This director only makes bad movies.

Chapter 82 Dad, I'm Not This Kind of Person

Chapter 82 Dad, I'm Not This Kind of Person

"Huh?" Tao Heng frowned: "You mean, let me write fake movie reviews to deceive the audience?"

"Yes." Xu Nan nodded calmly: "I believe Tao Heng, you should be familiar with this set, we will follow the rules, and I will not give you any points."


Tao Heng slammed the table heavily and stood up.

With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, he is full of powerful deterrence.

His Chinese face was full of righteousness, and a pair of big righteous eyes glared at Xu Nan.

"Xu Nan, who the hell do you think I am?"

"I, Tao Heng, am the kind of person who writes fake movie reviews to deceive the audience."

"Maybe other film critics are used to getting paid to write fake film reviews to deceive audiences, and to praise a bad movie as a peerless movie."

"but I!"

"Tao Heng is definitely not this kind of person. I am an upright person, and I write film reviews in a clean manner. I will never join forces with those dark things."

"Ask me to write a fake film review, you have the wrong person."

Xu Nan shook his head helplessly: "Everyone is in the circle, don't pretend, I told you, the remuneration will definitely satisfy you."

Tao Heng was furious: "Don't try to buy me with your filthy money, I told you I'm not this kind of person."

"Does Zhang Yange know that the number one director in the industry won the Palme d'Or when he debuted? It's amazing."

"Even if he is such a great director, after the release of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", I still wrote film reviews and scolded him."

"Although it was a mistake, I dare to scold Zhang Yange. Do you understand what this concept is?"

"There is also the movie "Taoist Bian Shan". Although your company's production is bad, it still has merits."

"Everyone on the Internet scolded this movie, but I still praised it. I didn't even praise Chen Pengfei's "Taoist Down the Mountain". I just praised your company's "Taoist Bianshan". Do you understand how upright I am?"

"I am such an upright film critic. Xu Nan, you tried to bribe me with money, which is the worst thing you have ever done in your life."

Tao Heng's Chinese character face was extremely upright. At this moment, it seemed that BGM was playing in the room.

"The light of the right path shines on the earth"

Xu Nan's expression became quite subtle.

He thought his skin was thick enough, but he didn't expect that a mountain was as high as a mountain.

Sure enough, there are so many heroes in the world, no one should be underestimated.

He sighed: "Okay, you win."

"I will offer 1 yuan, and 1 yuan for a film review."

Tao Heng sat down immediately, and said righteously: "The film review cannot exceed [-] words, and if it causes adverse effects, I am allowed to delete it."

Xu Nan nodded: "No problem, but my consent must be obtained before deleting the movie review. In addition, besides writing movie reviews, you also need to cooperate with me in some things."

Tao Heng was a little strange: "What's the matter, I'm just a film critic, I can only write film reviews."

Xu Nan smiled: "Because you are a film critic, this matter can only be done by you."

After finishing speaking, Xu Nan moved closer to Tao Heng and whispered what he was going to do.

"Huh?" Tao Heng frowned, showing a disgusted expression.

"It's disgusting and unhygienic."

"I can't do it, I can't do it, I really can't do it, please ask Gao Ming."

Tao Heng stood up.

This time he is not pretending, but really wants to leave.

For 1 yuan, he can't accept doing this kind of thing, it's beyond his bottom line.

After all, he is also a famous film critic, so it's a shame.

Tao Heng had just turned around, and before he could take a step, Xu Nan suddenly said.

"After finishing the first thing, I will give you 10 yuan."

Tao Heng's body froze.

Xu Nan continued: "After finishing the second thing, I will give you 100 million."

Tao Heng turned around.

Xu Nan finally confirmed: "If you finish all these things, I will give you an additional 100 million yuan. That is to say, after everything is done, you can earn 2101 million yuan."

Tao Heng sat down immediately, showing a flattering smile.

"Dad, it's right to leave this kind of thing to me. I promise to help you do it beautifully, and it will definitely satisfy you."

Xu Nan nodded in satisfaction.

This thick-skinnedness is half of his skill, and the matter is entrusted to him, and he has chosen the right person.

"Sign the agreement, the movie will be released tomorrow, and we will see your performance then."

"No problem, Dad, I will definitely satisfy you with my performance. Next time something like this happens, just come to me."

Tao Heng simply signed the agreement.

More than 200 million, this is the largest order he has ever received.

With this more than 200 million, he can almost have wealth and freedom. For this money, it is no problem to donate chrysanthemums, let alone do those few things.

Isn't it just a little perverted and disgusting, as long as he can get the money, he will go all out.

And this kind of thing, for some people, may be wished for.

Although he's not that perverted.

Soon, an agreement was reached.

Tao Heng went back to prepare, Xu Nan was the only one left in the box.

He began to recall what he had done during this period, thinking about whether he had made any mistakes or made any mistakes.

After careful recollection, Xu Nan confirmed that he was on the right path and did not make any mistakes.

He has already done what he should do, and he believes that what he has done during this period of time will bring him rich rewards in the future.

The movie will be released tomorrow. This is the movie he has spent the most time on, and it will also affect his career.

This time, he can only win, not lose.

No, after so much preparation, he will definitely win, the difference is only a small win or a grand slam.

He will win a grand slam. This time, he will use the movie "Captain of China" to shake up the entire entertainment circle and let everyone remember his name.

Inside the manor, Lin Hongxiu was choosing clothes.

Tomorrow is the premiere of "Captain of China", and she will definitely appear as the leading actor.

Lin Hongxiu was in a great mood when he thought of the beautiful scene where his fame rose and caused a national sensation after the movie was released, and he became more serious about choosing clothes.

Occasionally, she glanced out the window, and suddenly found that in the garden, a small hole had been broken in a cocoon she had been paying attention to for a long time.

The once ugly and weak caterpillar finally accumulated enough energy after transforming into a cocoon for dozens of days.

The opening of the hole was getting bigger and bigger, and a bright and gorgeous butterfly came out of the hole, standing proudly on the leaves.

At first, the newborn wings of the butterfly are too weak to help it, but as time goes by, the wings finally take shape.

Puchi puchi.

Butterflies flew up and danced in the garden. Under the sun, it was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

By the window, the girl laughed, her big eyes full of longing.

(End of this chapter)

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