she's nice but not human

Chapter 104 See you at the beginning of the year, the holy son meets the fairy

Chapter 104 See you at the beginning of the year, the holy son meets the fairy
Lu Nanke was also shocked, "Huh? Didn't Wu De and Li Xiang tell you?"

Zhou Kejie gritted his teeth with a dark face: "These two boys! They have learned to lie!"

His words warmed Lu Nanke's heart.

It turned out that for their own sake, those two guys actually lied to the viewer?
But can the cooperation before the subject know the truth?
Lu Nanke didn't know, he quietly started to rotate the magnetic field with his left hand behind his back.

"Xiao Lu, you don't have to be like this." Zhou Kejie stroked his beard and sighed softly, "Oh, you must have your own reasons."

Lu Nanke raised his eyebrows, "Do you trust me so much?"

Zhou Kejie said lightly: "I don't trust you, but I trust the two disciples of Pindao."

Lu Nanke didn't care either, but told all about Yun Qingzi who killed him by the way when he just crossed over.

Then he took off the "Qinghong" on his back and handed it to Zhou Kejie, "This sword should be returned to its original owner."

Originally, he had been waiting for Zhou Kejie to speak, but Zhou Kejie refused to speak.

Now he can only take it out on his own initiative.

"You keep it."

Zhou Kejie pushed the sword back, "Only if you hold this sword, others will believe that you have completely severed your relationship with Baimaguan, and no one will doubt you if you take away the "Secret Records of Xiantian Taichu"."

Lu Nanke didn't hesitate to take "Qinghong" directly. He really liked this sword.

However, he still has a question to ask, "So the breakthrough method that Yun Qingzi mentioned. Could it be that there really is one in the White Horse Temple?"

"Yes, Pindao has seen it too, but that's just the guesswork of the predecessors. After all, there have been no monsters in the world for thousands of years." Zhou Kejie was quite emotional, "Are monsters really going to reappear in this world?"

"Isn't it a matter of course now that the vitality of heaven and earth is recovering?" Lu Nanke changed the subject directly, "Let's continue with the previous topic. The next trick is that the temple master can accidentally throw away the fake "Secret Records of Xiantian Taichu" prepared by the temple. Give it to others, and this matter is best done in public, and then I can take this book from that person."

Zhou Kejie frowned displeased, "Isn't this trying to harm others? I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Lu Nanke said in a deep voice: "This is the best choice, and to tell you the truth, whether you do it or not, I will find trouble with that person."

Zhou Kejie's heart skipped a beat, "Who offended you?"

"It can't be called offending." Lu Nanke said lightly, "This person's name is Bai Qiuyue."

Zhou Kejie had a strange expression on his face, "Could it be Bai Qiuyue, the only daughter of Bai Wentian, the master of the Tianjiange Pavilion, 'Sword Master'?"

You say this who knows!

"Probably." Lu Nanke nodded, "Anyway, I only know her name is Bai Qiuyue."

Fairy Bai, do you still have father's?

[I don’t remember, maybe there was once. 】

For her, that was many, many years ago.

She only remembered him, but couldn't remember anyone else.

Here Lu Nanke was chatting with his "Goldfinger" in his heart, but Zhou Kejie looked at him with a strange expression, "Little Lu, tell me the truth, what exactly do you want?"

Lu Nanke was silent for a long time before he sighed, "To tell you the truth, I actually fell in love with that white fairy, but I don't know how to get close, so..."

"So that's the case, then this matter is easy to handle." Zhou Kejie said with a smile: "Heroes save the beauty? Deliberately annoy the girl you like so that she will remember you? Xiao Lu, you just grew up in the audience, how do you go?" The Demon Sect has been lurking for a year and hasn't learned any tricks?"

He suddenly realized, "Yes, Junior Brother is also a man of few words."

Then he glanced at Lu Nanke, and suddenly kept silent about the matter, "Then let's do this, but why did that white girl appear near the White Horse Temple?"


Lu Nanke was speechless for a while.

How dare I make up a lie and you believe it?
"Yes, I'm afraid she will also come to Baima Guan."

Lu Nanke told the story of Bai Qiuyue, that she passed through Jingchuan Town behind him, and then buried Yun Qingzi's body.

"She should come to the White Horse Temple to inform the temple about this."

"That's how it is." Zhou Kejie nodded, "Then Xiao Lu, you go back first. The grand ceremony will start in three days. The poor Taoist will wait for Miss Bai to come to the door to be more formal, and then give the book to her for her to take back to Tianjian Pavilion. Find a way to take the book away in public."

In this way, Tianjiange didn't get the book, neither did Baima Temple, and the book was taken away by the devil's son.

Unless they have the guts to provoke Lu Jianmin, the "End of Martial Dao", the only chance for those ambitious people is to take the book away before Lu Nanke returns to the Demon Gate.

"Little Lu, this is going to make you suffer."

Zhou Kejie looked at Lu Nanke with loving eyes.

This child really still loves the white horse concept.

Obviously, he has selectively forgotten that he gave him a magic weapon in order to appease Lu Nanke and did not pursue Yun Qingzi's death, and gave him the magic skill "Taiqing Dao" of the Baima Guanzhen School.

For the sake of the white horse view, he actually put his own safety at risk!
He really is!Pindao cried to death!

"Should be."

Lu Nanke stood up and said goodbye, "Monastery Master, please take a step first."

"Little Lu!"

Hearing Zhou Kejie's voice behind him, Lu Nanke turned around in doubt.

". Be careful." After a while, Zhou Kejie only said a few words.

There is another sentence after this sentence.

"Say hello to Junior Brother on behalf of the poor."

"Don't worry, the master, I will do it naturally."

Lu Nanke left.

Zhou Kejie shook his head and sighed, "You still refuse to call Pindao Master."
Quickly returning to the guest room, Wu Dezheng paced back and forth anxiously, while Li Xiang was sitting at the stone table under the pagoda tree in the courtyard, drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing Lu Nanke coming back, Wu De hurriedly said, "Old Lu, Master didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

"No." Lu Nanke smiled and shook his head.

If Zhou Kejie really made things difficult for him, there would be only one person who could walk out of the room alive.

And this person is definitely not Zhou Kejie.

Although he doesn't know the opponent's strength, Lu Nanke is confident that unless Bai Qiuyue awakens, Lu Jianmin may be the only one in this world who can fight against him so far.

It's hard to say after the vitality of heaven and earth is fully awakened.

But then he will become stronger too.

"That's good." Wu De breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought Master would make things difficult for you after you defected to the Demon Sect."

Lu Nanke smiled and said, "I told him about Yun Qingzi's death, but he didn't care."

"Grand Master, he..." Wu De shook his head and sighed.

Li Xiang smiled and said, "I'll just say it's okay, I'll make you anxious."

Lu Nanke glanced at him, smiled but didn't speak.

Li Xiang felt uncomfortable being watched by him, "What do you see me doing?"

"It's nothing." Lu Nanke didn't want to say more.

Zhou Kejie had specially ordered this.

However, he was quite interested in Li Xiang's mood after being exposed in the future.

I don't know if he was in a constant state of panic or what.

But now is not the time to think about that.

"It's getting late. Since I'm sure I'm safe, you all go back." Lu Nanke looked up at the moonlight, "I haven't been back for a long time, I plan to go to the town down the mountain."

Wu Dedao: "Then go together? We just happen to be able to show you the way."

"You don't have to." Lu Nanke said to himself, buddy is looking for a girl, why are you two following?Did you mess with your buddies?
He waved his hand and walked out, "I won't talk nonsense with you guys, buddies are going to be busy, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he ran away quickly without waiting for Wu De to keep him.

Wu De was going to chase but was stopped by Li Xiang, "Forget it, Lao Lu must have his own business when he came to Baimaguan. If you really treat him as a brother, don't ask too much."

Wu De paused, then sighed, "How did you say it got into this way?"

Li Xiang said indifferently: "People will grow up, and only when they grow up will they understand what is involuntary."

Like himself.

He just wants to be a good person and live in Baimaguan like this.

It's a pity that the fucking thing of fate always doesn't let him go.

It would be great if he hadn't been born in a magic family since he was a child.
For a while, the two looked up at the moon and sighed, each with their own concerns.
And Lu Nanke, who had already slipped out of the White Horse Temple, didn't bother to talk to them.

He asked in his heart: You said that there are secret scriptures to change fate in the scripture pavilion of Baima Temple?
[Yes, it's a pity that if the vitality has not been fully recovered today, the secret book is useless for the time being, but if the young master gets it, it will indeed be a good treasure in the future. 】

Lu Nanke smiled: There is no need, first of all, I will not stay here for too long, and I will leave when the transaction is completed.Secondly, I don't need the help of that kind of exercises for my path of becoming a strong man, just any cheat book, such as "Taiqing Dao" is enough.

[Young Master's good attitude is enviable. 】

What are you envious of? I still envy you monsters, you are immortal, and you use me as a mortal every day to have fun.

The little fresh meat from the movie is poor in acting, poor in singing, poor in business, plays big names, has no knowledge, and is not handsome, so there are a bunch of maids who want to take off their clothes and post them on it.

Good thing buddies, what kind of fan association do you monsters set up, and in the end, each one of you wants to kill me or eat me.

[The concubine is different from those vulgar fans, so you don't have to worry about it. 】

That's right, it's just a transaction anyway, it should be done sooner rather than later.

[Transaction. That's right, it's just a transaction, so now the young master has to follow the concubine's instructions to attack the concubine. 】

Lu Nanke squatted at the corner of Baima Town East Street under Baimaguan and looked at the "Waiting for the Wind" inn diagonally opposite: So you live here now?

[Yes, the concubine lives in it. 】

Lu Nanke narrowed his dead eyes and complained in his heart: Then who is this person in front of me?
【Um? 】

I saw a young girl appearing in front of Lu Nanke at some point.

The girl's black hair poured down like flowing clouds, scattered around her waist, and was only tied behind her head with a snow-colored hair tie.

Her skin is fat, her eyebrows are like smoke, fresh and elegant, her almond eyes are shining with a little streamer, the color of water is shining, and under her straight nose is a little pink cherry lips, she looks a little cool and a little cute.

Dressed in white clothes with a bit of slack, the temperament is elegant and dusty, and it is extremely cold.

The moonlight seemed to shroud her body with a thin layer of mist, as pure as a celestial being exiled from the sky.

Lu Nanke admitted that he was really moved at this moment.

Just like the previous time, the first two times, or even the same heartbeat as the first three times.

Who wouldn't like a peerless, black, long, straight and beautiful girl with national style?

[This is what the concubine looked like when she was young and unawakened. How excited is the young master? 】

Lu Nanke couldn't take his eyes off, but his heart was still stubborn: that's all.

Heh, I'm afraid that after Thanos snapped his fingers, he lost his whole body and left his mouth in place, saying "Thanos is nothing more than wearing the Infinity Gauntlet".


Just a slight smile revealed Bai Qiuyue's attitude at this time.

Dang bang.

After regaining his senses, Lu Nanke lowered his head in astonishment, only to see the girl version of the black-haired Gufeng Bai Qiuyue squatting in front of him, and then placed a broken silver in front of him.

Then she stood up, turned her head and walked back to the inn.


Lu Nanke picked up the piece of silver and weighed it, and it looked like two or three.

He turned his head and saw several half-grown beggars looking at him eagerly.

Sighing, he threw the few taels of silver to them.

The oldest beggar was about to kneel down and kowtow to Lu Nanke, but he couldn't kneel down any more after hearing a si-la.

He hurriedly raised his head, but he could only see the back of the blue shirt going away.

Lu Nanke complained in his heart while walking towards the inn: You treat me like a beggar, don't you?Eyes are not needed and can be given to those who need them, thank you.How can I look so handsome and unrestrained like a beggar?

Even his green shirt is the kind that is invulnerable to water, fire and dust!Is this "Bai Qiuyue Girls Limited Edition" so outrageous?

The elegant voice of "Bai Qiuyue · Yu Jie Da Yao Version" in his heart rang in his head.

[Young master doesn't pay attention to his own manners and squats with the beggar. The concubine has just entered the rivers and lakes at that time, so it is only natural that I misunderstood it. 】

Lu Nanke: Then why did you only give me money?
[Because the son is good-looking, and the concubine was relatively poor at that time, and there were only so many of them. 】


Lu Nanke walked into the "Waiting for the Wind" inn with a dark face.

Xiao Er came up to him with a smile on his face, "Do you want to be a guest officer or stay in a hotel?"

The young man in green shirt in front of him had an extraordinary bearing. Judging from his clothes, he seemed to be rich or expensive, but the expression on his face was not very good-looking.

Therefore, the waiter in the shop became more and more careful.

It doesn't matter if you get slapped a few times, as long as you don't offend this old man
He was ready to be slapped, but he heard a really gentle voice, "I have a friend here, so go and get busy."

Lu Nanke threw him an ingot of broken silver and gave him a warm smile.

Holding the silver in his hand, the little second hand stared blankly at him, then lowered his head and said softly after a while, "Thank you, officer, for your reward."

After saying that, he turned his head and walked away quickly.

Lu Nanke frowned slightly.

Good guy!Dude is so loud and angry, but let me hang it here?
But he doesn't care, he's here to find someone.

Looking across the lobby, Lu Nanke saw Bai Qiuyue eating alone at a table by the window.

The girl was like a lonely moon, although many diners in the lobby were looking at her quietly or directly, but no one dared to strike up a conversation.

Lu Nanke was different, he walked up to Bai Qiuyue and sat down under the inexplicable stares of other people.

Bai Qiuyue tilted her head, her black and white apricot eyes quietly looked at him.

After a while, she calmly said, "I don't have any more money for you."

"." Lu Nanke's handsome face darkened, pointing to a plate of Chinese cabbage and a plate of tofu mixed with shallots on the table, "You just eat this?"

Bai Qiuyue tapped Zhenshou lightly, and said it as a matter of course, "Because I have no money."

Lu Nanke took a deep breath and shouted, "Xiao Er!"

Just now the waiter from the store ran over quickly, "Guest officer! What are your orders?"

Lu Nanke slapped a silver ingot on the table, "Give me all the signature dishes in the store!"

 Good night. . .Be a healthy man.

(End of this chapter)

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