Chapter 425: Events Begin

On a morning in Liriman, the group was having breakfast in the palace, and Vimir and Ayining's behavior became very abnormal.

"Um... please..."

"No, you go first..."

The two people seemed to become very humble and polite on all kinds of issues, to an abnormal level of politeness.

Ilus drank her tea with a calm smile, Luyi and Klosie smacked their lips, watching the show in confusion, and Anan kept moving his hands and mouth, looking at them as if nothing had happened.

As for Lovelli...Lovelli was still asleep after dealing with official documents all night last night.

"Well, I have something to say." Ananing suddenly wiped her mouth and raised her hand calmly.

The two men who were being humble stopped and looked at her.

"W-what?" Ayining asked in a daze.

"Ayi, you've been very suspicious these past two days!" Ananing suddenly looked at them with a pretentious expression.

"What...I don't have anything! Nothing!"

Ayining was obviously panicking, but no matter what, she didn't want to suffer again because of the fight with Vimir. Rather than suffering herself, it would be better to let the other party have it to herself...!
The same went for Vimir. She was caught off guard by the other party's sudden politeness.

She didn't even know what happened that night.
The two reconciled in a bizarre way, which did seem a bit magical to the other people, but it was within Luo Wei's expectations. As he said, everything would be fine if they just slept together.

Today is their last day in Lehman.

According to the planned schedule, they have been given as much time as possible. If they stay any longer, their plan to go to the Lion Garden Capital may be affected, as the war with Senkamanda is about to begin.

"Finish the final touches and prepare to return." Luo Wei said coldly as he stood up from his chair.

"Ah, so cunning!" An Ning chased after him, "Do you know something? Tell me quickly!"

The two of them walked out of the hall together.

Looking at their backs, Ayining breathed a sigh of relief. Her sister didn't seem to think about it at all.

But what surprised her was——

Why did their relationship seem to become closer after this?


First Prayer Church.

After returning the coat of arms of the library and obtaining the approval for the Holy Maiden's Pilgrimage, Vimir saluted the priestess in charge, officially ending her one-month study of the secret technique.

"Thanks for your trouble! I learned a lot!"

"No way, Saint Lady, this growth depends on your own efforts."

When Vimiel first came into contact with magic as a child, she had guessed about the endless possibilities of magic, but due to her limited knowledge, this guess only existed in fantasy. Now, after reading so much of the church's secret knowledge about magic, she discovered that there was a vast ocean above it. Even the goddess magic used by the Purification Court, probably to enable the members to bear the burden brought by magic, had only just touched the superficial part of this ocean.

Her magic has no such limitations.

If she is given enough time to study, she might be able to create her own spells like the goddess.

After meeting up with Luo Wei and others who were waiting on the side, they did not see Liyalan who had been so busy that she disappeared in the church, but unexpectedly ran into Cecil who had returned from the front line to pack her things.

"It looks like my vacation is over," Celis complained to them helplessly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for about half a year after going to the bottom of the Black Abyss this time."

"Half a year..."

Vimir and Ayining expressed surprise to each other. Because of this situation, she would have to stay in such a dangerous underground environment for half a year?

Luo Wei standing by also showed an expression of admiration.

As expected of one of the most outstanding second-level gods, she actually believed that with her own strength, she could return from that place in just half a year.

"Do you have any hobbies when you are bored?" he suddenly walked up and asked.

"Hobbies? Does rolling dice count?" Cecil looked at him in confusion.

"Then remember to bring a few more."


Celis and Rowe looked at each other, then suddenly came up and grabbed him by the neck.

"You know something, kid," she said with a smile on her face, pressing Luo Wei's head tightly under her arm, "From what you said, it seems like I won't be able to come back for ten or twenty years."

"Everything depends on human effort, everything depends on human effort..." Luo Wei was sweating profusely and had no power to resist, "You have to believe in yourself."

Celis clapped her hands and let him go.

“Forget it,” she said without any concern, “Even if this is the case, we still have to go, otherwise we won’t be able to explain it to the other second-level gods.”

"I've always wanted to ask..." Vimir hesitated uncertainly. Seeing that Luo Wei didn't stop her, she continued, "What is inside that black abyss?"

"Who knows? Sometimes you can see the starry sky in there, sometimes the people around you go crazy without knowing it, and sometimes you can see strange monsters that control the rules, as well as the overwhelming black tide of divine power. If it were that easy to figure out, it wouldn't be a big trouble that has left the gods helpless since the ancient times."

Without waiting for them to think, Celis waved and turned around.

"You also have tasks to complete, right?" She said calmly, turning her back. "See you next time. Don't die easily out there. I'm still waiting for you to take me to experience all kinds of interesting things."

Under the gaze of Rowe and the others, Celis waved her hand and left in a carefree manner.

"She deliberately spoke so hastily, maybe she didn't want us to interfere." Ayining said with pursed lips.

"Haha... Knowing your own abilities is also an important trait," Irus laughed faintly and turned her gaze to Luo Wei. "People who see through this from the beginning are more suspicious."

"Really? I didn't see that," Luo Wei responded calmly, "Maybe I should follow the guidance of my heart."


At this moment, Anan Ning, who had been having a sense of déjà vu, suddenly remembered something and shouted loudly in the direction of Celis from a distance:

"Don't forget to bring Senbi!!"

Several people:"……"

She was probably... remembering the experience of being exiled by Urs.

After leaving the Prayer Church, they found Krosi and Lovely in the city respectively. After waiting for them to finish their respective affairs, the group started to return in the direction of the Sky Wing.

Walking on the streets of the Holy City, the few people's hands were filled with gifts given to Krosi by the craftsmen, and the residents who had received help from the princess along the way also came out to see them off. Although they did not stay for long, they still won the enthusiasm of this far northern city with their actions.

Even Luo Wei wanted to complain. This was much more popular than when he was in the No Crown City.


Even so, Loveli, who was at the front, seemed a little dull.

After the leaders of various churches rushed to the scene of the Black Abyss, the Holy City gradually returned to peace. However, she was the one who had the most contact with all parties in the past month. She might have noticed the intricate connections buried beneath the calm.

——The Hooffire Empire and the Lion Court Kingdom jointly invaded the Valais Mountain United States;
——The Military Temple and the Cathedral of the Origin of All Things are marching southward in a big way;
——The Holy City of Lehman encountered an unprecedented black abyss crisis.

Add to that the possibility that there are still people who haven’t received the news, and it’s hard to imagine that these major events happened almost at the same time, and there’s a feeling that things are starting to get moving.

The course of history seems to be driven by a certain force.

Luo Wei walked forward and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t doubt the path you’re taking.”

Lovell looked at him with a little surprise, but soon returned to her usual expression.

Then she turned back disdainfully, raised her hands, and responded to the crowd with her signature smile.

Under the gaze of the residents of the Holy City, the group returned to the helipad of the Sky Wing. Felicia, who had not been seen for a long time, handed over the command of the battleship at the entrance, and then went back to her room to sleep.

God knows how many sleepless nights she has stayed up this month.

However, thanks to her, the performance of the battleship has been upgraded again. According to those incomprehensible theories she said, it only takes five days for the Sky Wing to enter the Lion Garden.

Sitting in the captain's high-back chair, Lovely looked at the white snow scene outside the window and slowly placed her hand on the armrest.

"We are still a very weak force now, but the arrangements we have made all along will finally come in handy."

She stretched out a hand and waved it forward.

"Prepare to set sail, return to Lion Garden and reunite with Atetana to clear the obstacles for the next operation!"

As the warship gradually rose into the air, the light of the Holy City began to sink, and the Vatican army marching towards the Black Abyss on the snowy plains gradually faded from sight.

Everyone who re-landed on the battleship gathered on the bridge.

"Speaking of which..." Looking out the window, Vimir couldn't help but wonder, "Has Saya returned to the tribe to wait for us?"

"Eh?" Anan Ning seemed quite surprised. "So the angel is back?"

"elder sister……"

With this incident as a trigger, the cabin quickly returned to its usual chatty atmosphere.


In the southern part of the continent, near Senkamanda, Mach Hills.

An unknown village.

The forest bandits who had just looted the place had no time to retreat before they were met by the Zeyan army that rushed in.

The two sides confronted each other in the open space, and then both the villagers and the robbers were robbed.

Upon hearing about this, Elida rushed there immediately. Not seeing any corpses along the way, she quickly found the center of the square - there, Nejie, in a long green dress, was squatting in front of a wooden stake, personally untying the tied up bandit leader.

"Don't do this kind of thing again, okay?"

"Yes Yes!"

The bandit leader got up with lingering fear, and fled in panic without waiting for the ropes on his body to be completely freed. On the way, he glanced at Elida who was coming towards him with horror.

Elida's eyes immediately turned cold.

"Oh," Nejie saw her stand up, looking spotless like a goddess descending from heaven, "What's wrong?"

Elida did not answer immediately. Instead, she watched the marshland people take away items from the villagers' homes and take away cattle and sheep. The villagers could only watch at the door with their children, and dared not say anything.

"Why did you let him go?" Elida asked.

"Are you asking about the leader I just freed? These bandits are desperate," Nejie replied, "Why should we kill them all?"

Elida frowned and glanced at her.

She had no expectations of the style of these pagans who relied on burning, killing and looting. Since she didn't see any dead bodies along the way, she thought she had recruited these useless people. Unexpectedly, the result was even more outrageous than she thought.

"Do you call yourself righteous?" Elida said coldly, "It's your army that's looting the village now. Taking away all the supplies from these people is no different from killing them."

"I saved their lives," Nejie smiled. "Without the supplies, the villagers won't have to worry about the bandits coming back to rob them. The bandits can also survive. Isn't that what everyone should be satisfied with?"

The other party's unpredictable tone made Elida doubt whether she really thought so.

Are you kidding me?
She raised her face from under her long light blonde hair and looked at the other person sternly.

"We'll reach the border of the war after crossing the hilly road. I don't want to waste time on these things."

"As you wish, Lady Saint." Nejie squatted down and bowed with a smile.

Saint Xiaoguang did not respond to her.

She turned and left, ignoring the looks cast at her by the lowly people in the camp, and looked forward with cold eyes.

The cooperative relationship with Saint Qinyin is just a temporary one.

No matter what the outcome is, she will sweep across the entire continent to prove her worth.

And when Elida left——

Ne Jie turned around and looked at the bewildered villagers, then nodded to her subordinates.


"What happens next is very important to me, so I can't let you guys know about it."

A girl in a turquoise dress and with a harmless look on her face walked on the blood-stained soil.


(End of this chapter)

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