Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 838 The "Yin Man" who was 2 years late

William III was in a hurry, this was the best way, "Brother Louis, help me!"

Louis XIV smiled mysteriously, "Brother William, as long as the Kingdom of England is willing to pay, are you afraid that you will not be able to recruit all the people from the Yin? France has a good reputation among the people from the Yin. And the empire!"

"Don't forget that there are many Yin people in the Viceroyalty of Peru in the Spanish Empire. As long as you spend hundreds of thousands of pounds, you should be able to solve the problem."

In fact, it doesn’t cost that much money. Louis XIV wants to be the middleman and earn the difference, and he happens to have the qualifications.

In any case, William III could only rely on France.

"Anyway, brother William, give me the money, and I'll settle things for you!"

The reason why Louis worked so hard to help Britain settle the matter was because he didn't want to provoke Daming at this juncture.

In this way, Louis' North Atlantic Alliance can concentrate on dealing with the Ottoman Empire, and those Tianfang believers are the enemy.
Louis believed that the best time to start the war was when the Suez Canal was built.

In Louis' view, although the construction of the Suez Canal will have great long-term returns, it will definitely cost people and money in a short period of time.

Especially for the Ottoman Empire, which has just been defeated and the local economy is relatively depressed, it is impossible to realize the shares of the canal, and it is difficult to obtain financing.
The Suez Canal is likely to become the last straw that crushes Ottoman finances.

So Louis the Great planned to take advantage of the canal to be repaired, but before he started making money, he launched a war and destroyed the Ottomans. By then, Constantinople, Jerusalem, and the Suez Canal would all belong to the Frankish Empire.

It turns out that Emperor Louis still had a lot of ideas!
He wants to rebuild the Roman Empire!

Thinking about Louis, he laughed out loud.

Seeing Louis XIV's low emotional intelligence, William III and Churchill were not happy
Then England paid so much, and could only get 20 million Yin people who couldn't kill and couldn't afford it.

Thinking of this, William III could only let out a long sigh, and then glanced at Churchill, the capable general: "Count, what do you think of His Majesty's suggestion?"

Earl Churchill did not dare to talk nonsense on such an occasion, "Of course it is very good, very wise!"

William III said with a gloomy face, "If that's the case, then I will appoint you as the governor of New England, and I will allocate another 20 pounds from the royal property to you to cooperate with New France to invite Yin people!"

Speaking of the word 20 pounds, William III was so distressed that he was about to cry.

There is nothing more magical in the world than this!

To spend money to please the Yin people
Moreover, this money has to be paid by the King of England himself. It is impossible for the British Parliament to agree to appropriate the money.

Those villainous manor owners in the twelve North American states must have scolded him, scolding him, because this trick was too much for them to hate.

Zhu Kezang, the man behind the whole incident, did not expect that the problems he posed to the English would be easily resolved by Louis XIV.

Who would have thought that England would pay for someone.

Of course, Daming also has a way to deal with it. Daming has already made a plan to fully arm the Yin people.

In addition to arming the Yin people, Ming also planned to send some Toungoo Burmese as cannon fodder.

Let these Burmese pretend to be Yin people to attack the North American colonies of Britain and France.

Anyway, they are all of yellow race, and those white skins can't recognize them.

In addition to causing trouble for Britain and France, Zhu Kezang's move also wanted to consume the population of Myanmar.

These guys who are used to the tropical rainforest must freeze to death a large number of people in Yinzhou.

Winter in Yinzhou is not so easy.

The mountains of Beiyinzhou run more or less north-south, and the cold current coming down from the north is unimpeded, and the winter in the central and eastern parts is particularly cold.

These inexperienced Burmese people are going to suffer terribly.

In addition, they also have a special task, which is to eliminate the disobedient Yin tribe.

Although the Yin people are Huang people, the relationship between the tribes of the Yin people is intricate, so we still have to take precautions to prevent the population of the Yin people from becoming too large.

These Burmese people are really good people. They not only eliminated themselves for Ming Dynasty, hated Britain and France, but also eliminated some Yin people by the way.

Of course, it doesn't have to be wiped out. The same goes for driving the disobedient Yin people to the English colonies. The British manor owners will do it.

Shanghai, Wusongkou Wharf.

Hundreds of old-fashioned sailing ships are moored at the dock berths.

On the edge of the wharf at Wusongkou, tens of thousands of Burmese, oh, they should be "Yin people" are dragging their families, carrying luggage, and queuing up to board the ship.

Because a big person came to see him off today, the outside of the pier was heavily guarded. The National Defense Forces, wearing breastplates and carrying button rifles, stood upright at five steps and one post at ten steps.

Today's security is very strict, for fear that these rebellious Burmese will cause trouble.

Apparently, these Burmese have long been tamed.

It's just that a bit of wildness flashed faintly on their dark faces.

They should be regarded as the last batch of "late Yin people" who went to sea
They should have gone to the New World 600 years ago.

Among the various historical records in Da Ming and the vassal states of the Holy Ming Alliance, Yin Zhou has been since ancient times!

Well, they are all recorded in the official history, and advanced old-fashioning techniques are used, so there must be no mistake.

In addition, various cultural relics and historic sites are also being worked overtime.

The "repair" project of Huaxia keel and the ancient city of Yindu in Northern Yinzhou has also been started.

There are also "bronze tripods" and "bronze statues of merchants" from 2000 years ago and 1000 years ago that have been buried in the soil and are waiting for the Ming Dynasty archaeological team to dig.

In short, the Westerners colonized the Americas, while the Ming people have lived since ancient times.

Paris, on the banks of the Seine near Versailles.

Cohorts of Frankish infantry were silently boarding river galleys bound for Normandy.

The soldiers who boarded the boat silently looked at the father and son who were still pacing slowly by the river.

Two well-dressed men in wigs and high heels were strolling side by side on the pier.

It was Louis XIV and his handsome illegitimate son Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Duke of Maine.

This is the son of Louis XIV and his mistress, the Marchioness of Montespain.

The Duke of Maine, the illegitimate son of Louis XIV, did not know how much better than the crown prince Louis de Bourbon, and the crown prince would be killed by Louis XIV in 1711.

In the end, it was his great-grandson Louis XV who succeeded Louis XV in history.

In fact, Louis has always wanted to give the Duke of Mann the crown prince position, but he is just an illegitimate child!

And this time, Louis the Great has a very important mission for his favorite son.
This mission is to serve as Governor of New France!

(End of this chapter)

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