This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 330 Tauren Behavior

Chapter 330 Tauren Behavior

"You are quite happy." A cold and sarcastic voice came from Xu Nan's side.

Lin Ziyi also got out of the car and rolled her eyes when she saw Xu Nan's pretending expression.

This guy has a really bad personality.

She was originally invited by Cameron, not Xu Nan, but after learning about this, Xu Nan insisted on pestering her to attend the premiere.

——It can be said that I can't wait.

Anyway, the two are friends, and it's just a place for the premiere, which is nothing to Lin Ziyi, so she agreed directly.

But the meaning revealed in it is very perverted.

Lin Ziyi knew what Xu Nan did, and Xu Nan also knew what she had done, but even knowing what she had done, Xu Nan still wanted to attend the premiere.

This is not a kind of NTR.

No, this is tauren behavior.

The truth is a bit perverted.

Xu Nan looked innocently at Lin Ziyi: "Ziyi, why are you looking at me like this? It's not that I just sighed that the scale of the premiere is relatively large."

"Why do you know in your heart." Lin Ziyi curled her lips.

Do you have to tell her such dirty thoughts?


After giving Xu Nan a blank look, Lin Ziyi went to find an acquaintance.

She got together with the president of AMC theaters and the president of Disney theaters to chat.

They are both in the theater industry, and they usually have a good relationship. They are all the same kind of people, so of course they have to be together on this occasion.

In the entertainment circle, the status of the three of them is at the top. To put it bluntly, it is definitely not a joke that one sentence determines the stardom of a first-line star.

However, at Cameron's premiere, the bosses of the three major theater chains came together. It can only make people sigh that Cameron's face is big enough.

Xu Nan wisely didn't go up to disturb the conversation between Lin Ziyi and the bosses of the two theaters.

Don't look at him as a famous director, but if he can't reach other people's circle, going up to bother him is making himself uncomfortable.

As for other people, there is no need to socialize, not to mention that he is a copycat maker, whether people want to talk to him is still a question.

Xu Nan focused his eyes on Cameron, who was his idol, and he really wanted to go up and have a chat.

But it's a pity that Cameron is too busy, too busy to meet and talk with some heavyweight guests, and has no free time at all.

In desperation, Xu Nan had no choice but to find an opportunity to sit next to the heroine of the Titanic, Saldana, and praised her.

"Miss Saldana, you are as beautiful as an angel today. I believe your performance in "Titanic 2" will become a strong Oscar contender."

"Thank you." Saldana was a little surprised. Where did this Asian come from?
But everyone is willing to listen to beautiful words, and what Xu Nan said is also true.

First of all, she is indeed beautiful. In addition, a big production like "Titanic 2" is definitely a big hit at the Oscars. Winning awards is inevitable. It is nothing more than how many awards and who wins the awards.

Saldana knew about Xu Nan, and she also knew that Xu Nan was a well-known copycat director in the circle.

Commonly known as the shit stick!
But knowing that she knew, face to face, she still couldn't recognize it, because Americans are generally a little face-blind to Asians, just like Chinese people can't tell whites from blacks.

She thought Xu Nan was an insider who attended the premiere, so she came over to praise and congratulate her.

Saldana's thoughts at the moment are very simple.

The expression of this Asian is very sincere, and it can be seen that he is speaking from the heart.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face. In public, people come to congratulate her again. Of course, you have to deal with it seriously.

Xu Nan chatted with Saldana for a few words, then said goodbye tactfully and left.

In this premiere, Cameron is the sun, and Saldana is one of the planets orbiting the sun. She is the focal point, and it would be nice to say hello.

Maybe people will forget him in the next second.

The person Xu Nan really wanted to say hello to was actually Cameron. He really wanted to talk to Cameron about his experience in filming.

We are all directors, so there must be many common topics.

But unfortunately, until the movie was played, Xu Nan couldn't find a chance to chat with the busy man Cameron. He could only sit in his seat regretfully, waiting for the movie to start.

The lights in the theater dimmed, and on the screen directly in front, "Titanic 2" was officially playing.

First of all, the logo of Cameron Films.

After the film and television company logo at the beginning passed, the name of the movie appeared in the center of the screen.

Titanic - 2.

The screen went dark, and when it turned on again, it turned into a room. There was a bed in the middle of the room, and a middle-aged white man was lying on the bed, looking a little decadent.

Xu Nan, who had watched the movie trailer, quickly remembered that this middle-aged man had appeared in the trailer, and his identity seemed to be his father, and he was also the leading actor of the movie.

Xu Nan showed a serious look, with a very serious expression.

Lin Ziyi said that he came to Cameron's premiere with bad intentions, but she actually misunderstood him.

This is Cameron. Cameron, who has filmed "Terminator" and "Titanic", is such a masterpiece of a world-class director. As a filmmaker, of course he wants to see it as soon as possible.

An excellent film can bring a lot of inspiration and inspiration to a director and learn a lot.

Even if he is not a director, but an ordinary audience, such a famous director's work wants to see what's wrong in the first place.

He really just wanted to see a wonderful movie in advance.

The plot progressed quickly. Through a phone call, Xu Nan knew that the middle-aged white man was divorced. His temperament warned him, and warned him not to think about getting close to the children of the two. The relationship between them is over, and the marriage is also over. .

Still through the phone, Xu Nan knew that this middle-aged man was usually busy with work and rarely paid attention to his wife, let alone their child.

His wife couldn't bear it and divorced him, and left with the child.

On the phone, the wife complained about the middle-aged man's usual neglect of her and the children, and vented her emotions to the fullest. After venting her emotions, she hung up the phone and only left a busy message to the middle-aged man.

The movie goes back to another room. After the wife hangs up the phone, she tells her adolescent son that she has already booked a boat ticket, and the two of them will leave the country together and return to the United States.

The child seemed a little bit reluctant, so the wife said, "There is nothing worth keeping here."

Seeing this, combined with the trailer that he saw before, Xu Nan has almost guessed the following plot.

Don't even think about it, it must be the middle-aged white man trying to get his family back, and then boarding the boat to try to get his family back, and then encountering a scene of shipwreck.

There might even be a tragic ending in the end.

This is a typical middle-aged crisis movie. When a person reaches middle age, because of the pressure of life, the family has problems or encounters certain crises, and then the protagonist solves the problem and finally achieves the Dzogchen.

There are many movies of this type in Hollywood, and there are also a lot of movies of this type all over the world. It is a very old routine.

But the routine is not afraid of getting old, as long as it is easy to use.

There have been at least tens of thousands of movies about love from the birth of the movie to the present, but no movie can surpass the box office of "Titanic", and no movie can be more classic than "Titanic".

The same plot, or even the same script, some directors make it a mess, and some directors make it a classic.

Cameron's directing skills are indeed very strong. It is obviously a simple and cliché beginning, but through the switching of shots and the guidance of music, the audience at the scene was immersed in it unconsciously.

The plot progressed rapidly. The divorced wife bought a ticket and took the child on board. After the husband found out about his wife, he resolutely quit his job and bought a ticket in order to recover his family.

But because he bought the ticket too late, he only bought a third-class ticket, while his wife's ticket was first-class.

The following plot was just as Xu Nan expected. In order to save his family, the middle-aged white man tried his best to save his family. He first met his wife, but was reprimanded by his wife loudly. Swear.

Even, the wife met a handsome young man in the first class, he was personable, gentle and polite, the two fell in love quickly, and even had a sex scene.

I don't know if it's Cameron's hobby or to pay tribute, this sex scene still happened in the car, just like the Titanic.

But the wife doesn't know that this handsome young man is actually a playboy who likes to seduce women. The wife is deceived by this playboy's disguised image, thinking that he is a serious and responsible man.

The husband reminded him several times, but his wife thought it was sowing discord, and she scolded him away. Fortunately, after the husband's persistent efforts, the son finally opened his heart to him, and ran out of the first-class cabin to play with his father in the third-class cabin .

The relationship between father and son develops rapidly.

But soon, things changed. The wife found out that the child was approaching her husband, and she became furious, and warned the child not to stay with this heartless man, so that he would not forget the indifference of the husband before.

Even the handsome young man invited his husband to a meal with his wife, saying that he would be responsible for women and children in the future and would never be as indifferent as his husband.

In this regard, the husband has nothing to say, because he did not do well before, so his wife left him.

His efforts to recover his family seemed to have failed. His wife had a deep prejudice against him, and even his children had to keep a distance from him temporarily.

But things turned around quickly. The critical moment came. The ship hit the iceberg, and all the passengers rushed to escape together. The crew maintained order and let the passengers get on the lifeboat.

The number of lifeboats was enough to allow all the passengers to escape, but something unexpected happened, the boat collided with the iceberg twice, the hull tilted [-] degrees, and all the passengers fell into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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