Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 644 I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus with wine

Chapter 644 I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus with wine (subscription required)
The first test of the examination is the theory of true Confucianism and poetry.

Poems and songs are traditional Chinese culture, and Emperor Zhu did not intend to abandon the cultural essence passed down by his ancestors.

When he was a child, Zhu Kezang found it difficult to memorize in Chinese class. Only when he grew up did he realize that ancient poems are really beautiful.

Yanxian concealed his voice and thought, as if he could not live up to his life.

Because when you memorize, you are carefree and have never experienced disappointment, so of course you will not feel it.

People of different status and stages consider different things, and each stage needs to express their emotions. Ancient poetry is the essence of emotional expression, and a few words can describe a profound artistic conception, which makes people feel at ease.

If you want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus with wine, it doesn't seem like you are a teenager.

As we grow older, the angle of looking at things keeps changing, and the attitude towards people and things also keeps changing, just like when I was a child, I didn't understand that "the gap between heaven and earth in life is like a white horse, and it's just a sudden." Go out laughing, I'm from Penghao."

After a few years of struggling in the society, even if there are hardships, I still rely on the idea of ​​"You must know that you will be the best in the world".

When a person reaches middle age, the youthful nature has long since faded away. Maybe one day after a party at a wine club, he remembered what he was pursuing when he was young. "

Looking back on my life, I can only sigh, "The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go up to the blue sky, so I look sideways and look west!"

Perhaps when dying, a sentence appeared in my mind, "Looking back at the bleak place, when I go back, there is neither wind nor rain nor sunshine."

It seems that when the language is separated from the exam, the shock of the language will be felt.

However, if you fail to pass the exam, it seems that there is no chance to feel the shock. It feels that Chinese has no mathematical logic, no physics mystery, no chemical variables, no philosophical speculation, no historical rationality, and no need to look back after the Chinese test. You will find that the missed Chinese textbooks are really star-studded, and literati calligraphy is like a vast number of stars.

Pan Boheng's only weak point is poetry and poetry, because he is neither talented nor experienced, so he can't write good poems and sentences.

The second test was about Ming law and scientific theory, and the third test was about policy theory.

These two games are Pan Boheng's strengths.

In fact, the literary talents of imperial examination candidates are on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also depends on the luck of the candidates.

Because the examiners of each general examination are different, naturally the examiners have different preferences in reading and judging the test papers.

Some examiners like gorgeous ones, some like majestic ones, some like simple ones, and some like pragmatic ones.

Greens and radishes have their own preferences, so sometimes no matter how good your writing is, you just hit the examiner's scales, so sorry, you can only be sentenced to a low score, go home and continue studying poetry and books, and take the exam next year.

There are many examples of those who are unlucky, have talent and ability, but fail to pass the examination for a lifetime.

So it is very important to figure out the preferences of the chief examiner and the assistant examiner. Even if you can’t write the style of writing that the examiners like, you must not write about the style that the examiners hate. Otherwise, just wait for the failure.

Pan Boheng also has another advantage. Thanks to his elder brother, he has an impression of most officials and can know a general preference.

It's time for the test.

It is still the same as before, first check the exam (admission ticket), search the body, check the food.

Like all imperial examinations, there is no food for the test. Candidates must bring enough dry food to take the test, otherwise they will be hungry and affect their performance.

Generally, rich people will bring some delicious and nutritious food, and those who have no money can only bring some staple dry food.

In fact, it’s good to bring your own food, at least you can eat with confidence.

This is not just talk, but also has a basis.

It is said that a few days ago, an inexplicable poisoning incident suddenly occurred in a certain inn in the capital, and the people who were poisoned were all Juren who came to Beijing to rush for the exam.

Good fellow, if the Son of Heaven is still doing this, this is looking down on Jin Yiwei!
The commander of Jinyiwei, Chen Weiguo, supervised the battle and filed the case overnight, and found out the murderer within two days.

Fortunately, no one was killed.

However, those candidates who poisoned were directly imprisoned for one year.

This is the new Ming Dynasty. Those who want to talk about the law should not act recklessly.

As for those who are poisoned, they can only miss the exam this year, there is no other way.

Bad luck?
In fact, if the examinee dared to do such a thing, the benefits outweighed the risks.

From the perspective of competition, if you can kill a so-called opponent, it means you have an extra chance, and if you kill enough opponents, you will win.

So after this incident, the candidates spontaneously guarded each other, kept a safe distance from each other, and did not get close to anyone.

It was even worse for Pan Boheng. The pressure of public opinion was too great these days, and there were always people trying to assassinate him. Fortunately, his family's guards were relatively strong.

To be fair and comfortable, he broke his legs, but there was a reason for that.

No matter what, he was about to enter the examination room, so he had to be more careful in the last few steps.

Thinking of this, Pan Boheng hugged the test basket tightly in his arms, not letting anyone touch it, not even a finger.

And you can't let Kao Lan out of your sight. If someone stuffs a small piece of paper into it, it won't be clear.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years, the ancients will not deceive me!

Facts have proved that if you are not careful, you will pay a huge price!

No, right now there is an old man who was picked out by the yamen servants.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was framed.

So what did he do?

It turned out that there was a cheating note on the back of this old man, which was full of texts about Confucianism.

"I am wronged! Your majesty's true Confucianism has long been understood by me. Using this to cheat is simply contemptuous!"

The elder brother burst into tears, but the yamen servant was so ruthless that he wanted to drag him away.

Han Chuang studied hard, but his achievements fell short, and this old man was not reconciled, and was dragged away.

"It's really not me, how could I be so stupid to stick it on my back!" Everyone subconsciously touched their backs, fearing that they would also be taken away by this inferior frame.

Suddenly, a candidate in front of Pan Boheng was stopped.

The examination staff came over to take a look, and then ordered the servants to drag him away.

A small note was found inside his steamed bun.

This little note is more professional than that dude's just now.

They are all poems and songs written by various gunmen. Not to mention, the gunmen are not bad.

This time it was really cheating, and the candidate wanted to pretend to be framed: "It's really not mine, how could I be like this, someone framed me."

This is why it was found that the notes were dragged away across the board, because it is difficult to determine whether it is cheating or being framed, and they are all characterized as cheating.

The previous cases of the two candidates made Pan Boheng's heart beat faster. Although he did not cheat, he was also afraid that he would be unlucky if he made a mistake in a certain link.

When we arrived at Pan Boheng, the yamen servant saw that he was bringing cakes, and Xiao Pan, who had been through the examination room for a long time, immediately opened it by himself.

The yamen servant sniffed and sniffed, and said, "Mmm! It's very clean, you can go in!"

(End of this chapter)

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