Chapter 414 Daily life in Riemann

Opening your eyes from the deck, you can see the towering snow-capped peaks reaching into the clouds at the end of your field of vision.

Luo Wei stood up from his trance. Under Felica's magical transformation, after ten days of high-speed sailing, they finally arrived at the far north of the continent - this place does not belong to the jurisdiction of any royal country. Compared with White Harbor The lively atmosphere of the town and Wuguan City is more like an isolated pilgrimage place.

"Hey, you're here. Did your practice go well today?"

Anaining, a white-haired man, came out of the cabin. There was a windproof magic barrier on the deck. The high-speed driving still made the white-haired man dance.

"It's not bad," Luo Wei replied with a shrug, "It's better than being pushed to the ground with a high-backed chair and unable to get up."

These days, he has resumed his daily swordsmanship training and has also learned the basic sword skills from Ai Ning. However, whenever Ai Ning's hands feel itchy and he wants to spar with him, Luo Wei's bones feel a dull pain.

"Haha! Don't say that," Anaining came over and patted him, "Isn't this also for you to win the game for me!"

"Yes, yes," Luo Wei was too lazy to argue with her, "So, why did you come out to find me? Let me state in advance that you have already beaten me once in the morning."

" just suddenly occurred to me that I haven't said hello to you specifically about going together."

"Ahhh... I accidentally accidentally... This is the latest tactic I researched. I didn't expect you didn't react!"

"What are you still doing? Hurry up!" Seeing Anaining looking like she was watching a show, Anaining said angrily.

Why did you stay here...

"This time it's true. If I throw you out, I will be punished by drinking the herbal soup made by Ayi!"

I surrender, I surrender.

reason……? It seems like this after coming back from playing at the beach.


But, is it useful?
Luo Wei climbed up from the deck without temper, and Anaining jumped in front of him again and stretched out her hand to him again.

"Haha, don't say that. We have a good relationship."

There was no doubt in her tone. When she said these words, she didn't even look at Vermeer.

In recent days, whether it was because of Shaye's absence, the relationship between the two took a turn for the worse.

I reacted.

In the battleship command room.

Until she suddenly threw him over her shoulder and threw him away.

"The speed exceeds 572 magic air miles per hour, and the magic core utilization rate is 121%!"

However, when he saw her outstretched hand, he took it up defensively. Anaining shook hands with him normally, and everything seemed normal.

"You should have said this before throwing me out for the first time!"

"That's it," Anaining put her hands on her hips confidently as if the timing was perfect, "Please give me more advice in the future!"

Luo Wei frowned deeply.

"Ah, you are here."

Luo Wei looked at her with an inhuman look.

However, although this guy has a good relationship with Lu Yi, the two of them have not been tired of being together every day recently. It is probably because they have visited the battleship all over and the novelty has worn off.

Luo Wei nodded and moved forward, but someone came out of the hatch behind Wei Mier and passed her directly to the front.

Of course, there is also the reason why Ayi Ning started to strictly control her, really... can you also take care of the matter of throwing him out casually?

Ayi Ning: "..."

In the past, Ayi Ning preferred to be with Shaye, as if there was a distance between them and Wei Mier, but it was never obvious. At most, they showed their unwillingness to admit defeat in the hot springs. Now that Shaye is away, Ayi Ning not only has to deal with her own problems, but also has a second-rate sister to worry about, and the two begin to openly confront each other.

"Felica said we're almost there," Vermeer said with a silly smile, "Let's get ready for landing."


When the two people entered the cabin, the remaining two people were still standing at the door without speaking to each other.


I met you again in the floating city, right? The Wuguan City incident has been resolved, and we have driven ten days from the center of the continent to the far north. You just now think of saying hello? ?

Vermeer also came out of the cabin. She was still the same as before. She purchased a large number of useless things from the Crownless City before departure. She said that she would not be the most useless person on the battleship. .


Luo Wei frowned and shook hands with her patiently, for no other reason than that he couldn't beat her.

Luo Wei looked down at their appearance and smiled.

"Since there is no training anymore, don't stay on the deck," Ayi Ning looked at them and said coldly, "Sister, please bring him in."

"Well, come on."

Vermeer: ​​"..."

As for the mistress, although she just wants to be herself, she is not at the mercy of others.

"Ah? Hmm! Oh..." Anaining reacted slowly, "Then let's go, Luo Wei!"

She grabbed his hand and walked quickly this way. As she passed by, Vermeer pursed her lips and took a step back.

"Very good," Lovely sat on the captain's command chair and was very satisfied with the current performance of the Sky Wing. "Since we have contacted you in advance, let's enter the airspace of the Riemann Codex in one go!"

"Got it!!" The knights responsible for various manipulation tasks responded in unison.

Luo Wei shrugged as he looked at the confident way the princess sat on the command chair without touching her feet. Although she looked very arrogant when she was giving orders while sitting on it, she looked really embarrassed when she struggled to climb up before that.

As for Felica, she is not here.

The few times Luo Wei saw her in the past few days was in the battleship restaurant after midnight. Sometimes she could be seen wearing a white coat, drinking coffee there in the middle of the night.

However, thanks to it, this magic warship does have a command system that a ship should have, instead of relying solely on Saiyan's connection power to sail. Although Felica denies human efficiency and operational accuracy, she does not Do not agree that the status of each control post can be replaced.

The snowy scene broke in front of my eyes. Just standing in the command room, I could feel how biting the cold wind was outside, and the white air flow even blocked most of my field of vision.

"Ah hoo! It's so fast!!" Anaining shouted excitedly.

Eluse stood behind her calmly. In addition to Shaye and Athetana, Belle and Ahu Lily also left together.

But it doesn't matter. When they come back from the Code Kingdom, they will be able to see them in the Wailing Valley. If they go to the royal capital, the dog girl will also perform there.

"Lower the flight altitude and slow down in three knots!"

"Yes! Start decelerating!"

Rumble, rumble, rumble - the battleship shook violently, and the windows fell into a white haze of snow, and ice quickly formed.

The Luo Wei people standing in the command room suddenly felt a little unsteady.

But Felica had greeted them in advance, which was normal. Even she couldn't modify all aspects of the battleship in just a few days.

Vermeer: ​​@﹏@
When the shaking subsided, the vision suddenly became clear at a certain node——

Holy, snow-capped mountains.

The frost on the window disappeared at this moment, and what appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a vast expanse of snow-capped mountains with huge height differences in the distance. They were far closer to each other and more crowded than ordinary mountains. People feel the cold and steep terrain.

The theocratic core of this world, the holy city of Riemann in the Riemann Codex Kingdom, is located in the middle of the relatively less steep peaks. It is built with thick white stones with a long-lasting texture, and the style is obviously grand from the ancient god era. It feels like a broken piece of magnificent jewelry scattered in the mountains. At first glance, there is no strict city boundary, but it does not mean that it is not beautiful and dazzling.

Riemann, translated from the ancient divine text, is translated as "Glimmer of Faith".

"Ah... so beautiful..." If anyone was to say who was most interested in coming to the new place, it was undoubtedly Lu Yi. She stood in front of the glass early and made a sound of anticipation with her eyes shining brightly.

"Hmm... I actually came to the Holy City..." Vermeer muttered in a low voice, quickly clasping her hands and praying devoutly, "I won't embarrass the Church of Prayer..."

"Don't worry, haha!" Celie patted her and smiled nonchalantly, "There's no need to be so formal. There aren't always so many rules here, otherwise believers from various churches wouldn't be able to fight every day while walking on the road."

When they noticed the scenery below, the people in the Holy City also raised their heads and noticed the battleship. However, to everyone's surprise, the planned landing site of the Wings of Heaven was already surrounded by members of the major churches. It can be seen from the clothes he wears that almost half of the churches in the Holy City have sent people here.

"Welcome, welcome, Your Highness the Fifth Princess of the Lion Garden Kingdom."

After arriving on the ground, when Lovely led everyone off the battleship, they immediately received an unexpected welcome.

Lovely quickly figured out the reason.

She closed her eyes, and then showed the magnanimity and etiquette that a princess of a country should have, and said humbly: "I am honored to visit the holy city of the Kingdom of God that guards the far north of the continent. Thank you for your welcome. As a member of the Lion Garden Kingdom, I am not enough As a member of the Tao, I am flattered. If you don’t mind, I hope to give you some small gifts from the Lion Garden as a thank you.”

"Your Highness, Fifth Princess, you're welcome..." Seeing the knights unloading the supplies prepared in advance from the battleship in an orderly manner, Luo Wei was not worried at all that something might go wrong.

Although it was a temporary decision, the performance of the princess in this regard is indeed commendable, and she has done careful homework in advance - Riemann is in an extremely cold zone and has a shortage of supplies. He has prepared the local specialties of Shiyuan, which will undoubtedly help him. Deepen your connections with each other.

In the past, there were no royal families from the royal world visiting this holy city.

But it is obvious that all the major churches have smelled the recent unrest on the mainland.


Vermeer hid behind and didn't dare to come out.

Faquan Church, Yangyan Church, Tianguang Church, Sun Church, Qingyue Church...even people from the Military Temple came...

Although this holy city was originally the ruins of the ancient gods, it is now undoubtedly the territory ruled by the present gods. The Sun God and the Military God are both first-level gods in the present gods camp. The Water Goddess is a second-level god in the manifest god camp, and there are seven or eight strong men of the same level as Celis here. It's not surprising that the little boy is nervous.

But you don’t have to be so timid.

He has obviously said hello to the might of the God of War so close.

Woohoo...I must be the most embarrassing saint here...I'm going to be embarrassed soon!

The situation that Vermeer was worried about would not happen. After a few brief exchanges of pleasantries, the representatives of the Codex State Council invited the five princesses and their entourage to stay at the Saint-Proche Palace. This was already the highest level of hospitality for guests in the Holy City. In the past, they often Only the head of a country in the royal world can enjoy this treatment.

This process was not as easy as expected. Under the protection of the Holy See Army, I sat in a carriage sent by the Council and took a rough look at the big and small streets in the city. After arriving at the palace, I encountered special visits from various churches. , there are even some neutral or even dark camp church forces.

I didn’t see the Yinshen Sect.

Otherwise, Luo Wei might be able to test the situation of the Black Saint Sheila. Although he had confirmed the situation of the little girl before leaving Crownless City, he was still as reckless and sensitive as before.

After dealing with the visiting church forces one by one, and the sky gradually bid farewell to daylight, the girls' plan to have fun was ruined as soon as they arrived in the Holy City.

"I didn't expect diplomacy to be so tiring..." complained Krosi. Although she knew that it was Lovely who was handling the whole process, it was the first time she encountered such tiring just waiting.

"Woo... Luyi wants to play outside!"

"Go tomorrow!"

Luo Wei looked at Ayi Ning whose tone was unquestionable and curled his lips.

You guy, must be possessed by Shaye.

At dinner time, everyone tasted the sumptuous delicacies from Riemann. The lamb soup re-boiled with dried meat has a strong snowy flavor. You can feel the warm and revitalizing comfort in the broth. There is another kind of delicious essence that is locked in the ice and melts directly in the mouth, which is endless aftertaste.

"It's delicious! Hechihechihechi..."

Lu Yi temporarily forgot her worries while cooking, but within two days she would realize that she had been deceived. There was basically nothing but dried meat here, and what they were eating now was already the best-stored batch.

Another thing I have to mention is that the wine in the snow is really strong.

"Ha-huh! What a refreshing drink!" Anaining said calmly.

"That's right!" Celis also agreed with her, "The wine here can be regarded as the best in the mainland."

"Then I don't agree," Anaining laughed and said, "I have drunk a lot of better wine than this in the East!"

"Oh? Really! It seems like I must go to the East if I have the chance!"

Luo Wei chewed the chewy bacon strips and had no intention of getting drunk with them. Located in the cold zone of the far north of the mainland, everything here seemed to be against the harsh and dangerous environment. The so-called customs, probably That’s how it was conceived.

After dinner, Celis and Anaining were still drinking. Anaining was drunk by her sister until she was dizzy. Luo Wei did not intend to hand over all the defense responsibilities to the Holy See Army. It was the most difficult thing to do on the first day in a place like this. It was better not to take it lightly, so he stayed awake and almost took the initiative to stay by Lovely's side.

And the other side.

Vermeer, who was already nervous about tomorrow's trip, decided to relax in the bathhouse specially set up for women in the palace in order to relieve herself.


It really didn't come in handy today...

Wrapped in a bath towel, I carefully walked into the steaming bathtub. The moment my toes touched it, I felt a rather hot water temperature. It took me several attempts to get used to it, and I slowly walked down and soaked in it.

The warm water soothed her nerves. If nothing else happened, in addition to visiting the city tomorrow, she would also go to the church headquarters to greet her. It was definitely not a casual occasion.

I was so nervous today that I didn’t take a closer look at the unusual places in this city...

I remember that although Riemann is an independent country, it actually only has one city, the Holy City. The rare flat land is often a few contact outposts, and scattered in the surrounding snowy mountains, there are often only some small settlements of the Ascetic Church.

But it is indeed a very ceremonial city.

Lovely is indeed very powerful... able to calmly handle the visits from many forces.

She was thinking about various things in her mind. The temperature of the water stimulated her skin and blood, making her slowly show an expression of enjoyment and slid back to lie down.

"'s a bit hot, but it's very relaxing once you get used to it."

She lamented to herself.

However, there was a response from the other side.

"Indeed, isn't it?" Eluse said quietly.


Vermeer almost drowned with a splash. She didn't notice the other person's existence at all, and she didn't even know when she came in.

"Boiling stones from the volcanoes in the southern part of the continent," Eluse said, lying on the other side of the bath with her eyes closed. "Although the environment here is harsh, they will still think of ways to entertain guests."

"Uh... um..." Vermeer tugged on the towel at a loss. In fact, this was the first time she was alone with Elise like this.

She is always far away and close, and always seems to give people an incomprehensible mystery.

"But, it's a pity that Felica and Saya stayed on the battleship and couldn't come together," Vermeer tried to talk, "Would you like to invite them tomorrow?"

"Haha... you should worry about yourself first," Eluse said. "With so many theocratic eyes watching, you will be nervous tomorrow even if you do nothing."


I always feel like I'm being seen through.

Vermeer couldn't deny this, but after all, everyone came here because of her, so she still wanted to show her courage.

And there was something... that had been accumulating in her heart these days.

"That..." Wei Mier summoned up the courage to say. If possible, she hopes to solve it before accepting the saint's ceremony. "Is there something I can ask you for advice?"

"Do you want to say... about what happened between you and Ayi Ning?" Yilusi looked at her secretly.


Vermeer was stunned.

How could she even know this?

"Do you still need to watch?" Eluse didn't look at her, stretching her arms and lying down. "The little cute angel is not here, and the black-haired sister has to fight alone with you. As for whether it is for Her heartless sister, haha... Then I don’t know.”


Sure enough, it can be seen.

"But having said that," Eluse opened her eyes and looked at her again, "you really think about Luo Wei all the time."

"Hehe..." Vermeer smiled a little proudly.

Eluse slowly closed her eyes and shook her head slightly on the spot.


But what she was a little interested in was, in this case, what kind of help did she want to seek from herself?
"Tell me," Elus made a listening gesture, glanced at her and said, "Since you have asked sincerely, what do you want to ask me?"

This suddenly made Vermeer come to her senses.

In her opinion, Ayi Ning's cold and refined temperament could only compete with Yi Lusi's mysterious aura.

"I want to know if there is any way to please him!" Vermeer said with anticipation.


Eluse slowly typed a question mark.

this kind of thing.

What are you asking me for?
(End of this chapter)

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