she's nice but not human

Chapter 117 Why are you so strong?

Chapter 117 Why are you so strong?
Lu Nanke couldn't help but plucked his ears, the "powerful aura" that had been forcibly stretched just now broke down instantly, and he became that buddy next door again.

"Did I hear wrong? You said I killed well?"

Lu Jianmin said lightly: "I won't say the same thing a second time."

Lu Nanke felt strange, "He is one of the four heavenly kings under your command, and I even went to His Excellency Seven Stars to single-handedly kill many mainstays under his command, so you don't care?"

"So I said that you did a good job, and you did not disappoint me." Lu Jianmin remained expressionless.

Lu Nanke understood.

It's not that Lu Jianmin doesn't care, but that Lu Jianmin is on his side.

Then wouldn't there be no reason to explode the old gold coins?

Lu Nanke continued: "The so-called devil's saint is also accepted as my maid."

He deliberately said the Demon Gate instead of the Holy Gate, and the Saintess of the Demon Gate has a high status, right?And I heard that he is still Lu Jianmin's disciple.

Then he should be angry when he said that, right?

Lu Jianmin said calmly, "I ordered her to do so."

"." Lu Nanke said again: "Two of your four heavenly kings seem to have a bad attitude towards me. I can't bear it the most, and I will kill them in two days."

"If you want to inherit the throne, you have to be decisive." Lu Jianmin's eyes showed approval, "It's just that it's a little slow to wait until two days later, why not do it tomorrow or tonight."


What's the matter with this old thing?
Lu Nanke grinned, "Why bother? To be honest, I came back this time to defeat you and become the new Lord of the Demon Sect! Wouldn't it be fun for the Demon Sect to respect me from now on!"

"I see." Lu Jianmin nodded slowly, "It's good to be ambitious, and I'm very pleased that you can think of me like this. But now you are a little weak, and I will protect you from the wind and rain for a while. When you are full-fledged At this time, this magic door will be handed over to you."



Fist hardened.

This old Lu Jianmin doesn't eat oil and salt, what should we do?
"Weak? It's better to hit Ruo if you choose another day. If you don't, then come and try my strength, how about it?"

Forget it, just hit the straight ball.

Lu Nanke suddenly became suspicious. Could it be that Lu Jianmin was afraid that he would not be able to beat him so he gave up?

"So, it seems that your trip went too smoothly."

The person sitting on the nine-fold high platform stood up.

The next moment he disappeared in front of the throne.

Lu Nanke looked to the left three feet away, and at some point there appeared a thin but firm figure.

Well, Lu Nanke is relieved.

He can keep up with Lu Jianmin's speed.

It seems that I will not be crushed by him anymore, and I am even stronger!

"Oh? Can you keep up with my speed?" Although he didn't take it seriously, Lu Jianmin was still a little surprised.

After all, although he hasn't pointed out Lu Nanke in the past year, he is also very clear about Lu Nanke's strength.

"It seems that the experience of these days has given you some insights, or you may have had some adventures. It must be "Secret Records of the Innate and Absolute Beginning". Your practice route. It turns out that Senior Brother Zhou also passed on the Baima Temple's township exercises. Here you go."

Although Lu Nanke's internal strength is not very strong, Lu Jianmin will not conclude that his strength is weak so simply.

Leaving aside the fact that Lin Mieqing could be killed, even if it was false, he would not despise it.

Because Lu Nanke was brought back by her.

She had said the child was as special as she was.

Lu Lishuang. The "Sword Master" who was once invincible in the world is rare in internal skills, but she is number one in the world.

She was only 20 years old that year.

Has something hidden in the bloodline awakened?

Sure enough, the seal of heaven and earth vitality has been loosened, then follow her instructions before leaving.

But before that, Lu Nanke must first have the strength to protect himself and even surpass others in the great changes in the world.

Lu Jianmin stood with his hands behind his back, "Come on, let me see your growth and the source of your confidence."

The corner of Lu Nanke's mouth slightly raised, "You said it yourself!"

Then he is welcome!
Golden thunder snakes rushing all over him!Lu Nanke's magnetic field rotation has reached [-] horses!

Use [-] horses to test it first, so as not to accidentally kill him as soon as it comes up!
Even Lu Nanke suspected that Lu Jianmin, with a strength of [-] horses, would not be able to take it.

"Attention!" Lu Nanke reminded loudly, and then shot immediately!
"The black tiger is poor and the lamb is in trouble!"

Lu Nanke clasped his arms and was about to strangle Lu Jianmin in his arms!
Lu Jianmin was startled, what is the name of this move?

But he reacted extremely quickly.

Even if the speed was similar to or even slightly worse than Lu Nanke's, Lu Nanke didn't touch the corner of his clothes.

After passing Lu Nanke's attack, Lu Jianmin frowned for the first time, "It's an insult to the family tradition."

As the child brought back by Lu Lishuang, how could he have such ordinary moves?
Back then, Lu Lishuang's every move was extremely stylish!

Besides, even the name of the move is outrageous!
What is "Black Tiger Poor Lamb"?

Lu Lishuang's sword skills are all called "Broken Huangquan", "Luo Jiuxiao", and "Zhan Tianya"!

In no mood!The more I think about it, the angrier I get!
Today he is going to take action to teach this arrogant and unfilial son a lesson!
Although Lu Nanke was not his son, after all, Lu Lishuang entrusted him to him.

So he thought Lu Nanke was the son he didn't deserve.

So, he set out.

Lu Nanke saw Lu Jianmin punching his chest softly and without force.

He frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

Although this punch was common and extremely slow, for some reason he felt that he couldn't dodge it at all.

But with such a soft punch, it doesn't matter if it hits him.

But would Lu Jianmin be so merciful?
Lu Nanke suddenly had a quick warning in his heart!It seems that this weak punch contains the power that can threaten him!

what? !

To this day, there is still power that can threaten him?

The vitality of heaven and earth has not been unsealed yet!

You must know that the magnetic field rotation force of [-] horses can even resist small tactical nuclear bombs!
Although he will be severely injured and vitally injured, he can still bear it.

But Lu Jianmin's punch can make him feel threatened
Grass!What kind of monster is this? !
Seeing him dodge the punch subconsciously, a flash of approval flashed in Lu Jianmin's cold eyes.

But he kept punching, still hitting Lu Nanke's chest.

Lu Nanke couldn't dodge this punch no matter what.

If there is no avoidance, there is no need to avoid it!

Since this game-like move doesn't work, don't blame him for being rude!

I didn't want to be serious at first, but Lu Jianmin is obviously not an opponent who can be dealt with without being serious.

The magnetic field turns!Seventy thousand horsepower!

"Killing Whale Fist!"

Lu Jianmin seemed a little nostalgic when he called the name of the move, but after hearing the name of his move, Lu Jianmin completely turned into a black face.

What is this unknown so-called move name!
In the past, when Lu Lishuang made a move, she would calmly read the name of the move.

But that's with style!His sword moves are nice and cool!Moreover, reading each word at once can also put great psychological pressure on the opponent-even if I read the moves and then fight, you are destined to die under my sword!
But what happened to Lu Nanke's Whale Killing Fist?Ridiculous!
Lu Jianmin pointed out with a blank face, and finally a trace of real power leaked from that index finger.

Lu Nanke stared slightly.

Lu Jianmin's strength is about the same as Zhou Kejie, the master of the white horse temple.

Could this be the "Demon Lord" who has ruled the world by himself for twenty years?
Is the others too weak or Zhou Kejie is too strong?
Could it be that the old man has been hiding his strength before?

But only if so.
In fact, [-] horses are enough.

Lu Nanke quietly reduced the power output of the punch to the level of [-] horsepower.

After all, he just wanted to beat Lu Jianmin, not kill him—unknowingly, his attitude towards Lu Jianmin was actually different from that in the first world.

But the moment this fist touched Lu Jianmin's index finger, Lu Nanke's pupils shrank suddenly!
This indication was nothing special, and he even felt that the purity of his qi was no better than Zhou Kejie, but Lu Nanke had a feeling that he couldn't stop this indication.

Obviously, he is absolutely confident that he can blow Zhou Kejie down as long as he bursts out with all his strength, but he can't stop this finger at all.

He can't accept it!
So he tried his best!

The magnetic field turns!Ninety-five thousand horsepower!Defeat me!

Gritting his teeth, Lu Nanke didn't call out his moves this time—this was a sign that he was serious.

A full-strength blow under the rotating magnetic field of [-] horses!Don't say it's just Lu Jianmin, it's this hall!He can also viciously knock down the entire mountain top!
But the top of the mountain was not bombed down, nor was the main hall.

And Lu Jianmin will not be bombarded.

Lu Nanke's tyrannical punch was pierced by Lu Jianmin's finger like soap bubbles, without any surprise.

Lu Nanke retracted his fist and stood still, and Lu Jianmin also stood with his hands behind his back and did not pursue.

It's just that his hands behind his back were trembling slightly. Although he broke Lu Nanke's punch, he was also injured by the shock alone, but Lu Nanke didn't notice it.

He was thinking about another thing.

After a long silence, Lu Nanke said in a deep voice, "Is it the perfect realm?"

"I don't know what this realm is. It's just that when I realized it at the beginning, your mother said that this is considered to be a master." Lu Jianmin said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that 20 years have passed, and only your mother has the same realm in this world. , this seat, and Senior Brother Zhou."

Lu Nanke: "."

He knew that his mother was strong and tyrannical.

At the age of 20, he was invincible all over the world, including the sword he used with his own body before, which is a standard example of complete control of one's own strength.

This is not surprising.

But both Lu Jianmin and Zhou Kejie have a perfect realm
Although it will not exceed [-]% of the complete state at most, it is also outrageously terrifying.

It is obvious that the two of them are not their opponents at all in terms of hard power, but it is different when counting the complete realm.

In the comics, there was a strong man who was seriously injured, and then relying only on the electric current under the blessing of the full realm, he wiped out the master who turned 80 magnetic fields with one blow.

There is also a character who doesn't even use electric current to push, and easily defeats the master of 70 magnetic field rotation only by relying on the complete state.

Doesn't it mean that not only Lu Jianmin in front of him, but also Zhou Kejie is stronger than himself?

Tsk, it's really annoying.

If you want to become stronger, you really can't just rely on the magnetic field to rotate.

He must realize his own "perfect state".

Raising his head, Lu Nanke's face no longer showed the exaggerated complacency that he deliberately showed before.

He frowned and said, "When did you comprehend this 'perfect state'?"

"30 years ago, the day your mother passed away." Lu Jianmin said calmly, "On that day, I realized my way. If you can't understand the way, you will never be able to defeat me."

Lu Nanke frowned and realized that things were not simple.

He desperately needs his mother's off-court support now.

But it was Bai Qiuyue who spoke first.

[So that's it, is this the Demon Venerable from back then? 】

Lu Nanke's heart skipped a beat, and he asked in his heart: What happened to him back then?Even you don't know?
[At the time, the concubine was not yet awakened, so she didn't know the inside story of many things.However, the concubine knew that it was indeed he who led the way to unseal the vitality of the world.But there is someone else behind the scenes. 】

Lu Nanke became interested: Oh?who is it?Could it be Zhou Kejie?
[That's not the case, the mastermind behind the scenes is the Great Zhou Emperor and the Great Zhou Taishang Huang.They cooperated with Mozun and said that Master Lu could reappear in the world. At that time, Master Lu should not have been able to ascend, but had died.After all, the vitality of the world had not been unsealed at that time, so there should be no one in this world who could ascend to the outside world. 】

It turns out that the mastermind behind the scenes is the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Lu Nanke frowned slightly.

If he remembered correctly, the young version of Bai Qiuyue said that there was a princess named Lu Wanqing in the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty?
But having said that, with Lu Jianmin's character, can he trust others?

[Because Uncle Lu is actually Princess Da Zhou, she is the elder sister of the current emperor. 】

Lu Nanke was startled, so he is more or less a relative of the emperor?
Lu Wanqing has become her cousin in this world?
It's really a big joke in the world.

He laughed: So Lu Jianmin was also used by others?

[According to hindsight, Demon Venerable should know about this, but he doesn't care.In the future, under the leadership of the Great Zhou court, all major factions in the world will attack the Demon Sect, but]

just how?

[It's just that they all died at the hands of the Demon Lord. 】

What about Bai Wentian?Didn't your father say he wanted to challenge him?Your father will also become stronger after the vitality of heaven and earth is unsealed. After becoming stronger, didn't you ask him to single out?

[My father did come to challenge him, but he was defeated by Mozun within ten moves.After he returned to the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, he went mad and wanted to devour my concubine's blood and turn into a demon body to challenge the Demon Lord again. At that time, he died at the hands of the awakened concubine. 】

Then Lu Jianmin was also killed by you?
[It was at the hands of my concubine that he died. 】


Dare to die in the end.

But it can also be called "one person conquers the whole world".

Can this ruthless person really beat him?
Lu Nanke clenched his fists.

can!must be able to!

As long as you understand the complete realm, everything will be fine!
Lu Jianmin obviously didn't know how to guide him to comprehend the complete state, and Qiuyue Ameng was not the same way.

It seems that I can only go back to ask my mother at night.

Now the "Secret Records of the Innate and Absolute Beginning" cannot be produced, and there is no way to communicate with my mother.

But the magic door is useful to him, and he intends to hold the magic door in his hands.

So he tilted his head and asked: "That Huo Qingtian probably won't let me go, so I will definitely kill him. Are you going to stop me?"

Lu Jianmin said indifferently: "If you can kill it, this demon gate will be under your command."

The corner of Lu Nan's mouth raised, "It's a deal."

 I have been chatting with my blind date for a long time, so I haven't had time to update.

  I’m going to the county town to meet with someone today, so I don’t know what the update time will be at night. This chapter will be updated first.

(End of this chapter)

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