This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 234 Dragonfly Man Was Crushed

Chapter 234 Dragonfly Man Was Crushed
The movie circle has always paid close attention to movie releases. After "Dragonfly Man 3" was released, many people went to see it.

In a discussion group within a certain movie circle, many people are discussing this movie.

"One thing to say, this movie is really good, even I, an old movie bug, was shocked."

"Whether it's special effects, pictures, shots, or plot, this movie is perfect."

"Director Robert's performance this time is too good. I can guarantee that he will become the top three directors in the world when this movie is off the assembly line."

"There is still a big gap between domestic movies and Hollywood movies."

"As for "Spider-Man", this movie is quite popular, even crushing the disaster movie "Shocking Crisis"."

This news seemed to violate some taboo, and many people who dived and watched the screen jumped out.


"The gap is too big."

"Xu Nan is also considered a director? He is not even worthy to carry the shoes of Director Robert."

"I admit that he did a good job in publicity, but after all, the film still has to rely on its quality to speak."

"The box office of "Dragonfly Man 3" will definitely explode, and it will definitely crush "Spider-Man", otherwise I will eat the table."

Everyone in the industry thinks so.

Many people think the same way they do.

It's unreasonable for such a good-looking movie to fail at the box office.

However, the result was beyond their expectations.

The theaters of "Dragonfly Man 3" are simply not full.

In the same cinema, the theater next door to "Spiderman" was full of people, and some people were even willing to stand and watch the movie, but "Dragonfly Man 3" was not satisfied at all, with an attendance rate of 20.00%.

The scary thing is that as time goes by, fewer and fewer people watch "Dragonfly Man 3", and the attendance rate is getting lower and lower.

Originally, many people came to the theater because they wanted to watch "Dragonflyman 3". After seeing that everyone went to see "Spiderman", they felt panicked if they didn't watch it, so they went to see "Spiderman".

Some viewers could not help but protest when they saw that the theater where "Spiderman" was shown was so full and the theater next door "Dragonfly 3" was so empty.

"Damn, obviously not many people watch it, why do you still show "Dragonflyman" but not "Spiderman", you know how important "Spiderman" is to me, you can afford to delay my mutation."

"That's right, what do you eat in the theater, why don't you show "Spider-Man", do you still have any spirit of service?"

The people in the theater were also confused.

Who would have thought that the attendance rate of a Hollywood blockbuster is not as good as that of a small domestic production? No one would have thought of this.

It's not that Hollywood blockbusters have encountered Waterloo, but it's all because of the poor quality of Hollywood blockbusters themselves.

But the quality of "Dragonfly Man 3" is very good. After it was released in the United States, both the box office and word-of-mouth were all big hits.

Those who have seen this movie in China all say that it is very good.

However, "Dragonfly Man" was still crushed by "Spider-Man".

There is also the law of heaven, and the laws of the king.

A group of people had their jaws shattered.

The theater's response was quick. After discovering that the attendance rate of "Dragonfly Man 3" was not high, they decisively adjusted the film schedule and gave it to "Spider-Man".

Theaters are very realistic. Whichever movie can make money, they will schedule it for that movie. It doesn't matter whether the movie is a Hollywood movie or a domestic movie.

The fast theaters have already started to adjust the film schedule, and the slow theaters have also begun to adjust the film schedule under the voice of the audience.

A day passed quickly, and the single-day box office of "Dragonfly Man 3" came out soon.

1000 two million, not as high as the box office of "Spider-Man" on the first day.

This result silenced many people.

In contrast, "Spider-Man" has a box office of 3000 million, which can be called terrifying.

A Hollywood blockbuster, unexpectedly crushed by a low-budget spoof movie in China?
And it's still crushing head-on, and it's still under the circumstances that word-of-mouth and ratings are not as good as others.

This result shocked many people.

In the discussion group within the movie circle, many group members are very puzzled.

"Why, how is it possible."

"Obviously "Dragonfly Man 3" is [-] times better looking than "Spider-Man", and with the added popularity of the previous work, how could it lose to "Spider-Man"?"

"I don't understand it, I really don't understand it. If "Dragonfly Man 3" is not good, I will admit it. This movie is obviously very exciting. Both word-of-mouth and ratings are very good, but in the end I still lost."

"Publicity is so important to movies."

"I am very confused, and feel that the film industry is really about to change."

"Xu Nan's wave is going against the rhythm of the sky."

It is indeed necessary to go against the rhythm of the sky, crushing Hollywood blockbusters head-on, the achievement that many domestic directors dream of, Xu Nan has achieved it.

Zhang Yange was at a loss.

Shouldn't the quality of the movie be the most important thing? Why, in his eyes, is a Hollywood blockbuster of high quality, but a spoof movie of much lower quality?

Could it be that a trash movie can change its fate by relying on publicity?

Why is the world like this.

The old friend who chatted with Zhang Yange last time sent a message.

"Old Zhang, I feel that times are really different. Yesterday I thought Hollywood blockbusters were invincible, but today I changed my mind. The market is changing very fast, and I think we have to keep pace with the times."

Zhang Yange's thoughts also changed.

There is no way, but no matter how awesome a director is, they can only follow the will of the market.

In layman's terms, the box office is everything.

Whether the movie is good or not depends on the box office. Even if he is a great director, he must keep up with the market.

He used to think that the quality of the movie was the most important thing, but judging from the current results, publicity is also very important, maybe even more important than the quality of the movie.

Anyway, he will definitely spend more money on publicity for the next movie.

People in the circle are mainly shocked by the Waterloo of "Dragonfly Man 3", but some people, seeing the movie Dragonfly Man hit the box office, are as excited as digging their ancestors' graves.

Li Zhou saw that the single-day box office of "Dragonfly Man 3" was only more than 1000 million, and he couldn't accept it at all.

He sent a Weibo directly.

"Are the audience's eyes blind? Instead of watching such an excellent movie as "Dragonfly Man 3", they went to watch a Hollywood blockbuster instead. Is there something wrong with you? Anyway, I absolutely cannot accept this result."

After posting this Weibo, Li Zhou still felt that it was not enough, so he quickly posted a second Weibo.

"Everyone must go to the theater to watch the movie "Dragonfly Man 3". If Hollywood movies can't make money in China, then we won't be able to see Hollywood movies in the future, and we won't be able to accept the advanced culture there. Think about it. , everyone can only watch domestic movies in the future, how sad it would be."

(End of this chapter)

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