Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 27 Rescue Operation

Chapter 27 Rescue Operation
The young man Wang Yang, who was given high hopes by His Highness Jian Guo, lived up to his trust and rushed back all the way, even carrying a big wild boar back to Dongning Military Academy to give everyone extra meals.

This big wild boar stunned the little brothers in the youth camp.

"Hey, Lao Wang, didn't you go to be an envoy to that Xipu Society? Why did you go hunting?" Pan Aqiang asked suspiciously.

As soon as Ah Qiang asked, Wang Yang couldn't help but start bragging about his achievements. Dozens of wild boars were wiped out in an instant while talking and laughing.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Old Wang, you didn't lie to us, did you? It sounds a bit mysterious to me." Ah Qiang couldn't help telling the truth.

"Qiangzi, if you don't believe me, you can ask the brothers who went with me. Everything is true and there is no exaggeration." Wang Yang looked like he could believe it or not. He felt that although there were elements of embellishment, it was not exaggerated.

"Qiangzi, believe it or not, the Xipu Society has already been overwhelmed by the bravery of our youth camp."

"As for me, I'll write a report on the situation first, and when His Highness comes down tomorrow morning, I'll go ask for credit. You have to work hard, don't let me surpass you in the evaluation of outstanding students when you graduate." Wang Yang was already swollen.

"Yangzi, don't be complacent, it's just a fan club. Don't envy me when I overturn the Eight Banners and go straight to Huanglong like Grandpa Yue." Ah Qiang also refused to admit defeat.

"Anyway, I got the first combat exploit first."

"Shooting wild boars counts as military exploits? It's not wild boar skins." Qiangzi, who had been educated by Zheng Kezang's history, already knew that Nurhachi's name in the Qing Dynasty meant wild boar skins.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't count until His Highness says it doesn't matter." Wang Yang began to twist his tongue.

While the two were quarreling, the setting sun was already hanging in the air, like a disc, it shone on the faces of the youth camp students, their faces seemed to be plated with gold, and then night fell .

next day
"Good job, Xiaoyang, among other things, this wild boar tastes really good." Zheng Kezang, who was gnawing on Chaoshan stewed pig's feet, said slowly.

Ming Zheng had a lot of immigrants from Chaozhou Prefecture, and Zheng Kezang, a classic Chaoshan lo mei, is very fond of it.

Because when he worked hard on the construction site in his previous life, his favorite thing was to have a bowl of Longjiang pork knuckle rice, enjoying the soft, salty, sweet, greasy flesh and hamstrings, and the hot rice is even better!
"His Royal Highness Jianguo has given the award, and it is mainly for His Royal Highness's god detonator. Otherwise, we would not have a chance to make meritorious deeds, and we might all be crushed to death by wild boars." Wang Yang said modestly.

When it comes to meritorious service, Zheng Kezang also recalled it a bit, and put down the Chaoshan stewed pig's foot in his hand, "Okay, Xiaoyang, so you want to ask for meritorious service. Don't worry, you are indispensable. Your principal will reward and punish you the most." It's clear."

"Also, in the military academy, you can just call me the principal. How many times have I said that, but I still can't change it."

"Yes, principal! This is the detailed report of my mission, please have a look at it." Upon hearing Zheng Kezang's promise, Wang Yang felt as if he had been beaten to death.

Zheng Kezang carefully read the report written by Wang Yang and fell into deep thought.

"Call Ah Qiang over here, and I'll give you a task."

"Obey, Headmaster!"

This time, dysentery in Xipu Community is on the rise. If you want to save Xipu Community, in addition to allicin, you must also take some necessary anti-epidemic measures.

In short, medicine alone is useless, and human help is needed.

Soon, Ah Qiang came to Zheng Kezang.

"Ah Qiang, you go to the surrounding areas of Dongning Mansion to recruit some young, practical and capable young people, about 100 people, five hundred cash a month, food and housing included, and one tael a month for those who know some medical skills."

Zheng Kezang swiped his pen on the desk, "Okay, take my instructions and go to the Huangxun team to help recruit people."

"In addition, you should check this group of people carefully. If you perform well, you will recruit them into the Dongning Military Academy as the second batch of students. It just so happens that the military academy's new camp is about to be built." Zheng Kezang urged.

"Yes, principal!" Ah Qiang has strong execution ability, and after receiving the instruction from the supervisor and principal Zheng Kezang, he quickly slipped away.

Turning his head, Zheng Kezang said to Wang Yang seriously: "As for you, Xiaoyang, you are responsible for finding some people who understand the local language. Your task is the most important, do you know?"

"Principal, am I not only responsible for communicating with the Fanren, is it a very important task?"

"No, your task is to teach the Fan people of the Xipu Society to speak Mandarin and let them integrate into us."

"In addition, you have another task, which is to organize some people from other countries as volunteers to help us with our work. It just so happens that you teach these people to speak Mandarin first." Zheng Kezang had an idea.

"Principal, what is a volunteer?" Wang Yang didn't understand this term, he was too advanced.

"It's just that you don't need to give money to help. Think about it, we pay money and work hard to treat their diseases, and they also have to do a little bit."

In order to let him understand, Zheng Kezang used the word volunteer a bit vulgarly. In fact, a real volunteer refers to a person who voluntarily provides services and assistance to others based on conscience, belief and responsibility, without material rewards.

"Understood, principal."

"Principal, I have a little doubt and I want to ask you something."

"If you have any doubts, let's ask together, and then go to implement the work as soon as possible." If you have a question, it means you are thinking. Zheng Kezang still recognizes this attitude.

"Can you recruit female volunteers?" Wang Yang said shyly.

"Well, you brat, no wonder you hesitated for a long time. You don't think you have a fancy for a woman from a foreign country?" Zheng Kezang pretended to be angry.

"No, principal, this is not to find some girls to help, so that the brothers can work more actively." Wang Yang quickly explained, although the explanation was very unconvincing.

Men and women are matched, and work is not tiring. Zheng Kezang believes that the power of women is also needed to rebuild the glory of Ming Dynasty.

To build a new Ming Dynasty or a new China in the future, we must encourage them to untie their shackles and participate in production.

"It's possible, but you have to restrain your brothers and don't mess around, otherwise you will be questioned." Zheng Kezang believes that there should not be many beautiful girls in Xipu Society, but he has been in the army for three years and a sow is better than Diaochan. Nor should we let our guard down.

Zheng Kezang believed that the Xipu Society was already in his pocket, and he could not let the youth camp make mistakes, so as not to be evil with the Xipu Society.

"Of course, Xiaoyang, if it's voluntary, it's another count." Now Mingzheng has a population of about 20. Zheng Kezang still needs to encourage everyone to have more children in order to contribute to the rise of Mingzheng.

"You can recruit as many as you can, recruit more young people, forget about the old ones, they can't learn Mandarin, go get busy, and wait for your good news."

"Yes! Principal!"

(End of this chapter)

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