Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 904: The big knife cuts off the English devil’s head

Seeing that Brian personally poured wine into the backbone of the Yellow Turban Army, and that the wine was still warm and steaming, Zhang Tingyu clapped his hands.

Two big-bodied Ming Dynasty guards brought a green thing, like a set of leather goods.

Zhang Tingyu shouted: "Please Guan Gong!"

Logically speaking, those Yellow Turban patriots should hire the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao.

But considering that the Irish people preferred green dresses, the Ming Dynasty also followed the local customs and arranged for them to worship Guan Gong.

The guards hurriedly huffed and blew towards the two ports.

After a while, an inflatable doll of Guan Gong in a green robe stood upright.

The Ming Dynasty's airship and hot-air balloon industries developed rapidly, and it was too easy to make such inflatable dolls.

The place where the naked man with a cross was placed for traffic has long been vacated.

Brian imitated Zhang Tingyu and respectfully brought the inflatable Guan Gong statue into its proper position.

The Irish people who had been influenced by Brian naturally knew that this was Guan Yu.

They suddenly discovered that this majestic knight in green robes was indeed very suitable as the patron saint of Ireland.

"Teacher Zhang Tingyu said that I am a general who has achieved great success, but I don't agree!"

Brian held up three sticks of incense, knelt down in front of the statue of Guan Gong and worshiped three times devoutly.

Then he continued, "It is true that I have killed and injured countless people in my crusade, but if Ireland does not have its own generals, I don't know if there will be dozens or millions of bones exposed in the wilderness."

"We Celts used to hang out with Rome, but we were slaughtered by pirates without a whole body."

This is true!

From the fourth to fifth centuries AD, the Roman Empire was declining. In order to preserve the interests of the European continent, Constantine withdrew all the troops stationed on the island.

The sudden withdrawal of the Roman army left a power vacuum in Britain.

The Celts who had been expelled by the Roman army saw an opportunity. Among them, the Celts who moved to northern Scotland took the opportunity to jump out and plan to regain their lost territory.

So they began to conquer the South.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Romans and Celts in the "essential area" in the south had no choice but to ask for help from their elder brother, the Roman Empire.

But at that time, Rome itself could not protect itself and had no time to care about this small island.

In desperation, the Celts in the south went to bring in reinforcements - the Anglo-Saxons.

The arrival of the Anglo-Saxons completely changed the history of the Celts in this land.

Anglo-Saxon refers to the union of the two peoples.

The ancient Angles lived in what is now Denmark, and the ancient Saxons lived in what is now northern Germany.

They are all branches of the Germanic barbarians. The Anglo-Saxons have neither advanced production technology nor clever minds. They are just known for their roughness and cruelty. They mainly rely on fishing and hunting at sea and robbing merchant ships. To put it bluntly, they are a group of scoundrels + robbers. .

So, although in the end the Celts and the Anglo-Saxons united, they defeated the Scots.

But what happened next made the Celtics unhappy.

After the Anglo-Saxons came to the island, they discovered that it was not only picturesque but also rich in products. They wanted food and shelter, so why go back?
So they in turn burned, killed, and looted the Celts. This bloody process lasted for more than 100 years before it ended.

The final result was that some of the Celts on the British island were massacred, and most of those who survived became slaves of the Anglo-Saxons.

The remaining Celts had no choice but to flee. Some of them fled north to Scotland in the north of the island, some fled across the sea to the island of Ireland, and some fled west to the rugged terrain of Wales and other places where they live today.

"Today, there is no real Rome in the world, but as the descendant of the Han Empire, the Ming Dynasty has more complete laws and regulations than Rome, a wider inland sea than Rome, a more personal religious belief than Rome, and of course, there is also a country more benevolent than Rome. Tribute system!" "The Ming Empire is the successor of Rome, no, it is an existence that surpasses Rome!"

"Today, are you willing to swear an oath in front of Guan Gong, the God of Protection of Ireland, to fight for His Majesty Zhu Kezang and the great power of tomorrow to shine on England, even if you sacrifice your life, you will never regret it?"

After saying that, Brian Zhang raised the wine on the table.

The more than 100 most devout Irish Yellow Turbans in the prayer room, without exception, all raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp, then shouted: "God is dead!"

"very good!"

Zhang Tingyu stood up, "The Ming Emperor saw your loyalty. For this reason, His Majesty has prepared [-] flintlock muskets with countless bullets, [-] grenades, and [-] Yanyue knives for the cause of Ireland!"

"Chop the English devil on the head with the big knife!"

"Chop the English devil on the head with the big knife!"

"Chop the English devil on the head with the big knife!"

The atmosphere was very warm.

The subsequent results were also very fruitful.

The Yellow Turban Army, which had been developing in rural Ireland for more than two years, easily pulled out an army of [-] people!
And morale is high.

They have moon knives for close combat, flintlock rifles for long range, and grenades to clear the way. Wherever Brian's Yellow Turban Army goes, the Irish people eat pots of pulp to welcome the king's army!

The Governor's Palace in Ireland was easily breached, and Britain, which was already in economic crisis and lost its North American colonies, had no money to fight the rebellion.

In 1702, Ireland became independent and announced that it would join the Holy Ming Alliance.

Queen Anne of England could only turn to Louis XIV of France for help.

Louis XIV also really had no time.

Otherwise, the Ming Dynasty would block the muzzle of its guns in northern France, and Louis XIV would risk war with the Ming Dynasty and help Britain pacify Ireland.

So what is Louis XIV busy with?

The War of Spanish Succession, of course!

After driving away the Ottomans, France occupied the Austrian region and did not return these territories to Austria.

The Habsburg forces are gathering strength and preparing to regain their Austrian homeland.

The death of Carlos II of Habsburg Spain became their opportunity.

Archduke Leopold I of Austria wanted to inherit Spain, so he joined forces with the Principality of Prussia to compete with Louis XIV.

Louis XIV was also angry. He kept his promises in Europe and asked his grandnephew Philippe to inherit Spain. What happened?
It is unforgivable that these two rebellious officials and traitors actually started civil strife in Europe.

So with Dafa openly and covertly fanning the flames, the Spanish Succession War broke out!

France, the Spanish Bourbons vs. the Kingdom of Prussia, the Principality of Austria, the Dutch Republic, the Kingdom of Portugal, and the Duchy of Savoy.

War was raging in Europe, and the French had no time to take care of Ireland.

At the same time, taking advantage of the war in Europe, the Ming Dynasty also launched a war of annexation against the Qing Dynasty!

The Ming Dynasty advanced in two directions, one way out of the Western Regions to conquer the Northern Qing Dynasty, and the other way forward in Tianzhu to conquer the Southern Qing Dynasty.

In just a few years, the Yingtian system of the Three Kingdoms was shattered and ushered in a new life.

(End of this chapter)

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