This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 291 This meme is hot

Chapter 291 This meme is hot

"Okay, may I ask why you made the movie "Atlantic Rim" so bad?" The Hollywood Express reporter asked with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha."

There was a burst of laughter in the venue. Obviously they had heard this question many times, but they didn't know why, they just thought it was funny.

Benjamin's face turned red, his bald head with only a few hairs shone brightly, and his eyes were sharp.

"Security, take this troublemaker out." This time without Benjamin speaking, the representative of Warner Company shouted.

He does not allow reporters to mess up the order of this press conference.

The security guard who had experienced it once rushed in quickly.

But no matter how fast they are, it will take some time to get to the reporter.

The Hollywood Express reporter quickly said: "Director Benjamin, as we all know, you put a lot of energy into the movie "Pacific Rim". In the last interview, you said that this will be an epoch-making movie, so , may I ask why you made "Atlantic Rim? So bad?"

Benjamin's face was livid, his teeth were clenched, and his body was trembling with anger.

The representative of Warner Bros. was also very angry. A good press conference was supposed to let the audience clearly distinguish the difference between the two movies, but it was ruined by two damn reporters.

Fortunately, the security guards rushed over at this time, and the two security guards quickly grabbed him and dragged him away from the venue quickly.

The representative of Warner took up the microphone and warned again: "I hope that such a thing will not happen again, otherwise, Warner will refuse to reach any cooperation with this media in the future."

Warner is one of the few film and television companies in the industry. Such a warning does have a deterrent effect on some formal media.

But for some gossip tabloid reporters who have no bottom line to pursue traffic, such warnings are of no use at all.

Not long after, another reporter stood up.

"Director Benjamin, I heard that you have been preparing for the filming of Pacific Rim for three years, so let me ask you why the filming of "Atlantic Rim" is so bad."

"security guard!"

Benjamin and the Warner Bros. representative yelled at the same time.

The reporter went all out, and before the security came, he asked loudly: "Director Benjamin, so this question is difficult to answer, please answer me directly?"

Of course, it was impossible for Benjamin to answer the reporter. His face was so gloomy that water dripped out of his face, and he remained silent. He waited until the reporter was roughly dragged out by the security guards, and his expression became a little better.

The Q&A session continued.

Some reporters turned their minds quickly, keenly aware that after the press conference, that question was likely to explode.

His mind turned faster, and he even started to think about how to use the turmoil just now to increase the sales of his home news.

A reporter stood up: "Director Benjamin, I have no malicious intentions. I want to ask you, what do you think of the three reporters who were dragged out just now?"

"This behavior is shameless and immoral." Benjamin replied without hesitation.

Another reporter asked: "So, what do you think of their question and why do you think they asked it?"

Benjamin's face darkened: "Security."

The reporter hurriedly said: "Director Benjamin, I have no malice. Really, if you feel offended, I can apologize. I really just want to know your opinion."

For the sake of the reporter's sincerity, Benjamin didn't ask the security to drag the reporter out, but he still said coldly, "I refuse to answer this question."

"It's not just this question, I refuse to answer all the questions related to this in the future, please don't continue to ask questions."

Soon, the press conference was over.

Generally speaking, the press conference went relatively smoothly. Although there were some forks in the middle, it was still normal on the whole.

But Benjamin couldn't guarantee whether the press conference would be effective.

The only thing he can do is to get Warner Bros. to communicate well with several major media outlets, quickly disseminate relevant news, and disseminate it in large quantities, so that the audience can be vigilant not to watch the wrong movie.

Warner did exactly what Benjamin said, spent a lot of money, and through its deep influence in the media industry, let a large number of media make the reports they wanted.

"The movie directed by Benjamin is called "Pacific Rim". It will be released in three days. Please don't miss it."

"Be alert. There is a movie with a name similar to "Pacific Rim". Audiences should pay attention to it."

"Everyone, stop scolding, the name of the movie directed by Benjamin is not called "Atlantic Rim" at all."

"Looking at the movie guide, you need to pay attention to these three points if you want to see the right movie."

"Essential content, you must click on it, there is a movie that is defrauding your wallet."

Similar reports swept the entire Internet in a short period of time. It must be said that Warner, a film and television company, has amazing energy and strong publicity.

However, online public opinion and the media are diametrically opposed.

It is true that some netizens have noticed these media reports, but compared to serious and uninteresting reports, they prefer jokes.

Memes spread faster and faster than these news reports, and netizens prefer to spread memes.

Why did Benjamin make "Atlantic Rim" so bad?

This stalk, in a short period of time, spread all over the Internet and was quoted.

a chat group.

"Hey guys, an interesting thing happened today."

"what's up?"

"Director Benjamin made a movie called "Pacific Rim", and then a Chinese director made a movie with a similar name to this movie, called "Atlantic Rim". After watching this movie, many idiots, Go to the information of "Pacific Rim" and give the movie a bad review.

This is not the funniest thing, the funniest thing is that Benjamin gave a press conference and explained that he didn't shoot "Atlantic Rim", and then just after he finished speaking, a stupid reporter asked him why he made "Atlantic Rim" so bad . "

"Oh, so that's how this meme came about. I said that so many people posted this sentence today, and I wondered how this meme came about."

"If you want to know how this meme came about, I suggest you watch the live video on Youtube. Trust me, you will definitely regret it."

"Sorry, I don't understand the stalk very well, so why did Benjamin make "Atlantic Rim" so bad?"

"I just came back from watching the video, and I have to say that the scene was really funny. By the way, I would like to explain to everyone that the movie directed by Benjamin is called "Pacific Rim", not "Atlantic Rim."

"I understand the truth, so why did Benjamin make "Atlantic Rim" so bad?"

"So why did Benjamin make "Atlantic Rim" so bad!"

"So why did Benjamin make Atlantic Rim so bad???"

(End of this chapter)

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