Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 203 Ayutthaya Unconditional Surrender

Chapter 203 Ayutthaya Unconditional Surrender (Please Subscribe!)
Pan Aqiang originally thought that the Guards could finally make another bayonet charge today, but it turned out to be a dead end.

Now Ah Qiang still doesn't understand the power of the button rifle. After getting used to the flintlock, he fell in love with the bayonet charge instead.

Although Daming’s flintlock guns are easy to use and tactics are good, but no tactics are as good as charging to 20 meters with the bullets, and then everyone shoots in the face, one shot solves the problem, and the rest is to charge with bayonets... …

If Zhu Kezang knew what Pan Aqiang was thinking, he would definitely say: Bullets are fools, bayonets are heroes!
At this time, the Ayutthaya army was terrified by Daming's firearms, and the whole army fell into chaos, and they didn't dare to turn back to resist. Anyone who dared to turn back would immediately fall into the attack of the crowd of Daming's servants.

Ayutthaya's army was beaten into pieces. Facing the Ming army's incomparably powerful firearms attack, even the powerful elephant soldiers were no different from tofu cubes.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the Ayutthaya army at this time could no longer organize an effective defense.

They only had one thought left, and that was to flee back to the city with all their might!
There is one thing to say, these Siamese are not very good at fighting, but they are good at running for their lives.

In order to escape for their lives, they discarded all the equipment on their bodies and ran across the ground naked!
Relying on the elephant soldiers to break the back and throw away their helmets and armors, they escaped a lot of vitality.

The Ayutthaya army had retreated back to the city, and the task of cleaning the battlefield could only be handed over to the Ming army. Zhu Kezang ordered the soldiers to pack up the enemy's corpses, together with the horses and elephants, and set them on fire.

King Nalai Bashatong saw that Daming had suspended the siege, so he asked his subordinates to count the casualties.

The number of casualties startled Nalai Bashatong. The decisive battle with Ming Dynasty took only half a day. Including infantry, cavalry, and elephant soldiers, the army suffered more than [-] casualties!
In fact, there were no wounded soldiers, and all the wounded soldiers were killed by Daming's servants.

Of the 6 elite guarding the capital, there are now less than [-] left, and all of them have become frightened birds.

Looking at the generals who looked like plague chickens, he felt as if he had knocked over the five-flavored bottle, "How about the casualties of the Ming army?"

"Your Majesty..." The generals wriggled their lips, how could they know the casualties of the Ming army.

"Send someone to talk to the people of Daming, as long as they withdraw their troops now, we Ayutthaya will never collect tax from Daming's merchant ships from now on, and we will also pay tribute to Daming every year, and we will pay as much as the compensation! "

Nalai Bashatong knew very well that even though his capital had not been breached, his chances of winning were very slim. The powerful firearms of the Ming army were not something they could beat.

He didn't want to fight this battle with the Ming army.

The envoy who came back from Johor told him about Da Ming's conditions. It seems that Da Ming didn't want to destroy the Ayutthaya dynasty, but just wanted them to be vassals.

Grit your teeth and accept it.

But you can't show the bottom line so quickly, let's stretch it first, after all, you have to bargain when buying vegetables in the market, and you can't accept your fate too quickly for this kind of national event!

Not to mention that the possibility of holding it is very small. Even if they hold it, the Ayutthaya army will surely suffer heavy casualties. At that time, they will still have a strong enemy to face. The Toungoo people in the northwest have always been their sworn enemy.

With the order of Nalai Prashatong, the generals present were relieved and survived!
Soon, some envoys from Ayutthaya also hurried towards the Ming army's position.

"It's come to this point, is it just a tributary country?"

After hearing what the envoy said, Zhu Kezang couldn't help snorting immediately, thought for a while and said: "Go back and tell your king, wait for me to enter Ayutthaya City, and then I will have a good talk with you. Thinking of that time, he should know exactly what mistake he made."

After saying this, after Ayutthaya's envoy returned, Zhu Kezang directly ordered the Polu Cannon to fire, giving King Narai a blow.

Boom boom boom.
Following Zhu Kezang's order, more than 500 artillery pieces fired almost simultaneously at the artillery position of the Guards, and the rumbling roar resounded through the field.

The artillery fired furiously, billowing gunpowder smoke, one after another, the roaring shells fell towards the walls and the city of Ayutthaya like rain.

Suddenly, there were countless screams on the city wall,
Dense artillery shells roared in the sky, including solid shells and explosive shells. Wherever they went, the city walls were in a mess, and there were ruins everywhere.

Some shells fell into the city, and in an instant, wooden Buddhist temples were destroyed in an instant.

The Ayutthaya soldiers in the city silently prayed to the Buddha in their hearts, while constantly cursing the Ming army, and at the same time terrified, for fear that a shell would fall on their heads.

Nalai Bashatong on the city wall was frightened to death by Daming's firepower. Under the protection of the guards, he evacuated the city wall urgently and found a place to hide.

For Ayutthaya, the only good news is that the Ming army does not seem to be ready to attack the city!

Although the cannonballs are powerful, you can still survive if you hide in a pit. If the ferocious Da Ming soldiers come in, you will die!
This bombing lasted for two full hours!

If Prime Minister Chen Yonghua was here, he would definitely feel sorry for Daming's little money. After all, when the cannon was fired, ten thousand taels of gold, behind Daming's ferocious firepower, was the payment of countless silver!

Under such firepower, the area near the city wall was completely turned into ruins.

Those magnificent Buddhist temples and bustling streets no longer exist.

Zhu Kezang used a telescope to observe the situation in the capital of Ayutthaya, and was very satisfied with the effect.

Just waste some money and give the opponent a good lesson. This is an asymmetrical war!

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Zhu Kezang ordered: "Stop shelling!"

"Qiangzi, send someone to ask King Ayutthaya on the opposite side, and ask him if he knows where he is wrong?" Zhu Kezang said with a smile. If you are still alive, you will definitely come out and admit your mistakes.

After defeating the Ayutthaya army and bombing their capital fiercely, let Narai Bashatong know how powerful it is, and then it is time to solve the problem at the negotiating table.

It was broken, Zhu Kezang suddenly realized that the firepower was too strong just now, in case Nalai Bashatong died, who would compensate Daming for the loss at that time!

Careless, I hope he doesn't die.

Fortunately, Nalai Bashatong was still alive and strong. When the envoy of Daming came to him, he was relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

Daming's willingness to negotiate means that even at this point, Daming still doesn't want to destroy himself!

"Respected Envoy of the Shang Kingdom, please tell Daming Son that Xiao Wang knows he is wrong and is willing to accept all conditions of Daming!"

(End of this chapter)

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