Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 695 All War Criminals Reverse the Opium War

Chapter 695 All War Criminals Reverse the Opium War (Please Subscribe!)
As soon as this remark came out, the entire conference hall was as noisy as a duck pond.

Originally, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces came to provoke Ming Dynasty, but they thought it was unreasonable.

Now that a trade war is about to start, they are really angry!

Especially Teochew people!

People from Chaozhou don’t like to work part-time. If they have the opportunity, they want to start a business and become a boss.

Back then, there were a lot of Chaozhou people who followed Zhu Kezang.

Qiu Hui, Minister of the Ministry of War, was from Chaoshan.

Therefore, a considerable number of Chaozhou people who followed Zhu Kezang chose to retreat bravely after making meritorious service and conferring titles, and went into business!
Many of them won the title of Viscount.

It was difficult for Daming to obtain the title, but those who followed them in Dongning Island back then were not far behind.

Of course, Zhu Kezang gave great help to these old brothers who wanted to start a business.

And the fortunes of the Ming Dynasty have been rising all the way in recent years. Zhu Kezang vigorously encouraged industry and commerce and gave these people the green light all the way.

Of course, the business tax that should be paid is also unambiguous.

As a result, these old brothers from Chaozhou Prefecture have caught up with the good times again, and many of them have become rich and wealthy. It is natural to be elected as a representative of the University Scholars Conference.

Someone must say, this is not fair!

They followed Zhu Kezang to death, so why couldn't they enjoy it.

The current Ming class has not yet solidified, as long as you dare to think and fight, you can get ahead.

Even if you really can't get along in the mainland, you can become a master if you go to Nanyang and Dongying Duhufu.

In the future, when Ming's expansion reaches its limit, if Zhu Kezang mishandles it, a problem may arise.

That is, the various second and third generations of Daming monopolize money, government and other opportunities, and there will be a situation in Daming where the class has no flow channels.

In a chaotic world, the elite stand tall, see far, and have strong abilities, and they will soon occupy a dominant position.

When a group of elites rule a group of ordinary people, society is the most harmonious and stable era, and it will also create the most prosperous era.

In order to maintain the power of themselves and future generations, elites will establish a set of relatively fair rules.

These rules are conducive to their rule and social development, but for their own interests, they will inevitably produce monopoly: it can be the monopoly of political power or economic monopoly.

Zhu Kezang still doesn't know how to solve this problem, because the 5000 years of Chinese history will be unavoidable, no matter what era, no matter how prosperous it is.

Now, this group of Chaozhou elites who followed Zhu Kezang are angry.

The representative of the Hakka scholars next to him asked weakly: "Representatives, dare to ask what is the trade war?"

"Trade war? Of course it is to fight merchant ships and commercial ports! These foreign devils are the best at doing things like burning, killing and looting. I heard that Nanyang was all robbed by the Dutch and Portuguese before!"

"My God! They want to rob Da Ming? Are they really not afraid of our Da Ming's heavenly soldiers?"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and the Cantonese were all shocked.

"Although the Ming Dynasty soldiers are strong, it is impossible to guard them by the sea every day. Moreover, as the Prime Minister of Ming Dynasty said, the land area of ​​Daming is now more than 3000 million square kilometers, and the coastline is immeasurable. Such a long coastline cannot be defended by heavenly soldiers. !"

"We should act first and plunder the coast of Europa first!"

"But Europa is too far away!"

"Then go grab a piece of Europa's territory first."

"What are you talking about? Can my Daming call it a robbery of their territory? That's called liberation. Foreigners are robbers who grab their territory!"

"That's right! We, Ming Dynasty, are great benevolent people. Taking over land can't be regarded as robbery. We are the people who liberated them!"

"Hey, I heard French girls are nice!"

The direction of the meeting has changed rapidly, from a trade war to how to liberate the people of Europa, especially the women of Europa.

After all, it was the place where the Ming Dynasty was first recovered, and its thinking was radical.

It's just that the anger is still too great. Now that they hear that Westerners are going to fight a trade war, they are all gearing up and ready to convince others with virtue.

Wude is also virtue.

"Brothers, you are all mistaken. What you are talking about is not a trade war. You are going to do it with real swords and guns."

"Trade wars do not see smoke or blood. They only fight each other with means in the business field. As the saying goes, shopping malls are like battlefields!"

Finally, an experienced business representative came out to popularize the trade war.

"How can we do business? Shouldn't business be about making money with harmony?"

"Trade war, to put it bluntly, they just don't want to do business with us. I heard that they will gradually reduce the purchase of industrial products, daily necessities, and luxury goods from Daming, and at the same time support the puppet Qing Dynasty and South Tianzhu people to engage in these things, and prevent Ming's goods from being exported. The west!"

"This, this is going to smash our jobs!"

"Smashing people's jobs is like killing their parents. We can't let these foreign devils go!"

"Yes, we can't let them go! But how should we sanction them?"

Yes, how to counter it?

If people don't buy things from Da Ming, what else can Da Ming do?You can't buy and sell by force, right?

"Fuck the mother, why don't we Da Ming go to Europa, use cannons to open up their market, and dump Da Ming's products!"

Hey guys, someone suggested a reverse opium war!

This suggestion was also unanimously agreed by other Guangdong representatives present.

All war criminals, the Prime Minister Chen Yonghua has been speechless, no wonder Zhu Kezang wants to come and guide him personally.

It turned out that without guidance, these Cantonese guys were going to fight in Europe.

This won't work, the strategic goals must be unified, that is, the Americas and southern India first.

When a group of gentlemen were discussing how to attack Europa, they heard someone shouting: "Your Majesty is here!"

There was an instant silence, these Cantonese guys are Zhu Kezang's brainless fans.

The gossip did not lie!

Da Mingzi actually came to the Guangdong University Scholars Conference today.

This was his first time attending a provincial meeting.

All the staff stared at Zhu Kezang with fanatical eyes. They knew that His Majesty was here to take care of them.

Today's Guangdong is gradually surpassing Zhili in Vietnam and becoming the most economically powerful province in Ming Dynasty.

Regardless of whether it is the first five-year plan or the special trade zone, Ming Dynasty will not bypass Guangdong, and even Guangdong is a crucial section.

They heard that Zhu Kezang was going to spend the winter in Guangzhou, and Guangzhou Mansion was likely to become the winter capital of Ming Dynasty.

These news spread widely throughout Guangdong Province, and the Cantonese were also honored.

It is reasonable for Zhu Kezang to be good to Guangdong. In addition to its own good development potential, Guangdong, whether it is Cantonese, Hakka, or Chaoshan, has contributed even more to the restoration of China than the Fujian faction.

According to statistics from the Ministry of War, [-]% of Yingtian's martyrs' shrine is Cantonese, and [-]% is Fujianese.

Cantonese and Fujianese followed Zhu Kezang to bleed, and Zhu Kezang naturally wanted to lead them to make a fortune.

When paying the commercial tax at the beginning, Guangdong merchants paid the commercial tax the most decisively. According to them, they said: Follow Your Majesty and earn money with peace of mind.

Zhu Kezang is also very good to Fujian, but there are too many mountains and development is limited.

"The ministers respectfully invite Shengan, and wish him a long life without bounds."

(End of this chapter)

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