This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 273 Fox Films Sues Plagiarism

Chapter 273 Fox Films Sues Plagiarism

"Huaxia director Xu lost the lawsuit."

"He still thinks his movies are great."

"Xu Nan said that American audiences are not good at aesthetics and urgently need his rescue."

"A famous psychiatrist asserts that this Chinese director is mentally ill."

"The famous film critic Martin said he would not sue Xu Nan because he didn't want to get involved with mental illness."

"Netizen: In front of Xu Nan, even Martin seems very intelligent."

After the court trial, the media worked overtime to release the news, and few people spoke well of Xu Nan.

Xu Nanfeng's rating dropped again, almost to the bottom.

If it weren't for the support of some people with strange aesthetics, Xu Nan would be beaten by everyone.

And the heat of news about him is also decreasing
American netizens, like Chinese netizens, love the new and dislike the old. No matter how hot something is, it will still lose interest after a long time.

Xu Nan, a foreign director, is indeed interesting and silly, but it has been on the trending searches for several days, and he knows everything that needs to be known, and the audience really doesn't have much interest in him.

The media is realistic. After the news about director Hua Xia was sent out, fewer people watched it, and their enthusiasm for Xu Nan quickly faded.

They didn't like Xu Nan, and they chased Xu Nan because he was newsworthy.

Now that he's not newsworthy, there's no need to talk to him.

All of this was seen by James.

Sure enough, as he expected, the Chinese director Xu Nan's move was stupid.

I tried my best to make a big news, and ruined my reputation, but I didn't get any benefit at all.

The box office of his movie "The Age of the Hobbit" has fallen sharply, and the box office potential has almost been squeezed out. Even with the blessing of news, the box office has not changed much.

The quality of the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" is here, and the box office ceiling is just like that. No matter how much Xu Nan promotes it, the effect is mediocre.

In comparison, the box office trend of the original movie "The Hobbit" is actually very good. Although the box office has begun to decline, the rate of decline is much slower than that of "The Age of the Hobbit".

The quality of the film was high, and audiences bought it, leading to "The Hobbit" doing well at the box office.

Director James feels that he is about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

"The Hobbit" is a series of films, and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is only the first film in the series. If there is no accident, he is likely to be the director of the next two films.

Relying on this series, his status in the circle will definitely increase a lot. In comparison, the mere copycat movie "The Age of the Hobbit" is completely unworthy of his worries.

Just read relevant news in your spare time, just adjust your life, more, there is no need to pay attention.

"Director James, Fox Films informed me just now that the procedures for suing the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" have been prepared, and you may be needed to assist in court at that time, please prepare." The assistant came over and informed James of the explosive news .

"Water?" James was shocked: "I don't know when the movie "The Hobbit Age" was sued."

The assistant explained: "It is operated by the legal department of Fox Film and Television. I have just been notified that Fox Film and Television attaches great importance to the copyright of the Lord of the Rings and does not allow any infringement. Strictly speaking, "The Age of the Hobbit" uses the name Hobbit. , has violated the copyright of the Lord of the Rings."

James suddenly realized.

This is really something that Fox Film and Television can do.

The United States attaches great importance to intellectual copyright, especially large companies, which have the strongest awareness of copyright, so many memes have been born, such as Disney, the strongest legal department on the surface, Disney, the king of copyright, and so on.

Fox Film and Television is also a big company and will never allow infringement. Strictly speaking, the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" does have suspicions of infringement.

Hobbits are a unique race in the novel The Lord of the Rings. Xu Nan named the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" without authorization, which is an infringement.

James felt a little sympathy for Xu Nan in his heart. In the United States, no one can offend a lawyer if he offends anyone.

Although the legal department of Fox Film and Television is not as good as the copyright madman Disney, it is not easy to mess with.

This Huaxia director is going to be unlucky.

It's not good to name the movie, but it has to be called "The Age of the Hobbit".

Now it's all right, not only can't make money, but I also have to get into a lawsuit.

How miserable.

In a remote cafe, Xu Nan met film critic Martin.

According to the agreement, he paid Martin the full amount of the remuneration that should be paid.

"Happy cooperation." Martin stretched out his hand to Xu Nan happily.

Cooperating with this Huaxia director was the most correct decision in his life. Not only did he earn money, but he also gained fame.

This wave is simply profitable.

"Happy cooperation." Xu Nan smiled and shook Martin's hand.

Film critics in the United States really have professional ethics, and they can do whatever they want without delay.

It's not like someone who would bite back after taking the money, which makes people speechless.

"If there is a chance to cooperate next time, please continue to look for me, and I will give you a discounted price." Martin smiled.

If business like this time comes a few more times, then he won't have to worry about it for the rest of his life.

Xu Nan nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Martin, this day will not be too far away."

"Then I'll wait for you." Martin and Xu Nan greeted each other and left secretly.

On the surface, he and Xu Nan don't have a good relationship, but people can't be photographed having a secret deal with Xu Nan, otherwise it's easy to collapse.

After completing the deal with Martin, Xu Nan was going back to rest.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rang.

Xu Nan looked down and saw that it was Lin Ziyi calling.

"What's the matter?" Xu Nan answered the phone.

There was a hint of anxiety in Lin Ziyi's voice: "Just now Fox Films notified me that your movie "The Hobbit Age" infringed their copyright of the Lord of the Rings, and asked you to immediately release the movie or change the name of the movie, and you also have to do something to them. Compensation."

"If you don't agree, then they will sue you in court and use legal weapons to resolve the dispute."

"Huh?" Xu Nan was stunned.

What the hell, he didn't sue Fox Film and Television for infringing his copyright, Fox Film and Television sued him first instead.


Could this be the legend that Li Kui met Li Gui?

"This matter is very troublesome. The United States attaches great importance to copyright, and strictly speaking, your name "The Age of the Hobbit" does infringe their copyright." Lin Ziyi said helplessly: "I'm afraid you will have to Suffer."

"If you can't satisfy Fox Film and Television, you might go to jail."

Xu Nan laughed immediately: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. The real copyright infringement should be Fox Film and Television."

(End of this chapter)

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