Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 97 Qian Yan's Thoughts

Chapter 97 Qian Yan's Thoughts (Read More!)
Zheng Kezang's uncles are very rich.

I don’t know if I don’t copy it, I’m startled when I copy it, four people copied a whole 100 million taels of silver, and countless gold, silver and jewelry, which is enough for Zheng Kezang to fight several battles of wealth!

It really is the moth of the country!
It's really fast to steal money from the house, Zheng Kezang is not so fast to sell Ye Mingzhu, but fortunately Zheng Cong and the others gave them a chance.

Under the strong criticism of Gu Cheng, the editor of "Dongning Daily", Zheng Kezang's uncles have been criticized as the guides of the four "rats" in Dongning and the Qing Dynasty.

Nowadays, the people in Dongning Mansion talk about how vicious these four guys are.

"Those Wang uncles are really daring! I heard that they took money from Taqing and wanted to kill our wise king."

In the teahouse, a middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"I heard that they were in ambush at the door at that time. As soon as the king opened the door and entered, several people rushed up with knives. Fortunately, the guards were decisive and killed the chief villain Zheng Cong with one shot." Another middle-aged man looked at the door. newspaper, said at the same time.

Killing one's own uncle sounded somewhat ruthless, so Dongning Daily directly adapted the facts, which made sense.

The Dongning people who heard the news all clapped their hands and cheered. It can be seen that their reputation in the fish and meat township is usually mediocre, and Zheng Kezang belongs to eliminating harm for the people.

In addition, most of the beautiful maids in the four uncles' mansions were betrothed by Zheng Kezang to the bachelors of the Guards, which effectively boosted the morale of the army!

Pan Aqiang was a marriage arranged by his parents, so he had no luck. He somewhat regretted getting married too early.

His subordinate, Qian Yan, known as Qian Bold, is the beneficiary.

After experiencing this incident, Qian Yan wondered why these nobles could ride on his head and do whatever they wanted before, but now they are so vulnerable.

If they hadn't rebelled, they would still have continued to lie on his head to suck blood. When the house was searched, Qian Yan participated. He was responsible for counting the money and preventing soldiers from the Guards from hiding the loot.

He realized that if there were no changes, these noble gentlemen would still be high above them, why?

In this era, Zheng Kezang can give him the answer, but he will not give him the answer, because he is a person with vested interests.

Because of the bonus of the wonder building, Qian Yan is still loyal to Zheng Kezang, but he is full of malice towards the dignitaries other than Zheng Kezang, because he doesn't understand why they are ordinary people, born to be inferior to them.

Romain Rolland said: There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after seeing the truth of life clearly.

When a person realizes the cruel truth of life, he is not decadent, but actively looks for bright spots in life, or creates some bright spots to make life look lovely, which is commendable.

On the contrary, it is Qian Yan, who constantly sees the reality clearly, is full of pain in his heart, and seeks answers.

The seeds that Zheng Kezang planted unintentionally may one day bloom.

On the big dock at the port of Dongning Prefecture, there was a din of voices, and nearly a thousand sailors and trackers of various colors were doing their duties and were constantly busy.

Seeing this bustling scene, Zheng Kezang felt very relieved. The industry was booming. Yizhou Island is now extremely developed in the textile industry, sugar industry, and wine making industry. It became the trade center of the East.

He ran to the pier specially this time to pick up Zhu Tiangui.

Zhu Tiangui, the left governor, was recently stationed in the Penghu Pacifier Department to guard against the navy of the Qing Dynasty. Recently, Zheng Kezang Feige sent a letter, asking him to come back quickly to look at the new weapons.

He was overjoyed by the news.

God is sorry, Zheng Kezang has never taken care of the navy, and the sun has recently come out from the west.

"Your Highness, where is my new weapon?" Zhu Tiangui asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, follow me to the artillery factory of Dongning Manufacturing Bureau." Zheng Kezang said with a smile.

Afterwards, a group of people came to Dongning General Manufacturing Bureau.

Speaking of which, the Dongning General Manufacturing Bureau was built around a steel factory. There were sugar gunpowder factory, grenade factory, and the military bureau under the Ministry of Industry also moved in, and it seemed to have become the military industrial center of Yizhou Island.

The Steelworks provides a steady stream of high-quality steel to other factories, and it can also produce breastplates itself.

This time, Zheng Kezang built an artillery factory, which was specially processed by a horizontal boring machine.

But only one boring machine is not enough. Therefore, Su Laocheng has two tasks. He needs to lead the craftsmen to imitate the hydraulic horizontal boring machine first, and then develop the steam engine. The burden on him is very heavy.

He led Zhu Tiangui to the artillery factory. The craftsmen inside were in full swing. Several new cannons were cast. In order to ensure the quality of the cannons, the craftsmen were conducting various inspections.

There are no metal flaw detectors in this era. There are three ways to test the quality of artillery.

One is to rely on the naked eye to check whether there are cracks in the gun body.

The second is to rely on beating to judge whether there are large air holes in the barrel.

The third is to use the water filling inspection method to erect the barrel, block the fire door, and then pour water or oil into the barrel to observe whether there are subtle cracks on the wall of the barrel.

After the above inspection, you can basically judge whether the gun is qualified.

However, passing the above inspections is not the end. The artillery cast by the artillery factory has to be pulled to the shooting range for testing before being installed.

The method of testing the gun is to load a large amount of gunpowder and conduct more than three test shots. After that, the gunner checks the condition of the gun body. If no problems are found, the gun can be regarded as qualified.

"Captain Zuo, let's see your new gun!" Zheng Kezang shouted, while Zhu Tiangui was looking around.

When Zhu Tiangui came here, he felt like he was in heaven. The caliber of the guns here is really big!

The first batch of short-heavy guns produced by the factory ranged from 32 pounds for the smallest to 68 pounds for the largest ones. Zhu Tiangui, a naval officer, knew the ferocious firepower at a glance.

Zheng Kezang pointed to him a 32-pound short-heavy gun that passed the initial inspection: "Mr. Zuo, this is a short-heavy gun!"

Immediately Zhu Tiangui rushed straight to this short heavy cannon excitedly. As its name suggests, although it is short, it is thick.

Zhu Tiangui kept stroking the new cannon with his rough hands. From the muzzle to the tail of the gun, it was tapered gradually, with a thick tail.

However, in order to prevent the muzzle from collapsing due to excessive pressure, the muzzle position has been thickened.

Zhu Tiangui had no doubts how terrifying this ugly and cute guy would be at sea.

"Zuo Dudu, don't think it's called a short heavy gun, but this 32-pound gun is not as heavy as the Hongyi cannon!" Zheng Kezang said.

"It's wonderful, the short heavy gun is tailor-made for my Dongning Navy." Zhu Tiangui said excitedly.

"Hahaha, Commander Zuo, there is an even stronger 68-pound gun. Look over there, it is being cast!" Zheng Kezang said, pointing to a larger short-heavy gun.

Zhu Tiangui couldn't restrain himself anymore: "Your Majesty, please take me to test the cannon immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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