Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 73 Luzon Protectorate

Chapter 73 Luzon Protectorate

"Juan, I'm actually quite reluctant to let you go. After all, you have paid so much for our Guards." Zheng Kezang said to Juan de Vargas Huertado across the table.

The unkempt Juan lost his former aristocratic demeanor, and sat on a chair decadently, looking at the delicious food on the table without interest.

After listening to the translation, Juan said excitedly: "Your Highness, do you mean to send me back to Spain?"

"No, no, my buddy, I'll take you to a better place." Zheng Kezang looked at him with pity.

"Your Highness, is it the New World? It's not good there. There are too many barbarians, so it's not suitable for a noble person like me." Juan obviously didn't understand the situation, and refused.

"Dude, let me tell you the truth, I will send you to meet those Ming souls who died tragically in this land."

Zheng Kezang's eyes, as if looking at a dying person, deeply hurt Juan's nerves.

"No, Your Royal Highness, it's not my order, it's not fair!" Juan said excitedly.

"Anyway, you are the governor of Spain in Luzon, and you have to pay the responsibility wherever you stand."

Zheng Kezang's tone remained the same, still very gentle, but to Juan's ears, it sounded like the whisper of a demon.

"You devil, God will punish you, devil!" Juan, who was talking nonsense, was dragged away by the guards before he even had time to eat the last meal.

After Juan was sent away, Liu Guoxuan came to see Zheng Kezang.

"Your Highness, what about those Spanish Confederates?" Liu Guoxuan asked.

Zheng Kezang paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Those Spanish Confederates will pick out those who have the blood of Ming people on their hands, and bring them back to Yizhou Island to offer captives and behead them, and the rest will be coolies. "

"As for those natives, those with blood debts have been cleaned up, and the rest should not be killed. They will all be used as slaves and let them come to build roads and dig mines. Let them do whatever is dangerous!" Zheng Kezang said coldly.

Liu Guoxuan said with a wry smile: "Your Highness, you don't know that these natives are too lazy to be criticized. If you expect them to work, it is better to expect sows to climb trees!"

"Haha, it's easy!"

Zheng Kezang said with a smile: "There are still a lot of clean Spanish Confederates left. Let those who cut people the most ruthlessly pull them over to serve as supervisors and complete the tasks of road construction and mining on time. The supervisors can eat, drink and get paid. If they can't finish task, the guards will deal with them severely!"

Zheng Kezang has also figured out the character of the Spaniards during this period of time. Those who survived are basically bullying and fearing the hard. When the time comes with Juan's example to scare the chickens and monkeys, they will only cooperate with the work obediently.

"Yes, Your Highness!" After receiving the instructions, Liu Guoxuan knew what to do, so he left and went to work.

Spanish Governor Juan, after being squeezed out of the last trace of use value, finally completed his own historical mission.

He was taken all the way to the bank of Pasig River outside Manila by the guards. Under the watch and cheers of countless Luzon Chinese, he was skinned and killed.

His skin was hung on the city wall of Manila until it stinks before being removed and burned.

Zheng Kezang used such cruel means to avenge the countless Ming people who died tragically back then.

So far, most of the Spaniards in Luzon Island and all the native villages who resisted have been swept away by the Guards.

This area is nearly three times the size of Yizhou Island, but the richer and more fertile Luzon Island has finally become an unbreakable land under the rule of the Guards.

Luzon Island, after all, is peaceful.

However, fighting Luzon is not difficult, and governing Luzon is the most difficult problem.

How to govern Luzon, Zheng Kezang already has a plan in mind.

The first is the security issue in Luzon. If you want to manage Luzon well, the security environment must be the first priority.

The first thing Zheng Kezang did was to announce the establishment of the Luzon Protectorate!

The Duhu Mansion was under the jurisdiction of the Yanping Palace, and Zheng Kezang was the first Luzon Duhu.

In order to better govern Luzon, Zheng Kezang launched a civil service examination in a unique way.

According to the results and interview appraisal, decide what kind of official position to get.

After having officials, Zheng Kezang asked them to start strictly counting Luzon's population and household registration.

How many natives, how many Chinese, how many foreign businessmen and diplomats stationed in Luzon, all personnel in Luzon must all be registered.

In the Protectorate of Luzon, whether it is a trading partner, the British, or other European countries, those who want to do business and are willing to abide by the rules are welcome with a raise of their hands, and those who want to go to war are welcome at any time by the Guards.

However, those foreigners who do business must apply for a residence permit in order to do business in Luzon.

Zheng Kezang did not restrict them from coming and going, but they had to have identity certificates, and those without any identity certificates were not allowed to enter Luzon Island.

No matter who, as long as they enter Luzon, they must abide by the laws and regulations of Luzon, otherwise they will be punished. Those who are light will be sent to mine, and those who are serious will be beheaded according to law.

In order to prevent the aborigines from being instigated by others, it was decided to strictly manage them.

Ten indigenous households form a group, ten groups form a village, and there is a village head in each village.

Ten villages form a town, and there is a mayor in the town who is mainly responsible for managing them.

The village head needs to report to the mayor if he has something to do, and the mayor is under the direct jurisdiction of the local officials of the Duhufu.

In addition, each group of ten families must supervise and manage each other. If one family makes a major mistake or betrays Ming Zheng, the ten families will be punished.

If they want to be exonerated, they must report the situation to the village head as soon as possible, otherwise they will be punished with the same crime.

Under the jurisdiction of Zheng Kezang, the aborigines are obedient and obedient, and no one will bully them. As long as they dare to resist, they will immediately go to work as slaves to mine.

As for the Chinese in Luzon Island, the land is directly divided, and if there are many indigenous slaves, they will also be given a share.

In addition to the tax burden they pay each year, the surplus income is enough for them to live on.

Those who have a labor force at home can also go to Manila to work as a hired worker to earn money, and this part does not need to pay taxes.

Now that Luzon has been incorporated into Zheng Kezang's territory, Ming Zheng's small court will not levy their poll tax as unscrupulously as the colonies, causing the people to live in poverty.

Regardless of whether it is aboriginal or Chinese, all taxes are linked to their crop production and will not increase excess tax burdens.

Of course, the native tax will be higher.

Luzon is rich in fishery resources, and Duhufu will set up a special fishing team to send the caught fish to Yizhou Island for sale and consumption.

All income and tax burdens, except expenses and wages and military pay, were mostly handed over to Zheng Kezang's treasury.

In addition, these natives will always be disobedient.

For those disobedient aborigines, the Protectorate used methods such as sowing dissension, splitting and buying, etc. to make them kill each other, and used the alliance army to arrest disobedient aborigines as slaves.

In a sense, the Confederacy Army has become a slave-hunting brigade.

By the way, Zheng Kezang has also changed in terms of business tax.

Businessmen in Luzon, whether they are Chinese or businessmen from other countries, as long as they operate in Luzon, they must pay commercial taxes to the Protectorate.

The commercial tax burden is tentatively set at [-]% of the operating income, including manors operated in Luzon, and will be adjusted according to the actual situation in the future.

The Protectorate of Luzon was brought down by Zheng Kezang. He has the final say on what to do here. It is simply a natural experimental field. If these internal policies are effective, they will be fully promoted in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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