Chapter 361

Li Zhou was furious, extremely angry.

What he felt at this moment was as if he saw the goddess he admired and admired being dragged into a small hotel on the spot by a gangster who had always looked down upon him.

And after the goddess came out, there was still a drop of milk hanging from the corner of her mouth, and she also had a frankly happy smile.

That feeling is so sour
Xu Nan, how dare you.

As a reporter, a well-known reporter, although Li Zhou has no rights, he is famous and has a pen that can write the living to death and the dead to life.

Under the anger of the pollution of the pure holy land in his mind, Li Zhou wrote a long article and posted it on the Internet.

[The bad film director Xu Nan should apologize to all Americans. 】

"On the Internet yesterday, I learned something that is extremely painful, extremely ashamed, and at the same time extremely embarrassing."

"This matter is that Xu Nan made a fake movie with the same name as Cameron's new movie, and it went to theaters to defraud Americans."

"It's the first time I've heard of this kind of thing specifically using fake movies to defraud, and he's defrauding Americans."

"It is conceivable that the people of the United States will be angry when they know that this movie was made by Chinese people. They will not remember Xu Nan, they will only remember that Chinese people made a fake movie."

"Please remember, Huaxia people."

"That's the United States, the largest country in the world, and they represent the whole world."

"Xu Nan cheated the Americans, not only losing his face, but also the face of all Chinese people, and ruining the reputation of all Chinese people."

"And what's even more exasperating is that this is not the first time Xu Nan has done this. There should be many people in China who know that Xu Nan started his business by taking pictures of knockoff tiles."

"Other directors are serious about making movies, trying to improve the quality of their movies to attract audiences, but Xu Nan makes money by copying other people's movies through crooked ways."

"It's okay for him to do this in China. He still does it when he goes to the United States. His behavior is to discredit the entire country and make the American people think that we Chinese specialize in counterfeiting porcelain."

"This is the United States, the land of freedom. Xu Nan wantonly tarnished the reputation of the Chinese people in the United States, damaged the image of the Chinese people, and caused very serious psychological harm to the friends of the United States."

"This kind of behavior is extremely shameless and has no bottom line. Here, I call on all Chinese people to collectively boycott Xu Nan and block Xu Nan."

"If Xu Nan wants to continue making movies, he must apologize to the American people, donate all the money he earns to the American people, and obtain the forgiveness of the American people."

This long article did not use any modifiers, it simply described the matter and pointed out the serious consequences at the same time.

Because Li Zhou was so angry that he didn't bother to embellish this long article with gorgeous rhetoric, and he believed that there was no need to embellish it, just writing the matter and sending it out would be enough.

There are many independent thinkers in Huaxia, they will understand the seriousness of this matter, and then form a strong trend.

Li Zhou's prediction was correct. After this Weibo post was posted, it was quickly seen by netizens and reposted in large numbers, causing violent reactions.

The real and fake movie incident is still in the process of fermenting, and the popularity is not low. Li Zhou himself is quite famous. After publishing the article, many people discussed it.

"Xu Nan's behavior is really disgusting. Every time he knocks off porcelain, he has never made a good movie."

"He is a cancer in the entertainment industry, and this cancer is now going to the United States to harm others."

"Actually, fake movies affect not only Americans, but the whole world. This matter is a global hotspot, and many people abroad know about it."

"It's all right now. Many people know that Chinese people have made knockoff tiles and fake movies."

"Xu Nan alone has set China's international image back by ten years."

"I am now in the United States. Since the fake movie incident, several people have asked me if Chinese people make fake movies. I have to spend a lot of effort to explain it every time, but the effect is very poor."

"I wonder why the relevant departments have not banned him, and still tolerate the continued existence of such scum."

Many people condemned Xu Nan under this Weibo.

After all, Xu Nan started his career by relying on such low-level movies as Shanzhai Porcelain, and many people have always looked down upon them.

In addition, Xu Nan was doing things in the United States again, which annoyed many "independent thinking" people who regarded the United States as a holy place.

That's the country of the United States. It's fine for you to shoot knockoff tiles in China, but you still dare to go to the United States to shoot knockoff tiles. It's simply outrageous.

There are also some internet trolls who just spray when they encounter something.

These people joined together and formed a powerful trend, denouncing Xu Nan collectively.

#许南 Let China's international image go back ten years. #
Boarded the hot search.

However, if some people hate Xu Nan, some people will naturally support Xu Nan.

Not everyone regards the United States as a holy place. Xu Nan's success in the United States, many people actually feel proud and honored.

In addition, some people hate these so-called "independent thinking" guys and don't want to watch them take the rhythm.

So soon, a group of people jumped out to refute.

"No, the Americans didn't say anything, why are you so excited?"

"The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs. He feels that Xu Nan's photoshoots in the United States are like digging their ancestral graves."

"The ancestral graves have been dug up. Judging by the tone of their speech, they don't feel like Chinese, but American."

"It's just a movie, and it can also be related to the international image. The United States launched a war wantonly, why no one talks about them."

"Laughing, I'm in the United States right now. Some people in the United States do hate Xu Nan, but more people admire Xu Nan and admire him for achieving such a high achievement in such a short period of time."

"It's not like you all don't know how to surf the Internet. How did the United States evaluate Xu Nan? It's all on the Internet. You can't see it, or what?"

"It's also Xu Nan who made Huaxia's international image go back ten years. Just kidding, we have no idea about many places abroad. Xu Nan made many people interested in Huaxia through the fake movie time, okay?"

"It's as if Xu Nan has done something rebellious and evil. In fact, he just made a movie. Is it necessary to put it on the line?"

This group of people didn't just refute Li Zhou's remarks with words, they took action.

Many people went over the wall and went to the comment area in the United States, took screenshots of the comments in the United States and posted them on the domestic network.

Xu Nan does have a lot of black fans in the United States, and there are many people who don't like him.

But there are more people who support him, like him, and admire him.

After these remarks were posted on the domestic Internet, they quickly shattered the remarks of Li Zhou and the "independent thinking" people.

Not only did Xu Nan not discredit Huaxia in the United States, but he made many Americans interested in China, hoping to learn more about China.

There are many Americans who like Xu Nan's movies very much, regard Xu Nan as an idol, and hope to be as successful as him.

Netizens were stunned.

What kind of magical development is this? Xu Nan made counterfeit tiles and fake movies in the United States. Not only did the Americans not hate him, but they thought he was capable, special, and cool enough?

Why is America so amazing?

Li Zhou was also stunned.

He thought that as long as he posted an article, netizens would gather and respond, and many people would "think independently" and join him in condemning Xu Nan.

Unexpectedly, only some people responded in the end, and more people were not confused by his words, but went to the Internet to refute him with evidence, and slapped him in the face.

This is different from what he imagined.

This was not the case in the past. As long as he posted an article casually, many "independent thinking" people would believe it and accept it.

Not to mention refuting, there will not even be doubts.

But now, netizens have learned to find evidence to refute it.

How could this be?
How can you do this, what I say is the truth, you should believe me unconditionally.

Li Zhou let out a long sigh.

After all, there are too few people who think independently.

(End of this chapter)

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