This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 277 Movie Quality Is Not Important

Chapter 277 Movie Quality Is Not Important

In the cafe, Xu Nan and Lin Ziyi continued to chat.

"You really don't worry about your reputation at all. Although it is said that black and red are also red, netizens in the United States are much more swearing than those in China." Lin Ziyi asked.

"Don't be afraid." Xu Nan shook his head: "It's enough to make money, and don't look at these netizens scolding me now, when these people watch more of my movies, they will become my loyal fans."

Lin Ziyi raised her brows: "According to the meaning of your words, your new movie has already taken shape?"

Xu Nan shook his head: "Not yet, but for me, making a movie is like drinking water, as long as I want to, I can shoot it anytime."

Lin Ziyi rolled her eyes to the sky, is this something to be proud of?

Other directors, in order to make a movie, put in all their energy, painstaking efforts, and prudence, trying to do the best in every detail.

What the hell are you not only not ashamed of, but also proud of your shoddy work?

Do you have the attitude of being a director? Do you have professional ethics?

Although Lin Ziyi was very speechless towards Xu Nan, this did not prevent him from being a successful director.

With a production cost of 20 US dollars, in exchange for a box office of nearly 5000 million, this movie has actually achieved great success.

As long as you ignore the audience's curse and the movie's garbage reputation.

"By the way, how long does it take you to make a movie?" Lin Ziyi asked suddenly.

She was really curious about how long it would take Xu Nan, a famous fast shooter and a talented director, to make a movie.

"One day." Xu Nan's attitude is very serious: "Under extreme circumstances, I can finish filming a movie in one day, from film project approval to preparation to cast selection to filming to post-editing, I can do all of this in one day. "

Lin Ziyi was stunned.

She is an industry insider and has a good understanding of the film industry. According to normal circumstances, it takes at least a year for a commercial film to go from preparation to project approval to shooting and final editing.

If it is faster, it can be done within three months; if it is extreme, it will take at least one month.

This is already very fast. If it is slow, it takes several years, ten years, or even decades to make a movie.

But Xu Nan said it only takes one day.

This is no longer a blitzkrieg, it is simply a war at the speed of light.

"If you shoot like this, can the quality be guaranteed?" Lin Ziyi couldn't help questioning.

Xu Nan smiled: "Whether a film can be successful or not has a certain relationship with its quality, but there is no absolute relationship. Even if I really shoot a piece of defense, I can still make this film a hit."

"Just blow it up." Lin Ziyi sneered.

She knew that Xu Nan was talented, but she didn't believe that Xu Nan was really that good.

Although the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" is said to be bad, there are still a small number of weird netizens who find it interesting. Lin Ziyi has also seen this movie.

How should I put it, crude production is crude production, but it can make people watch it, which is better than bad movies.

If it's really a garbage movie without any bright spots, how could it be a big hit.

"Don't you believe it?" Xu Nan smiled: "Believe it or not, give me [-] US dollars, and I can make a movie with a box office of more than [-] million US dollars."

"How is this possible?" Lin Ziyi shook her head: "What movie can be made with 1000 US dollars, the MV is more than that price, and the box office needs to exceed [-] million? If it is [-] million, I believe it, [-] million? Impossible."

Xu Nan smiled: "Nothing is impossible, if you don't believe it, it's because I haven't made a move yet."

Lin Ziyi cast a sideways glance at Xu Nan: "Confidence is good, but conceit is wrong."

"Don't forget my record." Xu Nan reminded.

Lin Ziyi was speechless.

In terms of record, few people can compare with Xu Nan.

The business is what it is, and no box-office hit is more convincing.

But earning [-] million box office with [-] US dollars is really too exaggerated, just like a myth, Lin Ziyi absolutely does not believe it.

If making movies can make you so much money, everyone might as well just go and make movies, why open theaters?

but if it works
Lin Ziyi shook her head resolutely, throwing this ridiculous thought out of her mind.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

She didn't talk about this topic either, but started chatting with Xu Nan about serious matters.

In fact, she came here today mainly to discuss the movie's schedule with Xu Nan.

In the United States, a movie can be released for up to two months, but it cannot be postponed.

"The Age of the Hobbit" has been released for almost half a month, and it can be released, but it can also continue to be released, the key depends on Xu Nan's thoughts.

"Continuing to release, this movie still has a little box office potential. As long as "The Hobbit" is still in theaters, the movie's box office will not be too low." Xu Nan said.

For a movie, the bulk of the money is still at the box office. The higher the box office, the more money it makes. The box office potential of "The Hobbit Age" has not been completely squeezed out, and the loss is too great now.

Although the box office of the movie "The Age of the Hobbit" is already very high, which director would think that the box office of his movie is high enough.

Of course the higher the better.

"However, you can also contact the streaming media platform. I remember that there is still a video tape market in the United States. Their copyright fees should not be low." Xu Nan asked again.

Lin Ziyi replied: "The videotape market in the United States is actually shrinking, mainly due to the impact of the Internet, but it is still better than in China, and it can be sold at a higher price."

"In terms of copyright, streaming media is the big one, and there are overseas copyrights, and the price is not low."

The United States is the largest country. For a movie, the overseas box office generally accounts for half of the total box office, which is an important source of income for film and television companies.

This is the advantage of coming to the United States. The same copycat touches the tiles. The United States has channels to make money from other countries, but not in China.

In this regard, China is lagging behind the United States.

There is no way to export the counterfeit ceramics that Xu Nan took in China, but they can be exported to the United States.

"The copyright is mainly up to you. I don't have any contacts in the United States. You have to help me sell it at a good price. You also have to keep an eye on overseas copyrights. You also have a share in this."

Xu Nan told Lin Ziyi earnestly that the reason why they gave shares in Emperor Cinemas was because they had channels.

In this regard, he can't handle it as an outsider. It must be done by a large company in the United States.

"En." Lin Ziyi nodded.

Nanhai Film and Television owns 30.00% of her shares, so of course she will do her best.

This is her money.

Needless to say, knockoff tiles are really profitable.

Moreover, the cost is low, the risk is small, and the profit is more in the end. No wonder Xu Nan is unwilling to make blockbuster movies. Now she is also a little impulsive to continue to copy this model.

It's a pity that she represents a theater chain, and has a delicate relationship with the Miguo Film and Television Company, so it's impossible for her to wantonly imitate porcelain like Xu Nan, an outsider.

Moreover, the first time the Shanzhai Porcelain Explosion had the best effect, the next time, when the audience gained experience, the effect would not be as good as it is now.

However, it is not impossible to really shoot.

Lin Ziyi suddenly thought of a big-budget movie, "Pacific Rim" produced by Warner Pictures.

Warner made this movie and wanted to show it in the Imperial Cinemas, but they did not agree to give the Imperial Cinemas a share, which broke Lin Ziyi's heart.

I know that newcomers will be discriminated against, but your discrimination is too serious.

Other cinema companies give shares, but not Emperor Cinemas. What do you mean?
Lin Ziyi has been worrying about this matter for a while, but Warner just doesn't let go.

Lin Ziyi has already made up her mind, if the other party doesn't let go, she will definitely punish this film and television company severely in this wave, and show the other party a little bit of strength.

Close the door and let Xu Nan go.

(End of this chapter)

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