This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 28 I Have Dreams Too

Chapter 28 I Have Dreams Too

"You're a natural actor."

Xu Nan's words were spoken.


The girl laughed, like a flower blooming, gorgeous and brilliant.

Xu Nan was encouraged by the drama.

Seemingly realizing that her behavior was inappropriate, the girl returned to seriousness, her willow eyebrows raised lightly.

"This movie won't let me inject money."

"No, absolutely not?" Xu Nan shook his head quickly: "The cost is 5000 million, we are wholly-owned by Peak Film and Television, and we are willing to pay 500 million for the film, please be the first lead actor."

Lin Hongxiu instantly cheered up.


He is also willing to pay 500 million yuan.

Although this money is not as much as her pocket money, it can represent Xu Nan's sincerity.

These days, she contacted other big directors and wanted to join the group to act, but all she got was rejection, even if she was willing to bring money to join the group, they were not willing.

She was so angry that she wanted to form a crew by herself, so that she wouldn't have to be angry with those directors.

Xu Nan is the only one who is willing to spend 500 million to ask her to act.

This shows what?
It shows that she is not useless.

The only problem is.
"But your last movie."

In the middle of speaking, Lin Hongxiu suddenly didn't know how to describe Xu Nan's last movie.

Talking directly about garbage, it sucks, that's too vulgar, and it seems that she is impolite and unfriendly to Xu Nan.

But other than rubbish and rotten, can there be other adjectives for the movie "A Picture on the River on a Bright Day"?

The girl couldn't figure it out.

Xu Nan looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his eyes suddenly became moist, and his face was full of sadness and helplessness.

Lin Hongxiu was shocked.

What is the sudden sadness and desolation in the air, and Director Xu Nan, why did you suddenly have this expression.

"I know, you want to say that the movies I make suck and rubbish, don't you?"


Lin Hongxiu uttered a meaningless tone without rebuttal, basically acquiescing.

"I also know that my movies are terrible, rubbish."

A tear suddenly fell from the corner of Xu Nan's eye. His expression was sad and helpless, and his tone was extremely sad.

"But I have no choice, because I have no money. When I took over the film company, my father jumped off the building because of the failure of the film, and left more than 100 million in debt."

"At that time, people came to ask for money every day. At the worst time, I didn't even dare to leave the door, so I could only squat at home and eat cornbread."

"Is it so miserable?"

The girl was moved, and a trace of crystal appeared in her eyes.

Xu Nan nodded heavily: "It's just that miserable, if you don't believe me, you can check."

"So, I can only take a slant and make money to pay off my debts by shooting bad movies."

"But that doesn't mean I'm that kind of person. In fact, I also have a dream. I dream of shooting a blockbuster film and becoming a world-renowned director like Zhang Yange, Cameron, and Spielberg."

"The moment I saw your photo on the Internet, I knew that you were the heroine of my movie."

"I have specially tailored a script for you, which can maximize your charm."

"I promise, this is definitely a good movie, a classic handed down."

After finishing speaking, Xu Nan passed the script he had prepared a long time ago to Lin Hongxiu.

Lin Hongxiu took over the script with a solemn face, like a soldier taking over a weapon, and a historian taking over a history book.

Amid Xu Nan's earnest expression, Lin Hongxiu opened the script.

The content of the script is very detailed, and it can even be called a standard. The scene description and character actions, dialogues, auxiliary descriptions, and transition methods have everything that should be there. It can be called a model script.

Xu Nan even drew a few storyboards. Against the black background, a girl is wearing a black windbreaker with a cool face and a gun in her hand.

To be honest, Lin Hongxiu didn't quite understand the script.

Scripts and novels are completely different. Novels have a clear timeline, which conforms to human reading habits, and anyone who can read can understand them.

But the script is not like this. It is mainly written according to the scene. Maybe a young couple is still talking to each other one second, and draws their swords at each other the next second. The timeline is chaotic, which makes people confused.

Most of the scripts don't even add psychological descriptions and adjectives, and they are straightforward. People who are not in this industry basically don't understand what is written.

Moreover, Xu Nan was so stupid that he didn't describe the script in literary language, in case Lin Hongxiu could understand it.

The result was better than he expected. The girl just glanced at the script, but liked the storyboards very much. After watching for a long time, she showed a longing smile.

She should have fantasized about how she would act in her mind, she must feel good about herself and think it will be a classic role.

Rest assured, it is absolutely classic and absolutely unforgettable.

"Miss Lin?" Xu Nan called out.

"Ah?" Lin Hongxiu woke up from the fantasy, and looked at Xu Nan with big clear eyes.

"What do you think of the script?"

Lin Hongxiu blinked and recalled what he had just read.

It was blank, but I remembered that a few pictures were very handsome and cool, which was what she dreamed of.

She nodded heavily: "Very good script."

As if she felt that this was not convincing enough, she added: "Very good."

Xu Nan felt that he was about to succeed and smiled.

"It's really great to be recognized by Miss Lin."

"Sure enough, I guessed right, Miss Lin, you are a discerning person, and you can see the excellence of my script."

"Ahem, since you also think the script is good, then I'll just say it straight."

Xu Nan looked at Lin Hongxiu solemnly.

"Miss Lin, are you willing to be the heroine of my movie?"

Lin Hongxiu nodded decisively: "I am willing."

This is a rare opportunity.

Besides Xu Nan, she couldn't find anyone else to invite her.

The famous directors ignored her at all, while the less famous directors worried about their abilities.

Create your own crew, and you have to worry about a lot of things.

Xu Nan is very good, he has proved his strength, and he is very sincere.

I came to invite her personally, and even drew a storyboard for her.

Most importantly, Xu Nan is very sincere.

"Huh..." Xu Nan let out a long breath, with an extremely happy expression on his face, as if it was an honor in his life to invite Lin Hongxiu.

Attitude beyond reproach.

He strikes while the iron is hot: "Then how about we sign the contract now?"

"Okay." Lin Hongxiu nodded indifferently.

Xu Nan immediately took out a contract from his bag and handed it to Lin Hongxiu.

Are you so well prepared?

Does this prove from another aspect that dreams are reserved for those who are prepared.

Lin Hongxiu took the pen and was just about to sign a contract when she saw the final salary of 500 million yuan and suddenly slapped her head.

"Actually, I can pay less, but spend more money on production to improve the quality of the film."

Xu Nan smiled: "That would be great."

After speaking, he took out another contract from his bag and handed it to Lin Hongxiu.

Lin Hongxiu accepted the contract and looked at the salary.

1 yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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