Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 630 You can do it

Chapter 630 You can do it (please subscribe!)
Well, this made Taijila Zanglubei also feel that the Saigu Mountain Pass is as stable as Mount Tai, enough to consume the Ming army here.

However, the situation changed too quickly. According to the soldiers who fled back, the number of Ming troops who attacked this mountain pass was small, only 1000, and they were defeated.

The fighting power of the Ming army was completely different from what they expected, which caused the generals of the Heshuot Khanate a headache.

What the hell is going on.

Rewind the time to a few days ago.

The road at Saigu Mountain Pass is not narrow, but there are high mountains on both sides. If an ordinary army goes here, it will take at least a few thousand casualties to attack it.

After entering the snow area, the weather is clear, and the snow-covered ridges reflect the sunlight, like silver molding.

The scenery is beautiful, but the ultraviolet rays and sunlight are too strong, not to mention eye pain, and prone to snow blindness.

then what should we do?

Don't worry, the Ministry of War has already thought up a plan.

The guards of the Ming Dynasty who were climbing the mountain road all wrapped their bodies tightly.

Each of their soldiers is Zhu Kezang's precious wealth, and it is impossible to reduce the number of soldiers by fighting.

What's interesting is that there are quite a few guards who either wear goggles or sunglasses on their eyes.

This is the plan of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty!

Arm Ming's army with industrial capabilities.

As the well-deserved No. [-] industrial power in the seventeenth century, Daming had the capital to popularize sunglasses for a small number of troops.

In the past, glass was very expensive, both in the East and in the West.

At that time, the main place of production was the West, and the price was determined by Westerners.

Now that the glass industry in Daming has gone up, it has been exported to the West in turn.

Moreover, the price is so low that it is impossible to lift up the suppression of the local glass industry in the West.

The most obvious change is that a large number of real estate buildings in the big cities of Ming Dynasty use glass windows.

The proliferation of glass also laid the foundation for the emergence of sunglasses.

The earliest "sunglasses" can be traced back to 2000 years ago. The Inuit living in the Arctic region used ivory, antlers, driftwood, bones, etc. to make a strip of goggles to reduce the glare reflected by the snow.

Goggles at that time did not have the word "lens". The Inuit cut two slits in the center of these opaque materials to minimize the incidence of light while ensuring that the line of sight was not obstructed. .

This form of "goggles" also brings them an additional benefit-a more focused vision when hunting.

The most expensive sunglasses come from ancient Rome. Pliny the Elder mentioned in his book "Natural History" that the famous tyrant Nero in the history of ancient Rome would watch the gladiators fight through polished emeralds, in order to protect his Eyes are immune to sun glare.

It was not until the 18th century that the prototype of modern sunglasses began to appear.A doctor named James Ayscough, who believed that blue and green glass lenses could improve specific vision impairments, made a series of attempts: wires were used to hold the lenses together, and the frames continued to the ears so that the glasses could Fix it on the face.

Of course, ordinary colored glass cannot prevent snow blindness, because ordinary colored lenses can only block visible light, but cannot resist ultraviolet rays.

Zhu Kezang also didn't want to exchange directly, he wanted to give full play to the subjective initiative of Ming scientists, train them, and save points for himself by the way.

The Great Lighthouse is expected to be completed at the beginning of 1692, and then a sum of glory points will be earned.

Under Zhu Kezang's instigation, the Daming General Manufacturing Bureau, which is striving for the top, is of course not satisfied with blocking ordinary sunlight.

Scientists in Ming Dynasty led by Huang Lvzhuang kept experimenting in the chemical factory, adding various compounds to the fired glass to make a mirror.

Then, let slaves from all over the world wear it to try the effect, if it works, keep it, if it doesn't work, continue.

For slaves, the sunglasses experiment is already the safest.

You only need to look up at the sun wearing various types of sunglasses under strong sunlight, and you will be blind at best.

The death rate of human experiment consumables in Daming Medical College is higher.

But who cares about the lives of slaves?
After repeated experiments, more effective sunglasses were born.

Putting on sunglasses and holding a corncob pipe in his mouth, Pan Aqiang, the general of the Ming Dynasty, held up a telescope to observe the distance

Now, the iconic corncob pipe has become the standard image of Admiral Pan.

"The mountain pass ahead is a bit difficult to attack!"

Pan Aqiang said so, but his expression didn't change, he still looked very relaxed.

Down this pass is a slope several hundred meters long, exceeding 500 meters, with an inclination of at least forty degrees!
It was not easy to attack, and what was worse was that the weather was not good. Although it was cold when we came, it was sunny, but when we arrived at the Saigu Mountain Pass, it was covered with thick fog halfway, and icy rain fell, which was very evil.

In the case of extremely low visibility, the cannon will be inaccurate!
Moreover, there are many enemy bunkers, so artillery may not be easy to use.

You still have to attack, and it will be difficult to win if other reinforcements come from the opposite side.

At this moment, Pan Aqiang heard the voices of some soldiers saying: "No, we offended the mountain god, and the mountain god has changed his face!"

Pan Aqiang originally wanted to reprimand them: If you don't believe in His Majesty, you believe in ghosts and gods, but with His Majesty the Emperor around, you are still afraid of ghosts and gods!
Before he could say anything, Nian Gengyao, who was a little ghost, appeared out of nowhere, "What are you afraid of? With His Majesty guarding us, what kind of mountain god are you afraid of!"

Originally, Pan Aqiang didn't want to bring an oil bottle, but Nian Gengyao liked to march with the army, and his master Qu Dajun also spoke for him.

What to say to Pan Aqiang: It is better to travel a hundred miles than to read ten thousand volumes of books. It is not bad for Xiaonian to learn how to lead soldiers.

Well, Qu Dajun said so, so let's take it with us.

"Dude, you do what you want!"

After hearing this, Nian Gengyao wanted to try the mountain road by himself, because he couldn't ride a horse and felt very strenuous.

Coupled with the sleet and sleet in the sky, it did not fall heavily, which also made the ground very wet and slippery.

This is a dirt road, and the Daming construction team has not repaired it here yet.

That means that if the muddy dirt road is stepped on too much, it will be full of mud.

What's even more outrageous is that there is frozen soil under the mud!
Once you step on it, the sense of layering is very rich. When you step on it, you feel like you are stepping on the mud. Once you step on it deeply, you will step on the slippery frozen soil.

Accidentally slipped directly.

For example, Nian Gengyao, who was full of self-confidence just now, stepped on the ground with one foot, and came to the posture of flat sand and falling geese behind his butt.

With a bang, Xiaonian Gengyao fell on all fours, with his buttocks as the bottom, with a whoosh, he slid far away neatly, at least five meters away.

The soldiers of the Guards burst into laughter when they saw it, and those who were familiar with it gave a thumbs up: "As expected of a child prodigy, he falls prettier than others, and his ass is slipperier than ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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