This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 396 Apologize to all Americans

Chapter 396 Apologize to all Americans

Before the movie "Bourne Shadow" was released, people in the industry had a fantasy that this movie could kill "The Bourne Ax Washington" and save their three views that were about to collapse.

But after it was released, the results disappointed them. Even "Bourne" failed to beat "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington", which still allowed this mediocre movie to occupy the single-day box office champion.

Gore and the filmmakers were relieved.

Before the movie was released, their hearts were always held high, for fear that their movie would collapse under the attack of "The Falling Cherry Ax Washington".

Now that the results came out, their hearts finally returned to their original place.

With a box office close to 1000 million, this result cannot be said to be good, but it is also better than the worst result they expected.

Judging from the current situation, there should be no loss of money, and even if it is, it will not lose too much.

The time has come to the third day of the release of "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington", which is also the second day of the release of "The Bourne".

The single-day box office of "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" remained at a high of 1356 million US dollars, while the box office of "The Bourne Shadow" reached 1028 million US dollars, breaking through 1000 million US dollars.

On the fourth day, "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" made a single-day box office of 1320 million U.S. dollars, while "The Bourne Shadow" was still just over 1000 million U.S. dollars.

On the fifth day, the box office of "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" had a big crash, falling directly below 1000 million US dollars, only 980 million US dollars at the box office, while the box office of "The Bourne Man" was still in the early 1000 million.

On the Internet, the popularity of hidden historical memes also began to fade, and another voice began to emerge.

"What rubbish movie, it's not good at all."

"The secret history is not fun at all, it is an insult to the martyrs."

"What's the point of this, and what's so fun about it."

Criticism of the film and criticism of memes began to emerge, and they became louder and louder.

Compared with the joy of playing memes before, the current criticism is simply another extreme.

This kind of phenomenon often occurs on the Internet. At the beginning of a matter, everyone holds one opinion. After a period of time when the new truth is exposed, everyone's opinion will quickly slide to another extreme.

Even this kind of phenomenon occurs frequently, which makes people suspect that netizens are all fish, and their memory is only seven seconds.

The reason for this phenomenon is purely because the voices are different, and the people who guide the network are different.

When the secret history meme was popular before, the fun people who played the meme had the upper hand. Not everyone thought this meme was boring and not fun at all, but the voices of these people were covered by the voices of the meme. occupy the mainstream.

After a few days, the fun people got tired of playing and their voices weakened. The voices of those who are not used to this popular meme will naturally gain the upper hand and become the new mainstream of the Internet.

This is the case now.

The time when memes became popular has passed, and everyone lost the original sense of novelty, and fewer voices were spoken out, so people who criticized memes became the mainstream.

What kind of hidden history is purely fabricated.

Are you not afraid of affecting the children by making up such random things?

Among them, the media is the most unscrupulous. Seeing the change in the trend of the Internet, they immediately turned their guns.

"Famous Historian Miller Criticizes Hidden History, Says It Is Not Backed By Any Evidence."

"The hidden history is a carnival of netizens, or a scam with ulterior motives."

"The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes of "Falling Cherry Ax Washington" has dropped to a new low."

"This movie is a sham from start to finish."

Criticism from netizens, accusations from the media, and fanning the flames from insiders immediately caused the word-of-mouth collapse of "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington".

If the movie is really a classic, even if special marketing methods are used, there is actually no need to worry, because fans of this movie will naturally speak for them.

But unfortunately, "The Falling Cherry Ax Washington" is not a classic, and the only bright spot in it is Washington played by Paris Hilton.

Moreover, this bright spot is relative. For some people, it is a bright spot, but for others it is a poisonous spot.

In this case, even if fans want to speak up for this movie, there is nothing they can do, let alone this movie has few fans at all.

More and more people are being attacked.


"It's a movie that treats the audience as mentally retarded."

"For a woman to play Washington, only Flying Leaf can have such an idea."

"The movie is outrageous from beginning to end."

"It's an insult to the great founding president."

The people in the industry were the happiest when they found out that the word-of-mouth of the movie had collapsed.

Thankfully, this rubbish movie has finally collapsed. If the box office of the movie continues to blow up, their three views will collapse.

I knew that this kind of average quality movie wouldn't last long.

With this emotion, people in the circle began to involuntarily set the pace on the Internet, making the reputation of "The Falling Cherry Ax Washington" even worse.

Even the famous historian Miller published a long article criticizing it.

"Hi everyone, I'm Miller, a historian from Stanford University."

"Here, I solemnly tell you a fact, that is, there is no so-called hidden history at all, and all the hidden histories circulated on the Internet are fake."

"Washington was not a son of God at all, and Lincoln was not a vampire hunter. There was no conspiracy in World War I and World War II. It was simply because the contradictions between countries developed to a certain extent, which led to wars."

"The so-called hidden history is simply a false joke created by Xu Nan, a Huaxia director, to promote the movie. It has no authenticity and no evidence to support it."

"In this regard, I want to say that Huaxia director Xu Nan is extremely shameless and has no bottom line. This kind of person should not continue to exist in the entertainment industry, and he is not qualified to make movies."

"There is also Paris Hilton, the actor who played the founding president Washington. If Xu Nan is a foreigner and does not respect our country's history and the president, it can be forgiven, but you, as an American, dare to play This is a utterly despicable, utterly shameless, utterly mindless act by the great founding president."

"President Washington signed the Declaration of Independence, led the American War of Independence, established the Federation, and established the principle that the president should not serve more than two terms under normal circumstances. He is the founder of the United States and enjoys a great reputation in the world. His personality So noble that many people in the world regard it as the embodiment of democracy."

"Such a great character, the light is as dazzling as the sun. You, an ordinary woman, have no qualifications to play it. This is an insult to President Washington."

"Besides, you are still a woman, but you dare to play the role of President Washington who is a man. What do you think?"

"In the movie, Paris Hilton wears so few clothes that I suspect that she is too poor to afford fabrics, and her actions are so seductive and vulgar, which extremely discredits the great founding president, this kind of discredit , is like pouring ten bottles of ink on a painting."

"Xu Nan from Huaxia, and Paris Hilton, the insult you two have made to the founding president is so excessive, it is almost equivalent to insulting our country."

"And for this kind of insult, the only thing you can do now is to publicly apologize to all Americans, so that the crimes you have committed can be mitigated."

(End of this chapter)

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