This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 311 Why is the film so bad

Chapter 311 Why is the film so bad
For this online signature and touching tweet, Schneider was speechless at first.

You have blown a director who specializes in knockoffs like this, and you really have no integrity at all.

However, film critics have no morals. As long as they are paid, they can turn a rubbish film into an annual classic.

The point is, this tweet was actually believed.

Below the tweet, the comments were enthusiastic.

"Yes, I like Shanzhai Pengci, I'm sure of it, and in my opinion, this is the real movie."

"This kind of movie is unique, rare and precious. Huaxia director Xu Nan is the only one who can make this kind of movie."

"I can't lose Shanzhai touch tiles."

"People say good movies, but I have no interest at all. I always thought that I don't like watching movies. It wasn't until later that I realized that it wasn't that I didn't like watching movies, but that I didn't like watching vulgar movies."

"I've already signed the contract. I hope Xu Nan will continue to make copycat Pengci movies."

"Without his movies, I can't eat, and my future life will no longer be meaningful."

"I decided to bring my friends over to support Xu Nan."

"Why do people in the entertainment industry attack Xu Nan? They don't understand the beauty of this kind of movie. It's shocking."

"Let's ask more people to sign, we must not let Xu Nan give up this kind of film."

After reading the comments and seeing that there were already [-] signatures within half a day after it was posted, Schneider couldn't help shaking his head.

There are too many idiots, no wonder Shanzhai can make money by touching tiles.

But I have to say that the effect of this kind of publicity is quite good.

It costs less money, but the effect is good.

But so what?

In the face of the [-] million box office of "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", all these are scum.

Schneider calmed down and continued to participate in promotional activities for the film.

To be honest, he has been very tired after participating in various activities for several days in a row and going to various theaters to promote the film.

At the beginning of this kind of publicity activities, people can barely hold on, but after a long time, only exhaustion remains.

If it weren't for the soaring box office stimulus of "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", Schneider might really be unable to hold on.

On this day, Schneider participated in an audience meeting organized by a theater chain. Even though he was about to vomit after participating in similar audience meetings during this time, he still forced a smile to make himself more approachable.

There is no way, these people are parents of food and clothing, and must be treated with caution.

Fortunately, this kind of audience meeting is not difficult. Fans usually ask questions about privacy or movies, and it is not difficult to answer, and there is no need to worry that they will be tricked like reporters.

After this fan meeting, it's almost time to go back and rest.

The audience meeting started. Sure enough, as Schneider expected, the questions these people asked were very simple, and they were all old questions that had been answered before.

Why did you think of making this movie? What is the meaning of the plot in the movie? Did Sparta defeat Persia in the end?

Schneider has encountered these problems before and answered them very easily.

"Director Schneider, why did you make "Three Thousand Warriors of Sparta" so bad?"

A blond young man with a backpack and a mobile phone in his hand stood up and asked.

Many people present showed surprised expressions.

Who doesn't know that the movie made by Schneider is called "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", not "Three Thousand Warriors of Sparta".

What does this guy mean by asking the question.

Schneider's face immediately sank.

Here comes the thing he has been worried about all along.

Xu Nan's last movie "Atlantic Rim" relied on Benjamin, the director of "Pacific Rim", to make money. At that time, he made a stalk for director Benjamin.

Why did you make the movie "Atlantic Rim" so bad.

It is precisely by relying on this stalk that "Atlantic Rim" has such a high popularity on the Internet, thus obtaining a high box office.

Now, does Xu Nan want to use this trick on him?

Schneider was furious.

I didn't make trouble for you, but you came to make trouble for me?

But even in anger, Schneider remained calm.

"Security." Schneider directly called the security at the scene.

He knows that this question is a trap, as long as you answer it, people will make a fuss about it.

The best way is to let the security guard deal with it directly, not giving this guy a chance to play.

"Mr. Schneider, please answer my question directly. Why did you make the movie "Three Thousand Warriors of Sparta" so bad?"

The young man with the backpack asked loudly, but Schneider remained silent.

Seeing that the security guard was about to come, the young man with the backpack couldn't sit still, and ran directly to the stage, in front of Schneider, with the phone camera facing Schneider.

"Please answer me, "Three Thousand Warriors of Sparta" was made so badly, why didn't you answer me, because the movie was so badly made, so I'm too embarrassed to answer?"

The movement of the young man with the backpack was a little violent, the phone almost poked Schneider in the face, he finally couldn't bear it, and pushed the young man away forcefully.

"Go away."

The young man with the backpack fell to the ground, very embarrassed
The security guard rushed over and dragged the young man away.

The host of the event saw this scene and quickly jumped out to smooth things over, lest this accident affect the event.

Fortunately, everything went well for the next event. Schneider quickly left the event after answering the audience's questions.

Sitting in the car, Schneider's face immediately sank.

"Bastard, this bastard, I must make him pay the price."

Don't even think about it, today's young man with a backpack must have been sent by that shameless Huaxia director. The purpose is to create memes like last time, increase the popularity of the movie, and increase the box office of the movie.

Faced with Xu Nan's attempts to steal the box office from various angles, he chose to be patient, but he didn't expect that the other party would make an inch of it, leaving him no room at all.

Unbearable, no need to endure.

Schneider has already decided to deal with Xu Nan. The first step is to tweet and scold this guy severely.

Maybe this can't hurt that damn Huaxia director, but at least it can let him out.

Back at the hotel, Schneider picked up his phone.

Just when he was about to tweet and scold Xu Nan, a phone call came in.

The caller was Paramount's vice president, who was relatively close to him. Schneider was able to become the director of "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", and this vice president contributed a lot.

Without hesitation, he directly connected the phone.

The vice president's concerned voice came from the phone: "I just found out that there was an accident at the event, are you not injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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