This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 106 It's Absolutely Impossible to Break Through 3 Million at the Movie Box Office

Chapter 106 It's Absolutely Impossible for the Movie's Box Office to Exceed [-] Million

As a senior film critic, Tao Heng has sufficient appreciation of films.

He also watched the movie "Captain of China", and watched it twice.

This movie is actually similar to Xu Nan's first movie. It tells a simple and crude but very smooth story. It has advantages and disadvantages, and both advantages and disadvantages are quite obvious.

The movie is definitely not as bad as it is said on the Internet. Even if it is ridiculous, it is not the worst movie in history. The worst movie is the kind that can't even tell the story smoothly, and the whole process is incomprehensible.

The story of "Captain of China" is very smooth, and the narrative rhythm is also very good, but it is a bit ridiculous and embarrassing. If you can accept this style, it is actually very interesting to watch.

This is a movie with outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Those who can accept the style will find it very good-looking and fun, but those who cannot accept it will feel that it is rubbish, and even the three views will collapse.

At the beginning, Tao Heng was not very able to accept this style of film, and even wrote film critics and cursed that it was a bad film.

But after "Taoist Bian Shan" was released, he found that some people liked this kind of movie very much, so he slowly changed his opinion.

"Captain of China" is a typical peak film and television style film. Fu Huadao is slightly better than the previous two films. It is not as bad as before. The story is smooth, but overall it is still ridiculous.

It depends on whether you can accept this style. If you can accept it, you will think it looks good. If you cannot accept it, you will feel stupid.

Theoretically speaking, the box office of this kind of extreme movie will not be too high, just like those niche literary movies, everyone will say it is good, but not many people watch it.

The word-of-mouth of this movie is even worse, and audiences generally don't go to see it. Even if there are a few weird ones, they will contribute tens of millions of box office at most.

But now that the foot-washing water has come out, Tao Heng really can't guess how high the box office of "Captain of China" will be.

He only hopes that this group of sand sculpture netizens can play tricks, and don't go to the cinema to contribute to the box office of "Captain China" because of play tricks.

While thinking, the reporter Xu Nan specially contacted has already arrived.

Soon, the camera was set up, and the live broadcast room was opened.

The title is: "Interview with Tao Heng, the protagonist of the foot-washing incident. Will he drink the foot-washing water?"

A large number of netizens flooded into the live broadcast room, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was even more than that of Lin Hongxiu's last live broadcast.

The meme of footwashing water has spread all over the Internet and has become a super hot spot, comparable to the night of chicken you are too beautiful and miss you.

Seeing that Tao Heng, one of the protagonists of the incident, was being interviewed, all the netizens who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement came in.

"Liu Ming, the tongs."

"It's this warrior who wants to drink the legendary magic medicine that can make people live a second life, the girl's foot bath magic liquid?"

"If I had known earlier, I should have written this film review instead of him. It would be cheaper for him."

"This guy is so lucky, hey, it's a step too late."

"Why are there so many perverts? Wake up, normal people still occupy the majority in this world. Most people don't want to drink footwashing water, even if it's the footwashing water of beautiful women."

"But you have to admit that there are still many people who want to drink, such as this warrior, anyway, I'm all dry."

The reporter began to interview Tao Heng.

"Hello, film critic Tao Heng, I heard that you wrote three critics in a row because the movie "Captain of China" was so bad, and even swore angrily that as long as the movie's box office exceeds [-] million, you will drink it." Is Lin Hongxiu's footwashing water?"

Tao Heng nodded: "That's right, "Captain China" is the worst movie I have ever seen. This movie has no merits from the beginning to the end. I advise the audience not to watch it."

The reporter asked again: "As far as I know, there are also some netizens on the Internet who think that the movie is actually very good and enjoyable to watch. What do you think?"

Tao Heng immediately laughed: "Of course only trash audiences can appreciate trash movies, because these people themselves are trash, why there are more and more bad movies in China now is because the current audiences themselves are trash, and they watch all trash movies , That’s why there are so many rubbish movies.”

After saying this, the barrage in the live broadcast immediately exploded.

"That's right, people's tastes are really becoming more and more rubbish now. Some obviously bad works are sought after by people, which is really incomprehensible."

"Hahaha I laughed, what kind of thing are you, you can take care of what I like."

"What qualifications do you have as a mere film critic to judge us? Who do you think you can represent? You can only represent yourself."

"Is it because those upstairs are so eager to jump out because you are trash audiences?"

"The one who says other people's rubbish is the real rubbish."

Because of Tao Heng's words, the netizens in the live broadcast room were divided into two factions and began to attack each other.

This is also the status quo of the Internet now, black and white, right and wrong, anyway, everyone has nothing to do, so just quarrel with him and turn the world upside down.

The reporter continued to ask: "Just before, Lin Hongxiu, the lead actor of "Captain of China", was interviewed and offered to let you drink footwashing water, and she has already prepared it for you in advance. Will you drink it when the time comes?"

Tao Heng smiled: "Of course I can drink it. Now that I have said what I have said, I will do it. Isn't it just footwashing water? Although I don't have perverted netizens, there is still no problem drinking footwashing water."

The reporter asked: "Aren't you worried that the footwashing water is unhygienic? This is footwashing water, and there will be bacteria in it."


Tao Heng laughed loudly, leaning forward and backward, so happy that he even burst into tears.

"I have nothing to worry about. "Captain of China" is such a rubbish film, how can it have a box office of [-] million."

"No way, no way, no one really thinks that this movie can reach [-] million yuan, right? This is a bad movie known all over the country."

"To be honest, I really want to taste the footwashing water, but unfortunately, it's impossible."

Tao Heng's demeanor was extremely arrogant, like Brother Crow behind the desk, not paying attention to everyone.

The live broadcast room is densely populated.

"Seeing how arrogant he is, I really want him to drink the footwashing water."

"Anyway, I've already gone to buy tickets. Looking at the current trend of the movie's box office, there is still hope for a box office of [-] million. If it really breaks, then it will be fun to watch."

"For some reason, I really want this guy to drink the footwashing water. This guy's expression will definitely be wonderful."

"Then go watch a movie. In fact, this movie is not as bad as it is said on the Internet. I enjoyed watching it very much, and I was inexplicably moved."

The reporter finally asked: "Are you so sure? Now that the box office of the movie is almost [-] million, you really don't have to worry."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Tao Heng said swearingly: "It is impossible for the movie box office to exceed [-] million, absolutely impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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