This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 334 Why Are Movies So Bad?

Chapter 334 Why Are Movies So Bad?

How could this actress be so ugly!

Pedro was shocked.

Generally speaking, for big-budget movies, the selection criteria for characters is very strict, handsome men and beautiful women are the most basic requirements, even if the plot requires the selection of clowns, they must be selected with characteristics.

But what's the matter with this actress, she's so obviously ugly, it even makes people sick to the stomach and physically uncomfortable.

How such an actor can act in a movie is simply provoking the audience.

Is it an important supporting role?
Pedro couldn't help thinking, such an ugly actor couldn't possibly be the protagonist.

But the development of the plot quickly shattered his fantasy. The actor's name is Lucy, a rich lady, and she has a fiance named Carter who is very infatuated with her.

The two bought first-class tickets and were going to the United States on the luxury cruise ship Titanic 2.

Seeing this, Pedro frowned.

From the very beginning, he felt that there was something wrong with this movie, but he never found out what was wrong.

It wasn't until now that he suddenly reacted.

How can the set of this movie be so bad?

Isn't this the first-class cabin of a luxury cruise ship? Why does it look like a classroom?
Isn't the place where the oil paintings are hung a blackboard?
And the oil painting is also ugly, it doesn't look like a master's masterpiece at all, it looks like an amateur's graffiti.

what's the situation?
Isn't Cameron always striving for perfection when making movies?

It is said that when shooting the Titanic, in order to pursue the truth, all the tableware, tables and chairs on the ship were custom-made by famous artists, so as to be exactly the same as the Titanic that sank that year. Do whatever it takes.

No matter what kind of personality Cameron is, his attitude in making movies is something that no one can talk about.

How can the set of this movie be so bad?

Pedro racked his brains and couldn't figure out what was going on. How could the set of Cameron's movie be so bad.

Is there any deep meaning in it?
The plot quickly progressed to the sailing of the cruise ship, and the banquet was held in the first class.

At the banquet, Lucy, a rich lady, used sweet words to fascinate her fiancé and turned her identity upside down, while still hooking up with others, which can be said to be extremely green tea.

By chance, she left the first-class cabin and ran to the deck, wanting to enjoy the scenery.

Here, she met Jeter, a poor boy in the third class.

Jeter is very handsome, with a pair of beautiful blue eyes as deep as the sea, and he is also the most handsome actor in Titanic 2, he immediately became the focus of the audience when he appeared on the screen.

After discovering this handsome third-class guy, Lucy was overwhelmed by the other's appearance, and even took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Jeter didn't want to pay attention to Lucy, an ugly girl, but when he knew that Lucy was a rich man who lived in the first class, he resisted his nausea and took the initiative to hook up with Lucy.

The two hit it off immediately, and they quickly got together.

Pedro was startled.

How is the plot of "Titanic 2" the same as "Titanic".

They are all stories about the rich lady who lives in the first class and the poor boy in the third class. The name is similar to the first one. Ruth becomes Lucy, and Jack becomes Jeter.

The only change is that the rich lady is played by an ugly girl, and she has changed from a woman who hates the rules and regulations of the upper class to a green tea who likes to hook up with men and has sex with her.

Why did Cameron do this?

This is to completely subvert the last movie!
Subversion is fine, but you don't want to shoot so badly?
The plot is progressing rapidly, Lucy and Jeter, these two dogs and men are fighting fiercely, Lucy has taken a fancy to Jeter's face, Jeter has taken a fancy to Lucy's money, a couple of dogs and men are in a passionate love affair, hooking up .

During the period, a friend who lived in third class with Jeter asked him why he was with such an ugly woman.Jeter bluntly said that because this woman is rich.

This plot completely revealed Jeter's unbearable character, which made the audience who had a good impression of Jeter because of his appearance extremely despised him.

Soon, Ruth's fiancé Carter accidentally ran into Lucy and Jeter together. The infatuated Carter was very surprised and asked Ruth what was the relationship between the two of them?
Lucy boldly said that Jeter was a friend she met by chance, and fooled Carter in a few words.

The most amazing thing is that when Lucy was fooling Carter, she didn't forget to continue hooking up with the poor boy Jeter. Now that she has a husband, she can be called a scumbag to the extreme.

The silly Carter didn't find anything wrong, but warmly invited Jeter to dinner, and his personality can be said to be very good.

The Titanic also had a classic dinner scene.

Rich Ruth's fiancé Carl, because he looked down on the poor boy Jack, deliberately wanted to make things difficult for him at the dinner party of the high society. As a result, Jack's eloquence was extraordinary, but instead he became a big hit, which made Carl lose face.

This plot fully demonstrates that money cannot represent everything about a person. The connotation of the poor is actually better than that of the rich, but they are not rich enough because they are not bad enough.

Regardless of whether Cameron thought so when he filmed this scene, anyway, the majority of poor people understand it this way.

But in "Titanic 2", this plot changes a lot.

Carter, the rich fiance, is a kind person. Hearing that Jeter is Lucy's good friend, he is not only not angry, but wants to support him.

As a result, Jeter was a man of gold and jade. Although he had a handsome appearance, he was very unbearable on the inside. She made a fool of herself and lost face at a high society dinner.

When seeing this, Pedro was extremely incomprehensible.

Why did Cameron choose to shoot this plot in a way that subverted the previous movie, and what exactly did he think.

The point is, can the dinner parties of the upper class not be so inferior.

At the time of the Titanic, the dinner parties of the high society were large rooms, gorgeous decorations, bright lights, and luxurious tableware.

But in this movie, the table is plastic tableware, the tableware is plastic tableware, and the dishes on the table are still burgers, fried chicken, and sandwiches?
Nima's upper class dinner party eats this?
The drinks at the dinner party were actually low-end fat house happy water like Coke.

Did you make a mistake.

Pedro couldn't hold back at all.

He could barely bear the messy set in front of the movie, but seeing Coke and hamburger fried chicken sandwiches blatantly placed on the table, and a close-up was given, he really couldn't bear it.

Cameron how can you make a movie like this?

(End of this chapter)

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