This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 283 I Can Only Let Him Touch Porcelain

Chapter 283 I Can Only Let Him Touch Porcelain
"It's confirmed. Director Xu's film is a copycat of us. I've already figured out the name. It's called "Atlantic Rim."

In Warner's conference room, the vice president informed "Pacific Rim" director Benjamin of the news he had just inquired about.

There is no news in the entertainment industry that can be truly concealed, especially if you want to inquire.

Warner is one of the few film and television companies in the US industry, and its energy is amazing. After learning the news that Xu Nan wanted to imitate Pengci, he quickly learned about Xu Nan's movie information and the name of the movie through special channels.

"Pacific Rim" and "Atlantic Rim" are deliberately touching porcelain.

Benjamin felt that his teeth were sore. Before the movie was released, he knew in advance that someone would touch porcelain. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

It's like you finally talked about a peerless beauty as your girlfriend, and suddenly you know that a person likes to let his woman cosplay as your girlfriend when he is doing things. The key is that he still speaks out openly, not ashamed but proud.

How could there be such a shameless director?

"Can you find a way to prevent this movie from being released?" Benjamin asked.

He really doesn't want to see "Atlantic Rim" released, which will definitely steal some of the box office that belongs to "Atlantic Rim".

Theoretically speaking, there is a big difference between the names of Atlantic Rim and Pacific Rim. Normal people can easily distinguish them clearly, but most American audiences really don’t have any brains. They can’t even find America on the map.

The point is that it's disgusting. After working so hard to make a wonderful big production, it only took a few days for someone to knock off a similar one, and use it openly to make money. It's very annoying.

"It's unlikely." Warner's vice president shook his head: "The other party's procedures are complete, and we can't stop them from showing them. At most, we can limit the other party's film schedule and the number of theaters through the relationship we have established for many years."

"Judging from the current situation, Emperor Cinemas will definitely release this movie, it's nothing more than a question of how many movies to schedule."

"Of course, I can guarantee that the film schedule of "Pacific Rim" will not be greatly affected. This is a big production of our Warner Bros. As long as the theater is not a fool, it is impossible to give too low a film schedule. They need this film to attract audiences, including Emperor Cinemas.”

Although Warner is a big company in the entertainment industry, it is impossible to prevent a movie from being released. If it can be done, it will almost be the uncrowned king of the entertainment industry.

Obviously, Warner didn't reach that point.

And even if the three major theaters do not let "Atlantic Rim" be released, it is useless. There are still many small and medium-sized theaters in the United States, and they will still screen this movie.

If the theaters are really bad, there are online streaming platforms and videotapes, if it really can't be used as a self-media and put it on YouTube, it can't be stopped at all.

"Is it okay to sue them for plagiarism?" Benjamin asked again.

"It's useless." The vice president of Warner shook his head, "I specifically consulted the company's legal department, and the company's lawyer told me that legally, to see if a movie is plagiarized, it mainly depends on the lens, and only 30.00% similarity can be judged as plagiarism. "

"That is to say, even if the content of the other party is similar to ours, as long as the lens is different, it cannot be said to be plagiarism."

"And according to the information I inquired, the content of the other party is different from ours, so there is no way to stop them by suing. If the names are similar, at most it will be adjudicated to change the name, and it will take a long time, and it may not be possible. success."

The vice president of Warner used relatively long language to euphemistically express the fact that he was powerless.

Benjamin's expression was ugly.

How could this kind of thing happen? You have nothing to do with someone who knows how to touch porcelain.

This director is really disgusting.

"Hey, Director Benjamin, if you think about it, no one can do anything about this kind of thing." The vice president of Warner persuaded, "It's just like the gossip and tabloid media in the entertainment industry. No one can stop them from making up news."

There are many gossip tabloids in the American entertainment industry. They like to use all kinds of sensational headlines to attract the audience, and often spread rumors openly.

But for these gossip tabloids, few celebrities will pay attention to them, because these gossip tabloids are not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet, and you target them, but instead increase their popularity.

For these bottomless gossip tabloids, the best way is to ignore them and let them fend for themselves.

Benjamin has debuted for so long, of course he has encountered news about him being spread by gossip tabloids, but he has never responded to it.

But this time was different, this time it was really different, knowing that he didn't care about being touched, I really couldn't bear the tone in my heart.

"Maybe there's nothing we can do about him, but we can't just let it go." Benjamin gritted his teeth and said, "At least the adverse effects must be minimized."

"What do you want to do?" Warner's vice president asked: "I have to remind you that anything you do to this movie is tantamount to adding heat to the other party."

Shanzhai Pengci movies are so against the sky, you know that the other party is doing it, and everyone knows that he is doing it, but there is nothing you can do about him.

Just like a rogue, it will disgust you if you stick to it, the more you talk to the other party, the more enthusiastic the other party will be.

"Don't worry, I won't be so stupid as to add heat to the other party." Benjamin said in a deep voice, "Since I watched the film last time, I have studied the director Xu Nan and his last movie "The Hobbit." era"."

"I have to say that the movie was bad, very, very bad. The service was rubbish, the actors were rubbish, and the plot was even more rubbish, but he still made money."

"And the biggest reason movies make money is because audiences can't tell the difference between The Hobbit and The Age of The Hobbit."

"The movie "The Hobbit" is very exciting, which caused many viewers to watch it. As a result, they didn't know the difference between the two movies. They bought tickets to watch "The Age of the Hobbit", a copycat movie, which led to the movie making money. "

"Even this shameless Huaxia director specially bought a troll to mislead netizens on the Internet. Even the producer of "The Hobbit" didn't figure out the reason in the early stage. This is the main reason for his success."

Having said that, Benjamin showed confidence.

"So, the best way to deal with this director from China is to let the audience know that "Atlantic Rim" has nothing to do with "Pacific Rim."

"What do you want to do?" Warner vice president asked.

"It's very simple. It is to remind the audience not to mistake the movie. In this way, the audience will pay attention to distinguish what movie they are watching when they watch the movie. There is no way for the copycat movie "Atlantic Rim" to steal our box office."

"This may not prevent the movie "Atlantic Rim" from being released, but at least it will prevent the other party from stealing the box office that should belong to us."

Benjamin said.

"Okay." Warner's vice president nodded, "I will arrange for people from the public relations department to do it, but don't take this movie too seriously. The movie affected the promotion of "Pacific Rim."

The movie "Pacific Rim" is about to be released, and Benjamin's focus will be on the promotion of this movie.

The performance of this film is crucial to his career, and he must go all out.

As for the copycat "Atlantic Rim", it's just a little disgusting. As long as you don't care about it, it will have no effect at all.

Benjamin didn't want to swallow this breath, and he didn't want Xu Nan, a bastard, to take advantage of "Pacific Rim".

But he also has to distinguish between the primary and the secondary. The promotion of "Pacific Rim" is the next focus.
In a cinema, an internal screening is being held.

The screening was organized by Xu Nan, and representatives from large and small cinemas across the United States were invited to participate.

When the first film "The Age of the Hobbit" was filmed, Xu Nan was just an unknown person, and he needed to visit the theaters with the film family.

But now that he finally has some contacts and foundation in the United States, he can invite all the representatives of the theater chain to organize a movie viewing party.

Lin Ziyi is very face-saving, even though she is very busy with work, she will support Xu Nan by participating in the screening in person.

Unlike the other two major theater chains, at most they sent a manager over. Compared with the last film screening organized by Warner, the level of personnel is very different.

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry. The news that Xu Nan's movie is a copycat has already been spread in the industry. The theaters are not fools, so it is impossible to place a heavy bet on this movie.

What the theater chain wants is a blockbuster, which can make the audience linger, never forget, and take the initiative to enter the theater.

Like Xu Nan's sneaky imitation tiles, at best, they can be used to enrich the diversity of movies and attract some audiences with strange aesthetics. Whether they have it or not, it doesn't make much difference to the theater chain, so it's also worth it. Don't expect them to pay much attention to this screening.

But even so, Xu Nan respected these theater representatives as much as possible. Regardless of whether they will let the movie go to the theater or not, at least this attitude must be in place, and the movie cannot be adversely affected by factors other than the movie.

After the representatives from the theater chain arrived, Xu Nan played the feature film directly on the screen without delay.

The film "Atlantic Rim" began screening.

(End of this chapter)

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