she's nice but not human

Chapter 102 Dare to love me as an undercover agent?

Chapter 102 Dare to love me as an undercover agent?
Letting the true energy out, another way of saying it is the innate realm!

This is the so-called realm of the master.

It's not that the innate state of exuding true energy is a master, but as a master who can create his own martial arts or open a mountain to accept disciples, he must have an innate state to be recognized by the world.

Let's not talk about Xiaomenxiaopai, it doesn't make any sense.

"The innate state is not only the release of true energy, but also the ability to borrow the vitality of the heavens and the earth."

Now that the vitality of the world is gradually recovering, the innate masters are much stronger than in the past.

And in today's situation, the innate masters of the past have gradually widened the gap.

Veteran innate masters like Li Yanchong have yet to comprehend the usage of heaven and earth vitality.

He still used his true energy to fight according to his past habits.

And young. It represents creating the future!
Young geniuses like Wu De and Li Xiang have already figured out the correct usage of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Li Xiang frowned slightly, "Isn't it a bit too much for us to do this?"

Obviously it's just a discussion.

Wu De pointed to the Thunder Snake wrapped around Lu Nanke's hand, "Old Lu drove it first!"

Lu Nanke: "."

Why does it sound like playing an FPS game.

You killed the other party a few times, and the other party typed "You opened it first" on the public screen, and then "packed your bags".

He asked in his heart: Do they have any means of turning things around?Then I can be careful not to overturn the car.

【The vitality of heaven and earth is slowly recovering, otherwise there would be no monsters appearing.But you don't have to worry, the vitality of heaven and earth is released step by step. If your ability is... just treat it as a magnetic field turning.Now the first stage is only the limit of 25 horses, and it will take some time to reach this limit. 】

[One thing will happen after that, after that event, the vitality of heaven and earth will be further released, and finally reach the limit of 50 horses. 】

So the question is, is there anyone in this world who can match me?
[The concubine can do it, but before the concubine awakens, there are a few people who can reach that limit. 】

Lu Nanke directly asked in his heart: Let's just say whether Lu Jianmin can do it.

【Can. 】


That's fine.

It seems that the matter of exploding old gold coins still needs to be considered in the long run.

At least practice to 25 horses first.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Nanke looked up at the two people opposite him.

The white sword in Wu De's hand ignited flames, while the black sword in Li Xiang's hand entangled with water.

Even the water flow is more turbulent than the flames, which is probably the blessing of rainy days.

"Old Lu, be careful!"

It was the same combined attack just now!
Lu Nanke still did not dodge, but still raised his arms to block.

But when the sword edge touched his arm, Lu Nanke's expression changed slightly.

The body that could not be broken through by pure energy and the sharpness of the blade was still unable to break through at this moment, but Lu Nanke felt a fiery burning feeling pouring into his right arm, and a biting cold feeling pouring into his left arm!

This is the vitality of heaven and earth?
Relying on the "shocking wisdom" brought about by the rotation of the magnetic field, Lu Nanke understood Wu De's use of the vitality of heaven and earth in just a moment.

If it is said that the ordinary innate is only the release of true energy, then Wu De and the others will go one step further and use the release of their own true energy as a way to attract the vitality of the outside world to attack and defend.

Compared with traditional martial arts, this is already close to the level of Xianxia or fantasy.

Lu Nanke smiled slightly, and the magnetic field in his arms began to rotate, and soon the intruding air of water and fire dissipated like ice and snow melting.

The magnetic field rotation is such a convenient thing!

Then, he's going to start "abusing food"!

Is it fun to abuse vegetables?

It's so fun and spicy! ——
After a stick of incense, Wu De rubbed his face and complained in Yizhuang, "Why are you so cruel, Lao Lu?"

This guy slaps people in the face!Simply inappropriate!

Lu Nanke smiled slightly, "The strong want to humiliate the weak, who will make you weak?"

He continued to be ambiguous, "No way? Do you want to be a saint at this level? Are you worthy? Huh?"

Wu De's face turned pale when he said it. He wanted to refute but couldn't find any reason to refute.

Li Xiang was a little dazed, with his head down, looking preoccupied.

Lu Nanke wanted to laugh.

So God's perspective is cool.

I'm afraid this guy is thinking "The Devil's Gate is so fierce now, I wonder if it's a mistake to betray the Devil's Gate", right?

"But I didn't expect, Lao Lu, you are so strong now." Wu De couldn't help feeling, "In the past, you were no match for us in a one-on-one match, but now we can't even beat you together."

Li Xiang suddenly said, "Lao Lu used to hide his strength when he was in the temple."

Lu Nanke smiled, "Hmm, what's going on, aren't you particularly shocked?"

Li Xiang also smiled and did not speak.

He has also hidden his strength, but the gap with Lu Nanke is still a bit big.

"Don't worry about that." Lu Nanke patted Li Xiang on the shoulder and gave him a meaningful smile, "Let's go back to the White Horse Temple first, I have a hunch that something big might happen in the White Horse Temple ceremony this time."

Li Xiang's heart suddenly jumped, what did Lao Lu mean by this?
He already knows that I am an undercover agent arranged by the Demon Sect to enter the White Horse Temple?
There is also a big event about to happen in the White Horse Temple. Could it be implying that the magic gate has any ideas?
no!Go back quickly and tell Master!

He raised his head and said: "Brother, tomorrow you will escort everyone from the Linwei Escort Bureau back to watch, and the younger brother will go ahead and find the master to explain the situation."

Wu De was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "That's fine."

Li Xiang nodded to Lu Nanke, and then he apologized to everyone and left immediately.

Xu Sanhu had an ugly expression on his face, "Master Daoist, could something be wrong?"

Lu Nanke sneered, "That Li Daochang has a thin skin, and they felt ashamed when they lost two to one against me, so they ran away with their tails between their legs."

Wu De was about to refute, but saw Lu Nanke winking at him.

His heart warmed, and he understood that Lao Lu still had a view of the white horse in his heart, but he couldn't lie, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

Seeing that Wu De didn't refute, Xu Sanhu and Li Yanchong had a heart attack.

The two true descendants of Baimaguan can almost be said to be the most outstanding people of the younger generation, but they are not the opponents of this holy son.
Although I didn't try my best, it was too exaggerated!

Taking a deep breath, Li Yanchong felt that he was about to suffer.

That holy son has been "charming" his disciples.

Just watching the disciples gather around "Brother Lu" and "Brother Lu" was difficult enough, but he couldn't even resist.

Patriarchs of past dynasties, could it be that my Yujian sect is a dignified and upright sect, and I will become a branch sect of the Demon Sect in the future?

Then how can I have the face to meet the ancestors of Yujianmen in a hundred years?
There was nothing to say all night, and the two broke up and left the next day.

Along the way, Li Yanchong kept urging his disciples to leave quickly, and the shorter the time he could spend with this devil's son, the better.

In a hurry, it took only half a month to reach the city of Luoyang.

After handing over the greeting card, the people from Yujianmen were arranged into the guest room.

Only here did Li Yanchong breathe a sigh of relief.

Even though the devil's holy son also sneaked in, he didn't dare to speak out at that time because he was afraid that the other party would make trouble.

But tonight, he planned to go to the temple master to clarify, so as to save the white horse temple from angering Yujianmen in the future.

But before him, Lu Nanke was taken by the Taoist Zhike to meet the host Zhou Kejie.

In the main house, looking at the familiar old face, Lu Nanke almost froze.

When I saw him a few times in the past, I always wore a white coat with short hair, but this time the old man looked like a dog in a Taoist robe with long hair and a long beard. For a while, Lu Nanke really didn't get used to it.

Just when he was about to exchange some pleasantries, Zhou Kejie spoke first.

"Little Lu, why did you come back suddenly? But what happened in the Demon Sect?"

Lu Nanke was taken aback for a moment, feeling quite strange in his heart.

Could it be that I'm really an undercover agent arranged by Baimaguan to enter the Demon Sect?

 The wine is not sober yet. . .Today is also 6K.

(End of this chapter)

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