had the greatest impact on the person in the world today, Celis.

This is why Luo Wei has enough reason to trust her.

But she is too powerful. Before the situation is clear, putting her in a position that she should not be in may cause irreparable consequences and make the ending develop in an unpredictable direction.

Branch lines are not opened casually.

He hasn't grown up enough to deal with a situation at her level, nor can Vermeer and the others together.

"Well, it seems that my saintess can't wait any longer," Celis turned over and said, "I enjoyed chatting with you. Come to me for a drink later."

Luo Wei watched her get up and walk away gracefully waving her hands.

I haven’t painted the front yet…

Forget it, he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. There are all kinds of weird guys in this world.

Stone statue No. 2 trotted over with a red face.

When Luo Wei saw her, his eyes suddenly darkened, "Did you call Celis here?"

"Huh? Huh?" Vermeer blinked and was at a loss, "She should have come to the battleship, bumped into Ke Ruoxi and chased Saya..."

"Is this so?"

He blamed her wrongly. Without saying anything, Luo Wei patted the beach bed in front of him and motioned for her to lie down on it.

um... um...

Vermeer seemed a little cautious. Although she had rehearsed it in her head many times in advance, she was still a little...

"What's wrong? Don't you want to apply it?"

", no."

In fact, Luo Wei was also a little embarrassed. When she put on her swimsuit, almost her whole body was attracting attention. There were people watching over there, and they didn't know where to put their eyes.

Vermeer squeezed her hands, hesitated for a moment, then stepped over him and lay down on the bed looking a little dull.

The girl's breath was almost overflowing.

This swimsuit is obviously of her own design. The main body is sea blue. A large square is carefully cut out between the suspenders. It is decent and highlights the most attractive part of the upper body. The lower end of the top is connected to a light tulle, which flutters to both sides and falls over the waist. It looks like a skirt, but actually covers nothing.

The lower body is also a sea blue background, with a shell-like decoration hanging on the upper edge, which dilutes the sense of separation between the lines, but makes people look there involuntarily.

Rowe’s evaluation is…

Full marks.

This swimsuit must have cost her a lot of thought, and it even made him wonder if this guy was always distracted. Almost everything showed the thoughts of a girl, but if he didn't analyze it carefully like this, it wouldn't be possible at all. Can't feel it.

Anyway, Luo Wei couldn't understand it.

I don’t know if girls are like this. There is always a feeling that her time seems to be several times more than mine, otherwise how could she spend so much thought on these places.

This guy goes back to his room and thinks about this every day?

For his swimming trunks, he just went to the workshop to find a pair of wide pants and cut them with a knife, which took less than a minute.

"That, that..." Vermeer tilted her head, not daring to look at him, "Please don't stare..."


Luo Wei calmed down and calmly picked up the wooden box on the shelf, which contained the sunscreen prepared by Ke Luoqian. It looked like aloe vera gel.

He scooped out a large spoonful with his hands.

Unlike Celis, he was looking forward to this.


"...What's wrong?" He just fell down.

This guy was immediately forced into a plank.

"'s okay, it's just a little cold..." Vermeer blushed and slowly calmed down, "S-scared."


This guy is trying to be brave.

Luo Wei's expression became a little subtle. Although she was the first one to be with him, the opportunities to appreciate her from the front were very limited. Her physique, which was always prone to dizziness, never made her become weak in this regard. How candid.

He was quite happy with it.

This makes her always like a shy flower bud, and every experience is like the first time, especially when she pays special attention to the atmosphere.

Silly girl...

This made him want to bully her.



Vermeer lay there with a red face. She thought she had adapted and was mentally prepared, but when Luo Wei's hand started to move, her face immediately became uncomfortable.


She bit her lip and buried her face in her hair.

When I applied it to Celis just now, it was obviously not like this... They could still chat normally... But why...

She felt that the way Luo Wei applied it to her was... very bad...


He pinched the soft flesh of her arms, tickled the crook of her calves, and tapped her back with his fingertips. Luo Wei used his hands lightly or heavily to fully understand her detailed reactions.

Vermeer couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

This is definitely... not applying sunscreen... ugh.

Luo Wei couldn't take his eyes off, quite curious about what she usually ate when she grew up. Compared with other women, her softness was far ahead, not at the same level at all. She was as soft as water, as soft as marshmallows, but her skin was not loose at all. Where she collapsed, an aura full of youthful vitality enveloped her.

When he grabbed her slightly tensed soles, Vermeer looked back weakly with her long hair hanging down.

"That...feet, feet should not be exposed to the sun."

"What are you talking about? You still want to run away now?"


Vermeer lost strength and fell down. He couldn't help but bite a piece of hair in his mouth. Sure enough... he was not applying sunscreen...

Being seen naked... ugh.

After tasting the softness under her feet, Luo Wei rubbed his hands with unsatisfied feelings and motioned for her to turn around.

Vermeer: ​​"..."

Although she felt extremely embarrassed, after a pause of several seconds, the girl held her hands there weakly and turned around little by little.

She looked shy.

And this process is full of allure that is unique to her, fully defying gravity, and trembling softly as the center of gravity shifts.

Luo Wei: "..."

Vermeer blushed and put her hands on her chest, one leg unconsciously arched, her shyness lingering all summer.

She bit her lip in embarrassment, being looked at like this almost made her lose consciousness again, but this swimsuit... was designed specifically for him.


There is no doubt that Luo Wei felt this intention.

Probably, she had time to spend on these things because she was only devoted to him.

"Then... that..." Vermeer's legs were shaking, but it was difficult to put them down, and she looked to the side shyly, "Do you... like this swimsuit?"

"Of course, there is no doubt about it." Rowe affirmed.

This made Vermeer finally make up her mind. Her eyes seemed to be thinking about something, her belly undulated greatly and she looked to the side, and she lowered her legs little by little while trembling.

"Please...please enjoy..." Her eyes were filled with a girl's expectation and uneasiness.


Luo Wei's face darkened, he gently pressed her knees and helped her put them down together. Wei Mier turned around and looked at him with twinkling eyes.

There was no need to guess what she wanted.

Leaning down and opening her hand, Luo Wei tenderly kissed the girl's sweet lips.

The expressions of the people watching from a distance changed.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Ahu Lily: "..."

Celis: "...oh?"

Eluse just smiled on the recliner, and then turned over the book in her hand again, but there was still a smile on her lips.

When Vermeer came back from there, she blushed and covered her face with her hair, but even so she couldn't hide her girlish joy, as if she had harvested the most beautiful treasure in the world.

Lovely: "..."

The last one to come over for waxing was Anaining.

Luo Wei glanced at the other people, and it seemed like no one was coming, so he patted the front of him and asked her to lie down.

"Haha, I feel a little shy for some reason," Anaining laughed with her eyes closed as if mocking herself, "There's really nothing I can do about Ayi, I don't know why you have to let me come over."

"Lie down," Luo Wei said helplessly, "In her opinion, we are lovers."

"Eh? Is that so?"


It's strange that you didn't realize this.

Luo Wei sighed. It's a good thing it's his sister. He put sunscreen on this guy. He didn't know how he could seriously say something that ruined the atmosphere. He didn't want to be said like this, so he had to finish it for her as soon as possible.


"What happened to your swimsuit?" Luo Wei frowned.

This guy's swimsuit was covered in patches, and it looked like he couldn't afford a new one in a few years. There was even a small bear head patched in the middle, which looked a bit funny for no reason.

"I said just wear ordinary ones..." Anaining lay there feeling helpless, "But Ayi cut me a piece here and a piece there, and in the end it almost turned into paper window flowers!"


It's like something my sister can do.

"I stayed up all night to sew it up!" Anai said with a heavy-eyed expression, "I have never done this kind of work before, do you know how difficult it is to do it!"

"Okay, okay," Luo Wei looked at her helplessly, "Just lie there and don't move. It's best... no, don't talk."

Being able to force this guy to touch the embroidery needle, my sister is really quite capable.

Luo Wei glanced over there. The other party clearly felt his gaze, but pretended to be nonchalant and turned away and started tying the knot on the ground.

Ayi Ning: "..."

Oh, just watching it from a distance, I don’t know what I feel like.

Luo Wei turned around with a smile on his face and reached out to pick up the box containing sunscreen, but found nothing.

In the blink of an eye, Anaining had already stood up at some point and had already applied it all over her body.

Luo Wei: "...?"

I saw Anain holding the box, looking in the direction of her sister with her hands on her hips as if to show off, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha! I'm better at it!"


Ayi Ning silently put down the knot in her hand.

He then picked up the sword lying behind him and pulled it out with a clang.

Anaining's face changed drastically.

"Luo Wei, save me!"

Luo Wei was pushed in front and didn't even react for a moment, while Ayi Ning was already coming here menacingly.

Anaining: "..."

Luo Wei: "..."

Holy shit! !
(End of this chapter)

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