Chapter 178

over the canyon.

Ye Liuyun confronted Yuan Huan, Lin Heiyu, Jiang Zhenyue, Xia Houzong and others from afar.

At this time, Ye Liuyun found that once he had the thought of using poison, he would be suppressed by an inexplicable will, making it impossible to use poison.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the supernatural power "Curse of Fate"!
"So what if you don't use poison?" Ye Liuyun looked at Yuan Huan and the others coldly, "Although I, "Poison Demon Ruan Tao", became famous through poison, do you really think I can't kill you without poison? "

Hearing this, Yuan Huan and the others all looked ugly.

"If that's the case, let's take you first!" Yuan Huan snorted coldly, "Let's go together! Quick battle!"

The voice fell.

Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong followed Yuan Huan and rushed forward, while Jiang Zhenyue could only stay behind because of his poor condition.

At this time, Ye Liuyun looked at the three people rushing forward, without changing his face.

Just for a moment.

Yuan Huan, Xia Houzong, and Lin Heiyu surrounded Ye Liuyun, and then rushed forward.

"Two fists can't beat four hands, I'll see how you fight," Yuan Huan sneered, "This is what you will end up seeking for your own death!"

At this time, Ye Liuyun said a little speechlessly: "Isn't it too confident?"

At this time, Ye Liuyun's body flashed a gleam of white light, and then in just a split second, his body changed.

"Three heads and six arms!"

At this time, Xue Hou who was not far away couldn't help but exclaimed, a little unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, this "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" actually possesses supernatural powers [three heads and six arms], it's simply too terrifying.


Yuan Huan, Xia Houzong, and Lin Heiyu were also frightened by this scene.

At this time, Ye Liuyun was surrounded by the three of them, but by virtue of the [three heads and six arms] magical power, he conjured up three heads and six arms, so he could face the three of Yuan Huan with ease without losing the wind.

boom! boom! boom!
After several confrontations, Ye Liuyun remained calm and composed.

Yuan Huan was about to explode, "I curse you..."

"Your Highness!"

At this time, Lin Heiyu, who was being surrounded by him, quickly stopped the furious Yuanhuan.

"The price of shielding supernatural powers is very huge. Once you can't afford it..."

Lin Heiyu didn't say anything to death.

It's just that he is obviously not optimistic about Yuan Huan, and if he wants to block the "poisonous demon Ruan Tao"'s [three-headed and six-armed], I am afraid that Yuan Huan's own magical powers will not be used.

This is simply a loss-making business.

After all, [Three Heads and Six Arms] is not a powerful supernatural power, but "Curse of Fate" can play a huge role at critical moments.


Yuan Huan also came to his senses and realized that although this [three-headed and six-armed] is difficult, it is not so invincible.

"Your Highness, I have a good idea," said Xia Houzong at the side, "You can block the [three heads and six arms] of the "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" first, and then let Jiang Zhenyue use the "Gift of Liberation" to cancel your price Lose. "


Yuan Huan fell into deep thought.

This "Gift of Liberation" can naturally cancel the price he has to bear, but Jiang Zhenyue is like a dead dog at this time, if he uses "Grace of Liberation" to cancel such a huge price.

I'm afraid Jiang Zhenyue will be abolished directly, and he will definitely be seriously injured and comatose.


Yuan Huan didn't hesitate for long. After all, he was seriously injured and comatose. He could lie in bed for a few days at most. It was no big deal.

Lin Heiyu watched this scene from the sidelines with a cold expression. He didn't expect Xia Houzong to come up with bad ideas.

Jiang Zhenyue's "Gift of Liberation" is very important, and it is a waste to use it for such trivial things now!
However, since Yuan Huan had already made up his mind, Lin Heiyu didn't say much.

"I curse you, you won't be able to use your supernatural powers today!" Yuan Huan's voice resounded.

At the same time, Yuan Huan himself felt that his "curse of fate" was also restricted and could not be used.

At this time, Yuan Huan looked at Jiang Zhenyue, obviously wanting him to use the ability of "Gift of Liberation" to help him lift the restriction.

Jiang Zhenyue bit the bullet and flew over.

At this time, Lin Heiyu said quickly: "Your Highness, there is still time to cancel after this battle is over."

Hearing this, Yuan Huan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Then let's wait until the battle is over."

After the words fell, Jiang Zhenyue quickly pulled away. After all, his condition is too bad now, and he dare not get too close to the fighting circle.

At this time, Ye Liuyun realized that he really couldn't use [superficial powers].


Although Ye Liuyun is an opponent of Yuan Huan, he is also somewhat interested in the ability of "Curse of Fate".

At this time, Yuan Huan, Xia Houzong, and Lin Heiyu rushed over.

"Let's see what tricks you have this time!"

Yuan Huan sneered.

Then he saw Ye Liuyun's head, which suddenly became two.

"how can that be?"

Yuan Huan was shocked.

"You can still use "Three Heads and Six Arms"? "

But at the next moment, Lin Heiyu immediately shouted: "Your Highness, don't panic, this guy only has two heads, his arms haven't increased, he just added a head, it's not "three heads and six arms", it should be other abilities. "

Only then did Yuan Huan calm down.

At this time, Ye Liuyun's second head disappeared, and a pair of pupils appeared in his eyes.

Heavy pupil!

After [Budao Heavenly Eye] becomes [Double Pupil], it possesses extremely terrifying insight ability.

Ye Liuyun looked at the three of Yuan Huan and found that these three guys were full of flaws.

Under Ye Liuyun's feet, [Shrink the ground into an inch] started to move, without any hesitation, it passed by Yuan Huan and the others.

He rushed straight in the direction of Jiang Zhenyue.

"Of course... kill the residual blood first!"

Ye Liuyun's figure appeared in front of Jiang Zhenyue almost instantly.

Yuan Huan and the others turned pale with shock.

"Help me!" Jiang Zhenyue screamed. At this time, he was in a very bad state, and he couldn't even hold a single move against "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

"Bastard! Dare!" Yuan Huan's voice roared here.

In just a moment, there was an extra thread between Yuan Huan and Ye Liuyun.


Yuan Huan directly used the supernatural power "Marionette", and then forcibly pulled Ye Liuyun back.

It's just useless, Ye Liuyun used the elementalization of [Thunder Body] in the blink of an eye, and then cut off the part of his body touched by Yuan Huan.

Then he returned to his real body. This series of actions was completed in the blink of an eye.

Then, he broke free from the control of the "Marionette" in an instant.


Ye Liuyun clenched his fist, and punched Jiang Zhenyue on the body.

With a loud bang, Jiang Zhenyue exploded.

"Do not!!"

Yuan Huan was startled and furious, he didn't expect that "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" could break free from the "String Puppet", let alone that he dared to kill the pride of their northern wilderness.

"You are finished! I will never let you go!" Yuan Huan roared angrily.

Ye Liuyun couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, this guy is really arrogant.

Ye Liuyun turned around and continued to rush towards Yuan Huan, the speed was dizzying.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

Lin Heiyu hurriedly stood in front of Yuan Huan and faced "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

At this moment, Yuan Huan and the others dared not underestimate "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" any longer. This guy's combat power was absolutely invincible at the fourth rank.

"Awesome..." Xue Hou who was not far away was stunned watching this scene. He had dealt with "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" before, but he didn't realize that "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" was so powerful.

Is this to thank the former "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" for not killing him?

"It's all your fault!" Yuan Huan yelled at Lin Heiyu, "It was fine to let Jiang Zhenyue use "Gift of Relief" before, but now my "Curse of Fate" is no longer available, you are satisfied! "

Hearing this, Lin Heiyu felt a chill in his heart, he didn't expect that at this time, Yuan Huan was still thinking about himself.

"Your Highness, the top priority is to get rid of "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" first. "

Lin Heiyu gritted his teeth, and rushed towards "Poison Demon Ruan Tao", "I'll deal with him, you help me sweep the formation."

After the words fell, Lin Heiyu and "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" started fighting.

Ye Liuyun looked at Lin Heiyu and admired this guy's loyalty.

"Buddha Vajra Cover!"

Lin Heiyu put a layer of vajra shield on himself, and then rushed towards "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

Ye Liuyun looked at the vajra mask on Lin Heiyu's body, turned around and plundered towards Yuanhuan and Xiahouzong.

There's no need to fight a tortoise shell.

Yuan Huan and Xiahou Zong didn't have any timidity when they saw the "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" rushing towards them. Now it's a three-on-one fight, and they don't necessarily lose.

It's just Jiang Zhenyue who died with a residual blood.




Ye Liuyun slashed out a "Lianzhu Sword Qi Finger", the sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, as if to tear the void.

Yuan Huan and Xia Houzong were exhausted.

Lin Heiyu looked at this scene, frowned and pondered: "Does he know my supernatural power?"

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why this "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" did not attack him with energy.

Without any hesitation, Lin Heiyu rushed towards "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

However, Ye Liuyun's [shrink the ground into an inch] under his feet was cast at an extremely fast speed, and Lin Heiyu was thrown away directly.

Lin Heiyu was the strongest of the three, so he was naturally left to the end.


Yuan Huan cursed loudly. He found that "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" was targeting him, and kept staring at him and beating him.

Ye Liuyun sneered: "You are the weakest, who will you kill if you don't kill me?"

As soon as this remark came out, it could be regarded as piercing Yuan Huan's self-esteem.

"You forced me!"

Yuan Huan grabbed Xia Houzong and shouted: "Transfer the price to you!"

Xia Houzong was shocked when he heard this.

"Your Highness, transfer it to me without any preparation, and I will permanently lose one of my abilities!"

"I do not care!"

Yuan Huan shouted angrily: "How dare you reject me?"

Seeing this, Xia Houzong dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out, so he could only follow through.

Then he transferred the price of the "curse of fate" on Yuan Huan to himself.

Originally, this "Eternal Blessing" cannot take away the abilities of others, but Xia Houzong can perform deep hypnosis, treating others as a part of his own body.

This way, there is no problem.

And this was originally one of the development directions of "Eternal Blessing".

At this time, Xia Houzong accepted Yuan Huan's "blessing" and found that his "eternal blessing" could no longer be used, and he also lost an additional martial skill.

He has practiced martial arts for more than ten years, but he has become so unfamiliar that he will no longer know it.

Xia Houzong's face was ugly.

This Yuan Huan is simply nonsense.

At this time, Yuan Huan regained the ability of "Curse of Fate" again, and then gritted his teeth and looked at "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

"You forced me!"

"If I don't kill you, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Yuan Huan's voice fell, and he cursed "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" again.

"I curse you... you won't be able to use your true energy today!"

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Huan's own true energy was immediately suppressed and could not be used.

Similarly, "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" could no longer use his true energy.

"Jie Jie Jie..." Yuan Huan sneered, "This is what happens when you fight against me."

Ye Liuyun was a little funny at this time, his [Xuanyin Seal] just restrained the "Curse of Fate", and the true essence stored in the meridians through the [Xuanyin Seal] was not affected by the "Curse of Fate".

So Yuan Huan miscalculated this time.

"what have you done!"

"Poison Demon Ruan Tao" suddenly changed his face, and then looked at Yuan Huan, "You sealed my true essence."

"Haha..." Looking at the panicked expression of "Poison Demon Ruan Tao", Yuan Huan felt relieved for a while.

Then Yuan Huan shouted at Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you kill this guy quickly?!"


Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong hurriedly killed the "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" who had lost his true energy.

At this time, "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" cannot use poison, cannot use "three heads and six arms", and cannot use real energy.

If this still can't kill "Poison Demon Ruan Tao", then they can find a piece of tofu and kill them if they are the third in the list of celestial talents and the tenth in the list of celestial talents.

At least, Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong thought so at the moment.

Xue Hou, who was not far away, looked at this scene, and felt a little regretful, "I just killed Jiang Zhenyue, and I kept it on purpose, but it's also good, the death of "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" is a good thing for Ye Liuyun . "

Xue Hou didn't expect "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" to be so powerful. If "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" was allowed to continue to grow, it might pose a threat to Ye Liuyun.

Now that Hou Xue has turned to Ye Liuyun, he naturally doesn't want Ye Liuyun to die.

Fortunately, "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" will fall here.

in the canyon.

Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong approached "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" and wanted to kill him.

"Poison Demon Ruan Tao" panicked.

boom! boom! boom!
"Poison Demon Ruan Tao" retreated steadily under the siege of Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong.

"Haha..." Yuan Huan looked at this scene with wanton carelessness. Although it wasn't Ye Liuyun who died, the poisonous demon Ruan Tao came to his door by himself, and he was so powerful that killing him was no small feat.


At this moment, a black claw suddenly condensed in the sky above "Poison Demon Ruan Tao".

It looked dark and gloomy, containing the breath of destruction, this palm fell from the sky!

"Xuanming Dragon Kun Palm!"

This palm directly caught Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong by surprise.

Didn't expect this "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" to be able to use real energy?



Lin Heiyu and Xia Houzong were directly eliminated after being hit head-on.

Ye Liuyun didn't stand still, but directly chopped off the heads of the two of them.

Two headless corpses fell from the sky.

"..." Yuan Huan looked at this scene and was dumbfounded. He never thought that this "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" had the ability to use real energy.


"How could you still use your true essence under the "curse of fate"? "

Yuan Huan retreated step by step, stupefied by fright.

Ye Liuyun looked at Yuan Huan indifferently, sneered, did not explain much, and bullied him, ready to hunt and kill Yuan Huan as well.

Yuan Huan's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he was utterly frightened.

"I curse you... Go back eight hundred miles!"

After Yuan Huan's words fell, Ye Liuyun fell back eight hundred miles.

At the same time, Yuan Huan also retreated [-] miles, and the distance between the two sides was directly opened to [-] miles!

The canyon suddenly became silent.

"What about people?"

Xue Hou was dumbfounded watching this scene, and at the same time he recovered himself at this moment.

"Hiss!" Xue Hou gasped, ""Poison Demon Ruan Tao" killed Lin Heiyu, Jiang Zhenyue, and Xia Houzong! "

"No, Ye Liuyun and Chen Nuannuan must be notified, if they encounter "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" alone, they will definitely die! "Xue Hou didn't think that "Poison Demon Ruan Tao" would show mercy to Tianjiao's subordinates on the side of the Great Xia Dynasty.

 Thank you Yan Talk for the monthly pass.Thank you Lonely Ghost for the monthly pass.Thank you Shen Tujia for the monthly pass.Thank you for the monthly pass I love Jingxue.Thanks for the dusty monthly pass.Thank you World A for your monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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