This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 668 Xu Nan becomes a god

Chapter 668 Xu Nan becomes a god
In the next few days, the box office trends of both movies were stable.

the next day.

"Alive" grossed 500 million at the box office in a single day.

"Legend of the Demon Cat" grossed 350 million at the box office.

Day three.

"Alive" had a single-day box office of 600 million, and "Legend of the Demon Cat" had 300 million.

Fourth day.

"Alive" had a single-day box office of 700 million, and "Legend of the Demon Cat" had 300 million.

The box office trend of the movie "Alive" is very stable, very stable, rising steadily, while "Legend of the Demon Cat" is slowly declining.

Chen Pengfei couldn't sit still.

what's the situation?
The movie box office of "Legend of the Demon Cat" is gradually declining, which he can accept, which is reasonable.

Most movies follow this box office trend after they are released. Unless money is spent on marketing or the movie becomes popular due to some unexpected factors, the box office will rise accordingly.

But how come the box office of Xu Nan's "Alive" bucked the trend and rose.

This is an art film, and it is a dull and serious art film, which is the type of film that audiences dislike the most.

Shouldn't this kind of movie be well-received on the Internet but deserted in reality?

Why is the box office trend so strange?
Chen Pengfei vaguely felt something was wrong.

The reaction from insiders was muted.

Nowadays, the industry's market is on the rise. In the early years, a movie with a box office of over [-] million was enough to cause a sensation, but now it is nothing if the box office exceeds [-] billion.

With a box office of RMB 3000 to RMB [-] million in a single day, no one paid any attention to it, and it was of no value at all.

The box office curve of "Alive" is steadily rising, which is indeed a bit abnormal, but it is not a big deal. It only has a box office of several million, which is really nothing.

Nowadays, the highest single-day box office record is [-] million. It is only a few million, and it is difficult for people to notice.

Relatively speaking, they pay more attention to the overall situation.

"Alas, two literary films were released at the same time, but there is no news on the Internet. There is not even a hot search."

"It's been several days since they were released, and I haven't even seen a few news. If it weren't for the fact that theaters could see it, I would have thought that these two movies were not released."

"Isn't this normal? Except for a few blockbuster movies, most movies have little news on the Internet."

"But this is an art film, and it is all art film directed by a famous director. The artistic content is very high, and the audience actually doesn't care."

"The box office of these two movies is too low. According to this trend, it will be difficult to earn [-] million yuan."

"Artistic films still want to have a high box office."

"To be honest, the box office of most literary and artistic films is very low. Most of them are in the millions, and some are even only hundreds of thousands. If it weren't for two famous directors, this time the box office might be even lower."

"It's not that the movie isn't excellent, it's just that the audience can't appreciate such a good movie."

"People are too impetuous now, and there are very few people who can really appreciate art."

People in the industry complained about the artistic film.

The advantage of making a literary film is that even if the box office is not high, everyone can understand it and blame the audience instead.

It's not the movie's fault, it's the audience's fault.

Why don’t you, the audience, know how to appreciate art?

On the fifth day after the two movies were released, the Douya scores finally came out.

"Alive", Douya scored 9.6.

"Legend of the Demon Cat", Douya scored 7.2.

In fact, Bean Sprout should have been released a long time ago, but because the influence of these two movies is too small, the release speed is so slow.

After the ratings came out, it quickly caused quite a stir.

"I'll go, 9.6 points."

"Is there an error in the data?"

"That's too high."

"This seems to be the highest-rated domestic film."

"After so many years, I never thought that I would be able to see a domestic movie with a score of 9.5 or above."

Netizens were shocked.

Although the bean sprout score has been criticized and questioned many times, it is very influential and is an important basis for many people to judge the quality of movies.

There is a saying that can well describe netizens’ views on bean sprouts ratings.

A movie with a high rating on Bean Sprout may not necessarily be good-looking, but a movie with a low rating on Bean Sprout must be a bad movie.

In the same way, bean sprouts with high scores are more likely to be good-looking.

On the Douya website, the ratings of literary films are inherently high. A score of seven or eight is understandable. A score of nine would be an exaggeration. And 9.6 is a jaw-dropping number.

So far, the highest-rated domestic film, Douya has a score of only 9.4.

In other words, "Alive" is the highest-rated domestic film.

Although it is said that the score has just been released and there are fewer people rating it, such a high rating is still too exaggerated.

People in the industry were also frightened.

"The rating is so high?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"too exaggerated."

It is a fact that literary and artistic films generally have higher ratings, but the 9.6 rating cannot be explained by the high ratings of literary and artistic films.

This shows that this movie conquered the vast majority of people, and only a few people felt bad about it.

But here is the problem.

Why is Xu Nan's movie rating so high?

People in the industry usually say that the audience does not understand art and cannot appreciate truly good movies, but they also understand that whether a movie can impress the audience is the fundamental factor that determines whether a movie is good or not.

The high ratings of "Alive" only mean one thing.

This movie really moved the audience and even touched their souls.

At this time, someone suddenly asked.

"Has anyone seen this movie?"

"I have seen it. This movie is really shocking. I recommend everyone to watch it."

"I bought the ticket."

"Me too."

"I originally planned to watch it in a few days, but now that the ratings are so high, I have to watch it."

There are at least a few hundred movies released in theaters every year, and the number of movies that are not released in theaters and can only be watched online is even greater. Even if "Alive?"It is Xu Nan's first literary film, but it is actually difficult to arouse people's interest in watching it.

But it's different now. It's the highest-rated domestic film. For this reason alone, the film must be watched.

At the same time, a certain literary youth group.

"No, why is the rating of "Alive" so high?"

"A score of 9.6 is too exaggerated. It ranks first in China and second in Douban. The only one ahead of him is "The Shawshank Redemption", and even "Forrest Gump" has been compared."

"Why, these movies are all classics that will last forever. How can "Alive" be comparable to these movies?"

"Isn't it because of the points increase?"


Wenqing didn't even believe that a domestic film could have such a high rating, and even suppressed the vast majority of foreign classic films.

For these literary youths, these foreign classic high-scoring movies are like the Bible and do not tolerate the slightest blasphemy.

They couldn't stand it when they saw that the Bible in their hearts was surpassed by a domestic film that they didn't like, or by Xu Nan, a director who was recognized as a bad movie.

At this time, people who had watched the movie helped to speak.

"Don't talk nonsense, the movie "Alive" is really wonderful."

"Maybe you don't want to believe it, but this movie is really better than foreign movies."

"Can I say that I cried while watching this movie?"

"This movie is the best movie I've ever seen."

"'Alive' is a rare classic."

Although Wen Qing is stubborn, there is one good thing about him. Once you really get acquainted with his brain circuit, he will be completely conquered by you.

For example, Wei Fang and Luo Man, a literary couple, before watching the movie, they despised Xu Nan to death and felt bad when they heard his name.But after watching the movie, they were all deeply shocked and quickly became Xu Nan's enthusiastic fans.

Aiwujiwu, Xu Nan's previous bad movies can be forgiven in their eyes, and how can the movies Xu Nan made be said to be bad movies? It should be said to be satire.

Literary youths are like this, they dare to love and hate. After being conquered by Xu Nan's movies, they become more fanatical and extreme than ordinary fans.

There are many people like Wei Fang and Luo Man. With these people helping to speak up, Xu Nan's reputation in the literary and youth circles is gradually changing.

Moreover, when other people saw their companions praising Xu Nan's movie, they couldn't sit still and became curious.

Is this movie really good? Otherwise, how could the rating be so high, and so many people say it's good?

At this thought, many people couldn't help but take out their mobile phones and buy tickets through the APP to see with their own eyes the quality of this top-rated domestic movie.

When the bean sprouts are opened, the most disappointed person is Chen Pengfei.

The rating of "Legend of the Demon Cat" is 7.2, which he can barely accept.

But with the rating of "Alive" at 9.6, Chen Pengfei couldn't stand it.

This is, the most authoritative rating website in China.

The movie rating of "Alive" is so much higher than his, which shows that in the audience's perception, the quality of "Alive" is higher than his movies.

This is a literary film. He can actually lose to Xu Nan in the field he is best at?

The key is that "Alive" has many more ratings than "The Legend of the Demon Cat". Even so, the ratings still exceed him.

Chen Pengfei couldn't sit still. Out of curiosity, he bought a movie ticket for "Alive" and decided to go to the theater to watch it.

Why, the rating of "Alive" is so much higher than his movies.

When he arrived at the theater, he found that there were many viewers watching "Alive" like him.

The audience was also curious, and suddenly discovered that a domestic movie had a rating as high as 9.6. They all wanted to come over and see what the quality of the movie was like and why it had such a high rating.

Even if only a small portion of the audience thinks so, it can still bring huge traffic to the movie.

Looking at the screening room with an attendance rate of [-]%, and then thinking about the sparse audience he saw in the "Legend of the Demon Cat" screening room, Chen Pengfei felt extremely uncomfortable.

But the more uncomfortable thing is yet to come.

The movie starts playing soon.

Fugui's beautiful life was knocked down by bad luck again and again, and he got up strong again and again.

Seeing Fugui's miserable and desperate fate, Chen Pengfei cried.

As a director, Chen Pengfei's film appreciation ability is certainly not weak.

So he knows very well how classic this movie is.

Compared with this grand epic of destiny, his "Legend of the Demonic Cat" is not on the same level at all.

Chen Pengfei no longer remembers how he went back. He only remembers that after watching the movie, he was in a daze and his mind was filled with the movie "Alive".

With this movie in front of him, he no longer had any ambitions.


Totally lost.

The influence of the movie "Alive" continues to grow.

In this impetuous era, the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

It does not mean that as long as it is good, someone will appreciate it.

This requires an opportunity.

The splitting of bean sprouts is the opportunity of the movie "Alive", which made many viewers who did not intend to watch literary films pay attention to this movie.

June [-]st.

Children's Day.

On the seventh day after the movie "Alive" was released, the single-day box office surged to 700 million.

Strictly speaking, this box office data is average, not low, but not too high either.

However, for a literary film, the box office was too high.

The movie "Alive" was the first hot search.


A large number of netizens who have watched the movie recommended it to tears.

"If you have time, it's best to go to the cinema and watch "Alive"."

"This movie is really shocking and will baptize your whole soul."

"A grain of dust of the times is like a mountain when it falls on an individual's head. Fugui worked harder than most of us, but God did not give him the reward he deserved."

"I don't want to say anything anymore. This is the first movie that made me cry."

"After watching the movie, my whole body turned gray. It was the first time I saw such a miserable protagonist."

"Xu Nan, a thief, must shoot Fugui so badly."

"To live is to suffer, but to die is not to be reconciled."

"I felt like I was seeing my life in a movie."

"This is the best movie I've ever seen, bar none."

Almost all viewers who have watched the movie have positive reviews for the movie, and very few negative reviews.

And most people who have watched the movie highly praise the movie.

This movie is so shocking and touching.

It made netizens curious.

Is this movie really that great?
Netizens really don’t like to watch literary and artistic films, but if a literary and artistic film can be praised by the vast majority of people, then they will still watch it.

People in the industry were also shocked by the movie "Alive".


"This was actually taken by Xu Nan?"

"I knew it would be a good movie, but I really didn't expect it to be this good."

"It's absolutely amazing. This movie is absolutely amazing."

"From the movie's visuals, to Fu Hua Dao, to the plot, to the music, to the actors, every detail of this movie is perfect."

"It is indeed the highest-rated domestic film."

"I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced."

There has always been some criticism of Xu Nan in the industry, and some people can't stand it. This time he made a literary film, and most people didn't think it was very good.

Everyone thought that Xu Nan would find a heavy social issue to make a moderately dull literary film.

This kind of literary film is both easy to make and highly rated.

But none of them expected that this movie would turn out to be such a grand and legendary epic.

As one insider said.


Everyone was completely convinced.

People within the circle are a little more reserved.

In the literary and youth circles, Xu Nan has become a god.

"I declare that Xu Nan is my god."

"Too strong, he is really too strong."

"I really didn't expect that Xu Nan could make such a classic movie."

"I used to look down on him and thought he was vulgar. Now that I think about it, I am simply not a human being."

"He has a noble soul, but we are too vulgar to appreciate it."

"His spiritual realm is so much ahead of his time. I couldn't understand it before, but I understand it now."

"Anyway, I will be a big fan of Xu Nan from now on. If anyone dares to say anything bad about Xu Nan, I will be in trouble with him."

"He is my God."

Wen Qing was completely conquered by Xu Nan.

This group of people are so straightforward, they like everything about a person and can tolerate any bad thing.

And the influence of the movie "Alive" continues to ferment.

(End of this chapter)

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