Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 282 True Confucianism Wonder Primary School Textbook

Chapter 282 True Confucianism Wonder Primary School Textbook (Please subscribe!)
[A spectacle is detected, is it recorded? 】

A system voice suddenly sounded in Zhu Kezang's mind.

"Enter it!" Zhu Kezang was a little speechless, he had been in Yuelu Academy for a long time, and he didn't respond until he was about to leave.

【Recording the spectacle, please wait a moment】

[The entry of the spectacle "Yuelu Academy" is successful, and the system starts to activate the rating mechanism.】

【Evaluation succeeded】

[Name of Wonder: Yuelu Academy]

[Wonder Rating: B-Class]

[Wonderful location: at the foot of Yuelu Mountain on the west bank of the Xiangjiang River in Changsha]

[Introduction to the spectacle: Only Chu has talent, and he is prosperous here.There are endless strings and songs, and behind the stretching courtyard of the college, every brick and wind lotus is shining with the humanistic spirit tempered by time. The true Confucianism and the Huxiang School will merge and prosper here. 】

[Characteristics of Wonders: Propagating Power of True Confucianism Theory in South China +20%]

"It's taking off!"

Fortunately, the triggering of the system is slow, otherwise it probably wouldn't be this BUFF.

Thanks to his sudden speech, he created the buff he needs most now.

Therefore, whoever said that the world is cold and cruel, as long as you have firm beliefs, make full preparations, and maintain a high fighting spirit, the world may unveil its cold veil and show you a bright smile.

The above is what Zhu Kezang thinks in his heart.

After the establishment of the Ming Defense Forces, they were responsible for recovering the provinces in central China, such as Jiangxi, as well as the parts south of Jiangxi, two high-ranking officials in Hubei and Anhui. The most important battle since the restoration of the country.

Before the battle started, Zhu Kezang did something else first.

In late November, autumn in Guangzhou has come, and the wind blowing from the north is obviously a little cooler and colder.

Under the trees on the side of the road, there are a few golden leaves falling, and when the autumn wind blows, they will rise with the wind.

The sunshine has also become much milder, and it is no longer as vicious as summer.

In the Guangzhou No. [-] Primary School in Dongcheng District, there are immature and vigorous reading sounds.

"A strong youth makes the country strong, and a wise youth makes the country wise..."

Under the teacher's citation, the children are reciting aloud.

At present, there are eight primary schools in Guangzhou City, each of which can accommodate 1250 students, and the total number of students is 10000.

Not only that, in the [-] counties of Guangzhou Prefecture, each county is equipped with a primary school as standard.

As for the teaching materials, of course they are exchanged in the system.

What Zhu Kezang exchanged was the elementary school textbooks in the middle of the Republic of China. There were only two books in total: Mandarin and common sense.

Don't just read two books, the Ming Dynasty in the seventeenth century could take off with these two books.

Especially common sense textbooks, all-inclusive.

Combining the four subjects of arithmetic, nature, hygiene, and geography into one general knowledge subject not only facilitates the connection in teaching, but also saves the trouble of using multiple books.

However, the national language subject must have been slightly modified because the ideology of the Republic of China did not meet the needs of Emperor Zhu Kezang's rule.

Opening the "Four-year Complete Chinese Textbook for Elementary Schools in the Ming Dynasty", the opening chapter still has a strong traditional elementary school color.

The first page is a portrait of Confucius, and even this portrait of Confucius has been modified by magic. If there are Confucian scholars in the Qing Dynasty, they will definitely say: "One look is fake, why does this Confucius have no braids, and he is still wearing a real Confucian gentleman's suit. How about firecrackers and grenades, ridiculous!

The content of the subsequent "Lesson [-]" is: "All schools everywhere respect true Confucianism. When I go to school, I learn true Confucianism."

The content is relatively complicated. There are texts about etiquette and norms, such as "I am your brother, you are my younger brother, that is my friend, and you are also my friend", etc., what else is there to be absolutely loyal to the Da Mingzi? Category.

There is also a text on patriotic education in the book, titled "Sun and Moon Flags", in which it is written: "Every country on the earth has a national flag, and when there is a national celebration, the flag is raised to celebrate it. The sun and the moon flag are the flags of our country." Also, I love our country, so I love our national flag." The accompanying picture is a sun and moon flag waving in the wind.

Mandarin subjects also include: Stories of Emperor Shenwu, Lovely Ming Dynasty, Historical Stories, Poems, Common Practical Essays, etc.

And there are too many common sense contents, the main contents include natural science, public health, introduction of Ming weapons, residence management, agricultural production, food nutrition, clothing materials, common sense of life, etc.

Looking at the content of the first edition of primary school textbooks in the Ming Dynasty, we can see that the common sense textbook and the Mandarin textbook have many similarities in terms of text, graphics and layout design, and the content also overlaps. However, common sense and Guoyu are different in nature. Reading, learning languages, cultivating feelings and virtues, inspiring imagination and thinking, emphasizing on ideals and appreciation.

Common sense takes the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of habits as important conditions. It mainly introduces basic common sense knowledge from the perspective of society and nature, and provides Ming children with experience in personal, social, scientific, historical and other fields, so that they have the ability Facing the rapidly changing new Ming society.

Of course, this is only limited to Guangzhou Mansion and Chengtian Mansion on Yizhou Island, and it has not been implemented in other places.

Because this is a new study, a brand new teaching system, there must be many pitfalls in it.

Therefore, there are two "special zones" of Guangzhou Mansion and Chengtian Mansion to test the water first.

At the latest, this model will form a closed loop by the end of next year, and the Ministry of Rites will make a report and summary, and then promote it to various places.

Of course, it is still impossible to implement compulsory education, after all, many people in Ming Dynasty have no money to send their children to school.

If it is enforced, it will cause many problems, such as not enough money.

And there is another very important question.

what is the problem?
At the level of the Ming Dynasty, education is to cultivate talents and send talents to the country so that all walks of life in the country can prosper and the country can develop.

But from the perspective of individual people, choosing to let their children receive education is to let them have a good future in the future.

However, in ancient times, after studying, there was only one optional future, which was to become an official.

Because there are not so many promising industries to accept talents.

Therefore, it is unrealistic in many ways that Daming now engages in compulsory education.

Education and industry have to be grasped together and go hand in hand. When the industry develops, after all young people enter the industry and have a good income, the poor will naturally see hope and naturally want their children to go to school.

Of course, these are all for later.

After the current models of Guangzhou Mansion and Chengtian Mansion take shape, Zhu Kezang can prepare for university education.

Talents must be cultivated from primary school. Only when primary school education is done well can universities be developed.

Zhu Kezang plans to set up a Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty to train scientific research talents, and cannot always rely on the system to exchange technology.

It took 80 brilliant points to change these two textbooks this time.

I don't know how the sky garden is built, I haven't been back to Yizhou Island for a long time!

Let's go back.

(End of this chapter)

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