Chapter 87
Lu Nanke believes that his ability is the rotation of the magnetic field.

Otherwise, it can't be a super electromagnetic gun, right?
By the way, how many horses would Misaka Mikoto have if there is a magnetic field to rotate?

Tsk, in short, Lu Nanke's ability to discharge before is "current push" no matter how you look at it.

The advanced version of "current push" is naturally "magnetic field rotation".

"Magnetic field rotation" is the force of sublimation driven by electric current.

The friction of cell rotation is faster and stronger, and the current becomes a stronger and purer force, which can affect the external magnetic field, and the strength level is represented by the "number of horses".

To put it bluntly, "XX million horse power" is just a synonym for the power of "X cow X tiger" in fantasy novels.

In fact, "magnetic field rotation" is a kind of superpower that can be cultivated, which is called "full six dimensions without defects" in the post bar, provided that it can be awakened.

Lu Nanke's current magnetic field turns [-] horsepower, which is almost equivalent to the destructive power of a main battle tank.

Of course, it's just an approximate destructive power. Specifically, Lu Nanke must be much more powerful than a bulky tank.

If he could still be counted as a "person" in the previous stage of "propelled by electric current", then after the "rotation of the magnetic field", he is already on his way to becoming a "monster" forever.

Turning his head to look at the camera, Lu Nanke smiled confidently, "It seems that we have indeed made a breakthrough."

Zhou Kejie's voice sounded from the speakers in the surrounding corners, "Xiao Lu, how do you feel? Can you beat that white-haired girl now?"

"It's hard to say, I need to test my current strength." Lu Nanke raised his hand and looked at the golden distorted magnetic field Thunder Snake running in his hand, "Which one of you will give it a try?"

In the next room, after hearing Lu Nanke's words, Wu De and the others subconsciously turned to look at Lu Jianmin.

Lu Jianmin's face was still calm, "I'm not his opponent, and I can last for 5 minutes at most, and it can only be achieved when I use four to five times the ability regardless of the physical load and he has the ability to hold back."


Zhou Kejie took a breath, and then exclaimed: "Doesn't that mean that Xiao Lu is now invincible?"

"Maybe." Lu Jianmin was noncommittal, "The hot weapons of modern civilization can still easily kill me, but his physical fitness will also improve along with his superpowers. I'm not sure what level of hot weapons are needed to be useful to him."

Zhou Kejie nodded, then calmed down and asked into the microphone: "Xiao Lu, we can do a preliminary combat evaluation here, do you want to try it?"

In the practice room, Lu Nanke smiled confidently, "Come on."

"Okay, then little Lu, be careful."

Zhou Kejie outside nodded to Li Xiang, and Li Xiang immediately went to tell the other staff in front of the console to start operating.

Lu Nanke stood in the center of the football field-sized exercise room, 80 meters away from him, protruding from the floor and ceiling in a circle of instruments he couldn't understand.

The lenses of those instruments projected the light and shadow of fifty blurred human figures.

Then another circle of light from the instrument enveloped Lu Nanke.

"Xiao Lu, let go of your resistance, your magnetic field prevents us from temporarily guiding your perception."

Lu Nanke immediately stopped the rotation of the magnetic field, and then he noticed that the fifty figures around him gradually became solid.

"These are adjusted based on the information of martial arts masters from all over the world since ancient times. Xiao Lu, you can try to fight against them."

Zhou Kejie's voice echoed around, "The reason why Lao Lu is called No. 1 in human combat is because he can defeat all the 'adjusters' in the information database one-on-one. However, he can't win when faced with a siege by two people." , if the three of them besieged, even Lao Lu would last half an hour at most.

"Of course, that's the result of us prohibiting Lao Lu from using his abilities beyond the limit of his body. Now you can try it first."

Lu Nanke nodded and looked at a person walking out of those blurred figures.

"It is the 'Ran Min' we combined with countless works of art and historical records. "Book of Jin. Volume 99. Shi Jilongxia" records its "hit with the wind, and kill more than 21 levels of Xianbei alone"; " Zi Zhi Tong Jian. Volume [-]. Jin Ji [-]" records that "Min's steed Zhu Long rode on the left, holding the double Renyu, and holding the hook and halberd on the right, beheading three hundred Yan soldiers."

"Although the historical records of the Southern and Northern Dynasties are more fantasy, its strength is definitely at the top of the pyramid in the database. At the beginning, Lao Lu also fought hard for 10 minutes until he was almost exhausted before he managed to win with one move. According to the judgment of the database, although Lao Lu Lu Qiangqiang, if we meet each other in actual combat, the final result will be that we both die."

Lu Nanke looked at the bumpy figure holding a big gun in front of him, with a strange expression on his face, "Why is it a woman?"

"Cough, because our database has also absorbed a lot of fantasy works, so... you understand. By the way, you can continue to use your ability now, and the intrusion on your five senses will return to normal after half an hour."

Lu Nanke understood, "Indeed, those who can leave their names in history books have a great risk of being degraded by various works, which is understandable."

He took a deep breath, and the golden thunder snake rolled up and down again.

Ran Min? He is indeed an opponent that should not be underestimated, and he has been strengthened.

Lu Nanke's expression was serious, and he bowed slightly, "Let's begin!"

He planned not to take the initiative to attack, he had to see the strength of this guy first.

The strength to die together with Lu Jianmin!
"Okay, then be careful!"

As a green light above his head suddenly turned red, the figure immediately pulled out an afterimage and rushed towards Lu Nanke!
Lu Nanke remained motionless with a strange expression.

Zhou Kejie's expression changed in the monitoring room next door, "Oops! You shouldn't have faced an opponent of this level in the first place! Xiao Lu hasn't adapted yet?!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that phantom that could even pull out an afterimage under the ultra-high-definition camera suddenly exploded and disappeared!

But Lu Nanke did not know when he made the gesture of throwing a straight punch!

Lu Jianmin's pupils shrank slightly.

Not only Wu De, Zhou Kejie and the others, even he whose reflexes are more than twice that of ordinary people did not see when Lu Nanke's posture changed!

Lu Nanke shook his hand, he really felt like he was hit in the flesh just now.

That's right, his strange expression was not because the other party was too fast for him to react.

On the contrary, he felt that the opponent's speed was too slow!
It's as slow as watching a video at 0.5x speed, maybe even less than 0.5x speed.

So Lu Nanke just stood on the path that the opponent had to pass, then moved forward a little bit, and then punched out an ordinary straight punch.

The phantom that had no time to react was smashed into pieces and disappeared.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Nanke realized how strong he was now!
"The rotation of the magnetic field is indeed not the same dimension as the electric current." Lu Nanke raised his head, with a refreshing smile on his handsome face.

He slapped his left hand up, tilted his mouth and head and said proudly: "I want to hit fifty!"

Lu Nanke thought it was time to announce.

At least in this world. He is already invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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