Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 774 The Chanyuan Alliance with Persian Characteristics

Suleiman I, who smelled of alcohol, almost crushed his back molars!
By the way, King of kings is not his bragging.

The first imperial ruler to use the title "King of Kings" was Cyrus II of the Persian Empire. This was originally the title of the savior, and later became the honorific title for the monarch of the Persian Empire.

The continuous plundering by the Qing Dynasty enraged the King of Kings, and he threatened to mobilize an army to the northeast border to fight the Qing Dynasty to the death!

Suleiman I was very angry. Since he became the emperor of the empire, nothing good has happened, and he has lost successive battles with the Ottoman Empire in the West.

The east was continuously invaded by Uzbeks and Kalmyks.

Now that there is another strong enemy, he might as well follow Chongzhen and find a tree with a crooked neck to hang himself.

"Your Majesty calm down, don't be impulsive!" A veteran of the Persian Empire immediately stood up and persuaded.

"Don't let those oriental devils break through and plunder again and again! Where is the dignity of my Persian Empire! Where is the dignity of my King of kings!"

Suleiman II was flushed and smelled of alcohol.

Because his displeasure was suppressed, he waved the golden scepter in his hand and roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! There is an old saying in the East: Impulse is the devil!"

The old minister was shocked, and tried his best to persuade him: "Your Majesty, the empire was seriously injured in successive wars with the Ottoman Turkish Empire a few years ago, and it has not been able to recover until now. The treasury is empty and the troops are not enough!"

"If you send troops recklessly to a decisive battle with the Eastern Devils who unified the four Khanates (Kazakhs, Bukhara, Khiva, and Mughal Khanates), if you cannot win or cause heavy casualties, the Ottoman Empire will definitely be torn apart. Break the peace treaty a few years ago, make a comeback, and attack my Persian Empire again, when the time comes."

The prudent old minister hesitated to speak, although he did not continue, Suleiman I's expression changed dramatically.

Yes, if the decisive battle with the Qing Dynasty cannot be won, or if there are too many casualties, and the Ottoman Empire in the west makes a comeback, how can Persia, which has internal and external troubles, stand up to it!

"Then what do you say?"

Suleiman I suddenly became depressed

"Your Majesty, you should send someone to negotiate peace with the Qing Dynasty. As long as they agree to stop invading the border, you can promise to give them some money and beauties!"

This veteran has done his homework.

At present, only Ming Dynasty has defeated the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty came from China, so he found a businessman from the Ming Dynasty overnight to learn the history of China.

Hey, don't say it, it really taught him something.

The history of the new Ming Dynasty cannot be copied, and it is useless to learn it.

He learned a lot about the Great Northern Song Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, in addition to this, we can also become a country of brothers with the Qing Dynasty, and we are willing to fight against the Ming Dynasty together with them."

Not to mention, a Persian version of the Chanyuan Alliance was created for this old minister.

However, the Chanyuan Alliance in the Northern Song Dynasty is a little better than the Persian version.

Because the Northern Song Dynasty is the older brother, and the Liao Kingdom is the younger brother, wouldn't it be justifiable for the elder brother to support the younger brother financially?
The Persian characteristic version is that Persia is the younger brother, Daqing is the elder brother, and the younger brother is filial to the elder brother, isn't it justified?
"Your Majesty waits for the empire to recuperate and gradually regain its vitality. You can gather heavy troops and unite with Ming Dynasty in the Far East to destroy them!"

Although the old minister's proposal was good, Suleiman I frowned tightly.

While the old minister was anxiously waiting for Suleiman I to make a decision

What Suleiman I said after he came back to his senses almost caused his blood vessels to explode.


Suleiman I frowned tightly and breathed out the smell of alcohol, "It would be a pity to send the beauties to the Qing Dynasty. Do you think it is possible to leave the beauties for me to enjoy and send more property to the Qing Dynasty, how about it?"

It turned out that Suleiman was dissatisfied with giving away the beauty, and wanted to stay and enjoy it for himself, even at the expense of some belongings.

The veteran muttered silently in his heart: The king of subjugation!King of subjugation!

At this time, I still want to keep the beauties for myself to enjoy.

Suleiman I, a drunkard and lecher, still thinks there are not enough concubines in the harem!

Over the years, in order to support the concubines in Suleiman's harem, the money spent was almost enough for the Persian Empire to support another 5 army.

But should I say it or not, if it is true to send a beauty, I, Daqing, will not agree!

Because the aesthetics of the Persian royal family has a special flavor.

The aesthetics of the Persians is very different, almost running counter to the traditions of China and the West.

They believe that tough facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes, double chins, a stocky figure, and thick beard and hair are the "standard features" of beauty.Yes, it is "beard and hair", because Persian women back then were all beautiful with round faces with mustaches, muscular short bodies, and "full" stomachs.

We all know that even for East Asians with relatively weak hair growth, many women often have some looming "small hairs" on their lips.

Therefore, there is another profession called shaving, which deals with the small hairs on these faces to better reflect the soft and fair face.

And all ethnic groups in the Persian region, regardless of men and women, have lush beards and hair.

Therefore, the small hairs on the face of some Persian girls can easily grow into a dark or dark brown "mustache".

In the eyes of the Persians, this is a proper natural beauty!

Even, some women with inconspicuous hairs will use special cosmetics to draw a "mustache" on themselves. Painting a beard is just like drawing eyebrows.

Historically, the Persians’ aesthetic standards for women, as early as the Tang Dynasty, were relatively close to ours, with a fat round face and a slightly fat but fit figure being the best.

Regarding the body shape and face shape of beauties, you can make up the famous "Picture of Ladies with Hairpin Flowers", as well as various Dunhuang murals, Tang Sancai...

Since the late Tang Dynasty, the Chinese people have increasingly pursued the slender beauty of women, while the Persians continued to carry forward the strong beauty of their predecessors.

In the frescoes of the 14th and 15th centuries, the strong Persian beauties are already a little bit like a man and a woman.

Kangxi's beloved wife Sophia is a peerless beauty in their eyes!
If Persia sends another bunch of Persian "Sophia" to Kangxi, it's hard to imagine that Kangxi will think that Persia is mocking him for soft food!

Of course, this aesthetic cannot be overly underestimated.

After all, what Persia pursues is the beauty of masculinity and health.

At the same time in the Qing Dynasty, the thin women were pale or sallow, and almost all of them walked with trembling little feet. The literati and scholars scrambled to praise the posture of weak willows, and what they liked was that they had to hold on to the wall after three steps. It's morbidly beautiful!
There are also the excessive corsets and waists of European women, and even some extremes have undergone surgery to remove their ribs in order to maintain a slender waist.

At that time, a large number of European women were oppressed and damaged their internal organs due to long-term excessive waist corsets, and even had pelvic bleeding and infertility. punctured a kidney...

This kind of beauty pursued in the form of destroying the body may be wrong.

"Your Majesty, the empire is the most important thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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