Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 250 Cavalry vs Cavalry, Iron Blood Hedging

Chapter 250 Cavalry vs Cavalry, Iron Blood Hedging (Subscribe!)
Seeing this scene, Huang Qing couldn't help laughing and said: "Zhao Liangdong is not stupid. He knows that the artillery of the Ming Dynasty is too great a threat to Kunming City, so he did not hesitate to send elite cavalry out of the city to fight, but also to destroy our artillery."

Indeed, if Daming's artillery is not destroyed, the fall of Kunming City is only a matter of time.

On Daming's side, Huang Qing, Chen Mengwei and other officers did not have any fear, and they were not at all worried that the cavalry of the Qing army would cause damage to the artillery of the Ming Dynasty.

Because it is impossible for the artillery of the Ming Dynasty to be placed outside alone, the artillery must be protected by a large number of infantry.

On both sides and rear of the artillery, Huang Qing deployed infantry guards, and not far from the artillery position, he also sent cavalry to guard its flanks from a distance.

The artillerymen of the Guards responded immediately. Originally, the artillerymen had packed up and turned around. However, when the cavalry of the Qing army left the city to fight, the artillerymen immediately turned around to deploy mortars, and adjusted the elevation angle of the muzzles to aim at the cavalry rushing over. Keep firing bombs.

The training of the Guards artillery is excellent, and even when they are retreating, they are always ready to go back and fight.

In this case, even if the shot is not accurate, the Qing cavalry will cause damage, unless it is outrageously crooked. After all, the flower bomb itself is considered a range attack.

The artillery fire roared, and a large number of explosive shells were fired, directly knocking down a group of Qing cavalry who were charging forward. The Qing cavalry was still charging, but the speed had slowed down and became hesitant.

The artillery fired a round of flowering shells and stopped firing, because the Guards cavalry on both sides of them who were responsible for protecting their work also appeared on the scene.

The cavalry of the fifth town are basically cuirassiers. They are equipped with flintlock pistols, wear relatively simple but protective breastplates, and fight with sabers or spears. shape.

The artillery of the Guards stopped firing, just to prevent accidental injury to friendly troops.

The cavalry from the Fifth Guards Town rushed up like a whirlwind and directly collided with the cavalry of the Qing army.

Zhao Liangdong's subordinates didn't have any banner men, they were all green battalion soldiers. Many of the cavalry in this battalion were veterans from Zhao Liangdong and Shaanxi all the way to today. The Great Ming Guards armed with spectacle buff and advanced military training.

Even if there are no ideas and wonders, this team has been trained in a new way, and accepts the ideological education of the emperor's trainers, coupled with various spiritual inspirations and calls for interests, so that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty Guards are different from the old-fashioned, not too much Combat forces are completely different!
This is a real tiger wolf division.

Zhao Liangdong's cavalry saw it most clearly!
They could clearly see that the faces of the Ming army cavalry rushing towards them were calm and determined, as well as reckless and murderous.

They have never seen such a terrifying cavalry. Even the elites of the Eight Banners in the past only had a sense of bravery, but they did not have the chilling and unshakable power .

The guard cavalry smashed into the cavalry formation of the Qing army like a sledgehammer, or the Qing army hit a hard rock like an egg!
The cavalry of the Ming Guards brandished their knives and guns, and kept killing the cavalry of the Qing army.

Although Zhao Liangdong's elite cavalry had been used to fighting for so many years, they could only be defeated steadily against the guard cavalry with higher morale and more discipline.

The fighting between the cavalry of the two sides lasted only 10 minutes, and the cavalry of the Qing army was completely defeated. They cried and wanted to retreat to the city of Kunming.

However, the Qing army guarding the city had already closed the city gate. These cavalry wanted to enter the city, but they were chased back by the Qing army defenders on the city with bows and arrows.

At this point, even Zhao Liangdong was very distressed, but he definitely did not dare to open the city gate. The enemy cavalry on the opposite side were too fierce. If they rushed into the city, I am afraid they could really break out of the situation!
Because as long as they occupy this city gate, the Ming army, which is still superior in strength, will enter the city in an endless stream. Then the designation of Kunming City will not be kept, and it is hard to say whether they will live or die.

"Many of them are brothers who followed me from Shaanxi back then!" Zhao Liangdong said heartbrokenly, but he still closed the gate of the city tightly and did not do any rescue.

Seeing that the friendly army was dying, the defeated cavalry of the Qing army did not dare to turn back to deal with the guards, so they fled in all directions, and some were smart enough to throw away their weapons, dismount their horses and surrender.

After the guards finished clearing up the situation, more than 500 elite cavalrymen in Zhao Liangdong's hands were killed, more than 400 surrendered, and 500 fled directly.

All the soldiers of the Qing army who were watching this scene on the city wall were in mourning!

In front of them is the gap in all directions. The infantry is not as good as others, the artillery is not as good as others, and the most proud cavalry is not as good as others.

"Is such an army still human?" Many people who witnessed this battle couldn't help asking such questions in their hearts.

After clearing the battlefield, Huang Qing also announced that the army had begun to rest and wait for orders before continuing to attack the city.

On the first day of the siege of Kunming, the whole city was shrouded in gloom.

Up and down the whole city, everyone is trembling and feeling like sitting on pins and needles.

Even the ordinary people in Kunming were terrified. After all, the outbreak of the war was traumatic for them. They and their relatives might die in the war, or lose all their property and become refugees.

Even in Kunming city, because of Jinyiwei's activities, many common people know that it is Daming who has come back to attack Kunming city!
But even if they have a heart for Daming, most ordinary people still value their own wealth and life. Maybe they may be inclined to Ming to rule them, but everyone does not want to face war. They are the ones who suffer.

Prosperity, the people suffer, and the dead people suffer.

Seeing that the hateful Ming army on the opposite side stopped shelling, Zhao Liangdong immediately asked his men to start repairing the city wall.

As a result, that night, Huang Qing sent artillery to the city of Kunming to continue bombarding the city wall, and all the efforts of the Qing army to repair the city wall came to naught.

After that, Huang Qing ordered the artillery to bombard the Kunming City Wall from time to time every day, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and even at night.

After a few days in a row, the city walls of Kunming have been blasted to pieces. The defenders of Kunming City are even very repulsed by the defense of the upper city walls, because they never know when the enemy on the opposite side will start shelling. They may be about to suffer.

Therefore, every time they went to the city to be on duty, it was a life-and-death lottery for the soldiers of the Qing army.

Everyone in the city knew that it was only a matter of time before the city was destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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