This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 450 Preparations for "The Beginning"

Chapter 450 Preparations for "The Beginning"

beginning!It is a famous TV series.

Adapted from a novel, this TV series is an annual hit.

At the same time, it is also the highest-rated Chinese drama series in 2022. When the TV series was broadcast, the popularity of the Internet was unprecedented. Countless people were discussing this movie, and many famous memes were even born.

The high degree of discussion at the beginning did not rely on propaganda and crooked methods like Xu Nan's film, but purely relied on its own super high quality.

This is also the most orthodox film and television drama that people in the industry can accept. Relying on super high quality, it conquers the audience openly, crushes everything, and achieves good results.

The reason why Xu Nan chose to start filming is very simple, because the quality of this TV series is high enough.

Another key reason is that he only remembers this TV series.

When he first started traveling, he realized that the memory of another world in his mind was a treasure, and he had to record it properly.

But unfortunately, he is not a genius. He obviously has memories in his mind, but they are all scattered and unsystematic things.

Things like film and television dramas, music, and variety shows are all scraps and pieces, only part of the content is remembered, and most of it is forgotten.

This is normal, and most people are like this. For example, if you are asked to recall a popular song that has been spread all over the streets, you will remember everything, at most, you will remember a sentence or two of the climax.

It's the same with TV series and movies, most people only remember some of the plots, and they definitely can't remember the whole plot.

The beginning is a popular TV series that Xu Nan remembers most clearly, and he remembers most of the plots.

Moreover, he had read the original novel and was very impressed.

Since this TV series was able to achieve such a great success in the previous life, it must have something unique. This time it is filmed, and the probability of success is very high.

Although the beginning was originally a TV series, it wasn't a problem for Xu Nan.

He can remove some unimportant plots, keep the essence of them, and combine them into a movie.

In the past few years, Xu Nan has been thinking about his career path. In the process of filming knockoff movies and spoof movies, he is also preparing for this movie.

He wrote the script very early, polished it to the best, and honed his skills to the extreme.

Xu Nan has the confidence to make this movie well.

This is also his first battle to wash away his mark as a director of bad movies.

the other side.

After more than a dozen media interviewed Xu Nan, in order to grab the heat, after polishing the manuscript, they quickly released the news.

"Tens of thousands of American people begged Xu Nan to stay and join the American country, but Xu Nan refused without hesitation, saying that he is Chinese."

"Xu Nan said that he doesn't like the United States and has no intention of joining the United States."

"Half a year, six movies, 20 billion box office, how the legend was born."

"Xu Nan: Just pat."

"Swept across the American film circle, slapped all American directors, punched Cameron, and kicked Spielberg."

"He said all you need to do to make a film is your hands."

"Earning tens of billions in half a year, Xu Nan's legendary movie journey."

"It only took him half a year to conquer all Americans."

"The story that Xu Nan and Paris Hilton had to tell."

"Shocked, Xu Nan secretly manipulated the US election."

"Xu Nan said that the next movie will be a good one and will shock everyone."

These media headlines are more popular than the last, and more shocking than the last. For the sake of traffic, the unscrupulous media will do everything.

But the title party really works.

Netizens saw these shocking headlines, knowing that these headlines were most likely to be gangsters, and the content inside was all water, but they couldn't help being fooled and clicked in.

Then, they were all stunned.

"This is Xu Nan?"

"I went to the United States and made six movies in half a year, and then made 20 billion. Is this still human?"

"Novels dare not write like that."

"Upstairs, you made a mistake. The accumulated box office reached 20 billion, not the profit of 20 billion. You have to be more rigorous."

"This is scary too, okay. The box office of 20 billion US dollars is almost equivalent to more than 140 billion yuan, which is close to 150 billion yuan. This guy Xu Nan is going against the sky."

"How did he do that."

"Excuse me, I'm really curious, how is it possible to make six movies in half a year."

"If Shanzhai touches porcelain films, let alone six films in half a year, even twelve films can be produced, but I still find it hard to understand. Can Shanzhai touch porcelain films alone have a box office of 20 billion?"

"Is there anyone in the know, tell me how he did it. The media reports are too exaggerated. It's like a myth. I can't believe it."

"Same as above, ask someone in the know to popularize the science, otherwise I really can't believe it."

After reading the report, the first thought of netizens was that it was ridiculous, because the content in the media was so outrageous that it rubbed people's IQ on the ground.

But there are so many media reports, and what is written is so clear and convincing that people can't believe it or not.

Soon, a well-informed Internet celebrity came out to speak.

"The media reports have a certain amount of water, and most of them are true. If you doubt it, you can log on to the external network to check, and you can basically find evidence."

Immediately, some netizens spoke below.

"I'm not very good at climbing over walls, can you explain in detail?"

This Internet celebrity is easy to talk about, and he quickly explained the detailed process.

"It's actually very simple. Xu Nan has made a total of six films in the United States, namely "The Age of the Hobbit", "Atlantic Rim", "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", "Titanic 2", "The Ax of the Cherry Blossoms in Washington" and "Area 51".

"Among them, the first three films are copycats, with a total box office of more than 1 million. "Titanic 2" is the sequel to the global box office champion "Titanic". It has the same name as Cameron's "Titanic 2", with a box office of more than 3 million."

"The movie "The Ax of Cherry Blossoms in Washington" has a box office of more than 2 million, and "Area 51" has the highest box office with more than one billion. The total box office of these six movies is close to 18 billion. The 20 billion box office that the media said is an exaggeration."

"Besides, Xu Nan didn't make that much money. The box office has to be shared with theaters and investors. He can only make hundreds of millions of dollars at most."

After listening to the explanation of this Internet celebrity, netizens understand a little bit, but not much.

Soon someone asked again.

"How did he do that?"

The Internet big V explained again.

"It's very simple. The first three films are all Shanzhai Pengci films, and they can be shot in ten days. From shooting to release to release, they can be completed in less than a month. The fourth film is also a Shanzhai Pengci film, and the shooting time is also very short."

"The fifth film is a spoof film. Xu Nan is a famous fast shooter. The filming was completed in one month. "Area 51" is a pseudo-documentary, which can be shot with a hand-held camera. It is said that the shooting time is faster than Shanzhai Touching Ceramics. So it is an exaggeration to say that it is an exaggeration to finish six films in half a year, but in fact it is not difficult."

"And the time is more than half a year, not half a year. Half a year is an exaggerated statement by the media."

A netizen asked: "So he made six movies in half a year and earned 20 billion at the box office?"

Internet Big V: "It's a bit exaggerated, but 90.00% of it is true."

Not only this big Internet V, but many people who know the inside story are popularizing Xu Nan's deeds in the United States to ordinary netizens.

It's not that no one in the country knew what Xu Nan did in the United States before, but not many people knew about it, and it was only circulated in small circles.

Following the media reports, Xu Nan's news began to break the circle, and then swept the entire Internet.

At this time, netizens discovered that there is such a great god in China.

"My god, this Xu Nan is too fierce, this deed is like a myth."

"I'm going to make a fake movie and lie to people that it's a real movie, and then make a documentary about Area 51 to deceive a wave of Americans. This Xu Nan is too good."

"In order to make a movie, a new American history was created. This kind of publicity plan is crazy."

"Paris running for president is actually related to Xu Nan. This guy's life in the United States is really exciting."

"I heard that Paris is very open, and there is a tradition in the United States. There are often stories that have to be told between the director and the heroine."

"I envy her real name. Paris is a beauty. What if she becomes the president? Damn, this guy is too cool."

"I can only say admiration."

"Is he really capable, okay? I can't envy you for this, and you can't do it in your place."

"Niu, besides admiration, I still admire it."

After learning about Xu Nan's deeds, netizens felt very excited, as if they were reading cool articles on the Internet.

This guy Xu Nan is indeed very fierce, almost against the rhythm of the sky.

Some people can't help but share it with their friends or family.

"Who is Xu Nan?"

Some netizens raised questions.

After all, Xu Nan is just a director, a behind-the-scenes worker, and is naturally separated from the audience. In addition, he went to the United States for half a year, and he disappeared in China.

Many people really don't know who he is.

So netizens began to popularize Xu Nan's deeds.

"Xu Nan is the director who created Shanzhai Pengci."

"He made six films in half a year in the United States and earned $20 billion."

"He's having an affair with a US presidential candidate."

I have to say that Xu Nan's experience is indeed very bizarre. After knowing what Xu Nan did, many people were shocked.

This person is too amazing.

Yes, it is God.

In addition to God, many people can not think of other adjectives.

This experience is even more exaggerated than the hero Shuangwen.

According to media reports, netizens are enthusiastic about science popularization.

Soon, Xu Nan created a hurricane on the Internet.

He is on fire.

(End of this chapter)

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