This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 193 Let's Hype Together Together

Chapter 193 Let's Hype Together
Say it's right away, it's really right away.

Half an hour later, Xu Nan appeared in front of Robert.

As soon as we met, Xu Nan made a ninety-degree bow.

"Sorry Mr. Robert, I do have the idea of ​​using you."

"Because I really didn't want the movie to fail."


Robert nodded proudly.

This attitude is not bad.

"I can understand your approach. At the beginning, I was just like you when I was down."

"But I will definitely not use crooked means to succeed by any means like you."

"Sorry." Xu Nan's face was a little gloomy.

"But Mr. Robert, I want to say that not everyone has the same outstanding talent as you."

"I'm just an ordinary person."

Robert froze for a moment.

Because he felt that what this Huaxia director named Xu Nan said was very reasonable.

Not everyone has the same outstanding talent as him and can guarantee that they will be successful.Although this Huaxia director has a bit of a bad character, he has a thorough understanding of reality.

But even so, he still disdains using low-handed means to achieve success.

Anyway, he would never do such a thing.

"Maybe what you say is right, but your behavior is very bad."

"I'm sorry, Director Robert." Xu Nan bowed again.

Robert nodded slightly.

This director named Xu Nan is not bad, since it is like this, it is nothing to hype him once.

Just take it as a chance for a mediocre man like him.

"You don't have to say sorry to me, you just need to thank me."

"Because I decided to give you a chance."

"I agree to hype with you. Of course, my actions must be the leading factor."

"Really, Director Robert." Xu Nan used actions to demonstrate what it means to be at a loss, and was overjoyed.

Although he had expected this reaction from the Huaxia director named Xu Nan, Robert was still very happy.

At the same time, I am also a little proud.

Even if it is China's one billion director, he must bow his head in front of me.

Next, Robert and Xu Nan carefully discussed the details of this hype.

During the whole process, Robert mainly spoke while Xu Nan listened.

The hype scheme is simple.

Robert will be interviewed by reporters next, and then accidentally mentioned in the interview that Xu Nan invited him to the premiere of "Spider-Man".

Then the Internet will popularize what kind of director Xu Nan is. Robert pretends to know for the first time that Xu Nan is a bad film director. He wants to imitate his "Dragonfly Man 3", and then angrily issued a statement refusing to participate in "Spider-Man". "Premiere.

Then, Xu Nan sincerely invited Robert to attend the premiere on the Internet, and told how much he admired Robert, and incidentally said that his movie was shot to pay tribute to Robert's "Dragonfly Man 3".

Then Robert responded generously, expressing his willingness to attend the premiere of Xu Nan's film regardless of Xu Nan's Shanzhai Pengci.

Finally, when the movie was released, Robert criticized the shortcomings of "Spider-Man", and told the audience by the way that "Dragonfly Man 3", which will be released next, is a thousand times more exciting than "Spider-Man".

Xu Nan refused to admit the shortcomings of "Spider-Man", shamelessly let everyone watch the movie, and used the controversy to stir up the popularity of "Dragonflyman 3" to the highest level, creating a good atmosphere for the release of "Dragonflyman 3".

This is a very simple, but also very useful hype scheme.

The purpose is to let the audience pay maximum attention to the movie "Dragonfly Man 3".

"Dragonfly Man 1" and "Dragonfly Man 2" have already been screened in China, and both have achieved very good responses.

Robert doesn't need to worry about word-of-mouth or the quality of the film, he just worries that there won't be enough audiences to enter the cinema to admire this great film.

Through this hype plan, more people can pay attention to his movie and walk into the cinema after the movie is released.

As for whether this hype plan would damage Xu Nan's reputation, Robert hadn't considered it at all.

Does this guy still have a reputation?

Hasn't he always been like this.

And Xu Nan can also benefit from the hype. Isn't what a Shanzhai Pengci movie needs to be popular?

I believe this guy will never refuse.

After talking about the plan, Robert watched Xu Nan's expression carefully.

He found that Xu Nan had no objection at all, and even nodded excitedly.

"Thank you Director Robert for giving me a chance, I will work hard to cooperate,"

Robert nodded in satisfaction: "Then you go back and wait for the news, the marketing will start soon."

"This is a good opportunity for you, and the popularity of your movie will also increase, as well as the box office of your movie."

"Thank you, Director Robert." Xu Nan left happily.

Director Robert is right, this is indeed a good opportunity for him.

This hype can greatly increase the popularity of his movies.

Robert's actions are very fast, or he wants too much to make "Dragonfly Man 3" a success.

After confirming that Xu Nan agreed with the hype, he quickly appeared in the spotlight and accepted a large number of interviews.

There are many people who want to interview Robert, but the reporters who can actually interview Robert have been screened, and the questions they ask have been checked in advance.

"Director Robert, why did you come to Huaxia?"

"Actually, I have wanted to come here for a long time. This is a mysterious country with a history of 5000 years. My God, such a long history is really cool. You know, I like history."

"How do you feel coming here?"

"It's amazing. My biggest feeling is magic. This is a magical country. I can encounter many things that surprise me or even don't understand. It shocked me a lot, but it's okay now. I'm getting used to it."

"I heard that "Dragonfly Man 3" has been postponed, what do you think?"

"I was very surprised when I first heard the news, but later I felt that the postponement was normal. It's just a pity that Chinese audiences and friends couldn't see the movie "Dragonfly Man 3" earlier. This movie is really exciting ,I can promise."

In front of his partners, Robert is arrogant and contemptuous of everything, but in interviews, he is funny and humorous, and his personality is very gentle.

The reporter asked a lot of questions, and Robert gave good answers.

Finally, the reporter asked: "Mr. Robert, did you encounter any unforgettable things when you came to Huaxia?"

Robert smiled and said: "Yes, a colleague from Huaxia is also a director. His name is Xu Nan. He has a movie called "Spider-Man" that will be released soon. He invited me to attend the premiere."

"He said that this movie was inspired by watching my "Dragonfly Man". I found it very interesting, so I decided to watch it."

(End of this chapter)

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