This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 250 This movie is too rubbish

Chapter 250 This movie is too rubbish

Looking at the picture on the movie screen, Martin's expression couldn't help but start to twist.

In fact, when the hobbit elder said that he would blow up the cannibals, Martin guessed that the cannibals would appear next.

He is a professional film critic who has watched thousands of movies and has a certain understanding of the plot development of the movies.

A qualified movie does not allow meaningless scenes. Since the hobbit talks about cannibals, cannibals will definitely appear.

But the question is, are you telling me this is a cannibal?

Several dry and thin actors tried hard to look fierce on the screen, but looking at their skinny bodies, it was really funny no matter how you looked.

The most speechless thing is that there are only eight cannibals. Yes, there are only eight of the very powerful cannibals mentioned earlier.

Seeing this, Martin has lost any expectations for the movie.

This is a bad movie, a bad movie through and through.

Before, he thought it was outrageous for Party A to give him a mission, but now that he went to the cinema to see it, it was not outrageous at all.

This movie really deserves to be scolded, scolded severely, so that more audiences cannot be victimized.

Martin couldn't help but look at the others.

Sure enough, the expressions of the other audience members were similar to what he had imagined, their eyes widened, shocked and speechless.

Martin suddenly remembered the two idiots who thought the movie was "The Hobbit" just now. He turned his head and found that the mouths of these two guys were so wide that they could almost swallow an egg.

He couldn't help but want to laugh a little.

These two idiots thought it was "The Hobbit" from the Lord of the Rings series, but now that the movie is of this quality, they must be devastated.

Inexplicably, Martin's mood improved a lot, and he thought the movie was passable.

Leaving aside the extreme rubbish persuasion, this movie actually has its merits.

For example, benefits are good.

But the good mood that finally appeared was quickly destroyed by the plot of the movie.

The plot of the movie has progressed to the scene where cannibals and hobbits fight. Although he has long known that this is a bad movie, after seeing the extremely ridiculous fight, Martin still can't hold back.

There was a time in Hollywood where action movies were popular, such as the Bourne Spy series, such as the Lingling Paint series, and other movies more or less involved action scenes.

He was used to watching those fierce and adrenaline-pumping fights, but when he saw this shocking fight like a child playing a game, Martin's body began to twitch.

It's all about work, it's all about work.

Martin kept comforting himself in his heart.

He has already received a deposit, and he will continue to watch the movie no matter how bad it is.

Before, he thought that the boss was very generous with the money, but now he understands that it is simply a mental damage fee.

Suppressing the ridiculous feeling, Martin continued to watch.

The plot of the movie progressed very quickly.

In a few minutes, the cannibals defeated the hobbits with the help of their holy beast, a dog with wings, and occupied the village. Only the beauties who hunted for welfare and the hobbits who were afraid of the cannibals escaped. out.

After the two escaped, they experienced a psychological struggle and accidentally learned the weakness of the cannibals.

That is, the sacred beast they offer, that is, the winged dog, only needs you to say his real name to him, Smaug, and he will choose to recognize you as master.

This back door was left by the first patriarch of the cannibals, in order to prevent the holy beast from getting out of control one day. Unexpectedly, this secret was accidentally known by the heroine.

After knowing the secret, the heroine successfully persuaded the cowardly people to go with her to save people and defeat the cannibals.

Next, they fought wits and bravery with the cannibals. With their wisdom and courage, they went through "hardships and dangers" and finally rescued the tribe from the clutches of the cannibals.

During this process, the cannibals wanted to kill the heroine, but the heroine called out its real name, Smaug, to their holy beast, and successfully instigated the cannibal's holy beast.

Seeing his holy beast turn against him, the cannibals completely lost their fighting spirit and were wiped out by the heroine and his people.

At the end of the movie, the heroine and the tribe cheered loudly, the Hobbit once again stood on the ground, and dynamic music sounded in the theater.

If this is a wonderful movie, the audience must be emotional at the moment, if this is a qualified movie, the audience will also be emotional, if it is a bad movie, the audience should have left by now A soundtrack will be heard.

But after the plot of "The Age of the Hobbit" ended, the audience felt that they were about to die of shock when they heard the dynamic music. Looking back on the shocking plot before, they felt that their bodies were covered with goose bumps, and they were so embarrassed that they could not wait. Dig out three rooms and two halls with your toes.

Martin sat dully on the seat of the theater, with a spoiled expression on his face, like a girl after she finished with the prime minister's house.

Unexpectedly, there can be such a thunderous movie.

And this movie has to be watched, because he will write movie reviews next, and there are more than one.

"Shet, this is a pile of poop."

"Wardfark, what did James shoot."

"Is this the Lord of the Rings? How did Middle-earth become like this?"

"What about Gulu, didn't you say that there is a giant dragon? Why is it a dog?"

After watching the movie, the audience cursed loudly, and the sound almost toppled the roof.

How can "The Hobbit" be so rubbish?

You know, the audience at the scene entered the theater with great anticipation.

Almost all of these people have read the previous Lord of the Rings trilogy. The vast middle-earth world, bizarre scenery, magical magic, and complex races left them deeply shocked.

They have been conquered by the Lord of the Rings series, and they can't wait to know what happened to Bilbo, the former holder of the Lord of the Rings, and Gandalf, the white robe wizard.

Then, they saw a bunch of movies like this.

It felt like dating a girl online. In the photo, she looked like Liu Yifei. You thought that even if she was a little wet, she should be at the level of Yang Chaoyue, but when you actually met her, it turned out to be a dog.

Yes, this is the feeling of collapse and speechlessness.

How could this movie be so bad.

The audience left cursing.

The film critic Martin took a deep breath, finished his mental construction, got up and prepared to leave the cinema.

When he left the theater, he saw the two young people who had misunderstood the movie before crying, and their expressions were extremely broken.

"My God, how can a hobbit be so ugly."

"I've been looking forward to the Middle-earth world for so long, why is it so rubbish."

The pear blossoms and the rain were crying for the two of them, extremely sad, as if the whole family had died.

(End of this chapter)

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