she's nice but not human

Chapter 119 What kind of demons and ghosts are these demons!

Chapter 119 What kind of demons and ghosts are these demons!
What kind of person are you?

An ordinary person with normal three views who grew up in a modern society.

This is Lu Nanke's original cognition.

But he did not comprehend the full state, which shows that the so-called "ordinary person with normal three views" is not his true nature.

"Am I actually a scumbag?"

That's clearly not the case.

Although his empathy is not as strong now as it was when he was in school, he still feels compassion when he sees tragic things.

This is a psychological reaction that almost all normal people will have.

He doesn't feel refreshed when he sees someone die or live a miserable life.

Lu Nanke closed his eyes and began to recall the past.

The past 27 years of life have been like this, and it seems that there are no big winds and waves.

So is the character developed in those 27 years of life Lu Nanke's nature?

He thought it was, but now it seems that it is not.

"So, I am someone who yearns for the unknown and frenzy?"

Nor is it.

He hates these worlds.

Whether it's the so-called weird talk about rules, or the revival of the modern world with the aura of extraordinary existence, or the ancient overhead world with mountain spirits and ghosts.

He doesn't like any of these.

Or don't like it that much.

He likes new things, but just likes and doesn't want to touch.

To put it bluntly, he likes to "look", but he doesn't want to be "the person in the painting".

But it doesn't make sense either.

Lu Nanke thought about it all night, but he couldn't figure out what kind of person he was.

After all, everyone is a complex individual, which cannot be described by simple labeling.

It seems that it is not so easy to find the purest self.

Lu Nanke sighed and realized that it was already bright.

He got up and opened the door and walked out. The Holy Maiden had already stood outside the door respectfully, even holding a washbasin in her hand. The warm water in the basin was still steaming, which showed her intentions.

Well, it seems that this is Zhaoxi now.

After Lu Nanke finished washing, he smiled and said, "Let's go."


Today, all the masters of the magic sect on Shengxian Peak will appear, unless there is something that can't come.

And when Lu Nanke came here, there were several eyes with unknown meanings.

Lu Nanke didn't care, he went straight into the hall to find Lu Jianmin.

And Zhao Xi followed behind him, and didn't stop until the entrance of the main hall.

At this time, Qiu Bihua leaned forward and asked cautiously: "My lord, is he treating you well?"

Zhaoxi bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, and two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Sir Saintess?!" Qiu Bihua panicked, she took out her handkerchief and carefully wiped Zhaoxi's tears, "Could it be that he bullied you?!"

Zhao Xi shook her head lightly, sobbing and said: "No, no. Lord Shengzi is very kind to me, and he didn't even ask me to wash his feet and warm his bed."

Qiu Bihua's pretty face turned pale.

what? !

Doesn't that mean that everything is done except washing feet and warming the bed?
Holy Son Holy Son!

Lu Nanke's child!I, Qiu Bihua, are at stake with you! ! !

At this time, the seductive beauty looked devastated, but she managed to hold up a "suffering master" smile to comfort Zhao Xi, "It's okay. Just treat it as a nightmare."

Her expression had a feeling of "it's okay, I'm willing to take over".

The rest of the Demon Sect members who were a little further away looked as if they hadn't seen anything.

Huo Qingtian looked dismissive.

Heh, this Qiu Bihua is really a freak, as a woman, he likes women equally.

Huo Qingtian sneered at the only female heavenly king.

It's just that the other party probably thinks the same about him.
After waiting for a while, Lu Jianmin's aura in the main hall was relaxed and relaxed.

The faces of the people outside the hall changed slightly, they looked at each other, and then walked into the hall - this was the signal for the Demon Lord to allow them to enter the hall.

Many masters of the magic sect filed in, but their expressions changed slightly.

I saw that Demon Venerable was still sitting on the throne above the nine steps, but next to him, the Demon Son also had a seat.

You must know that this was absolutely impossible in the past!

Huo Qingtian's heart trembled, but he still didn't intend to give up.

Brother Lin is gone, he has nothing to lose.

At this time, Lu Jianmin said indifferently: "This seat intends to retreat, and all affairs in the holy gate will be handed over to the holy son. You can have any opinions."

Although it looks like an inquiry, it is actually just a notification.

Lu Nanke glanced sideways at him. He didn't tell him about it. He just hinted at it, but he didn't expect it to be so direct?
Tsk, doesn't this make outsiders misunderstand that they have a good relationship?
My father is not so good.
Lu Nanke was in a complicated mood.

In fact, he didn't know why he resisted Lu Jianmin.

Maybe he didn't want to admit that he actually respected this old guy?
No one knows what Lu Nanke thinks, but the faces of those giants of the Demon Sect are not very good-looking.

Although Lu Nanke is said to be the Holy Son, he was the Holy Son who was airborne within a year after all.

In the past, calling him Holy Son was just for the face of the Lord. Anyway, this Holy Son has always been indifferent, and it does not involve everyone's interests, so everyone will naturally give him face.

But now it's hard to say.

Huo Qingtian looked around, but no one dared to stand up.

Heh, it seems that although everyone has ideas, after all, no one wants to be the first bird to challenge the coercion of the Demon Lord.

A group of insects.

He looked at Qiu Bihua again.

Qiu Bihua wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Zhaoxi.

A mocking smile appeared on Huo Qingtian's soft and feminine face.

Oh, your love is nothing more than that.

Just because you are worthy of being compared with me?
He has nothing left to lose.

So in the eyes of the crowd watching the excitement or having fun, he took a step forward and said coldly: "I don't accept it!"

Needle drop could be heard in the hall, Lu Nanke didn't speak, and Lu Jianmin didn't speak either.

It's just that faint coercion permeated the hall.

Cold sweat broke out on Huo Qingtian's forehead, but he still didn't take a step back, and said loudly: "I, Huo Qingtian, refuse to accept it!"

Lu Jianmin looked at him quietly.

Huo Qingtian only felt that his heart was beating faster and faster.His face was also flushed, and even his breathing seemed to start to become difficult.

While the air is still dwindling, the heartbeat is still accelerating.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will die on the spot without anyone taking action.

"Why does the king of heaven refuse to accept?"

Just when Huo Qingtian was about to faint, a gentle voice saved him from the fire.

The coercion on him disappeared out of thin air, and he almost fell to his knees with a sway.

Panting heavily and slowing down for a few breaths, he looked up at the person who rescued him with red eyes.

His "husband killer" - Lu Nanke!

Looking at the smiling Lu Nanke, he said coldly: "I want to challenge the Holy Son, in the way of the Holy Gate's 'Blood Pact'!"

Lu Nanke frowned slightly, "'Blood Contract'? Are you sure?"

He really needs Liwei to control the Demon Sect, and Huo Qingtian is also a good match.

He also knows what a "blood contract" is, and Lu Jianmin told him just now.

If you look at it this way, it is obvious that Lu Jianmin has anticipated this moment.

But how good is the relationship between Huo Qingtian and Lin Mieqing?
They are obviously competitors, and there is no so-called "same friendship" between them, but he and Lin Mie have such a deep relationship?

Besides, Lin Mieqing is a complete scumbag.

Heh, this is probably "human nature is not a single label", even if there are scum like Lin Miqing, there are brothers who can treat each other with sincerity.

Although Lin Mieqing might just use this guy.

But it doesn't matter, since he is rushing to die, there is no need to be polite.

"Blood contract? Here at this moment? Are you joking?"

Lu Nanke found it interesting.

This guy really doesn't care.

Lu Nanke even felt that the other party was an undercover agent, or that he was too loyal to Lu Jianmin.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for this guy to jump out and fight with his life when he needs to stand up.

"That's right, could it be that the Holy Son dare not?" Huo Qingtian stared at him, his bloodshot eyes were almost as if his wife had been killed, "But I am proposing a 'blood contract', the Holy Son may not be able to refuse."

If he refuses, let alone being in charge of the Sacred Gate, even the current position of the Sacred Son will be lost.

These are the rules set by Mozun himself, and it is impossible for him to break them!

This is Huo Qingtian's conspiracy!
"No need to refuse."

Lu Nanke stood up slowly, "Is it in this hall?"

Huo Qingtian was overjoyed, he thought that Lu Nanke would use various reasons to avoid the war, and he would have the help of the Demon Lord.

If the Holy Son finds an excuse to choose another day to fight again, then Huo Qingtian may not be so confident in avenging Brother Lin.

Although he also knew that even if he won this battle, he would not be able to live.

But... we must take advantage of the opportunity of just breaking through to kill Lu Nanke!
So he said: "Of course not in the main hall, but we can go to the 'Holy Land' duel specially used for the 'Blood Pact Battle' in the Valley of the Sacred Immortals."

After a pause, he continued, "Of course, if the Holy Son is afraid and wants to postpone it, there is nothing I can do about it."

Lu Nanke naturally knew that he was aggressive.

Heh, you want to excite yourself because you are young and energetic?

He really wanted to see what he would do if he followed Huo Qingtian's words.

But it's a pity, Lu Nanke's goal is not on Huo Qingtian.

So he nodded and said, "Then go now."

He glanced at the many demon giants standing below, and asked with a smile: "Is there anyone else who wants to make a 'blood contract' with my holy son?"

Naturally, no one responded.

Huo Qingtian clenched his fists and sneered.

Heh, do you think you can win for sure?

He was really young, arrogant and frivolous.

"It seems that no one except this seat dares to rob the Holy Son, please, Holy Son."

Lu Nanke glanced sideways at Lu Jianmin, then followed Huo Qingtian and left the hall.

Zhaoxi naturally followed behind, and Qiu Bihua naturally hurriedly followed behind Zhaoxi.

The rest of the masters saluted Lu Jianmin respectfully, then turned around and chased after him.

Everyone has their own ideas about this battle.

But everyone still hopes that Huo Qingtian's is better than the Holy Son.

After all, the Son of God wants to take everyone's power away.

Not long after, everyone came to a grass field with a unique cave in the valley.

Lu Nanke glanced around, the grass was about one kilometer in size, he moved his wrist, "So this is the burial place Huo Tianwang chose for himself?"

"I'm afraid it is the burial place of the Holy Son."

Huo Qingtian stood with his hands behind his back, and glanced at the people standing in the distance, "Everyone is here to witness that if the Holy Son is willing to bow his head, beg for forgiveness, admit his mistakes, and go to stand in front of Brother Lin's grave for three years, I can save the Holy Son's life." .”

Of course he will not let Lu Nanke go, this is just a further provocation.

Sometimes the real battle begins before the fight even begins.

Lu Nanke tilted his head, "Oh? Lin Mieqing died under the hands of my holy son without a whole body. Where did he get his grave?"

It dawned on him, "Oh, I see. Clothes, right?"

Huo Qingtian clenched his fists.

He took a deep breath and said coldly: "Don't say too much, today is the death of the Holy Son. Don't worry, I won't leave you with the whole body. If you die in a miserable state, I believe Brother Lin will be happy if you know about it." of."

Instead, Lu Nanke became curious at this time, "You seem to have a strange relationship with him."

How deep is this guy's friendship with Lin Mieqing?
Lin Mieqing is a strong man with a beard, but Huo Qingtian is a bitch.

Can they play together?

and many more
Lu Nanke suddenly thought of something.

This Huo Qingtian's eyes. Why is it a bit like the girl next to Zhaoxi who licks the dog?

A man with a big beard is majestic and majestic, and a little white face is feminine and artificial
What the fuck? !
No way!
What kind of demons and ghosts are these demons!
A dead jerk!A dead gay!

All go to hell!
Seeing that Lu Nanke's eyes were wrong, Huo Qingtian only felt a burst of anger burning!

A scarlet broadsword appeared in his left hand, and in an instant he jumped high and slashed at Lu Nanke's dog's head!

"What kind of eyes do you have! Kill me!!!"

Lu Nanke's color changed slightly, but this knife didn't let out much energy!It's like a third-rate swordsman with a rough internal strength who slashed with a single knife!
Complete state? !
No!It is an incomplete state of completeness.

But it wasn't something that Lu Nanke could easily follow.

The magnetic field turns!Ninety-five thousand horsepower!Nanke Explosive Fist!

Lu Nanke's thunder snake surged all over his body!
He punched out and collided violently with that knife!

I saw sparks flying everywhere where the fists and knives intersected!The scream that was enough to pierce the eardrum rushed around like a shock wave along with the vibration of the air!

Countless grasses on the surrounding ground fell down in rows like felled wheat!

A group of monster giants watching the battle from a distance suddenly changed color, subconsciously resisting with luck!

I saw a deep pit several feet wide where the two faced each other!

Huo Qingtian's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he fell back three feet away!
Lu Nanke's face did not change, but his left hand behind his back was shaking non-stop. There was a bloody wound with deep bone visible between the index finger and middle finger.

No, I have to think of a way.

At this time, Lu Nanke could indeed blow Huo Qingtian down, but he might also be seriously injured.

This is the magic gate, if you want to control the situation, you can't suffer such serious injuries.

Damn it!This guy can actually become stronger temporarily?
The perfect realm is really scary. Even if it is only an incomplete perfect realm.
Fortunately, Huo Qingtian's complete state is probably less than [-]% at the moment, otherwise he will suffer a lot.

Hmm. Looks like we have to focus on our hearts!

Huo Qingtian spit out a mouthful of blood again and wanted to draw his knife again!

But Lu Nanke suddenly said at this time: "Since you like Lin Mieqing, why have you never expressed your opinion?"


Huo Qingtian's forward momentum suddenly stopped, and he froze on the spot.

Then his soft and handsome face suddenly flushed red, "Don't talk nonsense! You can slander me, but you can't slander Brother Lin!"

Lu Nanke: "."

Fucking fagots, go to hell with me!

And you are too obvious!
But it can be used.

"This battle is a battle of life and death between you and me. Since it has reached such a juncture, what can we not say? You also want someone to know about your affairs."

The murderous aura on Huo Qingtian's body dissipated a little, and even looked at Lu Nanke with softer eyes.

He lowered his head and sighed softly, "Sir, if you hadn't killed Brother Lin, I believe we would have become confidants."

Who wants to be a confidant with you, a dead gay. Lu Nanke said softly, "Why don't you tell me, how about it?"

Huo Qingtian's soft and charming eyes shed two clear tears, "Because Big Brother Lin is the real hero of the world, he won't care about the so-called love between children, besides... I'm a monster who likes men, if he knows what I mean , will definitely break up with me. As long as a lowly thing like me can stay by his side, that's enough."

"No." Lu Nanke said lightly, "You are wrong."

"I was wrong?" Huo Qingtian laughed maniacally, "What do you know about us?!"

"Even I can see your feelings for him. Could it be that Lin Mieqing, who has been with you for many years, can't see it?" Lu Nanke asked back first, and then said: "Actually, although he may not accept you, he will definitely accept you." Respect you, otherwise why would he treat you like a brother?

"Besides, what's wrong with liking men? You are not inferior to anyone else, otherwise you are not insulting yourself, but insulting Lin Mieqing who respects you."

The answer, of course, is that he's using you, a faggot!
But Lu Nanke would not say such words.

"Brother Lin, does he know?" Huo Qingtian's pupils trembled, he took three steps back subconsciously, and then muttered to himself, "Yes. He must know that Brother Lin is so smart."

He closed his eyes, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

good chance!
Lu Nanke was going to step forward and punch the dog's head of this damn gay guy!

But the next moment, Huo Qingtian opened his eyes.

His eyes were as clear as water, and he was very calm inside, and his aura had completely changed.

It seems to be mediocre, and it seems that there is no more murderous intent.

Lu Nanke's face was very ugly at this moment.

Complete state? !
And it seems to be getting stronger. At this moment, I am afraid that it has reached [-]% of the complete state.

Why is it so outrageous?

"Thank you, Master Shengzi." Huo Qingtian calmly raised the scarlet giant blade in his hand, and his smile at this moment was a bit charming and dignified, "After this battle, I will leave you with a whole body. After that, I will kill myself Apologies. If it weren't for Big Brother Lin, I'm afraid I would have fallen in love with you."

He was a little sad, and Lu Nanke felt nauseated when he saw the melancholy expression of "Your birth, I am old".

Lu Nanke remained expressionless, "Unfortunately, I am not Lin Mieqing, and I will never be able to replace him. Actually, I was thinking about one thing, if he could say to you personally, 'Brother Tian, ​​I actually like you very much'" alright."

"Ah?!" Huo Qingtian stared blankly on the spot, only murmured, "I like you too"

Lu Nanke's expression changed, and he rushed to Huo Qingtian in an instant!

"Damn gay! I can't help you with anything else! All I can do is send you to meet your brother Lin! Let you all be HAPPY TOGETHER!!!
"The magnetic field rotates! Ninety-five thousand horses of power! Fucking fag blasting punch!!!"

One punch!
It only took one punch!Lu Nanke easily penetrated Huo Qingtian's chest and knocked him down completely!
And now!The smoke will clear away!
 The night before Valentine's Day, I broke up with my sister.So change it to 5000 words
(End of this chapter)

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