This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 76 "Captain of China" is amazingly popular

Chapter 76 "Captain of China" is amazingly popular

"The strongest movie on Valentine's Day, "Captain China" is coming."

"Little Princess Shenhua's debut work, "Captain of China" has aroused great expectations."

"The most anticipated movie, "Captain China" is about to be released."

"With the attention of all the people and the expectations of the people of the whole country, Lin Hongxiu's acting skills in "Captain of China" are wonderful"

"Xu Nan: If you miss this movie, you will regret it forever."

"Lin Hongxiu: I hope everyone will go to the theater to watch this movie, my performance will not let everyone down."

"Famous experts assert that this film is likely to create a miracle in film history."

Looking at the overwhelming "Captain of China" promotional drafts on the Internet, Liu Dongdong's teeth were sore.

This momentum is too amazing, how much money did Xu Nan spend to promote this movie?

Liu Dongdong heard that Xu Nan spent [-] million on filming "Captain of China", and thought it was fake.

As for Xu Nan, a director of bad movies, how can he have the courage to spend [-] million yuan to make a movie, so he is not afraid that the movie will hit the street and he will be devastated?

There has been a lot of false propaganda in the entertainment industry, and the same is true for his film "Our 30 Days", where he intentionally overreported the production cost by 1000 million to make the audience have higher expectations for the film.

Before, he thought that Xu Nan was like this, even more bragging than him, and estimated that the shooting cost would not exceed 5000 million.

But now, he really believed it a little bit.

The popularity of "Captain China" is so amazing that it obviously spent a lot of publicity funds.

Originally, he also prepared a promotional fund to promote the movie. The movie will be released soon, and he has already started spending money on promotion.

But when this small amount of money was thrown out, there was no splash at all, and it was directly crushed by the popularity of "Captain of China".

The publicity funds for the two films are not at the same level at all.

Judging from the current popularity, "Captain of China" has at least tens of millions of publicity funds, which is still less.

Before the movie is released, so much money is spent on publicity, and when the movie is released, more money will be spent on publicity.

According to this calculation, the production cost of [-] million is really possible.

Tens of millions were spent on publicity. According to the practice in the industry, publicity funds are generally half to one-third of the shooting cost.

In this way, the shooting cost must be higher, and it will definitely not be less than 5000 million.

After calculating the account, Liu Dongdong took a deep breath.

This guy Xu Nan is dying, so he dared to bet so much.

If this wave loses, it is estimated that it will be devastated.

Xu Nan was so fierce, Liu Dongdong felt a little guilty.

"Captain of China" is coming aggressively. Judging from the current popularity, it is obvious that his movie "Our 30 Days" has been crushed.

The audience now only knows the movie "Captain of China", but not the movie "Our 30 Days" at all.

When the two films are released, more viewers may choose to watch Xu Nan's "Captain of China" instead of his "Our 30 Days".

Kind of troublesome.

What Liu Dongdong thought before was to use Xu Nan as a stepping stone to help his movie soar.

But judging from the current trend, this stepping stone is too rigid and tends to crush his films.

Whether it can ascend or not is still a bit in doubt.

Now he has two options.

The first is to spend all the money left in his hands, and compete with "Captain of China" in the hot search, and attract audiences to watch his movie before it is released.

The second is to treat the remaining funds in the hand as the final reserve. After the movie is released, it will be late-stage, and use word-of-mouth marketing to step on "Captain of China" to attract audiences to watch the movie.

Liu Dongdong shot this movie very seriously. Most of the money was spent on improving the quality of the movie. The remaining publicity funds are not much, and must be used at critical moments.

He believes that as long as he is serious about making movies and touching the audience with sincerity, the audience will give him rich rewards.

So he still has confidence in the quality of the movie.

But seeing the popularity of "Captain of China" is so high, he is still a little hypocritical.

Nima, he won't be crushed.

If this guy Xu Nan had a cosmic explosion and "Captain of China" made a better movie than his, then it would be over.

If this is the case, then he must start publicity immediately, as many audiences as he can deceive into the cinema, as many audiences as he can deceive into the cinema.

But if the quality of "Captain China" is not good, then delaying the publicity and relying on word of mouth to counterattack is the right choice.

If the money is spent now, there will be no bullets by then.

Liu Dongdong fell into a dilemma.

There are pros and cons to the two options, and it depends on his decision.

After much deliberation, Liu Dongdong finally decided to strike late.

After the movie is released, step up publicity and use word-of-mouth marketing.

He has enough confidence in the quality of the movies he shoots.

Before the release, there were quite a few big-budget movies that were extremely popular before the release, but whose reputation plummeted after the release, and the movies of the same period basically stepped on these bad movies to soar.

So many directors have overturned, there is no reason for that guy Xu Nan to win.

Anyway, he didn't believe that the quality of Xu Nan's movies could be higher than his.

This is the last stubbornness of a senior director.

Of course, although publicity funds cannot be used, there are still many ways to promote a movie without spending money.

Liu Dongdong immediately posted a Weibo.

"The movie "Our 30 Days" will be released soon. This movie is produced by Xinghai Film and Television, and the first-line stars will join. look."

Thanks to his meticulous maintenance, he still has a large number of fans, who responded enthusiastically.

"I've been looking forward to your movie for a long time, and I will definitely watch it then."

"Come on, I believe you will not let us down."

"I've been a fan of yours since your first work, and I'll watch every one of your movies, and this one is no exception."

"I'll take my girlfriend to see the movie the day it's released, don't worry."

Not only did he post on Weibo, but he also mobilized his network, so that those friends he usually made, as well as several actors in the movie, and even the newcomer Zhao Xiaolan received a call from Liu Dongdong to post on Weibo to promote Movie.

After receiving the call from the director, Zhao Xiaolan didn't dare to neglect, and edited a Weibo post seriously.

"The movie I starred in will be released in theaters in 30 days, everyone must watch it then."

In terms of the number of fans, Zhao Xiaolan is certainly not as good as the few big stars who acted together in the movie.

So after the Weibo was posted, it took a long time before there were more than a dozen supportive comments, and the sparseness looked a little pitiful.

Even director Liu Dongdong can't compare.

Even, most of her fans were attracted by starring in the movie "On the River on a Bright Day".

A small number are passerby fans who are attracted by their appearance and personality.

This is really a sad story.

(End of this chapter)

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