This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 612 Dian Mu is released

Chapter 612 Dian Mu is released
time flies.

July is fast approaching.

The hot summer vacation liberated students who were troubled by their studies, and at the same time it also made the film market completely hot.

One movie after another is released one after another, trying to achieve good box office results in the summer season.

However, these small and medium-cost productions can at most only stir up a small splash in the deep pool of summer movies. The real predators are still lurking under the water, waiting for the moment of upheaval.

July NO.20.

Two top-notch productions.

"Dian Mu" and "Legend of the Gods".

It will be released on the same day.

Film and television lovers are looking forward to it.

Prior to their release, both films began massive promotions.

Xu Nan took Liu Yifei to participate in various promotional activities in an effort to attract audiences to the theater to watch the movie.

For this reason, Liu Yifei, who has always refused to participate in variety shows, even participated in a variety show promotional movie for the first time.

The effect of this is also very good. The pre-sale box office of "Dian Mother" has always been rising.

The producers of "Legend of the Gods" are not to be outdone.

In terms of lineup and participating stars, "Legend of the Gods" is better than "Dian Mu". In "Dian Mu", there is only one Liu Yifei who is somewhat famous. In "Legend of the Gods", the slightly more important roles are all first-rate, even There are several movie kings and movie queens.

In terms of publicity, "Legend of the Gods" is more advantageous than "Dian Mu" and is more topical.

In order to praise his son, Xiang Qiang mobilized his network, and the actor of "Legend of the Gods" appeared in several variety shows to brush his face, focusing on highlighting Xiang Zuo.

The effect was pretty good, and many people began to pay attention to this actor.

The time is approaching day by day.

July NO.18.

July NO.19.

July NO.20.

Both films were released in theaters at the same time.

Massive audiences flocked to cinemas.

Tao Heng also came to the cinema.

He didn't want to miss Xu Nan's movie.

This may be the legendary true love. Because Xu Nan cheated him, he doesn't want to miss any of Xu Nan's movies.

"I didn't expect you to come too. I thought you couldn't come."

Tao Heng said to Liu Dongdong.

Liu Dongdong shook his head: "No matter how busy I am, I still have time to watch two movies. And I am a director. Watching big-budget movies can also broaden my horizons and provide me with experience."

Tao Heng nodded and said nothing.

The two of them walked into the cinema together, scanned the QR code with their mobile phones, and instead of buying tickets, they went directly to the screening room.

They have already booked tickets in advance through the ticket purchasing software and do not need to buy tickets on site.

On the way to the screening room, Tao Heng asked with concern: "By the way, how is your movie? When will it be released?"

The reason why Tao Heng thought Liu Dongdong didn't have time to watch movies was because a movie directed by Liu Dongdong was about to be released.

The movie is called "Fireworks" and its release date is set for August 15th, which is also the Chinese Valentine's Day in the lunar calendar.

There was a lot of work to be done before the movie was released, and a lot of work would have an impact on the movie's box office. Tao Heng thought Liu Dongdong would not watch the movie with him, but he didn't expect Liu Dongdong to come anyway.

The two walked into the screening room together, and Tao Heng checked the attendance rate.

"The attendance rate is so high, [-]%."

Liu Dongdong was very calm: "Normally, the combination of Xu Nan and Liu Yifei still has some box office appeal, and they have also done a good job in publicity before, so it is natural that the audience will be attracted."

"The key is whether the quality of the movie is good and whether it can maintain its reputation. If its reputation collapses, attendance will soon plummet."

Tao Heng nodded slightly.

They are all professionals and know a lot about movies.

The first-day box office of a movie mainly depends on the previous promotion and the movie's lineup, but the subsequent box office depends on the quality of the movie.There are certainly examples of low-quality films achieving high box office numbers, but those are rare.

During the low-pitched discussion, the lights in the screening room dimmed.

The movie starts playing.

It started with an advertisement for Summit Films.

Ten seconds later, the main movie began to play.

At the beginning, there is a plot played in fast forward.

A long time ago, there were gods on the earth.

Gods and immortals in myths and legends all exist, including those ancient emperors and generals, and they all have extraordinary abilities.

Ordinary people at that time were different from ordinary people now.

The reason why there was such a big difference between the earth at that time and the earth now is very simple.

At that time, the earth had spiritual energy.

According to the plot of the movie, Reiki is a very high-level energy in the universe. Ordinary people who breathe in Reiki and practice it can prolong their lives and gradually acquire extraordinary abilities.

To put it another way, the myths and legends of the ancient earth are all true and things that really happened. Those wars between gods, such as the Battle of the Gods, are also real.

But it’s all based on one foundation, and that’s Reiki.

With spiritual energy, extraordinary things can appear frequently on the earth. Without spiritual energy, the Age of Ending Dharma will come.

This plot is not long, it only takes a few minutes to introduce the basic settings.

Liu Dongdong listened with great interest.


This setting is quite novel.

He remembered the important props in Staring Man, a few spiritual energy beads. Later, those spiritual energy beads became the eyes of Staring Man Liu Xia.

There should be some connection here.

According to the news disclosed by Summit Film and Television, "Dian Mother" and "Staring Man" originally belong to the same world.

I have to say that putting several movies in the same world is quite novel, and Xu Nan has set a kind of precedent.

Liu Dongdong is very interested in this setting.

But whether this setting can work or not, the most important thing is whether the movie can be successful.

If the movie is successful, then Xu Nan's behavior is a genius-like initiative.

If the movie fails, then Xu Nan's behavior is useless and a stupid move.

The key still depends on whether the audience buys it or not.

The plot continues.

After a brief introduction to the setting in the first few minutes of "Dian Mu", the protagonist Liu Yifei appeared.

Her identity is the God of War, and she belongs to the side of the gods.

Her enemies are the demons, who have always been fighting against the gods.

The two sides fought many wars, and many of the wars that people are familiar with today were real in ancient times.

Such as the battle of chasing deer, such as the battle of ringing strips.

It's just that the two sides in the war are not ordinary people, but gods and demons.

Among them, Liu Yifei, as the god of war of the gods, has always been on the front line against the demons, strong and brave.

Liu Yifei herself is very good-looking, otherwise she would not have been popular for so many years.

Xu Nan is also very good at taking pictures. Liu Yifei in armor looks noble and cool under his lens, which makes people unable to help being attracted.

Anyway, some old perverts who came to watch the movie with a special purpose were fascinated by Liu Yifei in the camera.

At this moment, their thoughts were the same.

Liu Yifei is so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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