This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 670: Living is not worthy of receiving awards

Chapter 670: Living is not worthy of receiving awards

# Living is not a literary film#
Boarded the hot search.

Netizens feel very strange.

"No, you told me that "Alive" is not an art film?"

"I cried so much after watching the movie that you told me it wasn't an art film?"

"If "Alive" is not a literary film, then which other film is qualified to be called a literary film."

"I don't quite understand the mess in your circles, but if you say "To Live" is not an artistic film, I will be the first to object."

""Alive" was not said to be a literary film from the beginning, why are they now saying that it is not a literary film?"

Someone quickly refuted.

"I said that "Alive" is not an art film, so it is not."

"I study film. "Alive" is not a literary film, but a pseudo-artistic film. It is just promoted under the banner of a literary film."

"Zhang Yange already said that "Alive" is not an artistic film, how can you understand it better than Zhang Yange?"

"I have a friend who has been in the film industry since he was a child. I heard him say that Xu Nan's literary films were shot in a tricky way. In fact, they are not literary films at all."

"Everyone knows that literary and artistic films generally do not have high box office. Now the box office of "Alive" has already reached 30 billion. Are you telling me that this is an artistic film?"

"Isn't it common sense that literary and artistic films don't have high box office numbers? "To Live" has such a high box office, so it's obvious that it's not a literary and artistic film."

On the Internet, the topic of whether "Alive" is a literary film spreads like wildfire.


Posted by a professional.

"Literary films are elegant art, art that is not understood by the public, so the box office of literary films is not high. The high box office of "Alive" shows that this movie can be understood by the public, so this movie is not a literary film .”

A bunch of people responded below.

"So what exactly is an art film?"

"At first, no one said that "To Live" was not a literary and artistic film. Now that the movie has become popular, suddenly a lot of people jumped out and said that "To Live" is not a literary and artistic film. I am really surprised. Is "To Live" a literary film? You have no idea. Does it matter?"

"I remember you also made a literary film, but it felt worse than an online movie. You don't seem to be a very good professional. I even think I'm better than you."

"So what is an artistic film? I'm confused as to whether you can give me a specific standard."

"I'm curious what this has to do with you and why you are so anxious to speak out."

Post it.

A blogger posted.

[Shocking, "Alive" is not a literary film, but a pseudo-artistic film. 】

First floor: Let’s get started.

Second floor: A glance at Ding Zhen has nothing to do with me.

Third floor: [Experience plus three, farewell.JPG]

Fourth Floor: Does this have anything to do with my monthly salary of [-]?

Fifth Floor: I feel very confused. Is it important that "To Live" is a literary film? Suddenly public opinion arose.

Sixth Floor: I smell a conspiracy.

Seventh Floor: It's probably because "Alive" blocked the way for other films, and someone has a premeditated plan to hack him.

Eighth Floor: It is enough that the movie is a good movie, everything else is superfluous.

Ninth Floor: Keep reading, I feel like this is just the beginning.


Posts from self-media are gaining popularity.

[It turns out that life is not an art film. 】

"The editor just learned that the movie "Alive" is not a literary film, but a pseudo-artistic film.

For a long time, everyone thought that "To Live" was a literary and artistic film, but they did not expect that the movie "To Live" turned out to be not a literary and artistic film but a pseudo-artistic film.
The editor was also very shocked by this news. No one expected that the movie "Alive" is not a literary film but a pseudo-artistic film.

"Alive" is not a literary film but a pseudo-artistic film. This news really surprised the editor. What do the majority of netizens think about this? "

The debate about whether "To Live" is a literary film has exploded on the Internet in a short period of time, which is baffling.

Many netizens find it incomprehensible.

Is it that important whether "Alive" is a literary film?

It doesn’t matter if the movie is good or not.

Moreover, why should we spend so much time debating and paying attention to whether a movie is an artistic film or not?
Are you too busy?

At this time, a reporter’s interview suddenly went viral.

The interviewer was the famous director Li Ping. He is the chairman of the jury of this Golden Dragon Award and has the right to decide the ownership of relevant awards.

The reporter asked: "The Internet is paying close attention to the awards of this year's Golden Dragon Awards, especially the three awards of Best Director, Best Film and Best Actor. After investigation, netizens generally believe that the movie "Alive" is the best. The most powerful contender for this year’s Golden Dragon Award, what do you think?”

Li Ping: "Thank you for your attention to this year's Golden Dragon Awards. Based on the principle of fairness and justice, our jury will select the best films and award the award to the best films."

Reporter: "Can the movie "Alive" win an award?"

Li Ping: "I'm sorry, I can't disclose this. I can only say that the jury comprehensively considers various factors to select the most suitable movie. In addition, whether a movie can win an award does not depend on whether it is popular with the audience, but on whether it is popular with the audience. It depends on the artistry of a movie.”

Reporter: "You mean "Alive" can't win awards, right?"

Li Ping: "I didn't say that. The awards have not yet been determined. I don't know if "Alive" will win the award, but I want to say that a movie with high box office and popularity does not necessarily win the award. Can it? To win an award, the key is to see whether the film is artistic enough and whether it can impress the judges."

After the video of the interview was posted on the Internet, it quickly caused a sensation.

"What do you mean. "Alive" can't win an award?"

"I laughed. If the movie "Alive" can't win the award, then which other movie is qualified to win the award?"

"What does art mean? Could you please explain to me, what is art?"

"Indecision, quantum mechanics, whether a movie is good or bad, all depends on art."

"The Golden Dragon Awards are really becoming more and more rubbish, becoming rubbish every year."

"I feel like the judges at this film festival are really sick. The more the audience likes the film, the more they won't award awards. Every time, they award awards to some random films that I don't know what they are."

"As for art, if we give awards to films that the audience likes, can it also show the judges' vision?"

"If you say you don't understand art, you don't understand art. Even if you do, you don't understand."

"I don't want to watch anymore. I was originally interested in the Golden Dragon Awards, but now I don't want to watch anymore."

"Who says it's not the case? The major domestic film festivals are getting more and more outrageous. What kind of awards are given out in recent years."

The audience felt that it was outrageous that "Alive" could not win the award.

Maybe they don't understand the so-called art, but they can still tell which movie is better.

Obviously, none of the films selected for the Golden Dragon Award this year can surpass "Alive".

To put it a bit exaggerated, the other selected films were not even worthy of being nominated for "Alive".

But Li Ping hinted that "Alive" could not win the award because of so-called art?

The audience actually understands art, but some people think that the art that the audience understands is not art.

Moreover, it is not an occasional occurrence that good films fail to win awards, but a frequent occurrence.

In recent years, major domestic awards have always been awarded to some messy movies, and the audience has long been dissatisfied.

The authority of the award has therefore been questioned.

"Alive" was unable to win the award due to so-called artistic reasons, which brought the audience's dissatisfaction to its peak.

Everyone in the circle was shocked by this incident.

"I asked why the topic of "Alive" not being a literary film has become so popular in recent days. It turns out that the foreshadowing was buried here."

"First, public opinion created momentum and hype, saying that "To Live" is not a literary and artistic film, pushing the film out of the ranks of literary and artistic films. Then they can use the excuse that "To Live" is not artistic enough and not to award the award. There are experts among the judges of the Golden Dragon Award."

"What's the benefit of doing this? Isn't it the ultimate damage to the credibility of the award?"

"Some people don't care so much, as long as they can benefit." "One mouse dropping ruins the whole pot of porridge."

"In recent years, the authority and impartiality of domestic awards have been generally questioned due to unfair awarding. It was originally a great opportunity to restore the credibility of the award by awarding the Golden Dragon Award to "Alive" this year, but now... Alas."

"I can't help it, this world is so dark."

"The most amazing thing is that you know they are evil, but you still can't do anything to them."

People in the industry are also very dissatisfied with this matter.

Don’t think that everyone in the industry supports the shady awards industry. In fact, things like unspoken rules only benefit a small group of people.

What is endangered is the interests of everyone in the entire circle.

People in the industry also hate the fact that the awards are not fair enough.

But unfortunately, for various reasons, we cannot do anything to these people.


Xu Nan has also seen the changes in domestic public opinion in the past few days.

All I can say is that these bugs in China are as good as ever.

He actually wanted to use this method to deny him the award.

Ha ha.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared.

Xu Nan knows very well the tone of the domestic judges. This filming of "Alive" was his attempt to win an award.

I am happy if I succeed, but I am also happy if I fail.

It doesn't matter, he is still young and can continue to wait.

When the old stubborn people who dislike him calm down, the award will naturally fall into his hands.

But when that time comes, don't blame me for imitating others and showing your disciples something.

Just wait and see, who can have the last laugh.

The reason why Xu Nan came to the United States is very simple.

"Alive" was successfully shortlisted for the American Oscars and is now sprinting towards the most important awards.

Xu Nan came to the United States just to win the award.

And if you want to win the prize, you have to spend money.

"Xu, Oscar is a business. If you want to win an award, you must prepare enough money."

Mark, who specializes in public relations, shrugged.

Xu Nan nodded slightly.

Yes, the Oscars are a business.

Everyone in Hollywood understands this.

If you want to win awards, you have to spend money. If you want to win heavyweight awards, you have to spend a lot of money.

There is even an entire industry chain surrounding the matter of winning awards in Hollywood. From stars to film and television companies to public relations companies to judges, every link is an indispensable product of this industry chain.

Every link has the two big words "money required" clearly written on it.

In the past, Xu Nan felt that relying on money to determine awards was unfair and blasphemous to art.

But now he feels that Hollywood, where money is all that matters, is too fair.

After all, everyone has money, everyone can earn it, and everyone can spend it. The difference is just more or less and whether you are willing to spend it.

It's better than having some awards where a few people can decide who will be awarded them after just talking to each other, and they can't even find a way to spend money.

"How much does it cost?" Xu Nan asked.

Mark quickly took out a form: "This is the quotation sheet."

As expected of a capital country, awards can actually be quoted.

It can only be said that the relevant rumors are too conservative, and the reality is more outrageous than you think.

Xu Nan looked at the price.

There are three most expensive ones, namely Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Actor. They are all over 4000 million US dollars, and this is still the lowest price. There is no guarantee that you will be able to get it. If you want to get it, you must add more. money.

The rest of the miscellaneous awards such as best special effects, best action, best props, etc. are very cheap, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

Xu Nan sighed: "I didn't expect it would cost so much money."

Mark immediately said: "The price is very reasonable, and after the movie wins awards, you can make up for the loss through box office. We are professional in this regard and can help you promote the movie in the future."

The reason why major film and television companies are willing to spend a lot of money to publicize Hollywood awards is simply because they can make money.

Originally a mediocre movie, once it wins a heavyweight award, it can immediately arouse the curiosity of the audience and earn huge box office profits.

There are countless precedents in Hollywood to prove this.

This is also the reason why major film and television companies are willing to spend money on public relations awards, because they can make money.

Of course, there are risks in doing this. First of all, what if you don’t win the award, and what if you win the award, but too much money is spent on public relations, and it is easy to lose money.

Xu Nan also spent some time in Hollywood and knew the ropes.

His "Alive" is different from other Hollywood movies and does not appeal to American audiences.

If he chooses to spend money on public relations to win awards, at most he will be able to recover part of his investment, and most of the money will probably be wasted.

So Mark tried hard to persuade him to spend money, lest he give in and ruin the business.

Xu Nan stretched out his hand to stop Mark from persuading.

He chuckled: "No, you don't understand what I mean."

"A long time ago, I had a debt of over US$10,000, so I had to choose to go through crooked ways and rack my brains to make money to pay off the debt."

“It was a really tough time.”

"But now I want to say that just tens of millions of dollars can be exchanged for the highest honor in world cinema. It is really a bargain."

"This, and this, I want it."

Xu Nan chose two heavyweight awards: Best Film and Best Director.

It's not just money.

Xu Nan was short of money before, but now he can blatantly say that I have no interest in money. The most annoying thing in my life is making money.

Mark instantly smiled brightly.

In a country of capital, rich people are the boss.

"Xu, please don't worry, we are professionals."

Mark said while shaking hands warmly.

As Mark said, he is a professional.

There are thousands of judges for the Oscar awards, and each judge's vote has the same weight. Therefore, if you want to win the award, you must find a way to publicize thousands of people at the same time.

Xu Nan didn't know the specific operation very well. He only knew that this process cost money like water.

At first, the public relations company said it could be done with only 8000 million US dollars, but later said it was too difficult and increased the amount to [-] million US dollars.

And the consequences of paying so much money are.

He won the two heavyweight awards of Best Director and Best Picture.

Oscar night.

Xu Nan took the trophy and gave the speech he had prepared long ago.

When the news spread, the American film industry exploded.

The domestic entertainment circle that is currently discussing whether "Alive" is an artistic film is in chaos.

Xu Nan actually won an Oscar! ! !
Is there anything wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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