Chapter 427

"Hello director."

"Hello, President."

"Mr. Cameron."

When Cameron walked into the company, the employees of the company greeted him very respectfully.

Cameron nodded reservedly and walked into his office all the way.

"Director." Cameron's assistant walked into the office and reported on the company's situation.

Nothing special, the company was running fine, nothing to worry about.

"By the way, how about Spielberg's new movie?" Cameron asked.

Spielberg is a director with the same reputation as him. Although none of the individual films have surpassed his "Titanic" at the box office, the total box office of the films has surpassed him.

As an insider and colleague, Cameron is of course very concerned about the new work of such a director.

"It is currently being promoted, and the popularity on the Internet is not bad." The secretary replied.

Cameron nodded.

There are still ten days before the release of Spielberg's new movie "Western Story", and it is not yet time for large-scale publicity.

According to the usual practice, one week before the movie is released, it is the best time for large-scale publicity of the movie, which can attract the audience to the theater to the maximum extent.

At that time, it is the time when the publicity really takes off.

"By the way, what about the new movie directed by Hua Xia, isn't it said that it will be released in two days?" Cameron asked.

In fact, this is what he cares most about. In comparison, Spielberg is not as worrying as Xu Nan.

The secretary showed a puzzled expression: "It is said that the theater chain is arranging theaters and arranging films, but more information is unclear."

Cameron asked: "What about the promotion, his new movie will be released soon, why not promote it?"

The secretary shook his head: "There is no relevant news."

After all, she is just a secretary, and it is impossible to know everything.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Cameron waved his hand and asked the secretary to leave the office.

"What's going on, there's no publicity? Could it be a counterfeit tile?" Cameron was puzzled.

It is common sense that a movie needs to be promoted, but Xu Nan did not promote it, which is really strange.

Could it be some kind of conspiracy?

Cameron was skeptical.

Ever since Xu Nan tricked him with a fake movie last time, he has had sequelae. He always feels that Xu Nan is planning a conspiracy in everything he does.

This is the sequelae after being pitted, commonly known as being bitten by a snake once, and being afraid of well ropes for ten years.

The movie is about to be released, and it is unreasonable not to promote it.

Moreover, Xu Nan's last film "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" relied on publicity to obtain a high box office. As a result, the new film was about to be released, but there was no publicity yet. How abnormal it was.

After thinking about it for a while, there was no clue, so Cameron didn't think about it either.

He has never released a movie, even if Xu Nan has a conspiracy, it will not affect him.

The reason why I was worried was purely because I was tricked last time and couldn't help paying attention to Xu Nan.

It's the same as Licking Dog who always cares about the goddess' news. He knows it has nothing to do with him, but he still can't help it.

Cameron took out his mobile phone and surfed the Internet.

Recently, the incident about the disappearance of college student Brown has become very popular on the Internet, and he is also paying attention.

As for the rumors of aliens in Area 51, Cameron is also skeptical.

Although he is a great director, he is also an American. As long as he is an American, there is no one who does not believe in conspiracy theories.

In such an environment, it is difficult for people not to be affected.

Who can guarantee that ghosts and ghosts do not exist.

Anyway, there is not much work to do. Surfing the Internet and reading various news posts is a kind of leisure and relaxation for Cameron.

Suddenly, he saw a new post.

"Brown's video camera has been repaired, and it has a complete record of his trip to Area 51. If you want to watch it, you can watch it at the cinema two days later. The name is "Area 51."

Below the post, the response was very enthusiastic.



"Finally we can know the truth of this matter."

"Are there any aliens photographed inside?"

"It hasn't even aired yet, who knows, you'll know when it's in the cinema."

"Why is it broadcast in the cinema."

"What do you care about so much, it's not bad if you can see it."

"I'm looking forward to it, I really hope that time will pass quickly so that I can see it as soon as possible."

"I've already booked a ticket."

Cameron was stunned, as if someone had stuck him with a talisman.

His angry body began to tremble.

It turns out that the college student Brown's disappearance was a hoax from beginning to end to promote Xu Nan's new movie "Area 51".

Thinking of the emotions and energy he had put into this matter these past few days, Cameron felt as disgusted as if he had eaten poop.

It was a kind of nausea from body to heart, from the inside out.

He guessed right, this damned Xu Nan once again carried out a conspiracy to deceive everyone.

Nobody is an idiot, not even Cameron.

At first, he really thought that Brown's disappearance was an accident, and he really suspected that it had something to do with Area 51.

But as soon as he saw this post, he immediately understood that it was clearly made by Xu Nan to promote the movie, just like the secret historical stalks made during the promotion of the last movie.

If you still want to watch the full camera content, go to the theater to watch the movie "Area 51".

Who are you fooling?

Apparently to promote the movie "Area 51", a college student disappeared and entered Area 51 and was exterminated by the federal government on purpose, arousing everyone's curiosity, and then went to the theater to watch the movie.

I have to say that this way of publicity is really wonderful.

If it wasn't because of his quick mind, he could see clearly that the whole incident was done by Xu Nan to promote the movie, maybe he also went to the theater to watch the movie.

But how many smart people like him are there?

It is estimated that there are already many idiot audiences who have been fooled by Xu Nan's trick, and are waiting to watch the movie with great interest?
Cameron's guess is correct, indeed many people have been fooled.

The missing persons notice about Brown's disappearance attracted the attention of many people, and then this incident was connected with the mysterious Area 51, which quickly aroused the curiosity of netizens.

With the promotion again and again, the curiosity of netizens has been aroused to the peak, and they can't wait to know what happened to the missing college student Brown.

As soon as they heard that they could see all the content of the camera in the movie theater and unravel the mystery of the long-standing mystery "Area 51", the audience couldn't help but want to go to the movie theater.

As for why you should go to the cinema and not watch it on the Internet, some people have indeed raised doubts, but these people are only a minority and cannot change the general trend.

Indeed, many people saw the flaws in this matter, saw that something was wrong, and they began to question.

"So why go to the cinema."

"Is this a movie promotion?"

"Whether this matter is true or false, who can give me an answer."

"Did Brown really go to Area 51? Are you sure he was killed by the federal government?"

However, the doubts of a few people are useless at all. Once a trend is formed, there is no way to stop it.

Once the curiosity of netizens surges up, it is not so easy to calm down.

They couldn't wait to know the answer, and those flaws and different voices were basically ignored by them.

In this way, this incident spread all over the Internet in a short period of time, making all netizens restless.

"I heard that the video camera of the missing college student Brown has been repaired, and the content inside can be viewed."

"Yes, go to the cinema in two days and watch "Area 51" to see it."

"It is said that real images of aliens were captured inside."

"It seems that there are still human experiments. It is said that there are more than 1000 clones in it."

"I also heard that the camera captured the real alien spaceship."

"It is said that there is a religion that worships aliens in Area 51. They have controlled the United States. Even the president of the White House is a member of this religion. The Skull and Bones is an external force."

"It's so explosive, then I must go to the cinema to see it then."

Rumors were flying all over the sky, and the more they spread, the more outrageous they became.

But the more outrageous it is, the more people will believe it.

More and more people are attracted, can't wait to see the contents of the camera, and want to know the answer.

So, Xu Nan's new movie "Area 51" became popular!

(End of this chapter)

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