Chapter 401 Swear to God

"Well, besides these, is there anything else to prove?"

On the screen, the host asked again.

Before, Halle Williams told all the magic about Paris because of the host asking questions again and again.

Now the host asked again, after thinking about it for a while, Harry said seriously: "There is one more thing, I remember it very clearly."

Moderator: "Please speak up and let me listen."

Harry said earnestly: "I don't remember the specific time very clearly. I remember that once, Ms. Hilton took Miss Paris, who was a child, to visit the memorial hall of the founding President Washington."

"At that time, I was responsible for taking care of Miss Paris. I remember very clearly that Miss Paris, who was still a baby at that time, showed a very complicated expression. I can hardly describe that expression. It feels like my grandfather. It’s the same expression that I occasionally show, it’s a nostalgia for the past.”

"Because Miss Paris would show such an expression before, so I didn't think much about it at the time, but then, a very miraculous thing happened, because it was too beyond common sense, so I always remember it."

"What happened?" the host asked.

Halle said slowly: "At that time, I took Miss Paris to the Washington Memorial for a long time, and there was nothing at first, but when I took Miss Paris to the gun distribution department in Washington , a miraculous thing happened, the gun trembled strangely, like a pet dog meeting its long-awaited owner."

"Because this kind of thing is really amazing, so I remember it very clearly. When I think about it carefully, it is actually understandable. It was the gun that accompanied Washington for half of his life. As he went to war, it was almost equivalent to President Washington's gun. Mate, now that gun has met its owner, of course it will be very happy."

The host looked surprised: "This kind of thing actually happened, Ms. Halle, is what you said true?"

Harry nodded seriously: "Of course it is true. I am a devout Christian and believe in God. I will never lie. If you don't believe me, I can swear to the Bible."

The host immediately said: "Miss Halle, I didn't question your meaning, but what you said is too amazing and beyond my common sense."

"It just so happened that the program team invited Mr. Daniel who has worked at the Washington Memorial for more than 30 years. When Miss Paris visited the Washington Memorial, he happened to be working there. We can ask him whether this matter is true or not. .”

The audience and Paris who were watching the show all showed surprised expressions. They didn't expect that the show crew even invited the staff from the Washington Memorial.

This is also a good thing for the audience, just in time to know whether Harley is telling the truth or not.

"Let us please, Mr. Daniel."

Following the host's words, an old man with gray hair and neat movements appeared on the screen and greeted everyone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Daniel, an employee of the Washington Memorial. I have worked there for 36 years, and I can say that I have worked there all my life."

The host asked Daniel to sit on the sofa in front of him, and then asked, "Mr. Daniel, may I ask, do you remember that Miss Paris once visited the Washington Memorial?"

Daniel shook his head: "There are hundreds of people who visit the memorial hall every day, and there are thousands of people. I can't remember all of them."

The host asked again: "What about Washington trembling with a gun?"

Daniel shook his head again: "Although I am an employee of the memorial hall, I am not actually responsible for guarding the gun."

The host was a little disappointed: "So you don't know anything?"

Daniel shook his head: "No, no, actually, I know. In fact, many people in the memorial hall know about it."

"Washington's gun did tremble strangely once, but no one knows the reason so far. Many people in the memorial know about it, and it is also one of the top ten unsolved mysteries of the memorial. "

"I didn't know the reason before, but now I know. It turned out that it was because of Paris's visit that Washington felt the reincarnation of his master with a gun, so he trembled with excitement."

Daniel said seriously.

The host suddenly realized: "It turns out that many people know about this matter, and it is still an unsolved mystery of the Washington Memorial."

"If Ms. Halle hadn't spoken out about it, this mystery might never have been solved."

Next, the host and Daniel and Halle sighed about the loyalty of the gun, and then the host said solemnly.

"You two, in order to prove that what you two said is true, do you dare to swear by the Bible?"

Daniel nodded decisively: "Of course, I'm telling the truth."

Harry also nodded: "No problem, what I'm talking about is the facts I've seen with my own eyes."

Soon, the host asked someone to take out a Bible and placed it in front of Daniel and Halle.

Daniel first swore to the Bible: "I swear to God, what I just said is true, if not, let me fall into hell."

Halle followed closely behind: "I, Halle, also swear to God, what I just said is the truth, there is no falsehood, if there is any, it will prevent the soul from going to heaven after death."

There are many Christians in the United States who place great emphasis on the Bible and oaths. Seeing that Halle and Daniel dared to swear to the Bible, more than half of them believed it in an instant.

The host also looked dignified, and said to the camera: "Everyone in the audience, I am the host Lei Nuo."

"Actually, at the beginning, I didn't believe that Paris was the reincarnation of Washington, but after Ms. Halle told her, I began to believe it."

"No devout believer dares to lie to the Bible. I believe that what Ms. Halle said is true."

"Although Paris is the reincarnation of Washington, it is miraculous, but it should be true. In this world, there are indeed many miraculous events that we cannot understand. The only thing we can do is to get used to it and believe it."

At this point, the Tonight Show is over, but the storm caused by this show has just begun.

In the room, Paris covered her face with her hands, feeling extremely ashamed.

But inexplicably, I found it very exciting and fun.

It's outrageous, but it's interesting, isn't it?

After the show is broadcast, it will definitely trigger a lot of discussions, and she will once again become the focus of public opinion and news.

Paris' guess was correct.

In fact, the show wasn't over yet, and when it was halfway through, Paris became a hot search.

#Paris once met an angel#
This is the hot search on the show when Halle Williams told how she saw the angel meeting Paris in the room with her own eyes.

The reason why this meeting was hotly searched is mainly because this is the most explosive, but also the most outrageous.

But this is just the beginning. The content of the program "Tonight Show" is like Mars hitting the earth, causing huge waves.

After the show was finished, related videos and news quickly spread on the Internet, and the hot search list was almost occupied by the news of this show.

#Paris' Miraculous Encounter#
#Paris was born in God's dream#
#Paris was very mature when she was young#
#Paris Nanny#
#Harry Williams#
#In the name of God#
#Washington with a gun to see the owner#
#Washington reincarnated Paris#
During this period of time, as long as you are on the Internet, just swipe the screen and you will see news about Paris Hilton.

The heat has exploded.

Originally, Paris Hilton said that she was the reincarnation of Washington, which attracted public attention because it was too weird. Now, with the help of "The Tonight Show", this incident has swept the entire Internet and swept the entire United States. .

Netizens started discussing it.

"My God, this thing is so outrageous, I really can't believe it."

"Who can tell me whether this matter is true or false, and whether Paris Hilton is the reincarnation of the founding president Washington."

"It should be true. Didn't you watch the show? That Harley said that when Paris was born, God had a dream. When visiting the memorial, Washington's guns were trembling with joy. This is not the reincarnation of Washington, but it is What."

"What Harley said is too outrageous, how can you believe it, and all the evidence comes from what she said, there is no other evidence to prove it."

"What she said alone is enough. She swore to the Bible. If she tells a lie, her soul will fall into hell. Isn't that enough to prove that what she said is true?"

"But this thing is really outrageous."

Before, Paris said that she was the reincarnation of Washington, and the Internet was full of mocking voices, scolding Paris so much that she dared not even speak.

But after the show was broadcast, public opinion quickly began to reverse, showing a trend of polarization.

Some people began to believe what Paris said, while others continued to question it.

More people began to be dubious.

The main reason is that Harry Williams' swearing to the Bible is really amazing. In the United States, this is an extremely solemn behavior, which makes those who refute it without confidence.

Even Xu Nan was a little shocked. He didn't expect the effect of the Tonight Show to be so good.

He originally thought that it was good enough that this program could muddy the water, and that a series of measures would be needed in the follow-up, and he might even need to spend money to hire a sailor, so that the majority of netizens could be swayed, half-believing.

Unexpectedly, a simple show would turn public opinion upside down, confusing many netizens and convincing some people.

It worked out a little better than expected.

But this is good news for Xu Nan, and it saves him a lot of effort.

He sent out a tweet while the iron was hot.
(End of this chapter)

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