Chapter 366

Paris Hilton was moved by Xu Nan's words, she hesitated and nodded: "If what you said is true, I can act in your next movie."

"But you have to give me a guarantee that I can become famous."

Xu Nan smiled: "Trust me, Miss Paris, you will definitely become famous and popular all over the United States."

Paris smiled: "If I can become famous, I will be very grateful to you."

When she said this, Paris's eyes rolled, charming and moving.

Americans have always been open. For many people, going to bed is as simple as eating. A top-notch Bai Fumei's posture is a kind of temptation for many people.

But Xu Nan was unmoved.

It's not because he can't do it, but because he really doesn't like Americans.

According to his observation, women in the United States not only have rough skin and hair, but also have a strong smell, so they really can't do it.

Xu Nan could only decline the temptation of Paris.

Although he knows that in the United States, it is normal for directors and actors to feel that they are filming and filming, so they ran to the car to have a fling.

After the two reached an agreement, they separated.

Then Xu Nan continued to deal with the celebration banquet for a while, showed his face to let everyone know that he was coming, and then left directly.

This celebration banquet was really meaningless. On the surface, he was the protagonist, but in fact he was just a puppet.

It's better to go back and think about how to make a new movie.

This movie tailor-made for Paris Hilton will no longer be a copycat, but an original movie.

Therefore, in terms of the plot, we must carefully consider it, and there must be no plot that persuades the audience to quit, resulting in a loss of money.

As for what this movie does?
When Xu Nan came to the United States, he had long thought about making an original film, and he had conceived several stories in his mind. Paris, a top-notch white and rich beauty, is so easy to make a fuss about. I feel that any script can be used.

In a short period of time, Xu Nan had several ideas, but because there were too many ideas, he couldn't decide which one to use for the time being.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly called George: "George, how are your new movie preparations going? Have you decided what to shoot?"

George immediately replied: "After thinking about it, I will make the sequel of Jaws. I am currently studying the relevant laws, so that the other party cannot sue us, and if they sue, they will only lose the lawsuit."

"Okay, you continue to study."

Xu Nan hung up the phone and crossed out the Sharknado movie in his mind.

Since George wants to take pictures of sharks, let him take pictures, and he won't compete with George.

Since you're not shooting sharks, let's shoot that one.

Xu Nan suddenly had a good idea, and felt that a script was very suitable, and if the sex was changed, it would be easier to hype and the topic would be more topical.

The more he thought about it, the more Xu Nan felt that the idea was wonderful. He tapped the keyboard and typed the name of the movie on the computer.

"Falling Cherry Ax Washington"

The content of the script is very simple. There is an evil cherry tree in Virginia, which likes to eat white people. It is extremely terrifying. Countless white people want to kill this cherry tree, but because this evil cherry tree is really powerful, they try to kill the evil cherry tree. The whites of the tree all failed.

The evil cherry tree is too powerful to scare the white people. Some people even say that the evil cherry tree is invincible and can never be killed, and the white people will always be enslaved by the Indians who planted the cherry tree.

A group of white people who were unwilling to fail asked the wizard how to kill the evil cherry tree and defeat the Indians.

The wizard was divining on the spot. At this moment, an ax fell from the sky, fell on the stone, and stood there.

The wizard made a prophecy on the spot that whoever can pull out the ax will become the king of the Americans, and this ax must be used to kill the evil cherry tree.

A group of people tried to pull out the axe, but no one succeeded. The wizard's prophecy was fulfilled, and only the king of the country of America could pull out the axe.

The scene changed, and in a peaceful manor, a pregnant woman was giving birth.

There was thunder and lightning outside, and the wind howled. At this time, the child was born.

A miraculous thing happened. The child had just been born, and the violent weather subsided immediately. The child's father was very happy and named the child Washington on the spot.

Washington was very clever since he was a child, and he liked to practice cutting trees with an ax very much, and vowed to cut down the evil cherry tree one day.

But his father found it impossible and often laughed at him.

On the day when he was an adult, Washington and his father had a quarrel over trivial matters, so they escaped from the manor, determined to chop down the cherry tree with the ax in his hand.

He found the cherry tree and tried to cut it down, but the evil cherry tree was too powerful, defeated Washington easily, and smashed the ax that accompanied Washington since he was a child.

At the critical moment, a bald eagle rescued Washington and guided him to find the axe.

Washington went up and pulled out the axe. The others were shocked and refused to recognize Washington's status, unless Washington hacked down the evil cherry tree, so they would recognize Washington as the king of the Americans.

The following plot is very simple. Washington uses the magic ax to cut down the evil cherry tree, eliminating the biggest threat to the Americans. At the same time, he is also recognized by others as the king of the Americans.

This is the plot of the first "Cherry Blossom Ax Washington". If it makes money, the second part can start shooting immediately.

The plot of Xu Nan is well thought out, the evil British do not recognize the status of Washington, and believe that only the United Kingdom can rule Virginia.

The British rule was brutal, the people were in dire straits, and people all hoped for independence, and even the Boston Tea Party happened.

Washington originally didn't want to conflict with the British, but the British heard about the wizard's prophecy and decided to kill Washington, the famous man first. They ran to Washington's manor and beat Washington's parents to death.

When Washington returned from his trip, he saw the manor was bloodbathed and his parents were killed. He cried sadly. People around him persuaded him to stand up against the British.

His parents were killed, and Washington had no choice but to resist, so he stood up, led the Americans to defeat the United Kingdom, and became the president of the United States.

According to this idea, "Vampire Hunter Lincoln" can be filmed later, which tells the story of President Lincoln defeating the vampires on the southern plantations with a magic axe.

And Franklin, the thunder mage, who became president because he got Washington's magic ax to comprehend the magic of thunder and lightning.

Even, you can learn about the Avengers and come to a series of movies.

For example, Nasui Demon King Sitler is willing to destroy the world, and President Roosevelt is powerless to resist. In desperation, he has no choice but to use the Sakura Axe to summon the successive US presidents to come and join hands to defeat the Great Demon King Sitler, and restore world peace, etc. .

Xu Nan was full of inspiration. He had a premonition that this series of spoofing presidents would become a rare classic just like "Sharknado".

(End of this chapter)

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