This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 244 The Hobbit and The Hobbit Age

Chapter 244 The Hobbit and The Hobbit Age

The actual situation in the United States gave Xu Nan a head-on blow.

What he had thought before was still too simple. With the blockade of theaters, it is not so easy to shoot fake tiles.

But after careful consideration, Xu Nan finally decided to make knockoff tiles.

This is the main purpose of his coming to the United States, and it is impossible to change it. In fact, he also wants to make blockbuster movies, but the success rate is very low.

The tastes of American audiences and domestic audiences are completely different. He may not even conquer domestic audiences, let alone American audiences.

There may be a genius in this world who can conquer the world with movies, but he is definitely not him.

A big movie means big production, high investment, but also high risk.

He is not well-known in the United States, and he can't get any investment, let alone invest by himself, otherwise he will cry to death if he loses.

Shanzhai touches tiles are very good, and the cost is very low. He has no pressure to invest alone, and the probability of making money is very high.

In the United States, the three major theaters occupy 80.00% of the market, and these three major theaters will definitely ignore him.

But it doesn't matter, he can go to those small theaters, these theaters still have a market share of 20.00%.

Another advantage of small theaters is that the grade is relatively low, and the profit pressure they face is high, so the value of ethics will also be very low, and there is a high probability that they will agree to the release of Shanzhai Pengci films.

If you really can't get into theaters, that's okay, you can find video tape companies, and streaming media companies.

The video tape company in the United States is called Blockbuster, and the streaming media is called Netflix, which has acquired movie copyrights for a long time.

Compared with China, the United States has one more channel for selling copyrights.

The party culture is very popular here in the United States. A large number of people gather together. Watching movies is a very good choice. Playing movies on video tapes is very popular here.

Not to mention the streaming media Netflix, the cutting-edge film and television giants are very eager for movie copyrights.

If Xu Nan's Shanzhai Pengci film cannot be screened in theaters, he can also choose to sell it to a video company or a streaming platform. It can be said to be double insurance, and the chance of losing money is very small.

Shanzhai Pengci is good at this, the cost is low, and the probability of profit is very high. Even if it loses, it doesn't matter, he can still afford to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If it succeeds, the profit will be too great, which means that the business model of Shanzhai Pengcitian is still feasible in the United States, and he can continuously earn a lot of money.

It's still US dollars, Dao Le.

Do it when you think of it.

Xu Nan immediately started recruiting people and preparing to make a movie.

Before making a movie, he went online to check if there were any big-budget movies to be released in the United States recently.

The bigger the better the production, the higher the popularity, the easier it is to touch porcelain.

After surfing the Internet for a while, Xu Nan quickly found his target.

The movie The Hobbit.

This is a large-scale fantasy movie produced by Fox Film and Television and directed by James. It is a favorable contender for the annual box office champion. In terms of popularity, it is not much worse than "Dragonfly Man 3".

The full name of "The Hobbit" is "The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit". As the name suggests, this movie is part of the Lord of the Rings series.

The Lord of the Rings, that is a well-known big IP in the world. A few years ago, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the box office of each movie was higher than that of the last movie. It is a well-known hit movie.

After three years, "The Hobbit" from the world of Lord of the Rings hits. Don't even think about it, the box office of this movie will definitely be very high.

Even if the quality of this movie is rubbish, a large number of audiences will watch this movie without thinking because of the name of the Lord of the Rings series.

Similarly, the popularity of this movie on the Internet is very high, and the publicity can be said to be overwhelming, almost everyone knows it.

With such a high heat, it would be a pity not to touch porcelain.

Definitely you, The Hobbit.

Xu Nan has already thought of the name of the movie, and it is called "The Age of the Hobbit".
He wants Americans to feel the shock from China.

In the next few days, Xu Nan began to prepare for the copycat movie.

If a workman wants to be good, he must first sharpen his weapon.

First of all, he took the time to read all the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and by the way, he also read the original book of this movie, so that he knew what he knew.

Then he spent an evening writing an original script.

The content of this script can be said to be simple and crude, and has almost nothing to do with the original work.

But it doesn't matter, the name is almost enough, the content is not important at all.

The core of Shanzhai Pengci is to touch porcelain, even if it is smashed into a pile, it doesn't matter.

Of course, Xu Nan is a man of integrity, even if it is a knockoff of porcelain, he will try his best to make a good one.

This is his conduct.

Therefore, the script is very smooth and the rhythm is good. It must be a qualified film for normal shooting.

The premise is to shoot normally.

With the script in hand, the next step is to make a movie.

First of all, he took some time to register a film and television company, and then found a middleman to handle all the relevant procedures for filming.

After all these are done, the next step is to form a crew and actually make a movie.

During this process, Xu Nan encountered many difficulties.

He came to the United States to shoot a movie alone, so he could easily be taken for a ride.

No matter where you are, it is easy to bully strangers.

But at this time, Xu Nan's advantage in shooting Shanzhai Pengci came out.

If someone wants to cheat him with a high price, he can immediately change to another one.

Anyway, this movie has no quality requirements.

He specially hired a producer in the industry named George. Although he is not well-known, he has rich experience and has some connections in the industry. The point is that Xu Nan's requirements are very low, so it is easy to pull up a crew.

But this kind of temporary crew with average personnel ability, don't expect them to make high-quality movies.

Xu Nan didn't care about that either, he had made three films anyway, and with him around, the crew could hold on, and he didn't have too many expectations for the people he recruited from the very beginning.

To put it bluntly, he can make movies by himself, but the quality will be rubbish.

He still wants to make a few more films, so he definitely can't do that.

As for these crew members, let's just eat the dishes, just bring more.

Producer George was not optimistic about the crew, nor was he optimistic about the movie Xu Nan was going to make.

When he first saw the script, he felt that the movie was actually okay, at least qualified.

But after reading the filming plan, he didn't have any expectations for the movie.

However, with a responsible attitude, he still reminded: "Xu, the cost of this movie is too low, it is impossible to make a good movie, and the probability of loss is very high."

Xu Nan patted George on the shoulder: "Thank you for reminding George, I know it well."

(End of this chapter)

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